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Legal aspects of the Internet can be examined from two points of view: the solution of technical problems concerning the security of information, nets and resources; and the solution of global problems of the Internet as a part of media in a democratic society. The second aspect is the topic of this paper. How do we secure the basic democratic values on the Internet as a free and non-ideological communication site? Using the examples of some legislative initiatives concerning the Internet, the following problems are analysed: protection of the right of property, of the right of safety and of the right to freedom of speech. It is concluded that the Internet guarantees the rights and freedom of democratic societies. An analysis of state attempts to control the Internet and of problems linked to ethics among free users is provided.  相似文献   

图书馆自由:定位及其责任主体   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:12  
蒋永福 《图书馆》2006,(5):8-11
图书馆自由的实质是读者利用图书馆平等获取知识信息的自由权利。思想自由是图书馆自由的思想基础。图书馆自由的宗旨是维护读者的知识自由权利,而读者的知识自由权利是宪法赋予公民应该享有的权利,因此图书馆自由具有合法性基础。政府、图书馆行业组织、图书馆和图书馆人是保障图书馆自由权利的四大责任主体。  相似文献   

In the modern democratic society, all people should have freedom of access to, holding, and imparting various formats of information. However, many human fences have limited the freedom of access to information and the free flow of Internet communications. This paper extracts passages from selected international accords and U. S. statutes relating to the peoples fights of access to information. It also highlights many U.S. government activities relating to its national security after the September - 11 terrorist attacks and peoples reactions with regard to their consequences on the freedom of access to Internet information.  相似文献   

知识自由与图书馆制度--关于图书馆的制度视角研究   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:39  
自由和知识自由都是人类的永恒追求。知识自由障碍的存任,要求社会提供消除障碍的制度保障,图书馆就是人类的知识自由权利的社会保障制度。图书馆是民主社会为了维护公民的知识自由权利而提供的制度产品。所以,图书馆制度是一种合理、合法和正义的制度。  相似文献   

The rapidly growing volume of news and information on the Internet poses immediate problems for governments intent on influencing or controlling the ideas accessible in cyberspace. Old methods of censoring news and information are being remodeled to cope with the new communication technologies. This article examines some of the new methods of controlling information flows. These legislative and juridical actions in democratic as well as less-than-democratic states belie early assumptions that the content of Internet flows would be uncontrollable by governments. To place press freedom in context worldwide, the paper includes the latest (January 2000) Freedom House assessments in 186 countries. The study found that press controls are becoming subtler and less detectable in Europe, Latin America and where “Asian values” are projected to control internal and external news and information flows. For 400 years, governments learned to censor each new medium — newspapers, radio and television — as it appeared. The paper acknowledges that the Internet provides the greatest challenge to censors, but they are striving to master electronic forms of communication. The independence of the Internet, the study concludes, becomes the newest test of a government's will to encourage and sustain a free press.  相似文献   

Public librarians uphold an ethical commitment to protect the intellectual freedom of their patrons, but when information is accessed online, users become vulnerable to censorship and surveillance. The public library is a democratic institution in which patrons should be able to interact with information free of restriction or judgment, and this right is threatened by the conflict between access and privacy. Librarians should reject the notion that they are neutral and instead adopt a political stance in defense of intellectual freedom; they should actively combat surveillance and limitations on access. A framework for activism can be found within Birdsall’s theory of progressive librarianship.  相似文献   

Requesting Internet platform providers to remove content is one of the common approaches for government worldwide to regulate online incivility. This study investigates the driving forces behind the variation in the number of uncivil content removal requests across countries. By connecting data from the 2017 Google transparency report to a host of societal level indicators, this study finds that the quantity of uncivil content removal requests is related to both social reality and political value factors. Countries with high levels of social vulnerability and low levels of freedom of speech tend to send more requests to Google for removing online incivility. However, democratic and non-democratic societies show different patterns: social reality and political values play important roles in democratic societies while in non-democratic societies, social reality is the only determining factor.  相似文献   

因特网的分析索引:乌托邦的梦想   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
祝力 《图书馆杂志》2000,19(6):13-17
检索互无关联的信息条目和数字内容时,所有查询因特网资源的方法都变得力不从心。本文通过研究现有的因特网查询方法、传统的书目控制和网站设计,探讨了对分析索引的需求问题。通过对这些索引的开发、设计和筛选过程中遇到的相关问题的讨论,得出一个结论,即在因特网上创建全面的分析索引不现实,而创建小型具体化的索引可能是查询某些具体数字信息的最佳途径。  相似文献   

高俊宽 《图书馆》2012,(1):9-12,16
公民阅读权作为一项宪法性人权,它是为了满足人的精神需求而享受的一项基本人权,属于精神自由的范畴。它的提出就是从制度层面保障公民的阅读权利,从图书馆层面实现公民的阅读权利。本质是公民自主自律的阅读,核心是阅读自由。具体包括公民阅读前信息获取的自由、阅读中信息理解的自由和阅读后信息表达的自由。图书馆对公民阅读权的保障,主要表现为保障公民阅读前获取信息的自由。对公民阅读权的研究,价值在于从观念和概念上的公民阅读权到制度和现实中公民阅读权的真正实现。  相似文献   

网络有害信息管理中的冲突与困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络有害信息的泛滥成为困扰网络发展的重要问题之一。本文分析了网络有害信息管理所面临的冲突与困境 ,同时探讨了它与言论自由权、个人隐私权的具体冲突 ,从而较为全面、深入的揭示了网络有害信息的管理现状与所面临的主要问题  相似文献   

