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大学生创业支持系统的构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制约大学生创业的关键因素是创业支持系统不完善。要想尽快提高大学生的创业水平,一定要构建高效率的创业支持系统。我国创业支持系统应该包括创业知识系统,创业资金扶持系统,政策支持系统等。本文试图构建一个完整的创业支持系统,为大学生创业提供理论和实践的支持框架。  相似文献   

借鉴国外经验构建我国大学生创业支持系统   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
如果有好的项目和适量的资金,很多大学生都想创业。制约我国大学生创业的关键因素是创业支持系统不完善。要想尽快提高我国大学生的创业水平,一定要构建高效率的创业支持系统。我国创业的主力军应该设定为大学生,他们年轻、有知识、有智商,将创业支持的重点转移到大学生身上会收到更好的效果。  相似文献   

日益严峻的就业形势凸显出大学生创业的重要性.由于我国对创业问题的研究起步较晚,目前初步建起的大学生创业支持系统存有很大的不足,体系尚不完整.文章从创业教育、创业资金、政府和社会四方面对我国创业支持系统的现状和问题进行了梳理分析,对我国的大学生创业支持系统提出了初步构想,为完善大学生成功创业的良好环境提供理论上的支持.  相似文献   

高校的单亲学生在家庭环境、社会舆论与公共服务、学校教育等方面均存在一定的社会支持缺失,应构建一个以自我支持为根本、以家庭支持为基础、以学校支持为主导、以政府和公共舆论支持为依托的社会支持系统,帮助单亲大学生健康生活和成长。  相似文献   

大学生社会支持系统发展特点的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究表明,大学生感受到来自父母、朋友的肯定与支持最多,其次为同学和教师.他们从朋友那里得到的陪伴与亲密支持最多,对朋友的满意度也最高.从教师那里感知到的支持最少,来自于教师的冲突和惩罚也较少.大学生社会支持系统各维度存在显著的性别差异.  相似文献   

目前,我国大学生的创业存在因创业综合素质不高而导致成功率较低的问题,构造优化的创业外部环境、强化区域创业支持体系是应对这一问题的重要手段。温州地区是我国大学生创业热点区域之一。伴随着大学生创业实践的新发展,温州地区与之对应的社会支持体系中各主体的权责分配、利益关系和功能设置等也随之变化。通过探究这一支持体系,分析其具有区域特色的各主体良性联动的构建经验,对于促进区域乃至全国范围内大学生创业活动意义显著。  相似文献   

要想大学生道德教育取得实实在在的效果,就必须构建一个完整的、立体的、全方位的社会支持系统。这个支持系统是有效应对大学生道德教育面临各种挑战、塑造大学生理想人格的需要,同时也是实现文化强国目标的需要。由于其有导向性、针对性、渗透性、系统性等特性,故构建大学生道德教育的社会支持系统是一个包括政府、社会、学校、家庭、个体、信息等各种系统在内的支持系统。这些支持系统是相互作用、相互联系的有机整体,它们共同作用、形成合力,共同推进大学生道德教育。  相似文献   

论大学生创业支持系统的三元构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国经济社会发展进程中,大学生创业成为必然趋势,而大学生创业更加需要外界的大力支持。本文结合高校、政府和社会的不同角色,阐述了如何构建大学生创业支持系统的途径。  相似文献   

剖析和梳理了大学生创业的内、外部环境的利弊因素,建构了以政府、社会、高校等为主体,以创业教育、创业政策、创业资金、创业服务等为支撑的"三主体、四维度"的大学生创业支持系统,并探讨了"发掘优势,规避障碍"的多维路径.  相似文献   

大学生经验少,本身是消费者不是创造者,因此如果想要创业是需要想办法筹集到创业资金的。其实,大学生还有很多资金的筹集方法,比如通过学院、企业以及国家的政策优惠等。  相似文献   

大学生创业政策是我国为建设创新型国家,实现大学生自主创业而制定的行动准则。大学生创业政策对于培育创新意识,促进大学生成功创业具有重要意义。文章梳理了我国现有大学生创业政策的存在问题,并从创业环境政策、创业教育政策、创业促进政策、创业融资政策等四个方面入手,提出了构建大学生创业政策支持系统的选择路径,以期为政府决策提供理论支持与参考依据。  相似文献   

创业教育慕课平台是服务创新创业教育管理与应用的信息化中心,是一种私有云性质的信息化系统,它整合创业教育涉及到的教学资源、实训资源以及实战演练、校企合作、投资基金资源于一体,实现创业教育信息资源的最佳组合和高效流转。  相似文献   

