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鉴于目前高职高专院校学生的人文素质教育的缺失,应该制定有针对性的措施,加强人文素质教育.设置人文学科的课程,优化校园环境,加强校园文化建设,提高教师自身的人文素养,在专业课教学中渗透人文精神,加强学生自我教育,提高学生的自我教育、适应环境、抵抗挫折的心理承受能力,把高职高专学生培养成既有技术素养又有人文精神的合格人才.  相似文献   

论大学生人文精神的构建途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人文精神是人类社会发展过程中所创造的一种宝贵精神财富.当前大学生人文精神缺失的现象比较严重,作为传承中华文明和人文精神主要阵地的大学教育应该而且必须重视大学生人文精神的构建,本文系统阐述了人文精神的内涵,论述了大学生人文精神构建的必要性,并提出了具体的构建途径.  相似文献   

Do the humanities have a future? In the face of an increased emphasis on the so‐called practical applicability of education, some educators worry that the presence of humanistic study in schools and universities is gravely threatened. In the short‐term, scholars have rallied to defend the humanities by demonstrating how they do, in fact, advance our practical interests. Martha Nussbaum, for example, argues that the humanities uniquely support democratic citizenship by cultivating critical thinking and narrative imagination — two skills needed for the development of sympathetic and autonomous judgment. Defending the humanities in this manner, however, puts practitioners of the humanities in an impossible position. In this essay, Megan Laverty explains that while arguments such as Nussbaum's, which defend the instrumental value of the humanities, are persuasive and strategic, their use is double‐edged. They belie the fact that the humanities are valuable for their own sake. Such arguments imply that the humanities derive their value from their ability to provide extrinsic benefits such as critical thinking and narrative imagination. Moreover, they can prevent individuals from discovering that the value of the humanities is revealed over time and from the inside out. In fact, having to answer the question of why the humanities matter puts us in an impossible position precisely because humanistic study is what Laverty describes, drawing upon the work of Talbot Brewer and R. F. Holland, as a form of dialectical activity: one in which the activity's constitutive ideals and internal goods are progressively clarified by means of the individual's ongoing engagement in the activity itself. Having redescribed the humanities as intrinsically valuable, Laverty goes on to distinguish humanistic study from other forms of dialectical activity, arguing that the humanities call upon students to imagine alternative linguistic and conceptual possibilities — thereby connecting us with others. It is in the pursuit of this question about the nature of our humanity — not its answer, but the question itself — that the meaning of humanistic study continues, indefinitely, to unfold.  相似文献   

在倡导素质教育的今天,人文素养无疑是不可或缺的。因此,文学教育承担着培养学生人生体验、健全人格和终极关怀的重任。本文撷取最具“文学性”的诗歌作为论述切入点,举证名篇名句,旨在通过读懂诗歌蕴藉的社会历史文化内涵及其指向对象本身的对人生境遇的探求和进而生发的生命意识、历史意识、宇宙意识,培养学生的人文情结和终极关怀,以期透视素质教育的深层意蕴。  相似文献   

Focusing on the Working Men’s College (WMC), this study charts the chequered fortunes of a Victorian project: providing workers with a ‘liberal education’. The paper analyses the project’s aim (making ‘better citizens’), its disciplinary content (the humanities and/or the sciences) and its challenges (the increasing prestige of vocational studies). It argues that, in an increasingly professionalised society, a ‘liberal education’ for workers became contentious ground. As the role of the sciences within a ‘liberal education’ diminished, and the provision of practical skills took precedence in the local-authority-funded courses, Victorian workers’ opportunities for education became polarised between ‘useful’ sciences and ‘profitless’ humanities. With natural scientists losing the intellectual independence of their discipline to technicians, the WMC Edwardian educators chose to side unequivocally with the humanities. The paper contends that it was in the Edwardian context of the adult education movement that the ‘two cultures’ debate first emerged in Britain.  相似文献   

实施人文价值教育必须与中小学课程改革及教育教学的实践结合起来,才能收到实效。教师应依托自身资源,把人文价值教育的理念转化为具有自觉教学意识的课堂教学行为;充分挖掘课程中人文价值教育方面的素材,激发学生主体性;让人文价值教育的实践走向学生生活的各个方面。  相似文献   

远程教育是培养和传播人精神的重要基地,人精神又是远程教育的主要内容和目标之一。但是,网络观念多元化带给人精神散乱化,高科技热潮与人精神异常冷落的矛盾越来越突出。为此,我们有必要把人精神作为检测远程教育是否有效的准则,利用远程教育技术手段广泛提取丰富的人精神。  相似文献   

应用文写作是人文学科教育的核心课程。应用文写作的过程不仅仅是教授学生写作知识、提高写作技能的过程,还是培养和提升学生人文素质的教育过程。高职院校应重视应用文写作教学以及学科的人文教育渗透,为学生的职业需求及其可持续发展打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

