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经济全球化,尤其是文化全球化影响了人们交流和表达意义的方式,这就要求重新认识社会生活中的读写能力和实践。新读写能力研究理论认为读写能力不仅仅是中性的、技术性的认知技巧,更应该是个体参与社会过程中表达和交流的各种符号资源、知识类型和社会实践的综合运用能力。目前,世界多个国家和地区开展了基于新读写能力研究的教学实践活动。  相似文献   

随着信息和通信技术的发展,新读写能力研究理论扩大了对读写能力概念的认识,认为读写能力不仅仅是中性的、技术性的认知技巧,更应该是个体参与社会过程中表达和交流的各种符号资源、知识类型和社会实践的综合运用能力。目前,新读写能力研究理论已广泛运用于教学活动中。国外新读写能力研究理论和实践对我国外语教学改革具有一定的借鉴意义和启示作用。  相似文献   

Mary Scanlan 《Literacy》2010,44(1):28-36
This article discusses research which was carried out within the ESRC‐funded Home–School Knowledge Exchange Project (2001–2004). Through a process of collaborative action research an activity based on previous project work was devised. Children were asked to select artifacts from home that would inspile their creative writing in school. This activity explicitly allowed children to present aspects of their identity within the school domain and for knowledge of home practices to permeate the literacy curriculum. The research explored the constraints that the contemporary literacy curriculum imposed on the activity, in particular the problematic status of oracy. The gains that the activity afforded some children, both curriculum‐based (extended pieces of work, improved structure to writing) and personal (increased motivation, heightened self‐esteem), are also examined. The research highlighted the relationship between literacy and identity in that the activity allowed the expression of both figurative and positional identity. Additionally the importance of popular culture in the formation of individual and group identity is discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates the policy of setting that is commonly being seen as an organizational tool for effective delivery of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS). It is suggested that teachers are finding the increased amount of whole-class teaching to a diverse range of abilities, as prescribed by the NLS, problematic. This case-study researches both teachers' and children's perspectives on the Literacy Hour as taught in mixed-ability classes and in sets. Reflective commentaries and pupil questionnaires were used to collect data over two years. The results indicate a complex range of issues, both pedagogical and organizational, which need be considered before setting can be promoted as a strategy for literacy delivery. I conclude that there is a need for urgent research into the effectiveness of setting as a means of teaching the Literacy Hour.  相似文献   

大学英语听说教学不仅要培养学生的英语听说能力,更要注重培养学生的创新思维能力。根据大学英语听说课程的特点,从学习环境的创设、教学目标的设置、教学内容的选取、教学活动的设计和教学效果的评价5个方面,探讨将创新思维能力培养融入大学英语听说课程,实现学生创新思维能力的提高。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革特别强调学生科学核心素养的获得。《小学科学课程标准》也明确提出了培养学生以科学探究精神为核心的核心素养。作为一名小学科学教师,在教学的过程中要持续关注基础科学知识的讲解和传授,也需要通过基础理论引导帮助学生形成一定的科学探究意识,引导他们在实验操作的过程中能够认真思考,提高实践能力。本文就以构建小学科学高效课堂,培养学生科学核心素养为基础性内容,进一步探讨培养策略问题。  相似文献   

Schools have often not recognised the basis for literacy that oracy provides, but with the issuing of the recent package for speaking and listening to schools, Speaking, Listening, Learning, the tide is now beginning to turn. However, many schools still have not set up any developmentally sequenced structure for assessment in this strand of English. Realising this need, Dorothy Latham has designed such a profile, based on the criteria given in the official package, but with useful additions, showing clear definitive levelling in an easy‐to‐use format. Schools have been consulted and continue to trial its use.  相似文献   

在大学英语教学逐步发展的同时,应从教学方法、教学手段、教学模式等方面进行尝试和探讨。英语教学应围绕课堂教学的各个环节,将学生听说能力的培养结合起来,从培养听说能力、阅读能力和写作能力这三个方面来构建大学英语课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

