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吴炜 《高教论坛》2022,(9):47-51
教育公平是高等教育发展的核心价值。基于教育决策的理性行动理论发现,近年来国家实施的低学费政策、大学生资助体系建设、就业促进政策、专项招生计划、免费义务教育等一系列教育政策,稳定了高等教育回报,降低了高等教育的成本,提高了贫困学生和农村学生成功进入大学尤其是重点大学的机会,这些措施有力地改变了弱势群体倾向于主动中断学业的教育选择,激发了他们继续求学的动力,这有效降低了高等教育机会分配的不平等。  相似文献   

美国著名的保障低收入家庭学生参与高等教育的项目--Eugene Lang实验对中国的低收入家庭学生参与高等教育保障机制有着重要的启示意义:给学生以希望,让他们相信上大学是现实的;当学生上初中、高中的时候,就应该让他们了解相关的资助政策;提供咨询服务并让他们知道有人在关心他们;政府、大学和基金会在入学保障计划中的角色与责任--省政府是资金的主要来源,大学是咨询服务的主要提供者,基金会是综合各种资源的中介.  相似文献   

2015新年伊始,奥巴马便推出了他的新高等教育改革计划——免费社区学院计划,试图尽力缓解高等教育费用不断高涨的问题,让更多的美国人能上得起大学。从过去6年的执政经历来看,巴拉克·奥巴马可谓比近代任何一位美国总统都更加重视高等教育。他所提出的高等教育改革计划包括:给更多学生提供就读大学的机会、减少他们所支付的学费,以及给每所大学打分,并且督促它们对学生的课程和就业负责。此外,奥巴马对社区学院发展的推动更是不遗余力,因为他认为,社区学院的发展不但可以培养出更多高素质的劳动力,而且能间接缓解近年来大学生学费债务高企的状况。  相似文献   

二战后美国通过相关立法和政府资助,保障不利群体的受教育机会,从量上扩大了高等教育入学机会,使高等教育大众化进程加快并迅速步入普及化阶段.但受20世纪70年代经济危机的影响.B0年代以来,美国政府不得不对高等教育的资助政策作出调整,高等教育经费不足和大学学费的持续增长成为困扰美国高等教育的突出问题.  相似文献   

大家普遍认为,教育机会扩张有助于促进社会流动和收入平等.以高等教育为例,随着高等教育扩张,低收入家庭的资优生更有可能上大学并完成大学教育,从而能够竞争有较高学位要求的高薪工作,这理应增加他们经济地位向上流动的机会.近年来,一些国际学者针对这一现象展开研究,以期探讨教育扩张是否有助于促进收入平等.本研究的结果表明,高等教育入学规模的大幅度扩张对促进收入分配平等的作用微乎其微,其原因主要在于劳动力市场上大学毕业生的规模虽然增加,但是其收益却在持续增长.  相似文献   

一、高等教育供款计划(HECS)实施以来成绩显著2003年9月11日,来自澳大利亚税务局的最新数据显示,已经有170万名学生通过高等教育供款计划获得帮助进入大学学习。自1989年工党政府实施这一计划以来,许多人利用无息贷款实现了上大学的梦想,高等教育供款计划在支持高等教育机会的可持续增长  相似文献   

特布卡大学是印度尼西亚唯一一所完全采用远程教育教学模式的国立大学,旨在为那些无法进入面授高校的印尼人提供教育机会.特布卡大学的宗旨是增进高等教育的入学率,为全国公民提供优质高等教育的平等机会.其扩展高等教育的策略包括:与其他机构合作和联合,建立全国的网络化教育系统,并通过这一系统提供多样化的课程.通过这一策略,证明了特布卡大学有能力服务于全国每个角落的学生.在教育质量方面,特布卡大学采用整合学习包的方法,包括印刷教材和音像/计算机辅助教材,并辅以丰富的音频和电视节目,同时还提供一种超市模式的学习支持服务,学生可选择函授辅导、广播辅导、网上辅导以及传真-因特网辅导等方式.为了达到国际标准和基准,特布卡大学采用了亚洲开放大学协会建立的质量保证框架,来增进教育服务的质量.其质量保证系统包括九个部分:政策和计划,人力资源提供和开发,管理和行政,学习者,专业设计和开发,课程设计和开发,学生学习支持,学生评估以及学习媒体.为了保证远程教育的产品和服务质量,大学进一步制定了质量保证手册、应用系统及过程.展望未来,为了确保学生获得他们需要的优质服务,并保证本校提供的远程教育能符合国际质量标准,特布卡大学拟寻求诸如世界远程教育理事会这样机构的评估和资格认证.  相似文献   

