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足球运动中踝关节损伤最常见为韧带扭伤或撕裂,尤其是外侧韧带最为常见。踝关节是下肢负重及运动的关键部位,损伤后常引起明显的功能障碍。由于在临床中易被忽视,治疗不够积极彻底,缺少相应的康复技术及手段,使其功能恢复不理想。对运动员可导致不能训练和比赛,应引起重视。  相似文献   

张扬  王太林 《体育科技》2011,32(4):65-67
通过查阅相关资料,并参与山西省太原市业余足球比赛若干场次,对在比赛中踝关节急性损伤的运动员进行各期治疗并进行对比,观察疗效。结果显示:业余足球运动员踝关节损伤后未处理的,痊愈率为17%;只进行前期处理的,痊愈率为50%;进行前期、中期、后期治疗的,痊愈率为100%。  相似文献   

“足球踝”是踝关节损伤性骨关节病,是一种慢性损伤,多发生在足球、田径、体操、滑雪、滑冰、跳伞等运动项目中,由于它最早见于足球运动员,因此而得名。 一、产生“足球踝”的原因 1.在体育运动中,不慎一次性急性踝关节扭伤而产生骨折及软骨剥离所致; 2.在体育运动中,踝关节局部负担过量,逐渐形成劳损而致; 3.踝关节多次扭伤,使骨及软骨受损也是造成本病的原因。 二、“足球踝”的主要症状 1.准备活动时疼痛,活动开后疼痛减轻,大运动量后疼痛加剧,夜间加重;  相似文献   

青少年足球运动员运动损伤的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
足球运动损伤一直困扰着足球运动员的比赛和训练,影响了正常的比赛和训练,阻碍了运动水平的提高。因此,如何防治足球运动损伤是一项十分重要的研究课题。本对全国179名青少年足球运动员的241例常见的损伤进行了调查统计与分析,力求探索足球运动损伤的原因,寻找预防措施,从而减少运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

刘飞 《体育科技》2014,(6):92-93
通过文献资料方法、调查问卷法等相关方法,对女子足球运动员的运动损伤的进行调查分析,结果显示女子足球运动员的踝关节损伤者较为普遍。对运动损伤的原因进行分析,并提出了相应的预防措施,加强健康保健意识等预防治疗措施,旨在一定程度上减少女子足球运动员的损伤发生。以最大限度减少足球运动中的踝关节损伤。  相似文献   

足球运动是一项对抗性极强的运动。运动过程中,其错误的技术动作和直接的身体对抗,容易导致运动员踝关节损伤。本文针对踝关节损伤进行研究,并提出相对应的预防与处理措施,旨在维护运动员的身心健康,提高运动寿命。  相似文献   

踝关节跟腱韧带损伤是足球运动员常见的运动伤病。本文以上海国际足球俱乐部两名踝关节受伤运动员为例,采用等速、动态平衡系统对其患踝进行多点等长,向、离心收缩及平衡等多级阶段、递增式的康复力量周期治疗,通过治疗前后4次的等速肌力测试与前后2次的动态平衡试验结合表面肌  相似文献   

伍波  卿前东 《体育世界》2010,(2):116-117
定向运动员的运动性关节损伤是最常见的运动伤害之一,而定向运动通常是在崎岖的山间、疏密的林中、土质不一的平地等一系列的变化性地形中快速的奔跑、跑中快速识图,找参照物、焦急和紧张中寻找检查点是很容易受伤,因此预防和伤后的治疗以及促进它的康复对定向运动员和教练员来说是很重要的,本文试图对运动中受伤的因素和伤后的治疗方法,以及恢复进行分析,从而对教练员和运动员起到指导作用,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

运动员软组织损伤的治疗选择与康复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就运动员多发的软组织损伤治疗及康复手段选择作了综述.  相似文献   

目的:观察中药熏蒸疗法对青少年足球运动员踝前撞击综合征的疗效。方法:将24例患者随即分为对照组、理疗组及中药熏蒸组,每组8例。对照组不做处理;理疗组采用超短波治疗,每次治疗30min,每日1次,治疗10次;中药熏蒸组采用中药熏蒸,每次治疗30min,每日1次,治疗10次。疗效评价采用AOFASY足踝评分和Myotonometer测试系统检测踝关节肿胀,结果:理疗组和中药熏蒸组的治疗都有效(P〈0.05),但中药熏蒸组的疗效更好(P〈0.05):结论:理疗纽和中药熏蒸组的治疗效果较对照组有明显疗效,其中中药熏蒸组的疗效更好,  相似文献   

Analysis of ankle protection in Association football   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Football ankle protectors were evaluated against a kick from a studded boot. An anatomically correct test rig was used to evaluate materials and designs. Sensors were used to determine peak pressures on the bony protuberances, and load spreading. Finite element analysis (FEA), varying the material parameters and component dimensions, were used to explore pressure distributions and shell buckling. Current designs, with thin ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) foam and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) shells, cannot prevent some football kicks causing bruising of the ankle. The protection level could be improved by using thicker foams of higher modulus, and domed shells of higher stiffness.  相似文献   