章运用信息素养理论,参照建构主义观点,通过课程整合和建构语境这两种途径,对外语教学中实施信息素养的培养问题进行了探索。  相似文献   


Divergent views on the relative value or status of spoken and written language skills may contribute to a disconnect between lay community members and language professionals, activists, or academics, and conflicted approaches to language support, teaching and/or revitalisation. Taking the bilingual Outer Hebrides as a case study, an online language capture and curation project is described which attempts to engage with these issues, acknowledging an important place for Reading Aloud in the range of strategies employed.  相似文献   

文章针对开放教育的成人业余学习者的特点,分析传统的英语听说课面授环节存在的诸多问题,提出结合中央广播电视大学英语本科课程改革的多模态话语协同的听说课教学模式。通过对观摩示范课的教学实施步骤和模态调用模式的个案分析,归纳总结听说课教学过程中的模态调用流程图,并提出几点听说课面授教学的改进建议。  相似文献   

本在参考相关材料的基础上,结合作的教学经验,立足于现有教学设备,着眼基础英语教学,针对英语口语训练,就如何最大限度发挥录像材料的作用进行了一点探讨。  相似文献   

谢桂英 《天津教育》2021,(9):118-119
汉字是中华文化传承与发展的载体,识字教学就是中国一切文化教育的基石与起点。通过识字教学了解中国传统文化,通过传统文化帮助学生学习汉字,既丰富了汉字教学内容,又发展了学生语文素养和传承中华民族传统文化。本文基于低年级识字教学经验,对识字教学如何渗透传统文化进行有效探讨。  相似文献   

澳门小学语文教育现正在进行一系列的改革.其背景包括澳门教育暨青年局拟订小学语文基本学历要求,澳门大学进行全面的课程改革等。为了配合这个新形势,澳门大学教育学院小学专业进行了一些调整,以加强学员的语文素质及能力。小学语文教师应具备文化知识素质、语文能力素质和文学审美素质等,以提升小学语文科的教学效果。  相似文献   

This paper forms part of an exploration of assessment on one part‐time higher education (HE) course: an in‐service, professional qualification for teachers and trainers in the learning and skills sector which is delivered on a franchise basis across a network of further education colleges in the north of England. This paper proposes that the validity and reliability of portfolio‐based assessment, a key component of many HE programmes in addition to the course being researched here, is contestable. Analysis of the processes of compiling portfolios for assessment, through the conceptual framework of the New Literacy Studies, suggests that the ways in which portfolios are assessed and the ways in which the crucial requisites of validity and reliability are assigned to them, mask complexities and contradictions in their creation by the student. This paper argues for a new, critical analysis of portfolio production and raises a number of questions about the validity, reliability and authenticity of the assessment process that the portfolios reify.  相似文献   

以一名6周岁儿童于同一年接受中国和澳大利亚小学一年级教育个案分析为背景,采用比较研究的方法,从教学大纲、教学内容和教学方式等方面对中澳儿童读写能力培养模式和方法进行比较,并简要探讨此研究对我国基础教学的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

情境化课堂教学对提高学生的学习效率和促进其全面发展有重要意义。语文识字教学可结合学生的特点,通过情境化策略打造高效课堂。教师可通过图片形式、动画形式、表演形式创设教学情境,并注意教学情境的目的性、过程性和生活化。  相似文献   

课堂教学中的说、听、看反映出学生的生存状态、思维方式、精神体验,同时也反映出教育的真正理念、教育对学生的影响。在某种程度上,说、听、看就是学生的生存方式、生存状态。因此,当我们呼吁要关注教育日常生活的时候,要关注学生生命体验的时候,我们的关注点应指向学生“切身”的行动及行动中的感受。  相似文献   

英国小学在课堂教学方面极为关注学生和教师的观点和期望,师生关系、知识设计、观念导入、教与学的技巧、学习态度等都会通过课堂特有的呈现方式出现,并推动着教师所期望的课堂学习。英国小学课堂生态包括活动与交往、课堂监控、课堂倾听"技术"及其教学反思等。  相似文献   

运用听说法来指导英语课堂教学活动,可以有效补偿交际法教学在实施过程中的不足,帮助学生掌握基本英语语言结构,培养学生良好的语感和标准自然的语音语调,为小学生进一步习得英语及发展灵活的语用能力打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

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