医学模式的转变不仅要展示出医学技术的进步,同时还要弘扬医学人文精神,提升医学道德的进步。为提高贵州省属高等医学教育和学生人文素质水平,需借鉴国外先进经验,改革医学院校人文课程体系,提高全体教师的人文素养,加强人文师资队伍的建设,加强医学生临床实习阶段人文精神的培养。  相似文献   

Professional architectural education is overwhelmingly predicated on skills development. Consequently, the humanities are given short shrift. Students overburdened with an abundance of practical tasks cannot be expected to do much beyond completing studio project work with any degree of depth. Such splitting has a negative outcome: at the end of their education, many graduates still have difficulty constructing a convincing argument about their own work. And when professional qualification is achieved, many architects are arguably missing the humanities half of their education. Such a narrowly focused training surely contributes to the general low quality of the built environment that we inhabit. The apparent causes and effects of the current situation are analysed here, especially the degree to which the rise of an academic culture in architecture has paradoxically exacerbated a split between the humanities and design. By widening the divide between speculative, theoretical and historical research and the professional education delivery systems that architectural researchers teach into, the ascendancy of (humanities‐based) research in architecture schools has intensified the separation of theory and history from design. Ultimately, only if the production model that so often organises architecture education is rethought, will it be possible to recuperate a strong humanities stream in design education.  相似文献   

在当下重技术、轻人文的社会环境下,职业教育在价值取向上的目的与手段的错位,给职业教育的发展带来严重的人文困境。我们必须在职业教育中加强人文素质教育,高扬人文精神,才能使得职业教育走出目前的人文困境,也才能为和谐社会的建构做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

社会建设的成败取决于文化的超越,因而有内在的人文精神诉求。在当前马克思主义人文理念占统治地位,中国传统人文理念仍然有深刻的影响,西方人文理念对中国社会带来强大的冲击的社会背景下,社会建设中的人文构建要坚持"立足根本,兼容并包,实现超越"的实践路径。  相似文献   

财经院校是以经济类学科为主的院校,在人文素质教育方面存在自身的不足。为适应社会经济发展对财经人才的高素质需求,必须充分加强人文素养课程的教育,通过对课程体系的改革,可以实现提高学生人文素养的目标。同时在教材、教师素质及教学手段上的不断提高,可以形成完整的人文素养教育网络。  相似文献   

民族音乐的传播对深化大学生文化素质教育,培养全面发展的人才具有重要作用。我国民族音乐丰富多彩,不仅可以加强大学生的文学修养、审美情趣,还可以提高大学生的人文素养和科学素质。因此,我们要加强高校的民族音乐课程设置,通过提高大学生的民族音乐文化素养来提高大学生综合素质,达到音乐素养和人文素养的和谐统一。  相似文献   

赵宏武 《天津教育》2021,(8):127-129
随着社会发展,人才教育培养正面临越来越苛刻的要求。道德与法治作为人文学科,对学生综合素质的提升具有重要作用,但单纯的理论教学已无法满足现代人才培养要求,必须强化实践活动课程的构建与实施。本文分析了道德与法治学科实践活动课程构建的意义以及当前构建与实施中存在的问题,进而提出了相关构建与实施策略。  相似文献   

高等教育国际化、信息化的发展,对文科培养人才提出了越来越高的要求。为培养能够适应社会的高素质人才,高校文科必须重视并大力发展实验教学。文科实验教学改革可从以下几方面进行:体现文科特色,注重文理渗透;以实验项目为核心,开展文科实验教学;通过教学方案来推进实验项目整体运作;加强文科实验室建设和管理的改革。  相似文献   

现代企业对人才素质要求的精细化和多面化,决定了高职商务英语专业应遵循“能力为本位”的基本原则。强调知识、能力、素质的综合结构,构建“人文素质+专业知识+职业技能+可持续发展能力”四位一体的多元化人才培养模式,培养与我国现代化建设相适应、能熟练运用英语、熟悉国际贸易及商务、具有全面的人文素养和专业知识技能的复合型和应用型人才。  相似文献   

在思政课教学中培育高职生的人文素养,是高职院校内涵式发展的必然要求,也是思政课改革的内在驱动。作为思政教师应在课堂教学和日常思政教育中充分挖掘人文资源,拓宽教育途径,创新教育方式,满足高职生人文关怀和全面发展的需要,真正实现高职生人文素养的实质性生长。  相似文献   

人文教育是医学教育的重要组成部分,人文素质是医学生必备的基本素质。在现代医学高等教育中实施人文教育意义重大,不仅可以促进医学教育的发展,而且有助于培养医学人才和创建和谐医院。现代医学高等教育存在人文教育弱化现象,人文课程设置不足。医学高等院校必须加强人文教育,积极采取措施促进医学高等教育中人文教育的实施和两者之间的相互融合。  相似文献   

人文教育是一种素质教育,人文教育是塑造健全人格的基础,它与科学教育同样重要。为了培养高技能、高素质的高职学生,高职院校必须重视人文教育。人文教育的内容,包括德育教育、审美教育和人性教育等,而科学设置人文课程,营造人文教育氛围,开发当地文化资源,是高职院校实施人文教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

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