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为增进学生的思维而对话,应成为课堂教学的终极追求。教育哲学、语言学、心理学和教育学等多个理论视角,共同诠释了对话是课堂学习之本质、增进深层次思维是课堂对话之根本这两个重要命题。要改进当前课堂教学对话中的问题,重在关注学生思维,倡导教师主控型对话走向师生互动型对话、封闭式对话走向开放式对话,创设自由宽松的课堂对话环境,提供对话策略指导师生学会对话。  相似文献   

阅读教学深度对话是在阅读教学活动中,以某一具有共鸣、困惑或分歧的问题为话题,以反思或批判性等高阶思维为路径,以厘清问题的思路、认识或缩小分歧为目的的言语活动。阅读教学深度对话的基本条件有:民主、尊重、协作,倾听、表达、应对,质疑、探究、批判。阅读教学深度对话要有问题讨论、比较辨析、话题辩论等情境策略,才能够激发学生的对话欲望,引领课堂对话走向深度。阅读教学深度对话中,教师要改变课堂教学中强势主宰课堂现状,将角色定位为对话情景的创设者、对话支架的搭建者、深度对话的引领者。  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of thinking aloud made by young people who have sustained a severe acquired brain injury (ABI). The phenomenon is compared with the concepts of egocentric speech and inner speech before the form of thinking aloud by pupils with ABI is examined. It is suggested that by using thinking aloud, this group of pupils is able to engage in internally persuasive dialogue and is therefore enabled to take part in classroom learning.  相似文献   

集体思维不仅是人类社会生活、生产实践中常见的思维活动,在课堂教学中也是显而易见的存在。课堂教学具有构建和发展集体思维的天然优势和现实基础:以班级授课制为组织形式的班级集体、新课改所倡导的“合作、探究、对话”的教学方式、“集体意识、合作精神”等教学目标,分别从组织基础、互动方式和交往目标三个方面为实现和发展课堂集体思维提供了现实基础。构建课堂集体思维,探讨如何在课堂教学过程中培养和发展学生集体意识和集体主义精神,对于推动我国课堂教学转型发展具有重要价值和意义。  相似文献   

对话是课堂教学中师生相互交流、相互撞击的双边教学形式,它既是重要的教学手段,又是激发学生学习兴趣、启发学生深入思考、引导学生扎实训练、检验学生学习效果的重要途径。有效的对话能促进学生深入地思考,本文就教学中如何通过课堂提问促进学生深层对话,引发学生对数学本质的思考进行阐述,从而为进一步实施有效教学,提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

对话是课堂教学中师生相互交流、相互撞击的双边教学形式,它既是重要的教学手段,又是激发学生学习兴趣、启发学生深入思考、引导学生扎实训练、检验学生学习效果的重要途径。有效的对话能促进学生深入地思考,本文就教学中如何通过课堂提问促进学生深层对话,引发学生对数学本质的思考进行阐述,从而为进一步实施有效教学,提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

课堂教学生活:一种教育人类学的阐释   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
课堂是教师和学生的共同生活时间与空间,是他们获得生命意义的场所;课堂生活展开的主要方式有:对他人感兴趣,合作的意愿,相互尊重,交往与对话,想象、思维与创造。关注课堂教学的深层价值,不断激发课堂的生命活力。  相似文献   

In this article I argue that the current high-stakes testing accountability model is an assistencialist model, derived from deficit thinking paradigms. Such models, like the No Child Left Behind Act, sanction low performance with serious consequences for students and educators. Drawing from Freire, I propose an anti-assistencialist accountability model based on local community culture and needs that would include critical, problem-posing education, dialogue as a means toward raising social consciousness, and appropriate assessments according to local community needs. I further argue that such an accountability model can be implemented through cultural immersion programs that include three levels of immersion, (1) classroom culture, (2) local community culture, and (3) trans/cultural, or transnational exposure.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dialogic theory of thinking and of learning to think that has implications for education. The theory is offered as a contrast to theories that are based on both Piaget and Vygotsky. The paper proceeds by unpacking and interweaving three key concepts: dialogue, thinking and learning in order to argue that learning to think can be understood as a shift in self-identification towards becoming dialogue. This theory is then applied to the context of primary classrooms through the analysis of three short episodes of interaction. These analyses offer evidence that a dialogic theory of learning to think can offer new and valuable insights into classroom interaction with the potential to inform pedagogy.  相似文献   

