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著名英国课程理论家劳伦斯·斯滕豪斯(L.Stenhouse)曾明确认为,人文学科课程与教学应遵循五条程序原则。其中第一条,就教学内容而言,教师应该在课堂上与学生一起讨论、研究有争议的问题;与此相关的是教师的教学立场和教学态度,斯滕豪斯又认为:教师在教有争议的内容时,恪守中立的准则,并保护所有参与者的不同观点。新课标理念下的  相似文献   


The arts animate learning because they are inherently experiential and because of their potential to develop creative and critical thinking skills in students. These same skills are valued in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, but the arts have not been consistently included in STEM lessons. We transformed our STEM programming into STEAM programming (STEM plus arts) by creating an innovative partnership between two informal learning environments, the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery and the Garth and Jerri Frehner Museum of Natural History at Southern Utah University. The partnership resulted in a STEAM learning program that integrated art and science for K-12 students. We incorporated an art exhibition, a hands-on lesson in art, and an immersive lesson in science that culminated in a student project that merged concepts from both art and science. Through programs each fall from 2012 through 2014, we helped over 6,000 students from southern Utah use concepts from art to deepen their understanding of caterpillar defenses, fish ecomorphology, and pollinator biology.  相似文献   

"学案"教学模式探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
"学案"教学是相对于传统的"教案"教学而提出的,根据"学案"和教材进行自主创新学习的一种教学模式.该教学模式有其自身的特点,基本环节可分为组织准备、依案自学与交流和总结达标.实施"学案"教学应把握好两方面策略编写好导学方案;在导思、导练方面下工夫,分别给学生的学习提供更多的自学、自思、自练的方法和合作交流的机会.  相似文献   

梳理了1999年以来清华大学公共管理学院在MPA教育领域的专题研究成果和基于研究的历次教育改革与创新,发现只有基于持续的MPA教育需求分析和育人规律研究,并不断适时调整MPA的教育目标定位,进行课程体系内容、教学方式方法及配套服务资源改革创新,才能更好地形成具备国际视野、中国特色和清华品牌的MPA教育模式,并对中国公共管理实践需求做出更及时有效的适应与推动。  相似文献   

The Politics of Superintendent Evaluation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The evaluation of the superintendent by the school board can be a process characterized by mutual respect or, conversely, it can be an intensely stressful, highly political process. This article gives an overview of the superintendent evaluation process, explores the politics that surround it, and provides strategies/processes for improvement.  相似文献   

以动画电影《西游记之大圣归来》作为范例,可以看出当前国产动画的进一步发展有赖于发展思路上的整体创新,尤其是在创意层面和审美层面的创新认识、思考与实践。在创意层面应结合当前社会大众欣赏口味需求,注重传统文化基础上的有效创新。在审美层面上应注重结合当前受众审美实际需求状况,兼顾传统与现代、整体与局部不同的审美需求和审美层次。  相似文献   

城市的发展要体现可持续发展的思想,生态市的规划建设将有效的促进城市化的发展,以淄博市为例分析生态市规划对城市化发展的影响.  相似文献   

教学案例是隐性教学知识的重要载体,在隐性教学知识和显性教学知识之间起沟通作用。学校教学案例研究是促进显性与隐性教学知识不断转化的重要途径,其历程可分为领悟、表述、共享、创新四个阶段,这一历程本质上也是校本教学知识的创造和应用的过程。当前以校为本的教学案例研究需加强校本教学研究的组织与制度建设,并强化学校层面知识管理的意识。  相似文献   

This ethnographic case study investigated the science practices of teachers at one public elementary magnet school in light of how school culture influenced science curriculum design and instruction. The purpose of the study was to address how school culture impacted the school??s overall treatment of science as a viable content area. Key informant teachers were interviewed to explore their personal beliefs and values, teaching, access to materials, and views of the adopted integrated thematic curriculum model and magnet structure. The resulting data, triangulated with informal observation and artifact collection, were analyzed using a theoretical framework that emphasized five interdependent school culture indicators (values, beliefs, practices, materials, and problems). Findings suggest that the school??s culture adversely influenced the treatment of science.  相似文献   

From 1980 to 1995, the University of Western Sydney at Hawkesbury (formerly Hawkesbury Agricultural College) in Richmond, New South Wales, Australia, pioneered an innovative undergraduate degree in Systems Agriculture based on experiential education, systems thinking, and adult learning theory. Today this program is in trouble and has reverted back to a more traditional teacher-directed approach. This article discusses the rise of the innovative education paradigm at Hawkesbury, the unique Systems Agriculture program itself, and its eventual decline. Reasons for both the shift to innovative education and its eventual downfall are explored. Implications for institutions of higher education contemplating innovative educational approaches are suggested.
Thomas F. Patterson Jr.Email:

