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构建稳定、高素质的师资队伍关系到整个自闭症康复事业和各类自闭症康复机构的发展.本文以很少关注的机构教师为对象,通过对自闭症机构教师的职业背景、职业感知和职业技能三方面进行问卷调查和分析,结果表明:目前,我国自闭症机构师资队伍的稳定性、专业能力和职业满意感都处于较低水平.同时,提出相应的解决策略,旨在为该职业的发展和相关部门的决策提供参考依据,也为机构和机构教师自身发展提供反思的素材.  相似文献   

儿童自闭症是一种广泛性发育障碍,自闭症患儿存在着社会交往、语言发育、生活自理能力的缺陷,感知觉异常及一些问题行为。目前普遍采用一种治疗技术对其进行干预的研究较多,但事实上自闭症儿童往往存在多种障碍,需要发展的能力彼此之间又相互影响。因此研究以综合干预理念为指导,就自闭症儿童的感统训练提出在技术上将游戏疗法和行为疗法的理念融入自闭症儿童的感统训练,在内容上注重围绕感统训练的各个项目对其渗透进行其他能力方面的训练。  相似文献   

学龄期自闭症儿童多在培智学校随智障班就读,但目前智障班日常集体教学活动满足不了自闭症儿童的特殊教育需求,因此一些培智学校尝试开设了自闭症儿童个别康复训练课,专业的康复训练师也相继开展了有针对性的康复训练活动。然而,随着康复训练活动的不断深入,自闭症儿童康复训练课渐渐显现出几个比较突出的问题:训练目标过于零散、单一,缺乏多元整合性;训练内容相对独立,与学科教学内容脱离,彼此间缺乏统一性;训练方法多为被动训练,学生缺乏主动训练的积极性;训练结果多指向学生知识学习与技能掌握的达成情况,功能性训练缺失等。  相似文献   

本文的研究目的在于探讨父母教养效能感对自闭症儿童康复的影响。研究选取了生活在北京地区的9-16岁自闭症儿童及其家长87组(儿童+父亲和母亲)为访谈、问卷调查和观察的研究对象。结果表明,父母教养效能感基本上可以划分为成熟型、一般型和放弃型等三种类型,父母的教养效能感与患儿的康复之间具有明显的关联;父母教养效能感存在着明显的性别差异,母亲的教养效能感一般高于父亲;受教育程度对父母教养效能感产生不同程度的影响。根据上述结果得出结论,高父母教养效能感是自闭症儿童康复的必要条件之一。  相似文献   

重庆市康复机构中自闭症儿童家长需求的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过问卷调查法、访谈法对重庆市6个康复机构中近60名自闭症儿童家长的需求进行调查研究。研究发现:自闭症儿童的家长在家庭教育中的内部与外部需求众多且极为迫切,主要表现在:需要机构教师的长期帮助;希望设置更多的自闭症儿童疗育机构;提供医疗补助与更多的咨询信息。文章在对家长的内部与外部需求进行分析讨论的基础上,从家长本身、康复机构、政府部门及其他相关专业人士等四个方面提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   

国内康复机构自闭症儿童评估情况调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用问卷法和访谈法,对33家自闭症儿童康复机构在自闭症评估方面的现况和需求进行了调查与分析.结果显示:康复机构比较重视对自闭症儿童的诊断评估工作,但评估人员相对欠缺、学历层次有待提高;评估工具适用性不强,评估过程不够规范.研究最后指出本土化评量工具的开发应注重与实际的康复需求相结合,尽量做到评量范围全面化.  相似文献   

自闭症康复机构墙面设计是环境创设的主要区域,能够对自闭症儿童产生积极的教育影响。文章根据自闭症儿童的特点,结合康复机构的现有条件,提出墙面设计的教育要求与建议。  相似文献   

