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交互式电子白板在世界范围内的普及对教师专业发展产生了重要的影响。该研究分析了国外2004-2013年十年间交互式电子白板对中小学教师专业发展影响的相关文献,发现研究主题主要集中在“教师培训”、“职业能力素质/教学技能”、“教学研究”、“教学理念/对技术核心价值认识”。通过梳理国外交互式电子白板在支持中小学教师专业发展中存在的问题,文章得出一些启示,旨在对中国交互式电子白板支持下的中小学教师专业发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Despite the availability of Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) technology in a large number of Australian primary schools, many teachers focus only on technical issues as opposed to pedagogical engagement in an attempt to incorporate the technology. Previous research suggests that the technology is being used for sophisticated transmission-style teaching as opposed to constructivist approaches. This article presents findings of a project that considered the implementation of IWB technology in three Victorian primary mathematics classrooms (5 to 12 years of age). The study analysed the teaching strategies adopted by three teachers as they embarked on the use of IWB technology as an integral component of mathematical activities with the support of professional development. Teacher use of IWB technology in the primary mathematics classroom was aligned against Beauchamp’s generic transitional framework for viewing the development of teacher use of IWB technology. Through this alignment, a transitional framework emerged which is specific to the introduction of IWB technology in the mathematics classroom.  相似文献   

本研究对194名北京市骨干教师就教师专业发展阶段的划分及特点进行了调查研究,并根据调查的结果提出了教师专业发展阶段的划分的依据,揭示了五个发展阶段的特点、需求以及教师发展过程中的关键事件和关键人物,最后对职后教师教育工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

培养教师领导者是促进教师专业发展的有效途径之一。教师领导者应具备必要的专业知识和能力。在教师领导者的培养过程中,校长显得尤为重要。校长可以采取授权、提供支持、帮助克服障碍等策略培养教师领导者。  相似文献   

教师效能感是影响教师教学行为的重要变量,成为现代教育领域重要的研究课题。通过对金华地区高职英语教师进行定量和定性研究发现:恰当的教师专业发展行动能增进教师效能感,且对教师效能感有持久影响力。开设教师专业发展课程,使教师在专业思想、专业知识、专业能力等方面获得提升,可有效增强教师效能感,促进教师的教学内驱力,使教师获得更大的成功。  相似文献   

传统的中小学教师教育模式把教师专业发展看作是一个教师按部就班,循序渐进,从低水平到高水平逐步提高教学能力的缓慢过程。现实中广泛存在的青年教师跨越式专业发展案例表明,教师高水平快速专业发展是可能的,问题的关键是究竟哪些因素直接制约教师专业发展的水平和速度。本文基于对青年教师高水平快速专业发展丰富案例的分析,指出影响入职教师专业发展速度和水平的关键因素是教师的职业态度/个性品质和专业发展策略,并据此提出了促进教师高水平专业发展的策略和途径。  相似文献   

教师叙事研究:教师专业发展的一条有效路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为教育叙事研究重要内容的教师叙事对教师专业发展起着重要的作用,教师专业发展要求教师成为研究者,对实践进行自觉反思,要求教师以自己的经验为背景来建构对事物的理解。因此,教师叙事研究是教师专业发展的一条有效路径,它能促进教师向研究者的转型,促进教师问题意识的觉醒,促进教师对实践的不断反思,促进教师间的合作与交流。  相似文献   

As the technology infrastructure of schools expands, a common concern has been the underutilization of computers and other technologies in the classroom. Teachers are often blamed for failing to integrate technology into their teaching, giving such reasons as lack of time, training, equipment, and support. However, it has been suggested that these are not the “real” reasons technology is underutilized; instead, it is argued that teachers’ core values about teaching and learning are the primary obstacles to successful technology integration (e.g., Cuban, 2001 Cuban, L. 2001. Oversold and underused: Computers in the classroom, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.  [Google Scholar]). Implications for professional development are addressed in relation to these barriers to classroom technology use and the developmental pattern of teachers’ technology integration.  相似文献   

在探索幼儿教师专业发展的过程中,应立足"园本",以人为本,多角度为教师培训提供支持与帮助。转变和下移培训主体,让教师成为自己专业发展的"主人"。培训内容由"单一"转变为"丰富",全面提高教师的综合素质和专业发展水平。开展分层培训,以满足教师不同的发展需求。根据培训对象的特点和具体的培训内容,选择多样化的培训方式。  相似文献   