高校后勤社会化改革是我国高校不断快速发展的要求,是建立和完善高校后勤市场秩序的过程。本文以宁波大学后勤服务保障中心的成立运行为具体实例,运用制度经济学一般原理和方法分析指出,现阶段由于受到诸多因素的制约,因而重在引入竞争机制,在服务评价、奖惩办法及监督考核等方面进行制度创新,调动后勤实体及员工的工作积极性,不断提高其市场竞争力,为我国高校后勤社会化改革得以走出自己的独具特色的成功之路奠定基础。  相似文献   

建设研究创新型实验室   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为适应高等教育对本科学生的培养要求,采取了多种措施和途径,大力加强了实验教学改革的力度,在更新改造原有专业实验的基础上,注重开发新的基础类实验项目,突出专业特色,实现实验教学创新性与研究性的有效结合。  相似文献   

介绍了现代信息技术在教育中应用的现状,分析了开放教育现阶段学情,通过名为《基础动画设计》的案例,呈现了现代信息技术在开放教育中创新应用的教学过程。通过对该案例的评析,总结出该案例的四个创新性。通过以名为《图象和VI设计》的教学内容套用案例的教学过程,论证了案例的实用性。总结出应注重让教师与学生共同利用信息技术构建教学资源的观点。  相似文献   

拔尖创新人才培养是建设人力资源强国和创新型国家的时代召唤。作为首批江苏省普通高中创新人才培养试点学校,江苏省启东中学根据学校特色、社会需求和学生发展需要,以拔尖创新人才培养为主旨,以学科拓展统整资源和科技创新涵育素养为两翼,以课程建模、资源开发、物化装备、项目学习、文化浸润和师资研修为基本实施策略,搭建拔尖创新人才培养的"一体两翼六策略"平台架构,促使具有学科特长和创新潜质的学生脱颖而出,提升学生创新精神、实践能力和综合素养,促进教师专业成长和学校特色发展。  相似文献   

传统旅游目的地创新发展研究——以云南大理为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,在国内旅游业蓬勃发展的同时,一些起步较早的传统旅游目的地,却纷纷遭遇客源萎缩、产品老化、竞争不利等难题。以传统旅游目的地云南大理为例,从分析大理旅游业发展历程和现状出发,提出构建传统旅游目的地的创新路径。  相似文献   

以江苏省高等学校特色专业——南通职业大学建筑工程技术专业与南通一建集团有限公司的校企合作为例,研究设计"高职建筑工程类专业‘校企合作’人才培养模式创新实验基地"建设方案,旨在构建"多层次、立体化"的校企合作平台,探索高职建筑工程类专业技能应用型创新人才培养的新思路、新方法和新途径。  相似文献   

传统案例教学过程中存在参与面小、参与的浅层次以及教学效果和评估的单维性特征等不足。在现有的网络学习资源丰富、自主学习机会增多的背景中,大量课程采用线上线下同步的学习方法,这给案例教学模式的改革带来了挑战和机会。文章基于线上线下双轨学习,拓展案例教学的广度,提出了创新的"O&O"案例教学方法,对案例教学的流程进行了新设计,对学生的角色和任务进行了新的界定。  相似文献   

This article examines the transformation of progressive pedagogic practices at the Dalton School in New York City. Founded in 1919 by Helen Parkhurst, the Dalton School was the site for the implementation of her internationally renowned Dalton Plan, with its constituent parts: House, Laboratory, and Assignment. Based upon archival research, school assignments, and interviews with teachers, students, and administrators, the article traces the evolution of the school from its early progressive roots to its present status as an elite, independent college preparatory school, with vestiges of its early progressivism. In particular, the article looks at how the Dalton Plan has changed during the subsequent administrations of Charlotte Durham, Donald Barr, and its current head, Gardner Dunnan.


SRT计划创新人才培养模式的研究与实践   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
培养大学生自主创新能力是21世纪高校人才培养的核心内容,是建设创新型国家的重要环节,而SRT计划的实施被普遍认同是一条培养创新人才的有效途径.从创新教育的根本要求出发,对大学生科研能力的内涵、SRT计划重要性和如何实施SRT进行了论述,并对近年来电气工程系实践SRT计划的成效进行了分析.另外,对以后如何进一步做好这项工作也提出了建议.为我国创新人才培养模式的探索作了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

本文通过对55个优秀“大学生创新性实验计划”项目学生案例的分析,结合“创造性意识、创造性思维、创造性能力、创造性人格”4个方面评析了“大学生创新性实验计划”项目对学生创新素质的培养。通过分析,我们建议加强两方面的工作:一是加强教师的指导作用,二是加快平台的建设。  相似文献   

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