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于水 《收藏》2012,(4):96-97
放下酒杯,潘金玲望了一眼丈夫范扬和爱子范立,开玩笑道:范家就是不出美女。此言一出,四座皆惊。范扬脑子反应快,眼睛一转马上回道,范冰冰就是范家超级美女吗!大家笑,靠得上祖谱吗?范扬也笑。范家是个旺族,从范蠡、范仲淹、范成大、范文澜、范曾到范扬,都是名声显赫的才子或文官,惟缺美女,除了祖奶奶西施就再无名氏可  相似文献   

球迷文化与社会整合——“体育和社会”对话之一   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过透视足球场内年轻球迷居多的社会现象,探讨了当前青年群体中日益增长的"乐群性"需求及其心理机制,由此引申出现代社会中"球迷文化"与群体共同意识的形成及其社会整合功能的逻辑关系.最后从年轻人追求时尚,崇拜"明星"的角度,指出了我国职业足球俱乐部所存在的"经营盲点"及其应对思路.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that sport plays an important role for national identity. However, empirical research has primarily focused on sport’s role for emotional-affectice rather than cognitive aspects of national identity. Therefore, research presented here explores whether identification with the German national soccer team serves to reinforce ethnic or civic conceptions of national identity. Analyses of a unique dataset conducted during the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016?EURO show that national team identification is an important determinant of national pride and national belonging. Respondents who identify with the national soccer team can adhere to different conceptions of national identity. It seems that national pride and affection as well as conceptions of national identity represent stable attitudes not affected by the success of the national team. Further research should improve conceptual clarity and measurement.  相似文献   


编辑:童琳(足球俱乐部博客:blog.sina.com.cn/zqjlb1993)电邮:f_bar@163.com电话:0791-6894649编与读欧洲杯……我是一名刚参加工作不久的新员工,平时工作压力挺大的,不过现在欧洲杯来了,为了看球,我还是坚持熬了几个晚上。回想起来,还是大学时代看世界杯、欧洲杯的日子  相似文献   


问题&建议《足俱》以前一直有编辑部的故事这个栏目,但后来却不知为何消失了。恕我直言,这是贵刊的一大失误,有很长一段时间,我和几个朋友都是冲着这个栏目去买《足俱》的,因为我们觉得这种连载方式很有意思,可以让读者了解  相似文献   

潘深亮 《收藏》2012,(19):24-29
中国书画艺术博大精深,历史悠久,而扇面、成扇书画是这个艺术宝库中的一枝奇葩。谈到它的起源,需先从扇子说起。传称扇子起源于约四五千年前的黄帝时代,又有"尧时生于庖厨,扇暑纳凉"的说法,可见扇子起源很早。商代金文中有"篷"(sha)字,即指用植物的叶作扇子。据有的学者考证,我  相似文献   

朱有仪 《收藏》2013,(1):140-149
樊建川 成都建川实业集团董事长,曾担任宜宾市常务副市长。赫赫有名的抗战、“文革”物品收藏家,建川博物馆馆长,现已收集各种文物数百万件,其中抗战文物数十万件。他以他的博物馆记录抗战史、记录“文革”史、记录地震史,并通过这样的收藏,记录他自己的,  相似文献   

韩建武 《收藏》2012,(19):38-43
扇分为团扇和折扇两大体系。团扇历史最为悠久,在团扇上写字绘画始于三国,明中期折扇盛行后,团扇趋于没落。折扇,古称折叠扇,相传自宋代开始由朝鲜传入我国,明永乐时进口大量的朝鲜折扇。据明詹景凤《东图玄览》记载,南宋时"马远竹鹤、马麟桂花二册,本是一折叠式两面,与今折叠扇无异。扇式折痕尚在,皆绢素为之"。这是古代文献所见宋代折扇的最早记载。在折扇上作书绘画成为风气,大约在明永乐以后。现将陕西历史博物馆所藏部  相似文献   

英国足球球迷文化探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
英国不仅是现代足球的发源地,而且其足球球迷文化也历史悠久。文章对报纸的足球专栏、俱乐部队报、球迷对球队的支持和忠诚、球迷的地域特征、足球暴力和种族歧视等足球球迷文化现象进行分析,展现了英国丰富多彩的足球球迷文化,同时力求为中国足球球迷文化研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(4):719-735
Sport has the capacity to intimately engage fans, deliver intensely emotional experiences, and create attachments to athletes and teams. This connection can be threatened by a number of actions or incidents, including scandals, and fans may engage in a range of behaviors to protect their identification. The purpose of this study is to explore and explicate the concept of fan empathy and illuminate the processes that fans engage in that lead to an empathetic response. Using data from online discussion forums and in-depth interviews, the authors examined empathy in the context of athlete misbehavior and indiscretions. Results provide evidence for the concept of fan empathy as both a cognitive and emotionally focused response, extending the current knowledge of fan behavior. Further, the findings reveal five sensemaking processes that facilitate an empathetic response in the context of inappropriate athlete behavior. This research has implications for sport managers seeking to manage and maintain relationships with fans, including in the face of actions or behavior that might threaten fan identification and association with the sport entity.  相似文献   

