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教师实践性知识产生于实践又指导实践,是教师专业发展的知识基础.中学教师实践性知识的管理可分为共同化、外化、结合化和内化四个环节.为有效促进对中学教师实践性知识的管理,学校应重视培育自然合作的教师文化,应提高教师对其实践性知识进行管理的意识和能力,应提高教师的信息素养,应更新领导者的管理理念,应完善配套的对教师的激励与评...  相似文献   

科学探究教学的实践性知识及其建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学探究教学需要教师灵活运用相应的实践性知识,这种知识包括科学探究教学的个人信念,基于科学研究经验形成的关于科研过程和科研方法的知识。科学探究的教学知识。TTR模式是教师建构探究教学的个人信念和探究教学知识的有效方式,参与真实的科研活动是建构科学过程和科学方法知识的基础。  相似文献   

通过以中学数学、英语和语文教师为研究对象,调查职前和职后的某些变量在促进教师知识发展中的作用大小。研究结果显示:在所有促进教师知识发展的变量中作用最大的和最小的都来自职后,其中作用最大的是教学经验与反思以及和同事的日常交流,作用最小的是入职后的学历教育。而独立分析职前的几个变量在促进教师知识发展的作用发现:教育见习实习和微格教学的作用大,而教育类课程的作用小。中学教师的教师知识发展具有内源性、学科性和阶段性的特点。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,实践性知识引起了人们广泛的关注,关于教师实践性知识的探讨也越来越多。笔者认为,教师的实践性知识是"在教育、教学实践中,能够被教师本人直接并迅速调用的知识"。与其相对应的不应是"理论性知识",而应是"前实践性知识"。"前实践性知识"通过教师的反思与内化,与教师原有的实践性知识相结合,形成教师新的"实践性知识",而新产生的"实践性知识"又将指导教师对"前实践性知识"的理解。生活中的一切都有可能触发教师实践性知识的产生。  相似文献   

教师实践性知识既来源于实践,又反作用于实践,是教师专业发展及实践智慧养成的基础和推动力。当前,由于受实践性知识认知的局限、教师功利主义思想、学校领导者管理理念及管理方式落后、学校信息技术设施不完备等影响,导致教师实践知识管理没有得到应有的重视而存在诸多问题。就学校组织层面来看,学校应引导教师提高对实践性知识的认识、确立正确的价值观,构建知识型学校组织、加大信息技术设施建设等,实现对教师实践性知识的有效管理。  相似文献   

教师实践性知识是指教师在自身教育价值观指导下,对实现有目的的行为所做出的反应、反思以及与之有关的知识。教师实践性知识管理是指为实现知识共享与升值,促进教师实践性知识合理利用,学校管理者对教师实践性知识生成、获取、转化与共享进行管理的过程。对教师实践性知识管理,实际上就是促使教师实践性知识由隐性向显性、由个体无意识学科行为向自觉化学科行为、由直观感性知识向内在理性知识转变。要在阐释教师实践性知识管理含义的基础上,对教师实践性知识管理存在的问题进行分析,并对教师实践性知识管理策略进行探析。  相似文献   

教师实践性知识是多成份的有机体。教师实践性知识呈现理论型实践性知识、技能型实践性知识和智慧型实践性知识三种不同的形态。三种类型的实践性知识既存在于教师个体的实践性知识之中,也存在于教师专业发展的不同阶段。  相似文献   

教师实践性知识是教师专业发展的知识基础,教师的专业发展过程,在很大程度上是教师实践性知识的丰富、提升过程。教师培训应以教师实践性知识为基础而展开,并改革教师培训的模式,变“说教”式培训为实践情境再现式培训,变单向传授式培训为交流互动式培训,变接受式培训为反思性培训,才能提高教师培训的质量与效果,使教师培训走出低效的局面。  相似文献   

《中学教师专业标准》的实施为培养合格的中学数学教师指明了方向和要求:中学数学教师要具有良好的职业道德和专业精神、合理的专业知识结构和较强的专业能力.据此,对应《标准》的基本理念和基本要求,了解中学数学职前教师在教育教学实践中遇到的困惑、困难,以及他们基于实践体会所产生的对教育知识的需要,从"专业理念与师德"、"专业知识"和"专业能力"3个维度探析中学数学职前教师实践性知识的培养,为他们入职后顺利成长为专家型教师做好准备.  相似文献   

教师实践性知识是教师专业发展和实践智慧养成的基础和推动力。但由于种种原因,教师实践性知识长期处于被压制、受忽视的境地。而教师实践性知识管理对于缓解和最终消除这种不良情状具有极为重要的价值。教师实践性知识管理的策略主要包括:采用认知学徒制的学习模式,进行案例研究,加强教学实践反思,开展教育叙事研究。  相似文献   

