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This article is about the author's temporary work in three different foreign locations Australia, Israel, and Bermuda. She tells how she found the positions, what it was like to live and work in each place, and gives advice on how to find such positions. She ends with a list of law library associations, their listserves, and how to contact them.  相似文献   


Reference rovering is a method for eliminating the barrier of the reference desk which is between the librarian and the patron. This concept very closely parallels the business concept of Management By Wandering Around (MBWA). This paper looks at the literature examining the history and techniques of both MBWA and reference rovering. The techniques for how to conduct reference rovering are explored. Both the advantages and disadvantages of reference rovering are examined.  相似文献   

围绕档案概念的四次撞击   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
说来好笑,同是档案人员,甚至在同一个档案部门,又或都是“档龄”较长的“老档案”,乃至档案专业的科班高才,常常会在档案最基本的概念上发生撞击、辩论和争吵。且不论事之大小,影响却极其深远,不仅造成档案部门内部因意见不统一而使工作难以为继,尤其在外人眼中,好像档案工作、档案学科发展几十年来连最基本的概念问题都还没有搞清,殊令人难堪、可叹。本谨从行政执法的角度,以亲身经历的围绕档案基本概念的五次撞击来做简要的解读和分析,以引方家深入挖掘,解开我们工作的症结。  相似文献   

谈高职院校图书馆的教育职能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文围绕高职院校图书馆以教育职能为侧重点,分析了图书馆教育职能的内涵,阐明了如何围绕教育职能开展工作。  相似文献   

经过清末十年的迅猛发展,商务印书馆已成为中国首屈一指的大型出版社,但很快便遭遇到一连串的打击和挫折,进入了一个多事之秋!  相似文献   

以素质教育为中心,推进中学图书馆工作   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
吴小云 《图书馆》2006,(2):118-119
文章论述了从中学图书馆建设的实际出发,推进素质教育的体会。  相似文献   

This article explores facets of effective collaboration between a librarian and a professor in the education field at a master's-level public institution. When we reflected on what made (and continues to make) our collaboration work, we discovered what actions and approaches proved most critical. Accordingly, we frame what helped us collectively become more literate around four pieces of advice: (1) Move what you offer closer to end users and make it “just right”; (2) unite around similar purpose; (3) create wins for all; and (4) leave them wanting more.  相似文献   

Serials are a familiar academic job responsibility, but serials librarians are becoming difficult to identify. While serials continue to exist, the transition from print to electronic resources contributes to a trend in which the job titles of librarians who manage serials no longer include the word “serials.” A content analysis was conducted to examine the prevalence of the word “serials,” as well as common synonyms including “continuing resources” and “periodicals,” in U.S. and non-U.S. academic library job titles. In a sample of 98 U.S. national and regional universities and colleges, 18 librarian and 98 staff job titles were found that included the word “serials” or a synonym for serials. By comparison, a sample of 71 universities from 8 non-U.S. countries revealed 17 librarian and 85 staff job titles that included the word “serials” or a synonym for serials.  相似文献   

The incorporation of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) into library programming is a continuing trend in the United States. At the Mount Prospect Public Library (MPPL) in Illinois, there are many STEAM programs in-house that focus on science and technology, but we were looking for ways to add it to outreach programming. Our receipt of the Association for Library Service to Children's (ALSC) Building STEAM with Día grant allowed us to build upon an established Día de los Niños, Día de los Libros (Día) program.  相似文献   

五四运动前后,李大钊在北大图书馆主任职位上,对图书馆的管理体制、馆藏保障体系、队伍建设、内部管理、馆际交流等方面进行了卓有成效的现代性改革,使北大图书馆成为研究新思想新文化新知识、传播马克思主义的重要阵地,有力地支撑了北大的一流发展,其利用这个阵地开展的革命活动更是影响深远。  相似文献   

