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Within the framework of Social Cognitive Career (SCCT; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994, 2000), this study examined the associations among career interests, career efficacy expectations, gender, and perceived parent support among Native American and Caucasian middle school adolescents. Consistent with previous research, results indicated that Native American young people had greater interests in Realistic and Conventional occupations, and in occupations that typically require a high-school diploma, a trade school certificate, or 2 years of post high-school education. However, contrary to previous findings, they had as great a range of interests in and self-efficacy expectations for Investigative, Artistic, Social, and Enterprising occupations as Caucasian adolescents, and similarly high levels of interests, efficacy, and perceived parent support for careers typically requiring 4 or more years of post-high school education.  相似文献   

职业生涯教育应关注人的生涯发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业生涯教育是后工业化社会职业指导发展的必然趋势。职业生涯理论经历了人一职匹配和生涯发展两个不同的历史阶段。生涯发展思想认为个体职业发展是一个与人的身心发展相一致的过程。在这一思想背景下,职业生涯教育应该在生涯意识教育、生涯成长支持与辅导等方面进一步拓展工作。  相似文献   

An exploratory study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of two different career education courses on career decision making for college freshmen in Taiwan. Two different career education courses were designed for college students; one was a cognitive restructuring intervention and the other was a career decision skills training intervention. The cognitive restructuring career education course was compared to two other conditions. Approximately 164 college freshmen were administered the Career Decision Scale, a demographic sheet, and a follow-up questionnaire. The design selected for the study was a pre- and post-test design, using two experimental groups (two approaches to career education courses) and one control group. A total of 152 subjects completed both pre- and post-analyses. A 3 × 2 multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was performed. The factors were treatment and gender. In the comparisons of the students who took the two different approaches to career education courses and the students who did not, statistical analyses of the data indicated that regardless of gender, a significant treatment main effect on the indecision scale of the Career Decision Scale was found. However, there were no significant treatment group differences between the two experimental groups. Implications and suggestions for designing a college career education course were also discussed.  相似文献   

The career development of students, demonstrated by students performing appropriate career developmental tasks, is important to institutions of higher education because career developed students are more likely to have career objectives, persist in their academic goals, gain career-related work experience, find employment in their chosen fields, and graduate. The purpose of this study was to determine if the career development of students by class level had been enhanced by participation in a career management plan specifically prepared for undergraduates. The intervention of a career management plan (i.e., the Career Success Club) was successful, especially for seniors and middles, in enhancing the career development of undergraduates. Career management plans may help students that are academically undecided to become more connected to their majors by focusing more on academic and career matters.  相似文献   

坚持生涯自主发展指导思想,坚持全员、全域、全程、全局的原则建立完整持久的开发体系,以便突破个人与组织的隔阂,缩小学习与工作的距离,缩小现实与未来的屏障。而要实现这样的目标,就需要政府在立法、经费、基础建设等方面做出努力,学校则要加强生涯教育和辅导,而企事业单位需要变革人力资源管理战略,建立员工与组织协调发展的机制,社区也需为此完善交流和学习的网络。  相似文献   

在当前就业形势十分严峻的环境下,职业院校开展职业生涯发展教育是十分必要的,符合时代要求,有利于学生的终身学习和素质教育。但目前,开展职业生涯发展教育还存在着针对性不强、实践性不够、教育不完整、缺乏专业教师等问题,故此,提出相应的对策予以解决。  相似文献   

The Harry Potter series furnishes many instances of both good and bad teaching. From them, we can learn more about three principles outlined in How People Learn (National Research Council 2000a). (1) Teachers should question students about their prior knowledge, as Professor Lupin does before his lessons; (2) we should encourage students to develop theoretical contexts in which to organize facts, perhaps through Socratic dialogue such as Professor Dumbledore uses with Harry; and (3) we should promote metacognition, as Harry, Ron and Hermione use when they discuss their successes and failures.  相似文献   

The practice of career counseling has been derived from principles of career theory and counseling theory. In recent times, the fields of both career and counseling theory have undergone considerable change. This article details the move toward convergence in career theory, and the subsequent development of the Systems Theory Framework in this domain. The importance of this development to connecting theory and practice in the field of career counseling is discussed.  相似文献   

生涯发展问题是大学生常见的困扰与压力。理清大学生生涯的目标与任务,开展生涯辅导工作是提升大学生的生涯发展能力,应对大学生生涯发展问题,促进学生探寻适合自身特点的生活的有效措施。  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine how perceptions of family interaction patterns as defined along three dimensions of family environment (quality of family relationships, family goal-orientations, and degree of organization and control within the family system) predict vocational identity and career planning attitudes among male and female adolescents living at home. One hundred twenty three high school students completed measures of family environment, vocational identity, and career planning attitudes. Analyses revealed that the quality of family relationships (i.e., degree to which family members are encouraged to express feelings and problems) played a small, yet significant role in predicting career planning attitudes of adolescents.  相似文献   

