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梁进 《教师》2013,(27)
在爱丁堡许多年,傲然于爱丁堡西北的Fettes College始终让人觉得敬而远之,不仅是因为那个在山坡上的古堡主楼古朴典雅、气势非凡,以中学的身份可以叫板任何名胜古迹,而且传说中这里出了许许多多各行各业像英国前首相汤尼·布莱尔那样的名人.每次经过,往里都看不到什么人,好像隐藏着无数的故事,这给Fettes College蒙上了一层神秘色彩.直到最近回爱丁堡时,正赶上她的开放日,才有机会近距离一睹芳容. 爵士的夙愿 创建于1870年的Fettes College——苏格兰有名的全住宿中学,是William Fettes爵士为纪念他早逝的儿子,留下一笔巨额遗产所建立的中学.  相似文献   

梁进 《教师》2013,(27):5-7
在爱丁堡许多年,傲然于爱丁堡西北的Fettes College始终让人觉得敬而远之,不仅是因为那个在山坡上的古堤主楼古朴典雅、气势非凡,以中学的身份可以叫板任何名胜古迹,而且传说中这里出了许许多多各行各业像英国前首相汤尼·布莱尔那样的名人。每次经过,  相似文献   

【学生手札】 下面是何林同学在耶鲁大学就读一年后写的一篇随笔。你从他的字里行间看出 些什么了呢? 除了他那美丽的英文文笔, 是否还能读出一个睿智的灵魂?XSBK YSW I am sure we are different in many ways. You may enjoy having classes while I keep falling asleep in lectures all the time. You may love cracking a mathematical problem on a Sunday afternoon while I prefer listening to trashy pop songs and dreaming up unrealistic wonders. You may be happily breathing the fresh air in China while I am try…  相似文献   

States are currently seeking ways to improve alignment between K–12 and postsecondary education and better prepare students for postsecondary schooling. Some states have begun implementing policies that inform high school students that they are not ready for college-level courses well before they graduate, in order to give both notice and time to prepare. However, if the early information from these tests suggests that a student may require remedial coursework upon entry to college, the student may be discouraged from attending college. This article focuses on one state's effort to increase students’ information about college readiness. Regression discontinuity design is used to determine whether a student receiving a signal that he/she needs remediation lowers the probability of that student applying to or enrolling in participating universities. Results indicate that the policy has had little to no impact on application and no impact on enrollment.  相似文献   

OnColegeEnglishClasroomResearchLinLiechengItisadecadesincethecaryingoutoftheCOLLEGEENGLISHTEACHINGSYLLABUS.Wearenowfacedwith...  相似文献   

Based on a qualitative study in Indiana, this article examines the college preparation process of Latino high school students. It uses social capital theory to identify the ways families, peers, and school staff members contribute to students’ access to college across the stages of college preparation. Findings suggest that students receive strong support in their development of aspirations from families, but they face multiple challenges in accessing the information and support they need to realize their college goals. It offers implications for families, schools, and higher education institutions on how to more effectively support college access for Latino students.  相似文献   

l.Introduction"Writingisconcerned,ontheonehandwiththedefinitionandredefinition,creationandre-creationoftheself,others,theworld,aprocesswhichwemaycallrenectionlandontheotherhand,withcommunicationwithothers,aprocesswhichwecalltransmission.~FromWilkinson'sdefinitionofwritingwecanseethatwritingis,firstofall,aprocessduringwhichawriterwiritesfOraparticularobjectview'onIyinthiswaycanwritingberegardedwiththeemphasison"communicativeskills".Inthesecond1anguagecontext,suchasthe8ituationinChinawhereEngl…  相似文献   

郜莉 《海外英语》2012,(21):111-112
Vocabulary instruction in college English has always been far from satisfaction with teachers and students.Through the discussion of vocabulary teaching and some instructional approaches,this paper provides some implifications on vocabulary in struction and emphasizes the importance of carrying out reasearch.  相似文献   