Europe is gradually embracing freedom of information principles while at the same time restricting dissemination of information generated by public agencies through electronic databases. Both Britain and Germany are moving to adopt freedom of information laws, and the European Commission has published a regulation allowing access to European institution materials. These developments are important for the rest of the world, including the United States, because the Internet is already becoming a vast virtual library facilitating global access to statutes, court decisions, and administrative agency decisions that make up the raw ingredients of a rule of law. Meanwhile, however, the European Commission issued a directive limiting certain uses of electronic databases, broadly enough drafted to include electronic repositories of primary legal information. This kind of state-sponsored monopoly over public information is inimical to a rule of law and democratic values. Europeans and Americans should work to realize the increased transparency promised by the freedom of information developments, and work to minimize the extent to which the database directive and similar proposals on this side of the Atlantic restrict redissemination of primary legal information.  相似文献   

Civil libertarian doctrine which was dominant during the twentieth century argued that the main goal of freedom of speech was to ensure that the public would be well-informed and actively engage in public deliberation. A literal extension of this claim to the Internet age often justifies the regulation of online speech under the assumption that harmful communication undermines the public interest. This study challenges civil libertarianism and proposes a new thesis of freedom of online speech, which posits that online speech should be understood in terms of a democratic culture where every individual participates freely and without restraints in the process of meaning making that constitute her/him as an autonomous individual. Based on such a theoretical concept, this study identifies three important aspects of online speech freedom – unfettered speech, anonymous speech, and participatory speech – and then compares the status of online speech between South Korea and the United States. This research suggests that a society should understand the unique nature of online speech and then arrange the legal system to fit into it.  相似文献   

近几年来,我国数字图书馆建设得到迅速发展,但也存在着信息共享与知识产权保护、信息开放与隐私权保护、信息自由与安全、信息真实与虚假、信息有偿服务与无偿服务等伦理冲突问题。为了保证数字图书馆建设持续、健康地进行,应从构建伦理规范、促进技术和谐发展、增强主体自律意识和加强信息安全教育等方面加以协调和处理。  相似文献   

While the UK government has faced increasing pressure to introduce freedom of information legislation, freedom of information and open government are becoming crucial questions in relation to the operation of the European Community and European Union. The European Community and Union are under growing pressure to make themselves more open and “transparent” in their operations, and recent reforms have allowed greater access to Community documents by individuals. However, these reforms have left many questions unanswered, or even unaddressed, and the whole subject of national parliaments and their right to Community and Union documents is unresolved. What is emerging is a very difficult and complex set of relationships which must be addressed if the European Community and Union are to maintain credibility as democratic institutions among member states and their citizens. The author believes that achieving greater openness at the European level is vital if the Community and Union are to succeed.  相似文献   

文章阐述了我国公共图书馆平等、免费等权利思想的发展历程,探讨了新世纪以来图书馆界公共精神及新理念的普及和实践的历史必然性,从杭州图书馆“乞丐入馆事件”到免费开放政策实施后图书馆面临的问题进行了思考。参考文献23。  相似文献   

浅议网络隐私权的法律保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机和网络技术的发展,使得我国公民网络隐私权的法律保护受到了严峻的挑战,这也严重阻碍了我国网络经济的发展。近年来侵犯网络隐私权已成为一个突出的社会问题并受到国际社会的关注。笔者立足于我国国情,对我国网络隐私权的法律保护现状以及完善我国网络隐私权的相关对策作了论述。  相似文献   

Most hospital medical libraries are supported by private, corporate funds and thus fall under the corporation's policies in regard to discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment. With the free flow of information available on the Internet and through e-mail, it is mandatory to create a corporate policy for appropriate use and review of materials. Access to "questionable" or inappropriate Internet sites is not a freedom of speech issue in a private corporation; it is a potential liability for the corporation, the library, and the librarian. It is also a misuse of company resources.  相似文献   

开放式图书馆读者服务工作中涉及的几个法律问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汇总目前开放式图书馆读者服务工作中几个涉及相关法律的具体问题,主要包括曝光读者不良行为与读者名誉权、隐私权、读者长期占用免费存包柜、读者使用黑客程序上网、图书馆罚款标准规定以及数字图书馆建设中的困惑等问题,通过从现行法律条文中找寻依据,对以上问题进行了分析研究,并依法提出了应对的建议。  相似文献   

目前"图书馆权利"的概念有多种说法,而法学和法律上关于权利的几种主张,主要有资格说、主张说、自由说、利益说、法力说、可能说、规范说、选择说等,更有借鉴意义。文章给出了一个综合性概念,即"图书馆权利"是规定或隐含在与图书馆有关的各种法律、规定和规范中的,实现于与图书馆有关的各种法律、规定和规范中的,读者、馆员和拟人化的图书馆等主体以相对自由的作为或不作为的方式获得自身相关利益的种种方式和手段。  相似文献   

This article examines key scenes and ideas portrayed in the film Spotlight and discusses related landmark Supreme Court cases as a reaffirmation of the value of a professional, free press in a democratic society. Based on actual events, the movie adaptation follows journalists from the Boston Globe (within an investigate unit with the actual name “Spotlight”) as they reveal one of the biggest scandals of the twenty-first century, the cover up of systematic abuse of children by priests; and go up against one of the most powerful institutions in the world, the Catholic Church. By giving a voice and a platform for the victims, and by meticulously researching the story, the film provides a clear and strong argument for the continued court protection of one of the United States’ founding principles: freedom of the press.  相似文献   

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