崔盛  田浩然 《教育研究》2023,(2):101-111
扩大高等教育的机会供给,特别是增加优质高等教育的入学机会,是世界各国为促进高等教育机会公平,普遍且优先采用的举措。对此,我国先后实施了国家专项计划、高校专项计划和地方专项计划,构建了重点大学面向农村和贫困地区倾斜招生的公平性政策体系。伴随我国进入脱贫攻坚成果巩固阶段、户籍制度深化改革、高等教育普及化和乡村振兴战略实施等宏观形势发展,原有专项计划政策体系面临着招生标准模糊、政策公平成效拓展乏力、与脱贫和农村地区发展衔接不足等问题。与国家专项计划、高校专项计划的定位、招生标准有所不同,地方专项计划由各地自主调控并制定方案,招生面向省内,对应分数段的学生规模更大,能够发挥更显著的倾斜作用。面对新的形势,地方专项计划应从公平出发,根据不同省份的政策供需情况,兼顾地方发展效率,向下放权“做足差异”,并在各省份扩展实施区域、增列承担高等学校过程中,更好地衔接本地社会经济发展需求,推动专项计划政策体系整体完善和普惠化发展。  相似文献   

沈东华 《教书育人》2007,(11):19-21
公有民办二级学院(以下简称“民办二级学院”)是近几年来我国高等教育体制改革中出现的一种新的办学体制,是高等教育大众化进程中制度创新的产物。民办二级学院学生是大学群体中较为特殊的一部分,他们既有当代大学生的共性,又有其较为鲜明的个性。他们的入学平均成绩比普通高校的大学生要低几十分。甚至一百多分,学费高出普通高校学生的学费一倍左右。其学生以较高的学费争取到进入大学接受高等教育的机会,学生和学生家长是以受教育者和教育投资人的角色出现的。[第一段]  相似文献   

慕课是课程环境、课程条件和课程技术等课程变革因素发展到变革阶段时应课程发展需求而形成的课程新形态。该文从大学使命、课程功能和高等教育普及的视角,比较了慕课等线上课程形态与线下课程形态在课程功能实现方面的区别与联系,分析了课程功能、大学使命和高等教育发展之间的关系,探究了慕课在大学的课程功能、大学使命和高等教育发展中的现实与潜在价值,证实了慕课可以帮助大学履行新的使命而不是带来生存危机,可以推动高等教育普及尤其是弱势或边缘群体的高等教育机会而不是引发教育变革,提出慕课应由与大学内部线下课程竞争转向发挥优势服务大学外部群体,应由挑战既有高等教育体系转向推动高等教育普及和提升弱势与边缘群体的高等教育机会,建议慕课研究和慕课实践跨出线下课程的边界,实现课程在大学使命和高等教育发展中尚未实现的功能。  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代以来,美国大学生资助政策发生了变化,州政府资助的主要方式从基于需要的助学金转移到基于优秀的奖学金,州奖学金项目获得极大关注。据此,美国很多州设立了本州的奖学金项目,这给学生的高等教育入学机会造成了极大的消极影响。同时,也给我国提供了一些借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

As community colleges face increasingly tight budgets and calls for a renewed focus on improving student outcomes in the form of graduation rates, colleges must address the concept of access. How much access to higher education can they continue to provide low-skilled students in adult education and similar programs? One way to ensure access to these students is through formalized transition to college programs. The authors summarize characteristics of two transition program models and introduce research at a community college that evaluated the effectiveness of three characteristics in the models.  相似文献   

Academic policy initiatives have long been apowerful lever for mission differentiationwithin U.S. public higher education. Althoughthe higher education literature has examinedbasic issues in the design of public systems,the tension between access and differentiationhas not been explored. Drawing uponcomparative case studies of public highereducation in Massachusetts and New York, thisarticle examines recent policy initiatives toterminate academic programs, eliminate remedialeducation, and promote honors colleges withineach state system. The analysis depicts howthese policies contribute to increasedstratification of programs and students withina state system as well as within particularcampuses in a system. The authors argue thatpolicy analysis in higher education shoulddevelop a more refined conceptualization ofaccess that examines the cumulative impact ofcontemporary policies on the stratification ofstudent opportunity.  相似文献   