This paper is an initial investigation into the practice of providers of professional development for teachers of mathematics. The study examines the work of two providers of professional development for teachers of mathematics. Both provided professional development while working with teachers on implementing a new mathematics curriculum for seventh grade. Although their work conditions were quite different from each other the study reveals that there were similar characteristics in their practices. The most salient ones were acting out lessons, analyzing principles of the new curriculum, encouraging the teachers to explicate their concerns, and asking teachers to solve concrete practical problems related to the reservations they have about specific components of the new curriculum. The role of a program that prepared the two participants to be providers of professional development for teachers is also discussed.  相似文献   

开展校本研究,应围绕问题,在合作的基础上。发挥教师的主体性,即校本研究要重视问题意识、合作意识和主体意识,以此推动教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study explored the impacts of a semester-long technology professional development for secondary school international teachers from developing nations around the world. We used (a) a survey approach to examine international teachers' perceived technology integration abilities using the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework and (b) a design task to understand their rationale behind technology integration decisions. As a group (N = 16), international teachers reported increased abilities in all TPACK domains. Qualitative analysis of their rationales revealed that though teachers learned to consider the affordances of technology, technology access issues were pivotal in their choice and use of technology in instruction planning. With education becoming increasingly global, the study has implications for the motivation and design of technology professional development programs for international teachers.  相似文献   

新疆双语教师在岗培训模式及个人专业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实地调查中我们发现,新疆双语教师队伍的专业化发展水平不容乐观。虽然国家和自治区不断加大投入,采取了一年制或两年制脱产培训的继续教育模式,但由于资金和名额的限制,对于大多数仍坚守在教学第一线的教师来说,如何实现在岗培训,提高教学水平,促进专业发展是亟待解决的问题。文章认为,为了促进双语教师的专业发展,必须从优化在岗培训机制和培训模式入手,通过多种途径来带动双语教师素质的全面提高。  相似文献   

自我导向学习:农村教师专业发展的有效途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国外教师专业发展理论的日益成熟和我国教师教育实践的日趋完善以及基础教育新课程改革的不断深入,将我国百万教师的专业发展问题提到了前所未有的高度,新农村建设则把农村教师的专业成长问题摆上了议事日程。如何针对农村教师专业发展现状,探寻一种经费省、效果佳的适合农村学校特点和农村教师个性化需要的专业发展范式,成为全体教育工作者急待探索的课题。自我导向学习强调学习者的主动性、独立性和责任感,可资成为有效促进农村教师专业发展的首选途径。  相似文献   

教师专业发展评价应建立在教师的和谐互信、全面发展的基础上。首先要检视绩效评价的负面效应,其次领导与教师应形成合力,评价者也不能外在于评价对象;采用增值性评价、同行评价等互动性评价方法,才能达到合作与互信的评价目的。  相似文献   

Portfolios are used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are the documentation of one's professional development for others and the improvement of one's own performance over time. This article discusses the concept of the faculty development portfolio and, in doing so, outlines the work of faculty development professionals. It also identifies characteristics of effective faculty development professionals and defines the steps involved in creating a faculty development portfolio. These steps include how to conceptualize, gather, and present evidence of items that can be used as a framework for faculty developers to consider when documenting their professional development for summative and formative purposes.  相似文献   

从教师专业发展的视角,针对部分高职教师参与课程开发的动力不足的问题,论证了课程资源建设与教师专业发展之间的正相关性关系,提出了高职教师采取主动参与课程开发、开展教研进行研究反思以及合力打造课程团队等策略,可以通过从入门--成长--熟练--专家的专业发展的四个阶段,逐步完成从课程开发者成长为课程领导者的过渡,而这也是教师专业发展成熟的重要标志。  相似文献   

场域是教师专业发展的物质依托和精神家园。基于外力作用、内部驱动、现实需求以及实践支撑,教师专业发展场域正由附属转向联盟。构建联盟型教师专业发展场域,在遵循责权利对等、优势互补以及自愿的基础上,应重点关注文化培育、组织建设、课程设置以及机制创设等事项。  相似文献   

信息技术教育已经成为教师教育的热点,当今教师专业发展对师范生信息技术教育提出新的要求,但是师范生的信息技术教育现状还不容乐观,有许多问题亟需解决,本文从师范生信息技术教育的教育理念,教育内容,教育方法,教育评价四个维度出发,分析师范生信息技术教育存在问题,并提出解决方案,以期进一步加强师范生的信息素养,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

Schools need support in the use of data. To provide this support, a data team intervention was developed. A prior study conducted in the Netherlands showed that several factors can enable or hinder the work of data teams. The current replication study focuses on the factors influencing data use in data teams and the perceived effects of the data teams’ work, but looking at data teams in Sweden. The results of this qualitative study show that the data teams’ work is influenced by the same factors as in the Netherlands: Data characteristics (e.g., relevance of the data), team characteristics (e.g., heterogeneity of the team), and school organizational characteristics (e.g., school leader support).  相似文献   

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