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刘文静  王静 《海外英语》2015,(6):175-176
Language stood in the foreground of George Orwell’s social and political thinking. Language is not only a vehicle for transmitting ideas, but also a product originating from social and political interactions. This paper examines the language, particularly the abuse of language, in the context of politics presented in Nineteen Eighty-Four, so as to find out George Orwell’s view of language: language as a manipulated tool to control people’s minds.  相似文献   

王静  刘文静  崔学军 《海外英语》2012,(13):248-249
Beyond the stories,Golding spends much effort on an issue called"impotence of language"in his works,especially Lord of the Flies and Darkness Visible.Thus Golding’s language view is worthwhile to research.With help of Lacan’s theory of signifier and signified,this paper made a primary glance about Golding’s language view within the two novels.  相似文献   

林红 《海外英语》2012,(14):275-276
By tracing the history of instant messaging(IM),comparing the language used in English IM to historical English,and reviewing the current state of syntax and vocabulary used in IM,some predictions for the future of language can be made.  相似文献   

王一力 《海外英语》2011,(14):220-222
This essay deals with the long controversial issue of whether transfer of native language has a major or minor role in the second language acquisition.Based on a brief introduction of all the literature regarding the language transfer in SLA and investigated through a deeper look into the main theories on the role of native language,the essay points out that the role of transfer of NL is evidently far from being as definite or dominant as it is supposed to be.The essay asserts that language universals but not the NL facts were found to play the leading role in the transfer.It holds that Universal Grammars are functioning in determining where language transfer occurs,and thus comes to its conclusion that the role of transfer from NL is inferior to that of UG in SLA,which explains why among second language learners there has been a remarkable common experience that language learners in the early stages will produce in the target language linguistic forms which can be related neither to their mother tongue nor to the target language.  相似文献   

Language and culture are closely related with each other: language is the carrier and a fundamental part of culture, while culture has an intrinsic and indispensable impact on language and is also reflected in language. So if in the language learning and teaching, attention is only paid to the linguistic forms but the relationship between language and culture is ignored, then the learner’s linguistic ability will not be equivalent to his or her social and cultural communication competence. Especially in the times of globalization with increasing transna tional and cross-cultural communication, the knowledge of cultural background is the must prerequisite for not only the avoidance of cul tural "conflict" but the success of communication. Based on the studies of several cross-cultural communication cases and the analysis of the relationship between language and culture, including the famous Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, this paper is aimed to analyze the intrinsic and in dispensable relationship between language learning and culture learning.  相似文献   

王子宁 《英语辅导》2014,(2):180-187
A certain kind of culture always leaves its special stamp on its language which de- cides the relationship of culture and translation. Without mastering the foreign coun- tries' cultures, non-native learners may find it hard to understand. As we all know, humans use languages to communicate with each other, however, different kinds of languages may cause us many problems. Different cultures may conflict with each other, so a literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning. Culture differences add difficulties to translation. That's why translation plays an important role in the different languages' communication. It is not because transla- tion is the transformation of language but also because it interprets culture. In the development of intercultural communication, translation has its undeniable mission. However, there appears a phenomenon in the highly advanced society that people are using more and more methods instead of translating to help communication. Naturally, people doubt whether the existence of translation is necessary; that is the key points of this thesis. After showing the development of translation and culture, and the relationship among culture, language and translation, the author draws a conclusion that translation would disappear in the cultural fusion.  相似文献   

Vague language is widely used in both spoken and written English and it is also a very important language variable. The process of language use is active, during which speakers and hearers constantly have to make choices out of variables. This paper mainly studies the influences of vagueness in language on second language learning and attaches importance to the flexible selections of vague language in the target language.  相似文献   

张钧伟 《海外英语》2012,(8):274-278
Language and culture are intrinsically interconnected and interactive with each other.On one hand,language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it:language expresses,embodies and symbolizes cultural reality.On the other,language is influenced and shaped by culture;it reflects culture.This kind of relationship of language and culture is indispensible,which is clearly reflected in and especially ture with their play of roles in communication.Through the overviews of language and culture,and based on the case studies of three types of communication(cross-cultural,intercultural and multicultural communication),this article is aimed at discussing the relationship of language and culture in detail from the perspective of communication,and further explain and prove the importance of language and culture in successful communication.  相似文献   

司维 《海外英语》2011,(7):187+190
Culture and language are the two notions relating closely with each other.One certain language may show the existence of one unique culture,and vice versa.The consequences are that language learning must involve the acquisition of one’s culture.This paper focuses on the role of language transfer in college students’ writing from the cultural perspective,expecting that the studying results could benefit both teachers and students in the process of foreign language learning.  相似文献   