本文从教师个人知识意愿、认知结构,教师知识的特点和学校的组织形式与环境等方面分析阻碍教师知识共享的原因。促进教师知识共享的管理策略有:建构知识型学校学习型组织;建立健全的激励保障制度;设立知识共享网上平台等。  相似文献   

Lower secondary school teachers from six different schools in one Norwegian municipality reported on the prevalence of problems among pupils entering lower secondary school and types of problems among pupils in Grades 8–10. Teachers report that the transition from Elementary to Lower secondary school is problematic for approximately 30% of the pupils. About 70% of the teachers report that 25% or more of pupils transitioning to Grade 8 lack academic experiences and skills and have problems following directions. There is also a tendency for teachers who report higher values on professional (un)certainty about pupils' learning and on two efficacy variables included in the study, to be more favourably inclined towards inclusion of children who are perceived as having learning or behaviour problems. Additionally, teachers who report higher values on efficacy scales tend to report lower values on problems among pupils, and teachers who are less favourable towards inclusion report higher numbers of pupils having problems. The results are discussed in relation to schools as workplaces and professional development for pre‐service and in‐service teachers.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the knowledge exhibited by 30 elementary school in-service and pre-service teachers in solving non-routine mathematical problems and on their beliefs regarding these kinds of problems. Interviews were used to reveal teachers' knowledge and beliefs. The findings indicated that these teachers had difficulty in solving non-routine problems and that their ability to solve these problems was influenced by their professional backgrounds. Most of the teachers, although failing to solve the given problems, expressed their willingness to give such problems to their students in class, explaining that such problems are important for students to learn how to solve as they help develop mathematical thinking and the skill of solving problems in everyday life. However, the teachers were unwilling to include such problems in examinations.  相似文献   

Following the work of Schön (1983) “reflection” as a way in which teachers construct the meanings and knowledge that guide their actions in the classroom has become something of a buzz word in education. I believe that reflection is more intellectually challenging than is generally recognised and that too little assistance is provided to teachers to help them observe, think through, reconstruct, and deeply understand the process of personal theory building. In addition, preservice students have developed a pattern of focusing on what they feel they are supposed to say in order to please supervisors and lecturers. This paper outlines one approach to developing preservice teachers as reflective practitioners.  相似文献   

中小学教师生存状态的现状与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师的生存状态影响教育的发展状态和教育质量,如果教师处于不良的生存状态中,教育问题的产生就不可避免、教育的质量也很难得到保障.当前,由于受各种因素的影响,我国中小学教师的生存状态还存在一定程度的不尽如人意的地方.关心和改善教师的生存状态,让教师在职业中体会到幸福,是解决我国各种教育问题的重要前提,也是保证基础教育健康发展的需要.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a qualitative study of a group of 12 teachers in primary special schools in Scotland for children with moderate learning difficulties. It sets out an analysis of classroom observations and interviews that explored teachers' knowledge and beliefs about teaching and learning in mathematics with children with moderate learning difficulties. The teachers were interviewed pre‐ and post‐intervention; this was a research‐based professional development programme in children's mathematical thinking (Cognitively Guided Instruction) which teachers then developed in their classrooms. The findings showed that prior to the professional development, the teachers had a limited knowledge of children's mathematical development with teaching frequently informed by intuitive beliefs and dated and sometimes discredited practices. Most teachers had low expectations of children with learning difficulties. Post‐intervention, the teachers reviewed this stance and affirmed that a deeper understanding of children's mathematical thinking provided a more secure knowledge base for instruction. They also recognised the extent to which learners were constrained by existing classroom practices. The paper argues for the commonality of this knowledge base and considers the problematic nature of viewing such knowledge as sector specific.  相似文献   

In this article, professional development in the context of the current reforms in science education is discussed from the perspective of developing teachers' practical knowledge. It is argued that reform efforts in the past have often been unsuccessful because they failed to take teachers' existing knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes into account. Teachers' practical knowledge is conceptualized as action‐oriented and person‐bound. As it is constructed by teachers in the context of their work, practical knowledge integrates experiential knowledge, formal knowledge, and personal beliefs. To capture this complex type of knowledge, multimethod designs are necessary. On the basis of a literature review, it is concluded that long‐term professional development programs are needed to achieve lasting changes in teachers' practical knowledge. In particular, the following strategies are potentially powerful: (a) learning in networks, (b) peer coaching, (c) collaborative action research, and (d) the use of cases. In any case, it is recommended that teachers' practical knowledge be investigated at the start of a reform project, and that changes in this knowledge be monitored throughout the project. In that way, the reform project may benefit from teachers' expertise. Moreover, this makes it possible to adjust the reform so as to enhance the chances of a successful implementation. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 38: 137–158, 2001  相似文献   

职业学校办学模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济、经济全球化的到来和职业教育改革步代的加快,社会对人才的需求提出了更多更新的要求,这就要求职业学校必须进行多样化办学,依据经济发展的需要和自身的实际进行办学模式的探索。  相似文献   

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