在比较"图书情报与档案管理"一级学科改革争议的基础上,分析学科面临的市场经济、数字革新和大众教育等环境变迁,得出一级学科定位与时代发展不相适应的基本结论。论证围绕泛在网络组织信息并提供知识服务来深化变革的必要性与可行性,提出致力于专业性定位重构一级学科理论体系、推进本科教育改革和师资结构重组的变革愿景,建议以"信息管理"替代现有名称并达成发展共识。  相似文献   

孙中山是中国民主革命的伟大先行者 ,同时也是中国人民探索社会主义的伟大先驱。他在十九世纪末和二十世纪初就接触到社会主义思潮和马克思学说 ,并将其看作是解决社会不平等的新的学理而予以关注和介绍。这种介绍虽然尚不成熟 ,但它毕竟表明孙中山热情追求真理的精神 ,并为马克思主义在中国的传播起到了促进和推动作用 ,其功不可没。一孙中山在十九世纪末叶踏上了社会政治舞台。1894年夏 ,他怀着改革的热忱上书李鸿章失败后 ,便毅然跨出决定性的步伐 ,立志实行革命以改造中国。他是个受过“欧洲式”教育的青年 ,其从事革命的思想武器主要来…  相似文献   

数字人文以其新实践、新途径和新方法丰富了传统的人文学科领域。进入21世纪以来,暑期学校、研讨会和其他类似形式的教育活动普及了一系列与之相关的必备技能,以保证学生、学者们能够把握数字时代的新机会,同时世界各地推出了越来越多相关的学士和硕士项目。本文论述的焦点--数字人文课程登记中心(Digital Humanities Course Registry,DHCR)的创建就是为了展现全球日益兴盛的数字人文教育状况,其使命是广泛收集同类课程的资料,提供数字人文领域教学和培训的最新动态。文章探讨了数字人文这一新兴领域,并对CLARIN和DARIAH这两个欧洲基础设施进行介绍--它们是DHCR的共同运营者。文中还具体描述了DHCR的数据模型和数据管护流程,简要介绍其历史。利用DHCR实时数据,以定量方式描绘了数字人文教学的国际格局。  相似文献   

甘琳  李刚 《图书情报知识》2020,(1):63-73,93
[目的/意义]对智库研究从学术边缘走向前沿的主要原因进行探讨,以论证国家政策变化是促进哲学社会科学学术前沿嬗变的重要因素之一。[研究设计/方法]利用文献计量学方法,对2016年前后的智库研究文献的形式特征和内容变化进行了基于数据的深入分析。[结论/发现]在国家需要和项目引导下,不同学科的学者都开始涉足并从不同视角加强了智库研究。2016年后,智库研究成果加速增长,研究主题日益多元,从学术边缘走到了学术前沿。[创新/价值]以从学术边缘走向前沿的智库研究为切入点,通过文献计量分析方法,分析论证了国家政策变化与学术前沿变化之间的关系。  相似文献   


The authors reflect on the methodology of using digital tools to learn about the experiences of Indigenous people enrolled from 1980 to 2000 as adult students at Tranby, an Indigenous-controlled post-secondary college. This collaboration between Tranby and the University of Technology Sydney drew on debates in post-colonial studies, oral history and archival studies. The authors found that participants prioritised personal control in all social media communication and engaged most actively in person-to-person communication to take part in this research. Participants were eager to share memories of student experiences but they have preferred to contribute to online publications which focused on activities, rather than on individuals. To support participants’ desire for control over digital communication, the authors slowed the pace of online outcome development to allow flexible and ongoing consent arrangements along with non-custodial approaches to oral, archival, photographic and material collections.  相似文献   

This research examines 441 front-page images published in 367 newspapers on the day following the shooting in Paris of 12 people at or near the Charlie Hebdo office. The aim of this study is to understand how mainstream media visually framed responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo massacre and how these visual frames coalesced to represent collective narratives about press freedom. Through a collaborative visual analysis, this study attempts to understand how the selected visual frames worked to communicate the causes, effects, and responses to the massacre and also to press freedom—an ideological construct that news media had a vested interest in advancing.  相似文献   

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