随着自闭症儿童的不断增多,自闭症已经成为医学、教育等各界的棘手问题。自闭症的成因目前尚不能确定,自闭症儿童在我国的生活现状以及康复问题也成为社会不可忽视的重要问题。作为康复教育人员,面对自闭症儿童原生家庭认知薄弱、康复技术人才匮乏、机构管理不健全等众多困境,如何做好自闭症儿童的康复管理、走出康复困境是当前探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   

研究在分析讨论自闭儿个案基本情况的基础上,将游戏疗法、感统训练等自闭症干预技术相结合,对一例自闭症儿童实施综合干预,并从综合评定和个案行为变化等方面说明了综合干预所取得的效果。  相似文献   

<正>自闭症亦称孤独症,是一种儿童发育障碍性疾病。2006年,我国将自闭症列入精神残疾,将自闭症患者纳入相关保障体系。当前,大多数自闭症儿童在民办康复机构接受治疗和培训。但民办培训机构大多受场地、设施、师资所限,培训费用不菲,而康复效果却不明显。为了保障自闭症儿童受教育的权利,2014年9月,洛阳市  相似文献   

本文主要采用访谈的方式围绕上海市十所辅读学校自闭症儿童的就学现状展开调查。调查从自闭症学生人数、学校师资(质量)、编班情况、教师态度、教学情况以及教学效果六个方面来探析上海市辅读学校自闭症儿童就学的现状。调查结果显示,辅读学校中自闭症儿童的人数在逐年提高,师资质量在不断提高,教师对自闭症儿童的关注程度以及教育情况在不断发展,对自闭症儿童的教学效果也取得了进步。但是自闭症儿童的就学还存在着一些欠缺的地方,师资配备还不是很完善,个别化教育计划的制订还没有做得很好。  相似文献   

This study sought to investigate the effect of adapted physical education (APE) courses and practica on pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy (SE) towards inclusive physical education (PE) for students with intellectual disability (ID) and autism. Three hundred and fifty-six students (male?=?254, female?=?102) enrolled in adapted physical education teacher education (APETE) programmes in Korea participated in a specially developed survey which was analysed using multilevel modeling. The results of a multilevel modeling analysis revealed that APE courses and practica do indeed have a significant effect on the pre-service teachers’ SE towards teaching students with ID and autism in general PE classes. Study participants reported that taking more than 15 APE credits significantly improved their level of SE.  相似文献   

This paper explores the implementation of formative assessment through the ‘autism lens’ in order to analyse why the process can be exclusionary for some learners on the autism spectrum. The central thesis of the paper is that, where teachers have no understanding of the autism learning style, they are likely to revert to a normative, ‘majoritarian’ construction of learning. Two problems may flow from this. First, majoritarian assumptions about learning could dominate the inferential process that is the foundation stone of formative assessment. This could lead teachers to mis-read what is going on inside the heads of learners on the autism spectrum, and cause them to make partial and inaccurate inferences about their learning. Second, majoritarian assumptions may also inform the interactive process that underpins formative assessment. Social interaction can be challenging for learners on the autism spectrum and can limit or exclude their participation unless sensitive modifications are made to the social and communication environment. The case is, therefore, made for teacher awareness of a ‘minoritarian’ perspective that foregrounds knowledge and understanding of the autism learning style. Arguably, this knowledge and understanding could enable teachers to adapt the formative assessment process so that it is more effective and inclusive for this group of learners.  相似文献   

This study investigated the supports and modifications made available to students on the autism spectrum in Australian schools. Teachers rated the importance of several factors in determining the grades of their students and reported on the frequency of student engagement with a range of instructional materials. Eighty‐seven teachers identified the modifications, accommodations and additional assistance provide to primary school students on the autism spectrum. Teachers also compared the frequency of class engagement and methods of evaluating outcomes for students with and without autism. A range of modifications and adjustments were implemented to support students on the spectrum. There were no significant differences in the frequency of instructional material use of students on the autism spectrum compared to their classmates. However, teachers did report differences in their methods of determining the grades of their students with and without autism. This is an important first step in understanding the experiences of teachers who are educating students on the autism spectrum in Australian schools. The findings reveal that teachers are working to support the diverse learning needs of their students on the autism spectrum. Further investigation of the factors that are driving teachers’ use of school‐based supports is warranted.  相似文献   

