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This paper is interested in thinking more about sexuality education at school. As such, it is concerned with a mundane and unacknowledged feature of the sexuality classroom – the mapping of movement. While human movement is a familiar focus of educational research, the movement of things is not. With reference to Barad’s concept of intra-activity, the paper maps human-non-human movements and characterises these as a sexual choreography of schooling. Instead of asking what does movement mean or reveal about sexuality education, I attend to the event movement inaugurates. Predominantly theoretical, the paper weaves together ideas from conventionally disparate disciplinary fields. These include Edensor’s concept of rhythm from geography, Eggermont’s notion of the choreography of schooling from education, and Barad’s spacetimemattering from quantum physics. This theorisation enables a recognition of movement as a force in human-non-human classroom intra-actions implicated in the becoming of sexuality education as event.  相似文献   

传统课堂教学的简单性、确定性、封闭性造成了课堂教学低效化。复杂性科学的发展为课堂教学的研究提供了一个新视角,我们要借鉴复杂性科学理论,审视传统课堂教学的局限性,并提出相应解决策略,使课堂教,学实现师生对话,走向开放,回归生活世界,以此达到提高课堂教学效率的目的。  相似文献   

社会教育由于其在社会治理与发展中的重要作用而被人们所重视。理学教育家也极为关注社会教育问题,对于如何推行社会教育进行了诸多的思考与探索。理学教育家认为,在社会教育的网络体系中,中央政府处于最高的决策与管理地位,发挥着非常重要的作用。对于中央政府如何确定自身在国家社会教育中的地位并充分发挥其作用,理学教育家提出了一些很有价值的建议。  相似文献   


This article questions the logic of ethnographic inquiry that seeks to make gay and lesbian subjects seen and heard. I consider poststructural and queer challenges to ethnography's project of representing subjects, experiences, and voices to suggest that inquiry into gay and lesbian subjects analyze practices as they are constituted in social and institutional locations. Queer theorists' explorations of the "open secret" and the "epistemology of the closet," characterized by circulations of knowledge and ignorance, point to a need to place the contours of (un)knowing at the center of inquiry. I turn to participants' readings of Introduction to Christianity, taught by a lesbian faculty member, to theorize the effects of religious and sexual open secrets in constituting her pedagogy. Based on the intangible circulations of knowledge and ignorance in and around her teaching, I posit possibilities for ethnography that engage with queer theory to understand the construction and effects of practices.  相似文献   

理解视野中科学与教育论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就解释学来说 ,“理解”意味着意义的自我揭示与价值的生成。科学并非只能“说明”,同样需要“理解”。理解科学已逐渐成为当代科学教育的新取向 ,从意义生成的角度而言 ,科学教育应回归“生活世界”。  相似文献   

This study traces a heuristic inquiry process from the point of view of a science educator, from a secular-humanist background in the northern United States, attempting to better understand and appreciate a major aspect of religious-influenced culture in the southern United States which has a major bearing on science education in the region. The intellectual and emotional viewpoints of selected scientists, science educators, science teachers, and prospective science teachers are examined regarding the relationship between their orthodox Christian religious beliefs and biological evolutionary theory. We view the prospect of teaching evolution to students with such a religious commitment as a prime example of the severe limitations of cognitively-oriented conceptual change theory. We also view conflicts between religion and science regarding evolution as a bona fide example of a multicultural issue in education. These theoretical perspectives are inconsistent with the common tendency among science professionals to view or treat orthodox Christian students in a manner unconscionable with others—to disrespect their intellect or belittle their motivations, to offer judgments based on stereotypes and prejudices, to ignore threats to personal selfesteem, or to deny the de facto connection of some scientific conceptions to the morals, attitudes, and values of individuals with such religious commitments.  相似文献   

本文选取介绍了美国的一项小学科学教育课程计划STC(Science ,TechnologyandChildren) ,从中透视出美国当前小学科学教育以探究活动为中心、大量运用教学辅助工具、科学课程与其它科目内容相互渗透、重视教师职业发展、专家参与课程开发等特征 ,最后得出一些改革我国小学自然课教学的措施  相似文献   

Steven Vertovec (2006, 2007) has recently offered a re-interpretation of population diversity in large urban centres due to a considerable increase in immigration patterns in the UK. This complex scenario called superdiversity has been conceptualised to help illuminate significant interactions of variables such as religion, language, gender, age, nationality, labour market and population distribution on a larger scale. The interrelationships of these themes have fundamental implications in a variety of community environments, but especially within our schools. Today, London schools have over 300 languages being spoken by students, all of whom have diverse backgrounds, bringing with them a wealth of experience and, most critically, their own set of religious beliefs. At the same time, Science is a compulsory subject in England’s national curriculum, where it requires teachers to deal with important scientific frameworks about the world; teaching about the origins of the universe, life on Earth, human evolution and other topics, which are often in conflict with students’ religious views. In order to cope with this dynamic and thought-provoking environment, science initial teacher education (SITE)—especially those catering large urban centres—must evolve to equip science teachers with a meaningful understanding of how to handle a superdiverse science classroom, taking the discourse of inclusion beyond its formal boundaries. Thus, this original position paper addresses how the role of SITE may be re-conceptualised and re-framed in light of the immense challenges of superdiversity as well as how science teachers, as enactors of the science curriculum, must adapt to cater to these changes. This is also the first in a series of papers emerging from an empirical research project trying to capture science teacher educators’ own views on religio-scientific issues and their positions on the place of these issues within science teacher education and the science classroom.  相似文献   