为了提高大学教育机会及学位获得率,美国高中和中等后教育机构制定了"基于学分的过渡计划".这些计划通过促进学生由高中到中等后教育的过渡衔接了高中与中等后教育.本文介绍了美国"基于学分的过渡计划",并分析了其发展的原因及实施对美国教育产生的影响,以期对我国的教育有所借鉴.  相似文献   

In spite of open access to community college education, specifically human service associate degree programs, students with criminal justice histories do not necessarily have an unobstructed pathway to obtaining the degree and admission to the baccalaureate programs in human services and social work that are almost always selective. The first obstacle may arise when a student must be placed in the field internship. This may mark the first time in a student’s educational career where he or she must disclose his or her ex-offender status. While higher education plays a well-documented role against recidivism, students who are ex-offenders who are enrolled in community college programs and also have their sights set on transfer, professional credentialing, and professional employment, may face similar barriers. There is a paucity of research related to students in community college with criminal justice histories and a clear need for qualitative and quantitative study in the area. The author calls for more active advocacy and community education roles for community college professionals in this arena as well.  相似文献   

Federal and state student financial aid programs have increased substantially in past years. Such programs have clearly provided greater access to postsecondary education for low income and minority students.However, data recently collected in Los Angeles indicate that additional financial aid may have a diminishing impact on increasing access. The Los Angeles study, commissioned by the California Legislature, revealed that low levels of academic achievement, inadequate information, and inflexible admission policies are greater barriers to college for the poor than financial need.Educational opportunity programs, which provide counseling, tutoring, and information services, should become increasingly important in addressing nonfinancial barriers. Yet such programs are often politically unattractive to legislators and administrators who view student grant programs as simpler and less costly.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey of 459 Jewish and Arab students at two public colleges in Israel in 2005. The study aimed at gaining understanding of Arab students' access to higher education in comparison to access of Jewish students by the objective obstacles to such access as reflected in the admission profiles and socio‐economic background of Jewish and Arab students at two public colleges. Analyses indicated that these academic campuses constitute a site of encounter for two very different population groups, a fact that has significant implications for access and admission policies, and student aid programs. The findings of this study are the first step in further consideration of issues relating to equal opportunities and access to higher education for Arab students, and shed light on potential means for reducing the gaps between Arab students and their Jewish counterparts.  相似文献   


Widening higher education participation can deliver benefits to individuals, societies and economies but rural populations experience factors which inhibit their aspiration for and participation in higher education. When designing outreach programs, universities need to consider this landscape of factors, many of which are socio-cultural. This article reports evaluation results from a project that trialled three university outreach programs designed to align with rural contexts with the aim of identifying aspects which were effective in addressing factors of rurality, revealing obscured future options and showing higher education pathways as attainable. Universities can work effectively with rural communities to inform people’s higher education aspirations through ‘disruptions’, interventions that inform educational aspiration, and ‘bridges’ which support higher education participation through facilitating access to information, physical, financial, academic and social resources. A model including both ‘disruptions’ and ‘bridges’, jointly resourced and drawing on social capital resources of communities and higher education institutions is presented.  相似文献   

In 1985, the Higher Education Equity Program was introduced by the Australian Government to improve the participation of those persons from social groups traditionally under-represented within higher education. In 1990, the program was incorporated within A Fair Chance For All which provided more specific details of the government's desire for a system-wide approach to equity issues. One result has been the proliferation of access and equity programs conducted by universities around the country and aimed at redressing the disadvantage of potential students. The alleged success of these programs is based on greater participation in and graduation from Australian universities by individuals from targeted disadvantaged groups. The research reported here, however, would suggest that such programs are prone to co-opt the language of equity and social justice, dependent as they are on satisfying statistically-orientated program performance indicators in order to receive recurrent government funding. Further, the paper argues that success in achieving equity within Australian higher education will remain limited unless the structural arrangements that work to construct social inequalities in mainstream higher education are addressed.  相似文献   

"本科插班生"考试虽然为部分高职毕业生进入本科学习提供了有效途径,但也造成职业教育"终结性教育"的形象被强化、高职教育人才培养体系断裂、职教规模隐性萎缩等问题。这些问题反映出职业教育教育政策与学生的升学需求之间、单一的人才培养规格与市场对人才多样化需求之间、学历层次与学位结构之间脱节的深层次矛盾。抓住这些主要矛盾,调整"本科插班生"考试政策、发展高职本科、建立相应的职业教育学位制度,可以有效解决插班生考试的问题,推动职业教育的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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