Considerable disagreement exists among mental health experts as to what constitutes normal adolescent behavior. Some clinicians believe that turmoil and crisis should be expected. Others who have studied young people in high schools and colleges have discovered that the vast majority pass through this period of life without notable psychic instability. The primary features of adolescent behavior most likely to reflect the quality of an individual's psychological adaptation are identified. A model of normalcy is presented. It is contrasted with three other psychological states-temporary adjustment reaction, neurotic symptoms, and severe maladjustment. Case examples illustrate each of these mental states.  相似文献   

1.What'stheimportanceofwritinginCollegeEnglish?WithmoreculturaltechnologicalandcommercialexchangebetweenChinaandwesterncountries,ithasbeenfullyrealizedthatabilitiesinanaspectsOftheEnglishlanguage:listening,speaking,reading,writingandtranslationareequallyimPOrt3nt.Recentlyinallkindsofexams,writingisinvariablyincluded.TaketheCollegeEnglishBand4Testforexample.ItrequiresstudentstOwriteacompoSitionof120wordsin30minutesandthisparttakesup15%OfthetotalPOintS.AsforcollegestudentswhohavelearnedE…  相似文献   

Figurative language is an important and useful stylistic device.This essay, through the definitions and examples, primarily covers three types:simile, metaphor and personificafion.  相似文献   

在英语教学实践中,深感有些学生在分辩近义词时有较大困难,为帮助学生提高分辩的能力,我结合《College English》BookⅡ教学,将部分易混淆的近义词分别举例分析.一、surprise,shocksurprise一般用语,表示突然或出乎意外的事而“使震惊”.如:1、I am surprised that you should think this way.你居然这样想,我实在想不到.2、He was surprised to receive a letter from a friend he had not heardrom for years.他对收到多年不通信的朋友的来信感到惊奇.  相似文献   

According to the Chinese College English Syllabus(1985),the focus of the English study should be onthe development of students'ability to continue theirself study independently and autonomously after theCollege English course ends,as well as the develop-ment of the ability to be able to gain and convey infor-mation in the target language,either in the area rele-  相似文献   

Atheists are often marginalized in discussions of religious and spiritual pluralism on college campuses and beyond. As with other minority worldview groups, atheists face challenges with hostile campus climates and misunderstanding of their views. The present study used a large, multi-institutional sample to explore predictors of non-atheist college students’ appreciative attitudes toward atheists. Substantial differences were found across identities; secular and spiritual worldview groups hold the most positive views, whereas Christians and Muslims have the most negative attitudes. Interactions with worldview diversity—but not general religious/spiritual engagement—consistently predict more positive attitudes, and these relationships sometimes vary based on students’ own worldviews. These results suggest that colleges and universities can create more inclusive environments for atheists, who constitute a sizable minority group on today’s college campuses.  相似文献   

Every autumn, as families across the United States get ready to send their kids off to college, the economics of higher education receive renewed attention. College is expensive and becoming more so in the US.The situation raises two questions: Why does it cost so much, and how can students and their families afford it?Several studies published in the past few weeks reflect on these questions. The findings provide comfort to poor families.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionOne way of thinking aboutculture is to contrastit with nature. Nature refers to what is born andgrows Organically ( from the L atin nascere:to be born) ;culture refers to what has been grown andgroomed( from the Latin colere:to cultivate) .The word culture evokes the traditional nature/nurturedebate:Are human beings mainly what nature determines them to be from birth or what culture en-ables them to become through socialization and schooling?The screws that language and culture…  相似文献   

With the development of the society, College English has been attached Great importance college English teachers as well as English educational scholars have made great attempts to find out the most scientific way of teaching. By studying some major English teaching methods which have greatly influenced China college English teaching and the current situation of college English teaching, this paper presents an integrated approach, which is expected to be a great help to college English teachers.  相似文献   

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