苏格拉底将哲学家的思维与教育家的责任恰当地融合在一起,创立了自己独特的教学方法,即“苏格拉底法”。苏格拉底教学法是一种问答式、对话式的教学方法,他用启发式的教学理念,引导学生批判性思考,激发学生寻找真理的热情与欲望。用苏格拉底教学法激活思想政治理论课课堂教学,倡导做一名苏格拉底式的教师,将讨论、辩论引入课堂教学,尊重学生的主体地位,调动课堂的学习气氛,使其摆脱面临的困境,进而增强思政课课堂教学的实效性。  相似文献   

提问是教学过程中一种重要的师生间对话行为,提问是否有效取决于学生学习的效益。通过有效提问可以促进学生思维的发展,增强学生的学习兴趣,有助于学生知识的构建和增进学生语言表达能力。研究认为有效提问应树立对话新理念,以促进学生思维发展为目标,以创建和谐、积极的课堂学习环境为重要标志。  相似文献   

哲学解释学下的理解与对话为了解教师与幼儿关系提供了一种新的理论视野和思维方式。理解与对话是创设新型师幼课堂互动外在条件的理论探讨,是优化新型师幼课堂互动内在条件的哲学思考。本研究试图从哲学解释学新的视角来借鉴如何构建新型师幼课堂互动,对于课堂教学的健康发展具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

提高思想政治教育课程课堂教学效果,在教学模式上,要改革传统教学模式.实现由单向灌输式向双主互动式转变;在讲课内容上,要克服空洞说教倾向,做到理论与实际的有机结合;在讲课理念上,要变接受式的教育教学方式,注重培养学生的独立思考能力和批判精神;在讲课手段上,要改变“人-机对话”教学偏向.坚持多种手段的有机结合;在课堂管理上,要严格课堂纪律,善于营造良好的课堂秩序。  相似文献   

The authors describe an innovative practice in classroom pedagogy for teaching counseling theories. In an attempt to make the counseling process “transparent” for students, instructors demonstrated clinical thinking using monologue and dialogue during role plays conducted in class. Support for this approach is offered, and feedback from students in the course is presented.  相似文献   

陆帅 《成才之路》2020,(5):42-43
教师在高中生物教学中利用思维可视化技术,可以给学生呈现完整的知识链条,帮助学生形成良好的知识体系认知,促进学生思维的发展。运用思维可视化技术的策略有:绘画课堂教学板书,构建核心知识体系;设置探究路径,实现思维逻辑的可视化;重视复习课、试卷解题分析,提高学习能力;打造学习共同体,促进合作与对话。  相似文献   

有效的教师课堂反馈是对话教学顺利实施的重要保障。从根本而言,对话教学视域下的教师课堂反馈是一种新的提问,这是由对话教学的问题优先性与循环性所决定的。对话教学视域下的教师课堂反馈具有平等性、循环性、开放性以及情境性等特征。并从课堂反馈的目的、课堂话语环境、教师的倾听、教师的提问以及课堂反馈形式等五个方面提出了促进对话的教师课堂反馈策略。  相似文献   

徐冬青 《中学教育》2011,8(2):89-93
从预设走向生成,从独白走向对话,从知识记忆走向思维提升是当代课堂教学改革的基本走向,而要实现三个转变,其前提是需要实现课堂教学从封闭走向开放的整体转向.  相似文献   

课堂教学中非期待答案的存在具有必然性与合理性,它体现了师生主体间的理解、交往与对话。对课堂教学中非期待答案相关理论和实验实践研究的目的是希望通过确立教师对课堂教学中非期待答案的正确认识,为师生主体间的交往与对话找到切实可行的实践方式,培养学生的创造性思维能力,提升学生的学习能力,同时使师生主体间关系的实现从理论走向实践层面。  相似文献   

To be effective, thinking skills interventions are likely to require specific fine-grain changes in the quantity and quality of teacher–pupil and pupil–pupil dialogue in the classroom, but these are difficult to establish. This study investigated the effects of collaborative philosophical enquiry over time on quantity and quality of interactive dialogue in 180 children aged 10 in 4 intervention and 2 comparison primary (elementary) mainstream classes in 6 schools in Scotland. Participating teachers received initial and follow-up professional development. Matched comparison classes received regular teaching. Video recordings of teacher-led and pupil–pupil classroom discussions before, and 7 months into, participation in the programme were analyzed. These were related to a theoretical model of the process. Changes in intervention classes included increased use of open-ended questions by the teacher, increased participation of pupils in classroom dialogue, and improved pupil reasoning in justification of opinions. There were no changes in comparison classes. Variation in degree of change between intervention schools was evident. Implications for future research, policy and practice are outlined, particularly for enhancing consistency and expanding the programme.  相似文献   

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