In Senegal, school-based sexuality education has evolved over 20 years from family life education (FLE) pilot projects into cross-curricular subjects located within the national curriculum of primary and secondary schools. We conducted a literature review and semi-structured interviews to gather information regarding the scale and nature of FLE scale-up. Data were analysed using the ExpandNet/WHO framework, conceptualising scale-up from a systems perspective as composed of interrelated elements and strategic choices. Key enabling factors that facilitated the scale-up of FLE included (1) programme clarity, relevance and credibility; (2) programme adaptability to young people’s evolving sexual and reproductive health priorities; (3) the engagement of a strong and credible resource team comprising government and civil society agencies; (4) a favourable policy environment; and (5) deliberate strategic choices for horizontal and vertical scale-up. Barriers included sociocultural conservatism that creates resistance to content areas deemed to be culturally sensitive, resulting in partial scale-up in terms of content and coverage, as well as structural barriers that make it difficult to find space in the curriculum to deliver the full programme. Lessons learned from Senegal’s experience can strengthen efforts to scale-up school-based sexuality education programmes in other culturally conservative low- and middle-income countries.  相似文献   

从环境科学看人文教育与科学教育的融合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
很高兴参加这次人文教育与科学教育的融合高级研讨会.从环境保护科学研究的角度看,我认为在自然科学教育中,人文教育的重要意义怎么评价都不过分,其原因是:第一,一个好的科学家,一个好的工程师,必须首先是一个好人,必须首先是一个道德品质优秀,有为人民服务的奉献精神的高尚的人;第二,每一项科学和技术,都具很深厚的文化内涵;第三,科学技术将因为人文科学的融合而生动美丽.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - This paper explores various theories of curriculum intending to provide a new approach—which we regard as a significant theoretical...  相似文献   

The interactions of a primary school teacher with her class during two sessions of science are analysed to find the extent to which the teacher can be considered to be assisting the performance of her class. The qualitative analysis is in terms of both Tharp and Gallimore's six assisting behaviours and Coulthard's 'initiation-response-feedback' pattern for typical classroom discourse. The teaching shows features which suggest children's science concepts are being developed and features which are consistent with assisted performance, though it is not possible to show a causal relationship between these two aspects. It is suggested that there would be potential for exploring assisted performance further as a framework for teaching for conceptual development in primary science.  相似文献   

Comprehensive sexuality education which includes discussion about gender and power is increasingly seen as an effective way of promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights. Yet all too often the potential of good quality sexuality education is not realised. This study engages with young peoples’ evaluation of a sexuality education programme in Ethiopia. Using data from ethnographic field notes, focus group discussions and interviews with students, teachers and sexual and reproductive health workers in Oromia region, it reveals the existence of gendered practices in sexuality education. Three forms of exclusion were evident: first, exclusion through selection to participate in the programme; second, exclusion of the views of young people through gendered interpretations and practices; third, exclusion of the views of young people through the omission of discussion on topics that are relevant to them, such as love, relationships and sexual intercourse. As a result, the programme’s potential to contribute to questioning gender relations and improving the emotional and sexual health of young people is undermined. The programme reproduces a gender order in school and arguably broader society, which is a source of frustration and alienation for young people.  相似文献   

The pulse oximeter is a device that measures the oxygen concentration (or oxygen saturation—SpO2); heart rate, and heartbeat of a person at any given time. This instrument is commonly used in medical and aerospace fields to monitor physiological outputs of a patient according to health conditions or physiological yields of a flying pilot according to changes in altitude and oxygen availability in the atmosphere. Nonetheless, the uses for pulse oximetry may expand to other fields where there is human interaction and where physiological outputs reflect fluctuations mediated by arising emotions. A classroom, for instance is filled with a plethora of emotions, but very often participants in this space are unaware of others’ or their own sentiments as these arise as a result of interactions and responses to class discussions. In this paper I describe part of a larger study-taking place at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. The focus is on the exploration of emotions and mindfulness in the science classroom. The oximeter is used in this study as a reflexive tool to detect emotions emerging among participants of a graduate History and Philosophy of Science Education course offered in the spring of 2012. Important physiological information of class participants provided by the oximeter is used to analyze the role of emotions in the classroom as sensitive and controversial topics in science education are discussed every week.  相似文献   

