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According to experience learning theory (ELT) learning is a process. ELT conceives of learning as a four-stage cycle including four learning modes: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. The learning style inventory (LSI) invented from ELT provides a framework for examining one's approach to learning situations. The aim of the present study was to collect data with the LSI and present: (a) the test-retest reliability coefficients for the different learning modes; (b) the correlation between different learning modes and age; (c) gender differences in the learning modes; and (d) homogeneous groups of students with different learning styles. The results showed highly significant reliability coefficients, non-significant correlations between learning modes and age, gender differences in some learning modes, and a cluster analysis found homogenous groups with different learning styles.  相似文献   

The impact of Web 3.0, also known as the Semantic Web, on online learning is yet to be determined as the Semantic Web and its technologies continue to develop. Online instructors must have a rudimentary understanding of Web 3.0 to prepare for the next phase of online learning. This paper provides an understandable definition of the Semantic Web and its terminology, and then explores possible implications of Web 3.0 on online learning. The foundation of the Semantic Web is data integration. By using metadata, “display only” data is converted to meaningful information which can be located, evaluated, and delivered by software agents. Web 3.0 technologies will assist online instructors in the areas of course development, learner support, assessment, and record keeping. Online students will benefit from learning personalization and knowledge construction powered by the Semantic Web.  相似文献   

在网络时代,学习者面临着比以往任何时代更为突出的学习资源甄选问题、学习支持服务利用问题以及学习时间的分配问题,这些问题的解决要求学习者进行健康学习。本研究对健康学习的定义和特征进行了界定,并分别从教育机构和学习者的角度,探讨了实现健康学习的方法与途径。  相似文献   

教育部颁布的《全日制普通高级中学课程计划(试验修订稿)》,将“研究性学习”作为“综合实践活动”四项内容之首定为必修课,且占有比较多的课时。“研究性学习”的开设是我国基础教育改革,特别是课程改革深入发展的必然产物。它为以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育提供了新思路和生长点;势必引发学生学习方式的深刻变革,为学生个性和创造力的充分发展开辟新天地和新途径。本文拟从现代教学论的视野,对研究性学习的一些主要问题试作探讨。一、研究性学习的基本涵义研究性学习是当今世界性基础教育改革和发展的一个共同关注的…  相似文献   

现代学习方式的特征与教师教学能力转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就教与学的关系而言,学生学习方式的转变对教师的教学能力提出了新要求。认识和把握现代学习方式的本质特征对教师教学能力的提高有重要价值。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The central and peripheral visual fields are structurally segregated in the brain and are differentiated by their anatomical and functional characteristics. While the central field appears well suited for tasks such as visual search, the periphery is optimized for rapid processing over broad regions. People vary in their abilities to make use of information in the center versus the periphery, and we propose that this bias leads to a trade-off between abilities for sequential search versus contemporaneous comparisons. The parameter of periphery-to-center ratio (PCR) describes the degree of peripheral bias, which evidence suggests is high in many people with dyslexia. That is, many dyslexics favor the peripheral visual field over the center, which results in not only search deficits but also (more surprisingly) talents for visual comparison. The PCR framework offers a coherent explanation for these seemingly contradictory observations of both deficit and talent in visual processing. The framework has potential implications for instructional support in visually intensive domains such as science and mathematics.  相似文献   

Personal Epistemology Research: Implications for Learning and Teaching   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The ideas that individuals hold about knowledge and knowing have been the target of research programs with disparate names, such as epistemological beliefs, reflective judgment, ways of knowing, and epistemological reflection, all of which appear to be a part of a larger body of work on “personal epistemology.” Epistemological perspectives are salient in numerous academic experiences, have been shown to be related to learning in various ways, influence reasoning and judgment throughout our lives, and have implications for teaching. Yet this work has remained outside the mainstream of educational psychology and cognitive development. This paper addresses three main questions: (1) What is personal epistemology research and how is it conceptualized? (2) How are individuals' conceptions of epistemology related to learning and instruction? (3) Given what we know about personal epistemology, what might educators do? Suggestions are also provided for future research and theoretical development.  相似文献   

传统高职英语教学法虽然运用了学习风格理论的理性和感性的双重要求,但由于当前大学英语教学语言环境方面诸多因素的困扰,使得学习风格理论无法得以实践。通过对学习风格理论进行系统的阐述和说明,得出了学习风格理论在传统的大学英语教学教法上的运用方法,同时指出多媒体教学是解决学习风格理论在高职英语教学中最有效的途径。  相似文献   

从维持性到创新性——研究生学习方式的转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维持性学习与创新性学习是在不同知识观支配下的两种学习方式,研究生的特点要求研究生在兼顾维持性学习的同时,以创新性学习为主.研究生本人、研究生培养单位具有的条件与研究生教育理念的不断发展,为研究生创新性学习提供了条件和环境.研究生创新性学习的实现,需要充分发挥研究生本人的主观能动性,以不确定性知识为内容,以问题为中心,以质疑、释疑为手段.  相似文献   