扈彩霞 《海外英语》2013,(15):12-13
Communicative competence is a very important concept in second language acquisition.It is of great importance to develop students’communicative competence in language teaching.Cultivation of students’communicative competence should be conducted in different stages of language teaching,including syllabus design,materials design,teaching training,teaching activities,etc.  相似文献   

家庭环境与流动儿童的边缘化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于特殊的成长背景,流动儿童在成长过程中出现了大量的心理和行为问题,他们逐渐走向边缘化。其中,家庭环境对流动儿童边缘化产生了重要影响,要有效化解流动儿童的边缘化,必然要优化家庭环境,以帮助其回归主流社会。流动儿童去边缘化与家庭环境优化的路径在于:培育亲子关系,丰富孩子的发展资源;及时转变角色,促使孩子心灵的回归;努力实施养成教育,完善孩子的社会功能。  相似文献   

研究者以福建省S县农村学前儿童的祖辈监护人为研究对象,采用调查法、访谈法等研究方法,了解农民工家庭学前教育的现状,分析存在的问题及原因,并在此基础上呼吁政府、社会、幼儿园、家长等各方面分别采取相应行动。  相似文献   

"弱势群体子女在中小学阶段的心理问题与教育策略"课题组运用SCL-90自觉症状量表进行测量和调查,发现农民工子女中女生的心理问题更加突出;学生年级越高,心理问题越严重;"留守儿童"和"漂泊子女"呈现出不同的心理问题。农民工子女心理问题产生的原因是家庭经济贫困、家长文化水平低、农民工子女认知存在缺陷等。解决农民工子女的心理问题,要改革户籍制度,营造农民工子女受教育公平的环境,同时要对农民工进行培训,使其树立正确的教育观,另外,农民工子女自身也要有正确的认知观。  相似文献   

作为新崛起的社会阶层,新生代农民工虽然已经成为中国劳动力供给的主流,却未能享有基本的社会权益和应有的社会保障,被城市和乡村双重边缘化,其父辈所遭遇到的就业歧视、工资拖欠、保障残缺、子女入学难、政治参与渠道逼仄等问题同样存在。这就要充分估计新生代农民工在融入城市过程中的困难,采取更加综合的措施解决他们的问题,实现新生代农民工市民化。  相似文献   

阐述近年进城农民工社会保障缺失的现状,分析我国关于农民工社会保障制度缺失的原因,并针对农民工社保流动性特点提出了若干改革设想。  相似文献   

农民工是在我国经济转型过程中形成的一种特殊的劳动力群体,是我国工业化和城镇化进程中产生的独特社会现象。农民工在我国经济建设中发挥着巨大的作用,然而他们的合法权益却没有得到应有的保障,如就业权、社会保障权、教育发展权、民主政治权等。目前应加强从法律上对农民工权益的保障。  相似文献   

以深圳和成都两地作为单项保障模式和综合保障模式的典型,介绍了两种模式的主要内容,比较了两种模式的异同点,及共同面临的问题,最后,利用公共选择理论探讨了如何保护农民工的利益问题.  相似文献   

设计农民工职业技术教育新体系应从以下几方面入手:发挥政府主导作用;创新职业教育办学目标;组建高职教育集团;加强师资队伍建设;实施产学研合作办学;实施双证融合教育模式;强化就业服务;创新农村劳动力培训新模式;强化专业建设与课程开发;创新农村劳动力培训的课程开发;实施农村劳动力人力资本、社会资本双提升战略。  相似文献   

农民工进城与返乡体现了一种双向的"嵌入"过程:进城——带着"乡土惯习"嵌入城市生存环境的过程;返乡———带着"市民惯习"嵌入乡土社会环境的过程。其中,进城过程体现了城市社会对农民工的规训与再社会化,而返乡过程体现了农民工对乡土社会的重塑。这一双向的"嵌入"过程能否成功进行,一定程度上影响了城市化进程能否顺利完成。从社会学的视角出发,研究农民工群体在这一双向的"嵌入"过程所面临的"社会屏蔽"与障碍,关注其在城市和乡土中的两个不同的生存世界,呼吁社会更多的关注农民工群体,并努力解除对农民工的结构性排斥,营造一个和谐共生的生存世界。  相似文献   

宓现义 《成人教育》2011,31(7):26-27
改革开放以来,随着我国城市化发展进程的加快,农民工流动区域经历了三次大的变化,同时折射出"农民工"概念的发展变化历程。对农民工的继续教育,必须进行深入调查研究,分类进行。科学规划农民工继续教育的新格局与新领域,实现城乡协调发展,提升农民工的就业竞争力;促进国民经济结构调整与优化升级,提高市场竞争力。  相似文献   

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