In response to Crockett's analysis of the relation of science and the instruction of students with learning disabilities, we discuss reasons why teaching in special education is infrequently affected by science and research, and we propose a model of naturalistic decision making and make recommendations for bridging the gap between research and practice based on that model. By building an extensive experiential base in using effective practices, we propose that teachers can become experts at the craft of applying research-based methods. Bringing science into the classroom by basing craft on research in this way represents one promising alternative for improving outcomes for students with and without learning disabilities.  相似文献   

This paper is part of a larger project in the area of research. The main purpose of this mediated discourse was to implement, observe and analyse experiences of teachers in a training project developed for two different settings in the classroom. The first was between international classrooms through cyberspace and the second was a cyberspace forum. We carried out these experiences with beginning teachers in training during semester‐long courses on ‘audiovisual communication techniques’. The data analysed in these two projects indicated that the integration of ICT (information and communication technologies) had a great impact on student teachers’ abilities to improve their pedagogical, individual, social and technological skills in order to build effective teaching tools and materials through the use of ICT. The positive outcomes of the project were: (1) teachers conceived the information in a multimodal format through the integration of linear and nonlinear formats of information in their pedagogical training; (2) teachers underwent significant learning because they were put in the position of hypermedia product builders; (3) teachers acquired information/tools not only to search but also to build and analyse digital discourses; (4) teachers conducted research emphasizing various points of view.

Elargir le Savoir: de la classe au cyberspace

Cet article faisait partie d’un projet plus vaste dans le domaine de la recherche sur la finalité du Discours Médiatique. Il s’agissait de mettre en place, d’observer et d’analyser les expériences de professeurs dans le cadre d’un projet de formation mis au point pour deux configurations de classes différentes. Dans la première il s’agissait de relier des classes internationales à travers le cyberespace et la seconde était un forum dans le cyberespace. Nous avons mené ces expériences avec des professeurs débutants en formation, dans le cadre de cours semestriels portant sur «Les Techniques de Communication Audiovisuelle». Les données analysées dans ces deux projets ont montré que l’intégration des TIC (Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) influençait fortement les capacités des futurs professeurs à améliorer leurs compétences pédagogiques, individuelles, sociales et technologiques pour construire des outils et des matériaux d’enseignement efficaces avec l’aide des TIC. Les résultats positifs de ce projet ont été les suivants: (1) Les enseignants ont conçu l’information en forme multimodale et ce, en intégrant des formats d’information linéaires et non‐linéaires dans leur formation pédagogique; (2) Les enseignants ont acquis des connaissances significatives parcequ’ils/elles ont été placés dans la position de constructeurs de produits hypermedia ; (3) Les enseignants ont maîtrisé des outils d’information non seulement pour rechercher mais aussi pour construire et analyser les discours numériques ; (4) Les enseignants ont conduit leur recherche en mettant l’accent sur différents points de vue.

Wissensausbreitung: Vom Klassenzimmer in den Cyberspace

Dieses Papier war Teil eines größeren Forschungsprojekts. Der Hauptzweck dieses Diskurses war,Erfahrungen von Lehrern eines Übungsprojekts zu implementieren, beobachten und zu analysieren, das für zwei unterschiedliche Gegebenheiten im Klassenraum entwickelt worden war. Der erste war zwischen internationalen Klassen durch das Cyberspace und das zweite war ein Cyberspace‐Forum. Durchgeführt wurden diese mit Lehreranfängern im Rahmen eines ein‐semestrigen Kurses “Audiovisuel Communication Techniques”. Die Analyse der in diesen beiden Projekten gewonnenen Daten zeigten, dass die Integration von ICT einen großen Einfluss auf die Fähigkeiten der Studentenlehrer hat, ihre pädagogischen, individuellen, sozialen und technischen Kenntnisse weiterzuentwickeln, um effektive Lehrwerkzeuge und –materialien durch den Einsatz von ICT zu entwickeln. Die positiven Ergebnisse des Projekts waren: (1) Lehrer ersannen sich die Information in einem multimodalen Format durch das Integrieren von linearen und nicht‐linearen Formaten der Information in ihrer pädagogischen Ausbildung; (2) Lehrer unterzogen sich signifikanten Lernsituationen, weil sie in die Position von Hypermedia‐Produkt Bauunternehmern gestellt wurden; (3) Lehrer erwarben Information/Werkzeuge, nicht nur um digitale Diskurse zu suchen und zu analysieren, sondern auch um digitale Diskurse zu bauen und zu analysieren; (4) Lehrer führten Forschung durch, die verschiedene Ansätze umfasste.  相似文献   

以往对希腊神话的研究,常常被局限在文艺领域。从希腊神话分析其价值倾向,对理解当代西方教育文化具有重要意义。本文从教育内容、学校文化和人性特质等方面,揭示了希腊神话对于西方教育文化理念乃至当代人生活的深远影响。  相似文献   

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