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Driven by the pressure to permanently release a large number of books, publishers have to allocate limited advertising budgets across the wide range of newly released books. As in many creative industries, publishers often focus their advertising activities on potential top sellers written by recent bestselling authors. Considering potential selection effects in choosing the “right” books for advertising, this paper investigates (1) whether selection effects exist and to what extent potential selection effects influence the relation between book advertising and book sales and (2) the boundary conditions under which book advertising leads to higher sales by focusing on the “star power” effects of authors. By applying propensity score matching to a dataset of 598 fiction books from the German book market, we identify substantial selection effects that lead to a serious overestimation of advertising effectiveness by up to 41 % (10,000 copies sold). Using group analyses, we find that sales of books written by recent bestselling authors are not significantly influenced by advertising activities of publishers; however, the sales of books written by lesser-known authors can be increased significantly if they are advertised. Our findings are highly relevant for publishers, indicating that a shift in the allocation of advertising budgets toward promising books by lesser-known authors is recommended to improve the overall advertising effectiveness.  相似文献   

Using detailed data for 2001–2009 from the sales system of the Finnish National Opera, we estimate the determinants of demand for opera tickets. We find that operas in their premiere season are more popular than reprises. Demand is lower for classical operas and higher for domestic operas and for performances with a famous opera singer. Press reviews and the overall popularity of the opera piece have the expected effects. There is also evidence of seasonal effects. By excluding temporarily discounted tickets, controlling for performance characteristics and quality and using a method that takes into account capacity constraints, we are able to credibly estimate the price elasticity of demand. The overall elasticity is close to unity: on average, a 1 % increase in prices would result in 1.16 % decrease in demand.  相似文献   

Weekly sales of creative goods—like music records, movies, or books—usually peak shortly after release and then decline quickly. In many cases, however, they follow a hump-shaped pattern where sales increase for some time. A popular explanation for this phenomenon is word of mouth among a population of heterogeneous buyers, but previous studies typically assume buyer homogeneity or neglect word of mouth altogether. In this paper, I study a model of new-product diffusion with heterogeneous buyers that allows for a quantification of the sales effect of word of mouth. The model includes Christmas sales as a special case. All parameters have an intuitive interpretation. Simulation results suggest that the parameters are estimable for data that are not too volatile and that cover a sufficiently large part of a title’s life cycle. I estimate the model for four exemplary novels using scanner data on weekly sales.
Jonathan BeckEmail:

本文通过对宋朝出海商人和高丽日本两国入宋求法僧侣在宋版图书外流过程中所起作用的考察 ,意在揭示高丽和日本两国接受宋朝文化的民族性差异。本文认为 ,宋学传播到日本却未播及于高丽 ,是与两国入宋求法僧侣的书籍选择倾向相关的。而两国社会在接受汉文化方面也存在着不小差异 :高丽追求对中国古典文化的全面吸收和模仿 ,而日本却有鲜明的“筛选”意识和现实意识  相似文献   

“熹平石经”是中国历史上第一次碑刻经书、规范文字的浩大工程。后人多从传播书法艺术、规范书面用字的角度认识它和评价它。本文用文化分析的方法,试图通过对“熹平石经”产生背景及其正经定字作用的剖析,揭示出隐藏在文字、学术规范后的文化、政治规范意义。  相似文献   

王姝 《文化交流》2017,(6):48-49
正近年来,美国迪士尼出现了一批用真人电影翻拍原来的动画经典电影的趋势,借助高超精湛的CG技术,让以往只能在动画中呈现的神奇魔幻想像,在真人世界中活灵活现、栩栩如生。真实与虚幻的界限几被模糊。《奇幻森林》票房大卖,《美女与野兽》正在热映。自杭州动漫节连续举办形成相当影响力以来,走在中国动画前列的浙江动画是否可以从以上现象中得到有益的启示?  相似文献   