Many teachers are prepared for professional practice by attending Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses in universities across the world. Under UK legislation, this preparation must equip teachers to address the needs of all children in mainstream classrooms, including learners on the autism spectrum – but does it? In this paper, I will critically explore this question by examining the findings of a research study focusing on a four-year ITE programme in a UK university. The research was designed using qualitative methods (online open-ended questionnaires and focus groups). The key findings were that the majority of students and tutors had some basic autism awareness, but little or no knowledge and understanding of autism teaching strategies. There was a consensus that teachers require both of these to ensure the inclusion of learners with autism in mainstream classrooms. Participants agreed there were currently insufficient inputs on autism on the ITE programme. This was related to a lack of tutor expertise, concerns about medical labelling and questions about ITE curriculum overload and priorities. Participants identified a range of ideas for improving autism education across the ITE programme which will be explored in the second phase of the study.  相似文献   

个性化教学满足了学生的个性化需求,顺应了培养创新型人才的社会趋势,是高校教师专业发展和学生个性生成的必然之路。高校教师作为高校个性化教学的首要实践者,在生成个体的教学体系之前面临诸多阻碍。针对高校教师个性化教学面临的现实困境,试图从以下路径尝试解决:营造宽松的教学环境,弥补教学制度空缺;注重自我提升,打破传统高校教师角色印象;关怀个体生命,尊重高校教师权利;坚持教学反思,形成高校教师个体教学体系。  相似文献   

探讨并分析了教师绩效结构的五个维度,即师德、学科素养、课堂教学、学生学习和班主任工作。提出教师绩效评价必然将教师的专业发展与学生的全面发展相联系;必须基于教育教学改善、专业思考和协商参与,增进教师对教育教学的理解并改善实践;必须促使教师从个体竞争走向团体竞争。  相似文献   

教科研能力作为教师专业水平的重要表现,主要包括教科研认识、教科研选题、教科研过程、教科研方法、教科研态度、教科研支持条件和教科研成果等方面。利用自编量表,对天津市16 881名中小学教师进行调查,结果发现:中小学教师教科研水平虽然整体较高,但教科研成果需进一步增多;男女教师的教科研水平存在差异;年龄、职称、学校等因素是影响教师教科研水平的重要因素;具有硕士学位的教师教科研水平突出。应鼓励教师将学术研究纳入日常教学,针对男女教师研究特点开展精准指导,鼓励老教师与年青教师组建合作共同体,同时关注农村教师的教科研水平,提供更多支持。此外鼓励教师参加高水平研修,综合提高教科研水平。  相似文献   

高校个性化教学的影响因素及其消解——文化视角的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校个性化教学对寻找失落的个性、教师个性回归、凸显中国大学特色都具重要价值。但是由于教育官本位文化、教师制度文化、教师行为文化、教育研究文化等因素的影响,导致个性化教学成为空中楼阁。为此,需剔除教育官本位文化,创新教师精神文化,改革教师制度文化,重构教师行为文化,改造大学物质文化,倡导教育家文化精神。  相似文献   

The shift towards the inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools has meant that general classroom teachers need to be skilled in educating students with a diverse range of needs and abilities. Together with theoretical study and as a supplement to practical experience, teacher educators have begun to explore virtual and simulated classrooms to help prepare pre-service teachers for the complexity of the teaching profession. In this pilot study, we examined the perspective of pre-service teachers on a classroom simulation program called “simSchool.” Two-hour-long tutorial sessions focusing on catering for student diversity and the educational needs of students with autism spectrum disorder were conducted. The pre-service teachers’ responses to an 11-item questionnaire are discussed, highlighting the potential of simSchool as well as some current limitations of this approach in the context of Australian teacher education courses.  相似文献   

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