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师生人际冲突是师生人际关系的冲突.是师生心理互动的结果,师生心理互动是师生双方发生在认知、情感等领域的相互作用和相互影响。根据师生互动的交互作用和循环因果关系原理,要化解冲突,必须依靠双方的共同努力,变相互指责为积极地调整彼此特别是自己的行为,共同营造师生间心理互动上的良性循环。师生人际冲突根植于病态人际互动模式之中,病态人际互动模式主要有缠结型模式和疏离型模式。如果师生双方不能从根本上改变病态的人际互动模式.师生间的人际冲突不断的状况将难以改变。  相似文献   

师生课堂互动行为特点探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
师生课堂互动行为是教师与学生在班级课堂环境下所进行的以教学为主的活动。课堂教学过程中师生双方均以主体身份参与互动,双方行为相互依赖,遵守一定的规范,扮演较稳定的角色,发挥稳定的功能。同时,教师、学生和学科等构成课堂互动因素的差异性必然导致互动行为的差异和区别。因此,师生课堂互动行为表现出独有的特点。  相似文献   

高职课堂上的师生互动直接影响课堂教学的质量和效果。对高职院校的学生进行问卷调查和数据分析发现,目前高职课堂师生互动质量不高,学生对课堂师生互动满意度较低;高职课堂师生互动过程中,师生双方的行为都会影响学生的学习体验,影响学生对师生互动的满意度;不同年级、不同生源类型的高职生对师生课堂互动满意度存在显著差异。  相似文献   

师生互动是课堂教学中不可缺少的行为,可以说,没有了师生互动也就没有了课堂教学活动和师生的对话与沟通。所以,《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中就明确提出,教师教学过程中应与学生积极互动,共同发展。课堂教学中的师生互动是教师与学生相互对话、相互沟通和相互理解的过程,它意味着师生双方间的相互承认(即双方要承认在互动中各自所承担的权利、义务与角色。特别是教师,在承认学生在互动中需承担一定责任的同时,更要承认学生所应享有的权利),意味着师生在互动机会上的均等、权利和道德上的平等。就当前的课堂教学实际情况看,师生双方在互…  相似文献   

课堂教学是由师生双方共同组成的互动过程。教师要最大限度地调动学生的学习积极性,使学生在课堂上处于一种亢奋的学习状态,师生、生生交流渠道通畅,师生互动的课堂情境。那么,如何激活课堂教学氛围呢?  相似文献   

师生和谐,从同感沟通开始   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师生矛盾频出是其人际关系不和谐的表现。社会大背景、教育体制与管理以及当事者双方的思想观念与行为方式等都在一定程度上制约和影响着师生和谐。由于师生和谐并非是社会关系层面的角色适应,而是建立在深层互动基础上的情感的和谐状态,因此,构建师生和谐更需要从情感的体认与表达开始,运用同感沟通方式来促进并实现师生的和谐交流。  相似文献   

课堂教学是由师生双方共同组成的互动过程。教师要最大限度地调动学生的学习积极性,使学生在课堂上处于一种亢奋的学习状态,师生、生生交流渠道通畅,师生互动的课堂情境。那么,如何激活课堂教学氛围呢?  相似文献   

师生互动准则初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
师生互动是师生双方在教育活动中相互交流、影响的一种不断作用的状态;影响师生互动的主要原因是良好的教育情境、明确的自我意识、对对方的知觉以脑对对方的期待。促进师生互动的四条准则即相互尊重、情感交融、自由选择与参与体验。结合案例提出德育中充分有效地促进师生互动必须遒循的准则。  相似文献   

张待娣 《考试周刊》2011,(16):50-51
著名教育家保罗·弗莱雷指出,教育具有对话性,教学即对话。对话教学本质上是师生平等参与、共同活动的过程。现代对话理论认为,教学行为的存在意味着对话是教师、学生与读本三者之间思维碰撞和心灵交流的动态过程,是一种师生共同参与以致共同创造的过程。在这一过程中,教师担任着向学生抛出精彩话题的角色,使师生双方有"话"可"对"。在"对"的过程,"问"与"对"的双方是双向互动的一种合作伙伴关系,而师生双方的知识结构经过思维的碰撞而呈螺旋式上升形式,最终使师生双方在对话中寻求到"共识",达到"共生"的状态。  相似文献   

根据一些学者的研究 ,有效的师生互动具有六大特征 ,其中与课堂教学过程有关的几点为 :1 教育性。师生间互动的目的就是为了促进师生双方特别是学生的学习、认知和社会性的发展 ,师生互动的内容、形式多围绕这一目的及其相应的教育内容即知识、能力、社会行为和交往能力等的培  相似文献   