女性构成了大学英语教师队伍的主体。基于此,我们把大学英语女教师作为研究对象,从社会性别视角探讨大学英语女教师职业发展的处境和面临的独特困难,鼓励她们积极开展职业规化,主动采取措施以促进其职业发展。同时呼吁教育管理者清楚地认识大学英语女教师职业发展面临的特殊困难,从而制定更加客观、公正、合理的教师发展政策。  相似文献   

学风建设与职业生涯规划教育两者互为因果、相互促进。高职院校应构建学生全过程职业生涯规划教育体系,建设一支专业性强、素质高的职业生涯规划教育师资队伍,促进学风建设。  相似文献   

从应用型高校和青年教师的特点出发,分析了应用型高校青年教师职业发展中存在的机遇和困难,并提出了积极开展职业规划,促进青年教师成长的相关对策。  相似文献   

职业生涯规划与发展,要做好两方面问题。一是进入职场的准备,要制订职业规划,选定择业方法,掌握面试的基本程序。二是建立合理的职业期待,挖掘自身的潜能,做有准备的人生,有意识地培养和提升自己的能力,顺应环境,抓住机遇,在职场中求得发展,实现自己的人生价值。  相似文献   

培训行业竞争日趋激烈,旧的培训模式与现代人力资源开发的矛盾日见端倪,要进一步做好培训工作,就必须建立培训机构的核心竞争力,做有特色的培训,构建基于职业生涯发展的培训模式将是未来培训的发展趋势之一。  相似文献   

Chronic illnesses and disabilities may impair the attainment of age-typical developmental tasks, such as forming relationships with peers and gaining autonomy. Based on a systematic search in electronic databases and cross-referencing, 447 quantitative empirical studies were included which compared the attainment of developmental tasks of adolescents with and without chronic physical illness or physical/sensory disability. Adolescents with chronic illness or disability had more problems than healthy/nondisabled peers with regard to autonomy, body acceptance, developing friendships and romantic relationships, gaining access to a peer-group, career preparation, preparing for family life and developing socially responsible behaviour. However, between-group differences were small. No between-group differences were found regarding gender role acquisition and identity development. Success in solving developmental tasks varied, in part, by disease group, visibility of the disease/disability, age, gender and representativeness of the sample. Interventions aimed at promoting the attainment of developmental tasks are recommended.  相似文献   

关注职业发展是时代发展赋予的新命题。将职业发展与职业素质结合起来,从职业发展的角度培养学生具备相应的职业素质,这在高等职业教育学生培养中是一个新的课题。职业发展素质涉及与职业发展相关的诸多素质要素,其核心内容涵盖职业理想、职业基本素质、职业关键素质三大部分。打通培育和提升职业发展素质的三重通道,实现与专业教学相融合的职业理想教育、与职业岗位相结合的基本素质教育、与职业发展相适应的关键素质教育三者的有机融合,是高职院校职业发展素质教育的有效路径。  相似文献   

高校肩负着把大学生培养成为"合格建设者"和"可靠接班人的重任",而辅导员担负着大学生思想政治教育的主要任务,奋战在思想政治教育的第一线,其作用不可或缺、不可替代,关系到国家和高校教育目标的实现。当下,高校辅导员职业发展遭遇瓶颈,面临诸多挑战和发展困境。辅导员职业发展,应促进高校辅导员职业发展的职业化、专业化、专家化为目标,国家、高校以及辅导员三者互动,共同努力,以满足辅导员的职业发展需求。  相似文献   

美国职业技术教师教育者的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在通过描述与评论美国高等学校职业技术教师教育者的外观基本情况和职业技术教师教育者在职业教师培养中喜欢运用的专业发展模式、教学途径、最常任教的课程及科目、自身所进行的专业发展活动等,期望使读者对美国职业技术教育师资培养培训与高等学校职业技术教师教育者的一般特征及整体素质有所了解.  相似文献   

The authors collected narrative data from 11 African American female college students at a predominantly White institution using the Career Construction Interview (Savickas & Hartung, 2012 ), the Future Career Autobiography (Rehfuss, 2009 ), and a qualitative career experiences questionnaire. Using the constant comparison method (Strauss & Corbin, 1990 ), the authors uncovered 4 overarching themes based on the unique experiences of participants. The authors present insights for college counselors providing career development services.  相似文献   

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