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通过对中国历代王朝图书活动"言"与"行"的观察与分析,可以总结出古代王朝关于图书事业的若干政治心态,即:1.图书一统——"大一统"观念的文化表达;2.典籍资治——强调图书政治功用;3.不惜代价——典籍价值高于一切;4.盛世修书——政权强盛心态的表征。通过从政治角度对古代王朝图书事业进行观察与分析,可以对"文化传统"取向型的中国古代政治在图书生产、保存、传播领域里的表现有一个更为深刻的认识。  相似文献   

党的十六大报告指出:全面建设小康社会,必须大力发展社会主义文化,建设社会主义精神文明。……文化的力量,深深熔铸在民族的生命力、创造力和凝聚力之中。全党同志要深刻认识文化建设的战略意义,推动社会主义文化的发展繁荣。图书出版是社会主义文化建设的重要组成部分,承担着“以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人”的历史使命。在整个图书出版活动中,精品图书的出版是核心。中宣部、新闻出版总署多年来一直强调出版必须实施精品战略。抓精品,是图书出版管理改革发展的最终任务,出精品,是政府管…  相似文献   

本文研究解读了《山海经》中人鸟神的形象和文化意蕴,发现这些人鸟神形象代表了古人的图腾文化和信仰,是古人想要战胜自然、征服自然的一种精神寄托,具有深刻的文化意蕴。  相似文献   

图书情报工作与和谐文化建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章分析了图书情报工作在建设和谐文化中的重要作用,论述了在建设和谐文化条件下图书情报工作面临的问题与挑战,并深刻阐述了如何着眼于建设和谐文化、加强和改进图书情报工作的具体策略。参考文献2。  相似文献   

在一个既定的文化环境中,图书中的信息传播其实是作为一种社会交换的文化信息而存在的,也就是说,这种信息传播的形式是在用文化对话来调节社会关系。因此,图书本身的编辑与出版就蕴含了非常深刻的文化诉求,而这文化诉  相似文献   

试论中国古代图书编目的文化内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述中国古代图书编目的深刻文化内涵,认为它既为藏书的管理、使用提供了-种必要的秩序,也为可能的新书籍的编撰提供了价值导向.指出20世纪初叶以来的图书编目的变革,实际上是中国在西学东渐背景下的文化变革的-部分;图书编目既然从来就有着相应的文化内涵,那么图书编目的再度变革便理应伴随相当深度的文化思考.  相似文献   

在一个既定的文化环境中,图书中的信息传播其实是作为一种社会交换的文化信息而存在的,也就是说,这种信息传播的形式是在用文化对话来调节社会关系。因此,图书本身的编辑与出版就蕴含了非常深刻的文化诉求,而这文化诉求又具有多样性,这就涉及到:图书内容中知识的扩散、消费形式(如:图书出版与营销)的创新等等,而且其实现核心在于受众。  相似文献   

浅谈出版业与政治、经济体制改革的全方位接轨钱柏年众所周知,图书是人类思想、科学、文化等认识成果的传递工具,出版业通过图书的生产和流通活动在实践者与研究者之间、实践者相互之间、研究者相互之间传递各种认识的新成果,以推动社会的进步。但出版业是在特定社会的...  相似文献   

【目的】为了深入了解中国图书出版中心的形成及传播方式。【方法】文章采用文献资料法,分析了中国图书产生的历史背景及基本特点和中国图书出版传播中心的形成规律,对中国图书出版传播形成的西安、北京、扬州、苏州、上海、南京、广州等主要中心城市进行了总结,并对其传播方式进行了分析。【结果】中国图书出版中心的形成具有很深的历史背景,在中华历史文化传承中逐步形成了中心城市,并在皇家图书收集、整理、出版、借阅,个人藏书家收藏、借阅、传抄、刻印,书院、家塾刻本与社团个人自费出版发行,现代出版社出版发行图书,图书网站及网店等历史长河中进行传播,逐步形成了现在的图书出版传播方式。【结论】以上研究使人们对中国图书传播的方式有了全新的认识,从而更好地推动中国图书出版的传播,发扬传统文化,促进经济发展。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的来临,新知识大量涌现、科学技术空前发展,这些正引起人类生产和生活方式的深刻变化,以传播科学文化知识、积淀科技文化成果为职能的科普图书出版业也面临新的挑战:公众对科学知识的渴求与科学鉴赏水平的提高,要求编辑具备更为深刻的科学理解能力与分辨能力;计算机与网络技术的广泛应用,要求编辑具备先进的编辑技能和快捷的信息处理能力;我国加入WTO,科普图书出版业不仅要面对国内的竞争,而且要面对国际的竞争,要求编辑增强市场竞争意识和市场运作能力。以科学文化素质为基础的能力成为制约科普图书出版业发展的主要因素。科普图书编辑应具备怎样的科学文化素质才能应对知识经济的挑战?从内涵上看,科学文化素质是指个体通过科学教育训练与学习所形成适应科技社会的基本品质,是人们运用科学的思维习惯和科学知识进行思考和处理事件的基础条件。科学文化主要包括科学知识、科学思想方法和科学精神三个方面内容。其中,科学知识是构成科学文化的基础,科学思想方法是科学文化的第二层内涵,科学精神则是科学文化的核心内涵。以下笔者就根据科学文化的三个层面并结合编辑工作的特点,对科普图书编辑应对知识经济挑战应具备的科学文化素质进行探讨。一、基础层科学文化素质基础...  相似文献   

