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Illiteracy, an extreme form of educational failure, is best understood in social structural terms, rather than as an individual psychological phenomenon. This structural interpretation of illiteracy is similar to critical institutional treatments of poverty, inadequate health care, and other persistent “social problems.” Instead of treating such problems as manifestations of remediable systemic imperfections, they are construed to be predictable consequences of the routine working of basic institutions in a class-based society. The institutionally determined social circumstances of illiteracy, moreover, are complemented by a context-specific logic that makes illiteracy a substantively “rational” achievment. In spite of its interpretable rationality, however, illiteracy retains the character of a self-inflicted wound that indexes a broad range of even more debilitating grievances.  相似文献   

This study explores the longitudinal association between academic achievement and social acceptance across ethnic groups in a nationally representative sample of adolescents (N = 13,570; M(age) = 15.5 years). The effects of school context are also considered. Results show that African American and Native American adolescents experience greater social costs with academic success than Whites. Pertaining to school context, findings suggest that the differential social consequences of achievement experienced by African Americans are greatest in more highly achieving schools, but only when these schools have a smaller percentage of Black students. Students from Mexican descent also showed differential social costs with achievement in particular contexts. The implications of these findings to theory, policy, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

It is conventionally held that illiteracy is simply the absence of literacy, however the latter term happens to be defined. As such, illiteracy is nothing more than failure to achieve the literate foundation upon which success in the rhetorical curriculum depends. I challenge convention by arguing that literacy is fundamentally a rhetorical construct and that the idea of illiteracy, integral to compelling identification with literacy, is an intentional product of the rhetorical curriculum. This relationship of illiteracy to the rhetorical curriculum can be glimpsed in narratives of literacy, especially those that circulate to mass audiences in popular films. Scholars have looked to such films for evidence to illustrate academic theories about literacy. By analysing several films and their reception, I show that non-academics are actively engaged in re-theorizing illiteracy. This engagement illuminates the rhetorical dimensions of illiteracy in a way that has the potential to revise the informal rhetorical curriculum, thereby changing conventional understandings of illiteracy.  相似文献   

经济建设是我国当前的中心工作,也是解决我国社会主义初级阶段各种内外部矛盾的关键所在,但是无数经验告诉我们经济发展与法制密不可分,在我国法治体系中,经济法无疑是我国经济建设工作的直接法制保障。任何法律的制定必然是出于一定的社会目的,而任何法律的价值也在于实现了一定的社会功能,所以本文就从功能角度对我国经济法进行研究,包括对经济法社会经济功能的概述,以及经济法的社会经济信息传输功能,经济行为组织与利益分配功能,刺激社会经济发展功能,避免经济纠纷功能等具体功能。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,环境污染问题越来越严重,目前许多国家运用法律手段保护环境以实现社会经济的发展。社会法领域中的环境保护与经济发展有着密不可分的关系,理清它们之间的关系对解决环境污染同时实现经济的持续发展有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

从经济学的视野中,把握和处理好全面建设小康社会的一系列重大关系问题,是一项十分艰巨复杂的社会系统工程.如何加快构筑符合中国特色社会主义全面小康社会的体系和模式的步伐,是学习、贯彻和实践"三个代表"及十六大精神最集中和最具体的体现.  相似文献   

He has held similar post at the University of Zambia for many years. He has conducted research on adult literacy in both Kenya and Zambia and has published extensively in the field of adult education.  相似文献   

农村与城市经济社会相互依赖、相互补充、相互促进,具有不可分割的联系。党的十六大报告提出“统筹城乡经济社会发展,建设现代农业,发展农村经济,增加农民收入”,党的十七大报告提出“建立以工促农、以城带乡长效机制,形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局。”洛阳市作为豫西地区重要现代化工业城市。基于自身经济社会发展需求,积极推进城乡一体化建设,进行了一系列有益的探索和尝试,取得了比较显著的成效。文章分析了洛阳市推进城乡一体化的内在动力和客观需求,并对该市推进城乡经济社会一体化提出了相关的建议和制度保障。  相似文献   

足球经济,指的主要是以运动本身、还有与其相关的产业的开发、流通作为主要的产业内容的经济形式。足球经济的流通,主要的实现手段是球员的转会还有足球产品的流通。当前,随着社会经济的不断发展,足球产业的范围也在不断的扩大,总体来说,足球产业已经成为了一个重要的经济产业。本文从足球经济对就业、制造业和建筑行业的影响分析,指出足球产业是国民经济的重要产业,应当引起国家重视,并合理规划,以促使其健康发展。  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - In this research, we examined cross-domain effects of achievement goals. In two experimental studies, we manipulated achievement goals and assessed...  相似文献   

In this article I seek to reconsider the social and economic purposes of higher education. It begins with the premise that there appears to be a general trend towards governments positioning higher education primarily in terms of the economic role that it can fulfil. Such a trend, however, has attracted considerable criticism. In this article I argue that the problem for higher education is not it having an economic role, but the narrowness of the way in which that role is often conceptualised. Drawing on critical theory I explore the interrelation of economic and social factors within higher education and the wider society in which it is situated. This article argues for a redefinition of the purposes of higher education to ensure that both universities and workplaces are sites of human creativity and that the profound and exciting work within institutions of higher education benefits all members of society.  相似文献   

Yusuf Kassam 《Prospects》1989,19(4):531-535
Formerly Associate Professor of Adult Education at the University of Dar es Salaam (1970–79) and Director of the Institute of Adult Education, United Republic of tanzania (1979–81). His fields of competence include literacy, adult education and participatory research. Author ofThe Adult Education Revolution in Tanzania and co-editor ofParticipatory Research: An Emerging Alternative Methodology in Social Science Research.  相似文献   

现代化是以现代性成长为动力,从传统社会向现代社会的转型过程.中国作为后发外源现代化国家,由于社会生长力不足,经济发展具有第一优先性.但单纯经济发展又会导致社会分裂和失衡.构建社会主义和谐社会的命题,将传统文化精髓融入现代化战略中,注重现代化进程中经济发展和社会发展的均衡问题,形成了全新的现代化发展模式.  相似文献   

一、绪言 本文旨在探讨台湾技职教育发展及其社会经济背景。首先1951~2004年间,台湾技职教育学校体系与课程系统的重要变革。其次.汇集台湾的产业结构、劳动力结构、国民年所得、国民储蓄率、国民生活水平(含食品消费比率、洗衣机普及率、计算机普及率)等统计数据。经过审慎比对、交互分析。  相似文献   

朱英在中国近现代社会经济史领域中的研究,主要体现之一是商会史,这是他的起步所在,也是其成就的主要体现;二是其他商人社团,包括商团、同业公会及行会研究;三是商人与商民运动;四是近代经济政策等。朱英在实证的基础之上提出了许多颇有创见的新观点,极大地推动了该领域的研究走向深入。  相似文献   

建国后陈云长期主持全国财经工作,形成了丰富的社会主义经济建设思想。主要有:从我国的国情出发进行社会主义建设;国家建设同人民生活改善必须兼顾;先安排当年生产,再安排基本建设;搞好综合平衡,使国民经济按比例发展;必须重视发展农业和粮食生产;必须重视社会主义市场和商品流通;从有利于人民出发进行经济体制改革。陈云的经济思想,对我国社会主义现代化建设和改革开放事业具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

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