生物新课标启发我们必须在生物课中探讨什么是适合学生的学习方式.选择适合学生学习的学习方式,就是从尊重学生的实际能力、发展特点和情感需求出发,寻求更有利于学生身心和谐发展的生物教学方式,使学生从学习生物科学知识过程中,了解生物科学的基本知识、体验解开生命之谜的快乐、感受生命科学迅速发展对人类进步的重大影响,在生物教学中的实现自然科学教学和人文科学教育的和谐统一.下面就生物课中适合学生的学习方式作初步探讨.  相似文献   

信息技术与学习方式的整合(integration)是近几年来一个新的研究课题,这种整合具有其内在的规定性,它是与分化相对的一种学习设计与实施的理念和策略。其最基本的本质规定性就是信息技术进入学习活动,成为学习活动结构中的基本要素。  相似文献   

学习是创新的基础,创新是学习的目的,要想在学习中培养大学生的创新能力,必须选择恰当合理的学习方式,把学会学习与学会思考、学会创新结合起来,以促进大学生创新能力的形成与发展。  相似文献   

本文介绍了大学生学习风格的生理和心理要素,并在此基础上针对不同学习风格提出具体而有效的学习对策,旨在提高大学生学习的成效与质量。  相似文献   

In both education and training an important aspect of the design, development and delivery of learning is the role of individual differences between learners in terms of their ‘learning styles’. One may identify four broad categories of what have been termed ‘learning style’: (i) ‘cognitive personality elements’ (e.g. Witkin et al. 1977; Riding, 1991); (ii) ‘information‐processing style’ (e.g. Kolb, 1984; Honey & Mumford, 1992); (iii) ‘approaches to studying’ (e.g. Entwistle & Tait, 1994); (iv) ‘instructional preferences’ (e.g. Riechmann & Grasha, 1974). A study of 245 university undergraduates in business studies aimed to: (i) describe the range of individual differences present within the sample; (ii) investigate the relationship between learners’ cognitive styles, learning styles, approaches to studying and learning preferences; (iii) consider the implications of ‘learning style’ for teaching and learning in higher education. The present study suggested some overlap between the dimensions measured by the Learning Styles Questionnaire (Honey & Mumford, 1986; 1992) and the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (Entwistle & Tait, 1994). No statistically significant correlations were found between cognitive style, as measured by the Cognitive Styles Analysis (Riding, 1991) and any of the other ‘style’ constructs used. Further research is required to investigate these relationships, as is a large‐scale factor analytical study of the Honey and Mumford and Kolb instruments. The notions of whole brain functioning, integra‐tive approaches to studying and degree of learning activity are discussed.  相似文献   

以信息时代所具有的特征为切入点,分析了信息时代对传统的学习观及学习技能的挑战。主张树立新的学习观,即自觉自主学习观、终身学习观、快乐学习观、面向未来学习观和创新学习观,并提出要着力培养适应信息时代的重要学习技能———信息素养。  相似文献   

The last decade has produced an explosion in neuroscience research examining young children's early processing of language that has implications for education. Noninvasive, safe functional brain measurements have now been proven feasible for use with children starting at birth. In the arena of language, the neural signatures of learning can be documented at a remarkably early point in development, and these early measures predict performance in children's language and pre‐reading abilities in the second, third, and fifth year of life, a finding with theoretical and educational import. There is evidence that children's early mastery of language requires learning in a social context, and this finding also has important implications for education. Evidence relating socioeconomic status (SES) to brain function for language suggests that SES should be considered a proxy for the opportunity to learn and that the complexity of language input is a significant factor in developing brain areas related to language. The data indicate that the opportunity to learn from complex stimuli and events are vital early in life, and that success in school begins in infancy.  相似文献   

基于学习参与度调查对远程学习支持服务的反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国高校网络教育的深入发展,关注学习者实际学习过程与学习效果成为改善与提升网络教育学习支持服务质量与网络教育质量的重要前提。本研究受远程交互研究中参与度概念的启发,以奥鹏远程教育北京直属学习中心服务的学习者以及一门2008年国家级精品课程(网络教育)的课程论坛为例,采用问卷调查、论坛帖子统计分析、访谈等方法对学习者的学习行为和参与度、参与度影响因素以及所需学习支持服务进行实证调查,并基于调查结果对学习支持服务的根本职能、未来服务重点与发展趋势进行了讨论。研究发现,案例学生的学习行为以课程考核为中心,社会性学习行为较少,学习参与度有待提高。研究建议未来学习支持服务需要更加关注认知或学术类支持,并适当组织人际交互活动促进学生的参与度、改善学生学习效果。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论对外语教学中有效输入的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建构主义学习理论强调学习是一个积极主动的建构过程,学习者主动地根据先前的认知结构,注意和有选择地知觉外在信息,建构当前事物的意义.本文结合建构主义学习理论的一些主要观点,在分析语言输入的特点的基础上,探讨了在我国外语教学中的有效语言输入途径,认为外语教学要充分发挥学习者的主体性作用,为学生创设丰富的有利于学生语言建构和再建构的信息环境,让学生不断实践和大量地操练.只有这样,语言输入才能被更多地吸收,才能被转换为输出.  相似文献   

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