This study examines the widespread notion that people turn to media to find reinforcement for their personal values. Based on a representative sample of subscribers to women's magazines, the article investigates relationships between readers’ own values and the values they ascribe to the magazine. For some titles, selective exposure to a periodical that presents values close to their readers is observed. For others, readers disagree on magazine values to an extent that indicates considerable room for interpretation of a magazine as an “open” text. Some women's magazines seem to allow their readers to project their own values onto the published contents rather than presenting a clear-cut, “objective” value pattern that could steer exposure.  相似文献   

A researcher's Q denotes their ability in scientific research as a real number. Due to their short presence in the academic environment, junior researchers have unstable Q values. This article aims to present a model that uses data from junior researchers’ first years of publication to predict their stable Q values. We tested the deep model and the linear regression model and compared their accuracies. We have obtained reliable results showing that the predicted values estimated with both models are better than the estimated Q values computed with the Q model itself when using only data from the first five years of publication. Lastly, we note that both approaches are robust approaches to deal with the inflation of citation bias.  相似文献   

This survey of college freshmen examines the role of television and family in anticipatory socialization to work. Findings indicate that both sources play a role in the development of work-related values and aspirations, but contribute in different ways. Wishful identification was higher for characters perceived to have higher paying jobs and stronger extrinsic (but not intrinsic) work values. Although causal direction cannot be shown, results suggest that respondents internalized the intrinsic and extrinsic work values they perceived in their parents' jobs, but derived mainly extrinsic work values and desire for easy work from observing their favorite characters at work.  相似文献   

近年来,图书馆核心价值观的研究日益得到重视,其研究成果将促使人们思考具体的非核心价值观的存在形式。在馆藏发展中,常见的价值观有5种:重藏观、经典文献收藏观、符合主流文化价值的藏书观、教化的收藏价值观、科学发展的藏书观。馆藏发展中的不同价值观都有其各自的优缺点,并受到一些专家、学者的质疑,值得图书馆界同仁深思。  相似文献   

通过分析价值观与隐性知识的关系,指出了价值观本质上就是隐性知识,并针对医务人员价值观的建构过程及其影响因素,提出了医务人员价值观的建构对策。  相似文献   

The stories of four practitioners are presented regarding their involvement with the Aspen conference and their reflections on the essays in this forum. Their stories suggest that the ability for academics and practitioners to co-create engaged scholarship depends on articulating common values and interests, creating a shared language that allows them to develop and execute a project and to disseminate their findings in useful ways, and constructing a space for reflection on organizational processes. This suggests that academic and practitioners need to negotiate their differences in values, language, and approach in ways that co-create a mutually satisfying project.  相似文献   

Work values in librarianship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schneider's (1987a) attraction-selection-attrition framework explains that groups of workers attracted to the same occupational group may be expected to behave alike in their jobs. Specifically, it suggests that certain types of people are attracted to certain occupations, and that people who choose the same occupation tend to behave in a like manner within their occupational group. This study investigated work values in librarianship and identified the work values of library science students (i.e., a group of individuals attracted to the profession of librarianship). It also looked at the work values of business students, to investigate differences in the work values of individuals attracted to these two occupations. These results provide information about work values in librarianship which should be of interest to library managers, to practicing librarians, and to library science students.  相似文献   

科技论文应彰显严谨、简明、高致的风格   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
刘少华 《编辑学报》2007,19(4):269-270
论述了科技论文应有其核心的学术价值,严谨、简明、高致的风格则是表述其核心价值的关键.经编辑加工的科技论文应彰显这些风格.  相似文献   

Libraries may stimulate social capital and social integration. They are institutions that enjoy a high level of social trust, which creates many opportunities. In 2018 and 2019, a survey on social capital, trust and social activity of librarians was conducted in 20 countries across the world. The research addresses the question of whether libraries as public institutions may prevent the alarming processes of social alienation of individuals. The findings show that librarians have an average level of individual social capital, but they have a relatively high level of trust in other people and often volunteer for their communities. Nonetheless, librarians tend to not believe in their own impact on the rest of the society/local community. Of most importance for them in their lives are emotional values, attachment and family values; they are less focused on material values, image, etc.  相似文献   

本文从如何充分发挥海军博物馆的文物价值出发,分别从文化价值、教育价值、档案价值、历史价值等方面深入挖掘海军文物的功能和价值,以更好实现海军文物在文化传承中的作用。  相似文献   

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