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基于视频案例下初中数学课堂学生参与度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生是知识建构的主体,其课堂行为既能反映学生参与学习、知识建构的程度,同时也能体现教师教学的特点.课堂视频可以有效记录学生课堂参与的过程,是课堂教学研究的新途径.对初中数学课堂视频分析,发现初中生课堂参与行为有以下特点:学生应答行为发生最频繁;学生集体回答次数远多于学生独立应答次数;学生应答和课堂练习所占时间最长;在课堂练习阶段,学生的参与行为出现的次数最多;学生在课堂上极少提问.  相似文献   

课堂教学是师生双主体之间的重要活动,而不只是师生之间的"知识授受",它为师生提供了许多有价值的发展机会.但其价值却因课堂教学中师生诸多发展机会的失衡而未能得到充分地体现.这种失衡发生在学生、教师及师生共同体中间.为了减缓失衡所产生的负面影响,可采取一些相应的对策,如树立和强化师生谋求发展的机会意识;构建交往互动的课堂教学观;综合运用多种教学模式;建立先进的教学制度等.  相似文献   

学生课堂学习参与度是教学效果的决定性因素。经文献分析,"翻转课堂"模式下学生课堂学习参与度涉及注意力集中度、师生互动、生生互动、课堂兴趣度、批判性思维和课堂满意度六个维度。经检验,以此为基础开发的量表的总Cronbach's Alpha系数为0.88,各特定条目与其他条目汇总的Pearson相关系数和剔除某一条目后的Cronbach's Alpha系数结果良好,探索性因子分析中累积贡献方差率为66.29%,特征值≥1的公因子有6个,与设计量表前得出的评估指标相吻合,验证性因子分子中参与度理论模型与数据拟合结果良好。结果表明:此量表具有很好的信度和效度,能够较为科学地检测"翻转课堂"模式下学生课堂学习的参与程度。  相似文献   

UK national policy and the practices of university course boards tend to reduce understandings of ‘student voice’ to a feedback loop. In this loop, students express feedback, the university takes this on board, then they tell the students how they have responded to their feedback. The feedback loop is a significant element of the neoliberal imaginary of higher education globally. This qualitative research study drew on interviews with course representatives in three universities in England, and on policy analysis, to explore the discursive construction and enactment of student voice. It uses the feedback loop as an analytical frame. Drawing on Foucault’s later work, the article aims to open up the feedback loop by exploring its manifestation in the mundane everyday practices of universities. In opening the loop, we identify the following effects of the student voice policy ensemble: students have to construct feedback as it is not just waiting to be gathered; it promotes a dividing practice, where reps are positioned differently to other students; there is a focus on problems; an ‘us and them’ is reinforced between staff and students; the loop closes down discussion; and a managerial logic obscures political processes. The article articulates its opening of the loop as a way of unmasking the modes of power which work through discourses of ‘student voice’, and hence seeks to create possibilities for resistance to being governed this way.  相似文献   

蔡敏 《教育科学》2012,28(1):22-26
随着基础教育学生评价改革的深化,学业考核已经向关注学习过程的形成性评价扩展。课堂评定作为形成性评价的一种重要方式,对于提高学生学习质量和改进教师教学方法具有重要的作用。课堂评定能够考查学生的知识理解、分析与推理、综合与批判、问题解决、学习方法和学习情感。教师可以通过书面反馈、课堂观察、学习日志和学生同伴检查来开展课堂评定。要提高课堂评定的有效性,教师应当清楚确定评价内容,运用多样化评价手段,精心组织评价活动,及时反馈和使用评定结果。  相似文献   

As teachers progress in life and career, generation gaps may begin to appear that decrease not only the effectiveness of interaction with students but also the ability to produce generationally relevant course content. Situated in a framework of socioculturalism (Vygotsky 1978), this article presents The STORRI Method—a strategy for exploring and integrating youth culture into the classroom. STORRI is an acronym for the six iterative steps of the method: survey, talk, observe, research, reflect, and integrate. Each step of The STORRI Method is discussed with numerous corresponding examples, and best practices are offered for use in the classroom setting. A case narrative is also provided to demonstrate The STORRI Method's use in a high school level U.S. government course.  相似文献   

Several states are requiring institutions to document changes in student outcomes. Regional and specialized accrediting agencies are also changing their review criteria from measuring inputs to assessing indicators of student learning. This article describes the results of an evaluation project that sought to develop performance indicators of learning gains for undergraduate engineering students. Specifically, the study investigated the relationship between classroom practices and students' gains in professional competencies. More than 1,250 students from 7 universities participated. Findings show that the instructional practices of Instructor Interaction and Feedback, Collaborative Learning, and Clarity and Organization are significantly and positively associated with gains in students' self-reported gains in problem-solving skills, group skills, and understanding of engineering as an occupation. The indicators meet several conditions recommended by the assessment literature. They are (1) meaningful to the user, (2) reliable and valid, and (3) index observable behaviors rather than subjective impressions.  相似文献   