More units of study are being offered flexibly, using distance education and online facilities, as a consequence of recent educational developments in higher education, with learner expectations of being able to study when they like and where they like, as well as increasing class enrolments and more students studying remotely or part‐time. However, the quality of the learning experience and the efficacy of placing learning activities that require student interaction and discourse in an online environment have been questioned. The concerns raised by educators regarding placing learning activities online are often about the types of learning environments that are being created and the tools available to support student communication in a virtual learning environment. Asynchronous computer‐mediated communication is one means of allowing students to communicate independently of time and place, and to communicate questions, opinions and queries when transferring interactive learning activities to an online environment. The use of threaded, online discussions that allow asynchronous communication has been criticised for not producing the perceived benefits for learners and educators. This paper assesses the use of asynchronous computer‐mediated communication and the degree of convergence and level of social presence as indicators of developing highly responsive and interactive learning environments in the context of an inquiry‐based learning activity, using a case study approach with problem solving and self‐directed research.  相似文献   

“翻转课堂”实现了知识传授与知识内化的颠倒,将传统的课堂知识传授转移到课前完成,知识的内化则由传统的课后作业转移至课堂中。将此全新的教学理念与模式应用到二维动画制作课程中,并进行了教学有效性调查。实践证明,“翻转课堂”教学模式让学生从被动学习走向了主动思考,教学从灌输走向了互动,在提高学习效果的同时,也提高了学生的学习积极性与合作交流的能力。  相似文献   

交互式语言教学法与翻译教学的有机融合实现了由以教师为中心向以学生为中心的授课方式的转变。借助现代多媒体网络技术,在网络教室环境下实现交互式翻译教学,不仅可以为教学双方提供良好的交流空间,而且为教师实施各个教学环节提供了技术支持,在组织教学、信息资料整合、语篇分析、动态反馈等方面克服了传统翻译教学模式的弊端,真正意义上实现了以学生为主体,同时也为发挥教师的个性化教学风格提供了较大的自由空间。  相似文献   

跨文化交际翻译活动,在形式上是语言符号的转换,但在内容上是不同民族文化的交流和移植。这种活动,不仅受语言形式的束缚,更受文化因素的制约,不可避免地影响翻译过程中文化信息的有效交流与传播。本文从物质文化、观念文化、习俗文化和地域文化等四个方面探讨翻译的可译性限度;并指出译者不仅必须掌握两种语言,还必须熟悉两种文化,诚如王佐良先生所说:"翻译者必须是一个真正的文化人。"  相似文献   


Social class is an important issue that must be taken into consideration when examining crime and criminal behavior in the United States. Social class is often viewed as a critical factor that influences the motivation to commit criminal activities. This article describes an interactive exercise that helps students better understand how social class may influence deviant and/or criminal behavior as a response to wanting to maintain status quo (particularly those in middle to upper class levels), economic hardships (that may occur at various class levels), the lack of social power, income inequality, or the lack of resources.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the evaluation results of using an interactive design model for the development of an online course. Specifically, it examines: (a) how an interactive design model was used to develop collaborative and cooperative learning activities; (b) how activities were structured to promote the level and quality of communications among students, as peers, and between students and the instructors; and (c) how students responded to such interactive design model. The paper also provides information about the delivery process and describes what happened when this interactive model was fully implemented and used.  相似文献   

“翻转课堂”教学模式在思想政治理论课上的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"翻转课堂"是一种全新的教学理念和教学模式,将其运用在思想政治理论课上,可以提升思想政治教育课的吸引力、参与性。通过将以"教"为中心的课堂向以"学"为中心的学堂的转化,实现形式与内容的互动,改革考核方式等一系列举措,思想政治理论课课堂被"翻转"过来,学生从被动的接受者转变为主动的研究者,教学方式从灌输式转变为互动式。  相似文献   

A good deal of research has been published concerning the effects of orienting activities on learning. Orienting activities include advance organizers, embedded pre-questions, behavioral objectives, as well as other strategies designed to prepare the learner for instruction. This paper focuses on the presumed functions of orienting activities and the implications of such functions for the design of computer-based interactive video. In addition, the application of empiricallyfounded principles in the design and production of computer-based interactive video is described.Grumman Aerospace Corporation  相似文献   

Skills and awareness of young pedestrians can be improved with on‐street practical pedestrian training, often delivered in schools in the UK by local authorities with the intention of improving road safety. This training is often supplemented by in‐class paper‐based worksheet activities that are seen to be less effective than practical training in that they focus on knowledge acquisition rather than directly improving the correct application of safe pedestrian skills at the roadside. Previous research indicates that interactive video tools have the potential to develop procedural skills while offering an engaging road safety educational experience, which could positively impact on road crossing behaviour. In this paper, the design and development of a hazard‐identification interactive road safety training video targeting child road crossing skills is presented. The interactive video was shown to be an engaging training resource for 6‐ to 7‐year‐old children. The tool's scope for improving pedestrians' roadside skills is considered along with the wider implications for interactive video to aid safety training in other areas.  相似文献   

文章在实证基础上,通过对比分析互动式教学与传统的课堂教学的异同及其基本特征,表明互动式教学在提高学生语言习得能力中所起的作用。实验发现在互动式课堂中信息差的设置可以有效地促进学生的语言习得。  相似文献   

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