The government has made great strides in redressing past imbalances in education through the National Norms and Standards for School Funding (NNSSF) policy that focuses on equity in school funding. This NNSSF model compels the state to fund public schools according to a poverty quintile system, where poor schools are allocated much more funding for resources than affluent schools. Using qualitative research, school management teams, school governing bodies and principals of six public schools located within the Gauteng West District were interviewed to determine their views of how the NNSSF policy had been implemented. One of the findings revealed that equity in public schools has not been fully achieved since funding provided by the state is insufficient to address the backlog in educational resources. It is recommended that the state abandons the policy of funding schools according to quintile rankings but instead, fund schools based on resource needs.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial Intention (EI) is one of the dimensions most studied and validated scientifically in the literature associated with entrepreneurship. This study intends to go one step further in developing the literature by presenting little studied dimensions as direct antecedents of EI. Its aim is to analyse the influence of the dimensions of Religious Beliefs, Psychological and Cognitive Factors, and Social Influence on the EI of students in higher education institutions (HEI). Five hundred and eight questionnaires were collected from higher education students, 32% of them male and 68% female. The results show that the model proposed has good explanatory power and confirms its robustness in forecasting students' EI, validating all the research hypotheses with very robust and statistically significant factor loadings. This corroborates the scarce literature on the subject, especially concerning the influence of Religious Beliefs on EI.  相似文献   

This article is situated in a growing body of literature, focusing on higher education reforms in countries which emerged, or re-emerged, 25 years ago as the Soviet Union dissolved. With the focus specifically on Kazakhstan, this paper examines how the leadership of universities in this country views a higher education funding model– the state grants. The paper applies the lenses of stability, performance and innovation orientation to the examination of the state grants-based higher education funding model in Kazakhstan. This paper finds that despite recognition of the limitations of the existing funding model, there is limited interest to push for changes. This can be explained by the complex higher education policy environment which is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

In Canada, there is a recent trend toward non-categorization of services of students with emotional and behavioural disabilities (EBD). Yet in Alberta, the coding of students with EBD provides opportunities to diagnose students' learning difficulties but is hindered in this process, in large part, by being tied into special needs funding. Current coding and subsequent funding practices favour a medical model approach that provides opportunity to over- and misidentify students for higher funding levels. Though this is likely done with good intentions to get services otherwise denied, it may have led to a perverse situation of the practice of ‘coding for dollars’ for these students. In this article we discuss the Alberta EBD coding and funding model using administrative data as well as conclusion remarks from a seminar participated in by different stakeholders. Recommendations for policy changes will be addressed.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,以政府对高等体育职业教育经费的投入为研究对象,对其现状进行分析和研究,进而探究政府对高等体育职业教育经费投入的相应对策.  相似文献   

论建立科学化的农村集贸市场监管体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村集贸市场的监管体系以集体有限理性为逻辑起点,基于市场失灵、政府失败以及寻求第三道路的三个命题形成完整的监管体系逻辑结构。价值目标体系的确立及相应竞合规则的制定在监管体系里面有着举足轻重的地位,其权利目标在于维护竞争权,经济目标在于提高经济效益,伦理目标在于实现和谐。农村集贸市场中涉农社会中介组织具有合法与合理的正当性基础,应当促进农民专业合作社以及涉农行业协会等涉农社会中介组织的发展和壮大,并积极培育涉农社会中介组织参与市场监管的社会意识。涉农社会中介组织的自治与明确涉农社会中介组织的监管职能边界是监管职能实现的两个重要条件。  相似文献   

调查显示,单亲母亲成为新的弱势群体之一.由于社会保障体系不完善,社会政策缺乏对家庭的支持.以及政策领域社会性别视角的缺失,造成单亲母亲家庭公共政策支持的虚化,而公共政策支持是社会支持系统的核心内容,为此需要完善社会保障体系,建构支持家庭的社会政策,在公共政策领域引入社会性别的观点,为弱势单亲母亲及其家庭构建公共政策的支持系统.  相似文献   

A major role of all public higher education institutions is to foster the public good. In democratic societies, the public good emphasizes the more collective activities and benefits and how resources are accessible to all in a society. Institutions of higher education create new knowledge, promote cultural tolerance, increase civic activity, and have lasting intergenerational effects among other things which all serve to enhance the collective activities of a polity. Since public higher education institutions promote the public good, and since public higher education institutions are governed by policy, educational policy becomes a crucial determiner of the public good. Moreover, policies are constructed with language or discourse. Thus, the discourse of policy, which has the power to structure the actions, speech, and thoughts of those affected by the policy, has a direct impact on the public good. In light of this importance, this paper critically examines the discourse of educational policy.  相似文献   

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