Opportunities to respond (OTR) and specific praise are two practices that may be particularly beneficial to students learning in secondary inclusive classrooms. Yet, there is relatively little research on effective inclusion practices involving secondary students with learning disabilities (LD) or studies at the secondary level. This study sought to extend the existing research by evaluating the relationship between rates of OTR and specific praise in co-taught high school core classrooms on student on-task behaviour and class engagement. This study was part of a larger study conducted during the 2010–2011 school year. First, core academic classrooms were observed and data were collected on OTR, praise, and student behaviour. OTR information was collected using an audio recording device. Class audio recordings were divided into 15-minute intervals of whole group instruction and coded for OTR, specific praise, and non-specific praise. Observation data on student behaviour and class engagement that corresponded with each 15-minute interval were identified. Results indicate low levels of teacher use of OTR and praise statements and few significant relationships found between the variables of interest. Implications for practice and future research directions are also presented.  相似文献   

参与教学模式的概念产生已久,现在逐渐成为教育教学领域,尤其是高等教育中的热点问题。直到最近参与模式才得到国内高校教师的关注。如何将参与模式应用到药学专业化学实验教学实践中,是教师面临的挑战课题。该文比较了传统教学模式与参与教学模式,分析了参与教学模式的应用现状,并探讨了参与教学模式在药学专业化学实验教学中的实施方法。  相似文献   


Researchers have suggested that assessment has the potential to affect learner behavior in terms of cognitive strategy use and motivation. The authors attempted to provide an understanding of the nature of the effect of particular assessment types on motivation. Students in 3 5th-grade science classes were exposed to 3 different classroom assessment conditions: traditional paper-and-pencil tests, a laboratory task format of assessment, and a performance assessment Measures of attitudes about science, goal orientation, and cognitive engagement (J. L. Meece, P. C. Blumenfeld, & R. K. Hoyle, 1988) were used. Analyses indicate a significant effect attributable to assessment type on goal orientation only, with the traditional paper-and-pencil tests and the performance assessments fostering more task-focused orientations than the laboratory tests.  相似文献   

Student engagement is a complex phenomenon, with diverse interpretations, even within further and higher education. This article presents three potential, interconnected, novel models which provide a measure of unification of the range of interpretations and hence may improve understanding of the broad phenomenon. The models emerged from a study of computing students but should be relevant across a wide range of disciplines. They are presented as being provisional but they should be useful in providing modifiable frameworks for the investigation of engagement issues and in student support activity. The first model is in the form of a force-field diagram, identifying forces which drive for, and those which drive against, student engagement. The second identifies four possible levels of student engagement created by an individual’s responses to those forces. The final model represents an individual student’s engagement as comprising four dimensions, encompassing forms of motivation and connectedness. In addition to these models, this article suggests that some students who may appear to be disengaged should more accurately be considered to be ‘differently engaged’.  相似文献   

唐云锋 《怀化学院学报》2009,28(10):139-141
学习心理是影响学习效果的重要因素,随着社会条件的变化,当前的大学生学习心理也相应有着很强的时代特征,高校教学模式与目标也应该反映和适应社会形势与教学对象心理的变化,大学课堂教学中合理分析和利用学生心理也就因此变得重要。  相似文献   

Personal response systems, such as clickers, have been widely used to improve the effectiveness of teaching in various classroom settings. Although hand‐held clicker response systems have been the subject of multiple prior studies, few studies have focused on the use of cell phone‐based personal response system (CPPRS) specifically. This study explores students’ academic performance and their perceptions of learning through the use of a CPPRS (TopHat) in an undergraduate Food Science class. In this study, students did not use the CPPRS during the first half of the semester‐long course, but did during the second half. When CPPRS was used, students responded to 2 multiple‐choice questions at 3 points during the class, (a) at the beginning of class, (b) in the middle of the class, and (c) at the end of the class. Student performance was measured by correctness rates on eight 10‐item multiple choice quizzes, 4 quizzes each covering the class content that was delivered with compared with without CPPRS. A survey was conducted at the end of the semester asking (n = 28) students’ perceptions of CPPRS. The average correctness rate for quizzes covering content delivered with CPPRS (85% ± 9%) was significantly higher than for content delivered without CPPRS (82% ± 10%) (P = 0.016). In addition, students perceived that CPPRS was easy to use (5.04 ± 0.58 on a 1 to 6 scale with 1 being strongly disagree and 6 being strongly agree) and positively impacted their learning (4.52 ± 0.99 using the same scale). When used correctly, CPPRS can facilitate student learning in lectures.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to compare the beliefs and attitudes of teachers using the flipped versus the traditional class model. Survey and interview data were collected from a matched sample of in-service teachers representing both models from a large suburban southeastern Texas school district. The Attitude Towards Technology Scale, the Frequency of Involvement in Technology Scale, the Technology Comfort Scale, and the Technology and Teaching Efficacy Scale were administered to compare the beliefs and attitudes of teachers. Additionally, one-on-one interviews further explored the teacher beliefs and attitudes associated with the impact of technology on student engagement. Findings suggest that flipped classroom teachers have higher technology and teaching efficacy, greater comfort levels using technology, higher frequency of involvement in technology, more positive attitudes toward technology, and greater levels of student engagement.  相似文献   