朱有仪 《收藏》2012,(19):68-73
扇面文化最初流行于文人之间,据唐张彦远《历代名画记》记载,三国时,曹操就有清杨修为其画扇之事。到了北宋,宫廷画家更是画扇成风,且传留下不少扇面画。集书法、绘画艺术于一扇之上,则始于明代,并随之出现了折扇。文人骚客如唐伯虎、郑板桥等,均有画扇轶事流传。明清两代,几乎所有在画史上留有一笔的画家都画过扇面。扇面往往是画家的心血之作。尤其是折扇,无论构图还是笔墨,都要比一般作画难得多。一来是由于扇面尺幅较小且为弧形,书写作画需有讲究;二是折扇有折痕,更是增加了运笔的难度。此外,扇画需一气呵成,中途不能停  相似文献   

随着NBA全球商业化的推广,以及NBA篮球比赛独特的艺术魅力,无不吸引着中国篮球爱好者。本文从NBA的观赏性,社会学角度和心理学层面,运用文献资料法、访谈法等,探讨中国球迷兴起的原因,便于广大球迷更加深入地认识篮球,使篮球运动向着普及和提高的健康方向发展。  相似文献   

振藩截拳道是在当时社会背景下,由李小龙把中西方哲学文化应用于武术的智慧结晶,文章从中西结合的文化环境、中西方哲学思想影响、社会背景、李小龙自身学识四方面论述了振藩截拳道的成因。  相似文献   

This essay delves into the theoretical and practical dimensions of political expression at the stadium. While previous chapters are organized around the form of media, this essay considers the breadth of media put to use to convey political sentiments. While the notion of sport as apolitical has surface appeal, the stadium has always been political, and provided that sport continues to aggregate tens of thousands of fans in an enclosed space, there is little hope of eliminating politics. The stadium offers the chance for average citizens to gain a voice and, I argue, the stadium is an important part of the public sphere. The chapter considers how the stadium is used for dissent in several contexts. In Italy, the stadium has long been a site of political expression while more recently, in Cairo and Istanbul, football fandom has provided the tools to directly confront the state.  相似文献   

Traditionally, football and fandom have been male domains and celebrations of masculinity. So far there has been some sociological and historical research on women's football; however, little is known about women's fandom, in particular about its formation and development. This article focuses on the historical development of a Danish women-only fan group called ‘The Female Vikings’, which support a professional football club, Lyngby Boldklub (BK), in a city north of Copenhagen. The article explores the backgrounds and motivations of female fans, as well as their ways of staging femininity in a man's world. Drawing on available information about football and fans in Denmark, we have reconstructed the developments of both Lyngby BK and its supporters. Special focus was placed on the histories and cultures as well as the experiences of female fans in this club. Insights into the foundation of the women's fan group were provided by problem-centred interviews which also contained open questions. The foundation and activities of the Female Vikings show how women can perform gender in the fan's stands and how they play a significant role in the fan movement. The interviews also reveal the loyalty of the female fans during the club's ‘crisis’ and their ‘collective memories’.  相似文献   

足球作为一种西方文化,经常展示出一种自我化的力量,足球由此获得了超体育的符号价值。绝大多数国家和地区的球迷都将足球看作群落、种族、国家力量的象征,足球由此获得了伦理学意味的合理性。足球还具有强烈的族群本位主义内涵,彰显出群落、种族与国家的正义性,足球的工具理性中蕴含着伦理至上的内涵。中国球迷一度认为足球是一种单一的爱国主义的符号,而功利主义的价值观使得足球成为一种极端性文化。被忠诚主义、爱国主义思想武装起来的球迷很难将足球理解为一种娱乐类型,中国球迷所捍卫的爱国主义具有相对独立的神圣性,而在神圣情怀的语境内,中国球迷始终维持着国家至上的思想。足球强化了中国人原本缺失的仪式感。中国球迷的爱国主义伦理化选项源于中国国家宗教的缺失,而在爱国主义的语境内,足球的正义性得以强化。改革开放以来中国球迷的世界杯梦想具有丰富的道德、教化与仪式的内涵。  相似文献   

游泳技能的不断提高,依赖于运动员在不同能量区域的负荷量,及其对这一负荷的适应。在安排训练计划时,教练员应首先明确当年的训练安排分为几个阶段。在此基础上,教练员以能量区域的不同为依据来制定各阶段的训练计划。  相似文献   

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