通过对277名吉首大学普通男性大学生足球运动员急性踝关节运动损伤的流行病学调查,结果显示:大学生足球运动急性踝关节损伤主要发生在比赛中,发生时间主要在上半场15min和下半场15min;发生区域集中在罚球区附近,且以前锋为主,其次为前卫;损伤类型以踝关节韧带损伤中的旋后损伤为主。  相似文献   


Muscle injuries are frequent and represent one of the most substantial medical problems in professional football. They can have both traumatic and overuse causes with direct practical consequence due to differences in terms of the post-primary care regimen and prognosis. An accurate diagnosis is the first step towards a specific treatment and usually allows to predict return to play (RTP). Current treatment principles have no firm scientific basis; they are practiced largely as empirical medicine due to a lack of prospective randomised studies. Immediate treatment usually follows the PRICE-principle (protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation). Depending on the type of the muscle injury, specific physical and physiotherapeutical procedures as well as rehabilitative exercises and gradual training therapy are used to recondition the injured structure, to restore coordination and proprioception, and to normalise movement patterns. Injection therapy with various substances is frequently used, with positive results empirically, but evidence in form of prospective randomised studies is lacking. A precise rehabilitation plan should be developed for every muscle injury, including recommendations for sport-specific training with increasing intensity. Since there are no guidelines regarding safe RTP, regular follow-up examinations on the current muscle status are crucial to evaluate the progress made in terms of healing and to determine when the injured muscle can be exposed to the next step of load. This narrative review describes the various factors that a medical team should consider during assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of a muscle injury with particular focus on professional football.  相似文献   

培养是球运动员的足球意识是提高足球运动竞技水平的关键,本文着重探讨了足球运动员足球意识的培养并对 技战术训练和意志品质的训练方法进行了讨论,提出切实可行的实施方案.  相似文献   

John Williams and Stephen Wagg (eds.), British Football and Social Change: Getting into Europe (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1991). Pp.258. £13.99 (paper). ISBN 0–7185–1410–6.

Steve Redhead (ed.), The Passion and the Fashion: Football Fandom in the New Europe (Aldershot: Arena, 1993). Pp.205. £29.95 (cloth) and £12.95 (paper). ISBN 1–85628–462‐X; 1–85628–464–6.

Alex Fynn and Lynton Guest, Out of Time: Why Football isn't Working (London: Simon and Schuster Pocket Books, revised edition, 1994). Pp.xiii + 400. £5.99 (paper). ISBN 0–671–85087–3.

John Sugden and Alan Tomlinson (eds.), Hosts and Champions: Soccer Cultures, National Identities and the USA World Cup (Aldershot: Arena, 1994). Pp.323. £35.00 (cloth); £14.95 (paper). ISBN 1–85742–227–9; 1–85742–228–7.

Richard Giulianotti and John Williams (eds.), Game Without Frontiers: Football Identity and Modernity (Aldershot: Arena, 1994). Pp.381 £35.00 (cloth); £14.95 (paper). ISBN 1–85742–219–8, 1–85742–220–1.

Richard Haynes, The Football Imagination: The Rise of Football Fanzine Culture (Aldershot: Arena, 1995). Pp.xi + 169. £29.95 (cloth); £12.95 (paper). ISBN 1–85742–212–0; 1–85742–213–9  相似文献   

European football clubs are very popular social realities in Nigeria. Their existence and activities shape social relations, process and outcomes of well-being as well as socio-economic and policy orthodoxies. Unfortunately, social trajectories of well-being, economic ramifications and policies remain poorly understood in Nigeria. What some people are aware of is the popularity of the clubs and not the intensification of associated implications and policy remits in existential environments of their social spaces. This is particularly important as the domains of European football clubs’ presence in developing countries, especially Nigeria, are largely nascent and haphazard. Against this background, this article examined the phenomenon of football betting as an ancillary of European football clubs’ presence among the youths in Nigeria. This article makes important contribution to understanding of ways European football identities are interlinked to the increased popularity of betting syndicates especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Research questions engaged include; what is the pattern involved in football betting among the youths? What are the factors facilitating football betting among the youths and What are the perceived developmental implications relative to well-being and social health in Nigeria? The Social Exchange theoretical tradition was adopted as theoretical framework. Data collection triangulated quantitative method (questionnaires) and qualitative methods. Relevant findings were made and valid conclusions were reached and presented in this article.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades there has been a growth in research directly related to football. Although most of this research is focused on soccer (association football), there has been a steady increase in publications related to the other football codes. There is evidence of more systematic training and selection influencing the anthropometric profiles of players who compete at the highest level. Fitness is being optimized to cope with match demands while accommodating the need for specific requirements of positional roles. There is evidence of work rate being higher in contemporary football games than in previous decades, with consequences for training and dietary practices. Notation analysis of actions during matches is now used regularly to provide detailed objective feedback on performance to players and coaches. Training regimens are designed for game-specific purposes where possible. Sports psychologists working in a football context have a more eclectic body of knowledge to draw from. In the professional soccer clubs, the rewards associated with a successful investment in youth academies have helped to focus attention on talent identification and development models. It is a challenge to those specializing in science and football to contribute to the success of such schemes.  相似文献   

世界足球与文化根源及其对我国足球发展的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国足球事业的发展不能够脱离民族化的土壤,中国足球发展之路应将中国化精髓与现代足球明融合,培养适合自身发展的现代足球化。  相似文献   

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