Journal of Cultural Economics -  相似文献   

The major distinctive feature of cultural goods is that consumers must learn how to consume them, implying that preferences should be modelled as intertemporally dependent. The canonical model in the literature uses a habit formation analogy. In this paper, we discuss in detail, though in the simplest setup, a consistent preference structure for that model. Then, we derive the implications for the dynamics of two aggregate equilibrium models, a fixed price model and a flexible price model. The learning-by-consuming behaviour is characterised by a preference structure displaying bounded adjacent complementarity in the demand for the cultural good. This implies that there will be short run complementarity between the stocks of culture and financial wealth and that the adjustment of the demand for cultural goods, or of their relative price, will have some inertia. In the exogenous price model, we find that increases in income will raise the long run demand for cultural goods while increases in the relative price will decrease it. In the endogenous price model, an increase in the supply of cultural goods will imply an initial undershooting of the price of cultural goods followed by an upward transition process. Our results seem to be consistent with the empirical results on the demand for cultural goods and seem to offer an explanation for the Baumol and Bowen paradox.JEL Classification: Z1, E21Earlier versions of this paper have been presented at the 1st Conference of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Economia (SPiE, 1997) and at the Xth Conference of the Association for Cultural Economics International, 1998, Barcelona.  相似文献   

名词句是完全由名词或名词性短语组合而成的,体现汉语自身特色的特殊句型.在对名词句的讨论中,名词句成因是关注最多,分歧最大的问题.本文通过名词句大量出现的时代——魏晋南北朝时期的语言及文化因素综合探讨名词句的产生发展原因.  相似文献   

Gissing  Philip 《Minerva》2004,42(3):315-319

清代是汉语北京方言出现大幅度变异的时期,这种变异主要是满族入主中原及定鼎京师的影响.清代的整体文化态势使满语淡出于历史文化场域,满族却通过与原来操汉语民族间能动而充分的双向交流互渗,将自身在语言方面的系列信息乃至语言习性,铸入到了北京方言之内.北京方言的突出特点——轻重音处理方式与"儿化韵"大量使用,以及若干满语词汇的留存,都与满人长期打磨玩味北京方言有关.满人在学说汉语文的过程中,本能地规避汉语古音韵及传统文言的态度,也拉动着北京的汉语方言向着自由、晓畅、俗白、平朴的方向伸展.曾经作为清代官话的"京腔京韵"的北京方言,其最为切近白话语体、极富表现力等多项优势,使之在中华民族的现实生活中,发挥着无可替代的重要作用.  相似文献   

欧洲化中国:过去和未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我用“Euro Sinica”这个词来描述欧洲对中国文化的建构 (重建 )。从历史的角度来说 ,现在的任务包括对过去研究的理清和为将来的研究打下基础。在此基础上 ,本文分为四个部分 :前三个部分是定位于 17到 2 0世纪 (宽泛的 )这个历史阶段 ,最后一部分是在对过去研究的基础上 ,致力于对未来可能出现的发展进行前瞻性研究 ;同时 ,作为现在的学者 ,应该如何去为影响将来中欧之间的跨文化研究视角而努力 ,或许 ,在未来会出现人类文化的多元化 ,或是一个真正的多元文化世界  相似文献   

Peer lending and the subsumption of the informal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The informal financial practices of financially ‘excluded’ groups in the United States are being enrolled in a regulatory project to make new markets and produce financially self-sufficient subjects on the edges of the financial system. Drawing on mixed-methods qualitative research working with nonprofits in the San Francisco Bay Area, this paper explores how informal rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs) are being repurposed and formalized to make the risks of financially excluded groups legible, tractable and priceable for ‘mainstream’ financial service providers. In so doing, the paper explores how the credit score orders practices and relations that are ‘outside’ of the ‘financial mainstream’. While others have documented how the efforts of NGOs to marketize and commodify the social networks and cultural practices of the poor result in forms of dispossession, this is not what my research finds. Instead, I show how formalized ROSCAs are redistributing calculative agency, and enabling financially underserved groups to exert strategic control over the calculation of their credit scores.  相似文献   

Besides his activities as a theoretical physicist, the Belgian Léon Rosenfeld cultivated and showed a lively concern for history of science since his student years. This paper is a study of his publications, correspondence and other endeavours in history of science, mainly during the early Cold War period, in order to explore his essentially Marxist views on science and society and how they differed from those of other Marxists scholars, most notably John D. Bernal and Boris Hessen.  相似文献   

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