Using the mountaineering metaphor of ‘natural lines’ this article describes the co-navigation of an honours course by students and teachers. It suggests the benefits and possibilities of going beyond the confines of conventional teaching and learning wisdom (as canonised in the notion of constructive alignment) and offering just and joyful ways for students to explore disciplinary knowledge. We openly explore issues of power between students and teachers in the construction of so-called partnerships, recognising the inherent challenges in moving beyond the prevailing mainstream. We suggest that a natural lines approach enables students to act as genuine co-navigators and to experience disciplinary knowledge in authentic ways and provides rich opportunities for personal reflection and development.  相似文献   

This article explores the status of student feedback channels and the role of student representatives in the quality assurance and enhancement of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) programmes. It provides an analysis of 1941 open-ended survey responses, covering 87 EMJMD programmes and involving respondents of 129 nationalities. The findings indicate that students and alumni feel that they should be involved in shaping key aspects of their programmes. The results suggest that organisational culture, national policies and regulations bear little relevance to students, as their needs transcend borders and contexts. The study suggests that further harmonisation in internal quality assurance processes would be welcomed by students as they recognise good practice in eliciting student feedback. The empirical findings can be useful in providing policy makers and researchers with a snapshot of prevailing issues in student engagement in quality assurance in the context of international joint programmes.  相似文献   

学生资源是指来源于学生的课程资源。在英语课堂上合理地开发和利用学生资源有助于发挥学生英语学习的主动性,提高学生的英语学习兴趣,激发学生的创造性,而且还有助于实现教学目标,提升英语课堂教学效果。在英语课堂上,应从四个方面来合理开发和利用学生资源,同时英语教师应从五个方面来提高学识、能力等素质。  相似文献   

Student Engagement and Student Learning: Testing the Linkages*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study examines (1) the extent to which student engagement is associated with experimental and traditional measures of academic performance, (2) whether the relationships between engagement and academic performance are conditional, and (3) whether institutions differ in terms of their ability to convert student engagement into academic performance. The sample consisted of 1058 students at 14 four-year colleges and universities that completed several instruments during 2002. Many measures of student engagement were linked positively with such desirable learning outcomes as critical thinking and grades, although most of the relationships were weak in strength. The results suggest that the lowest-ability students benefit more from engagement than classmates, first-year students and seniors convert different forms of engagement into academic achievement, and certain institutions more effectively convert student engagement into higher performance on critical thinking tests. *A version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 2004.  相似文献   

Opportunities to Learn in the Budapest Mathematics Classroom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the nature of the problems posed, the processes by which their solutions were made public, their structural contribution to a lesson and the opportunities they offered for the learning of mathematics in Budapest, Hungary. The problems were derived from observations, the processes of which were informed by various comparative studies, of 94 mathematics lessons in the 10–14 age range. Problems, the analysis and categorisation of which were informed by the literature, tended to fall into two categories – single response with high levels of cognitive demand and multiple response with high levels of cognitive demand. Structurally lessons fell into a well practised pattern of classroom behaviour. They began with a public review of homework, comprising two or three multiple response problems which were solved collaboratively. This was followed by a warm-up period involving the oral setting and mental solving of a few single response problems. Lastly, the main body of the lesson involved several cycles in which a multiple response problem was posed, attempted individually before solutions were shared publicly. Lessons ended with homework being set. The discussion of the findings is framed by Hungary's variable performance on recent international tests of mathematical attainment.  相似文献   

We used educational data mining to quantify student access of online feedback files and explore the underlying drivers of feedback file access in a learning management system (LMS). We collated LMS access logs for 32 individual pieces of assessment representing 1462 feedback files for 484 students (males = 45%, females = 55%) that originated across three undergraduate years, from 20 different degree pathways. Over a third of assessment feedback files (38%, 553 files) were never accessed by students. When students could obtain their assessment mark without opening the associated feedback file, 42% of feedback files were not accessed by students (513 of 1224 files). When assessment marks were integrated into the feedback file (and not reported within the LMS), the proportion of unopened feedback dropped significantly to only 17% of files (40 of 238 files). We uncovered strong gender-specific differences in how students accessed feedback within the LMS that were dependent upon academic performance and the integration of marks within the feedback file. Poorly performing males were less likely to access feedback; however, integrating marks into the feedback files meant that males were over 27 times more likely to access the feedback file. In contrast, females exhibited a much weaker and more variable response to marks being reported within feedback files. Assessments with deadlines earlier in the semester were also viewed more often than those later in the semester.  相似文献   

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