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The purpose of the experiment described in this paper was to see if teachers, in their assessment of children's essays, were influenced by the quality of the handwriting style. Ten essays were chosen from a large number written by 11‐year‐old children on the theme ‘The day of the big fog’. A range of 10 contrasting handwriting styles was chosen from those of other children, and the 10 handwriters reproduced each of the 10 essays, thus giving 100 combinations of content and handwriting styles.

Groups of teachers to assess the essays were chosen as follows: there were ten judging groups of five teachers each, each group representing one school; five of the schools were primary and five secondary. The teachers’ instructions were to ‘impression mark’ and to rank the essays. There was no indication of the fundamental purpose of the experiment.

Analysis of variance was used to determine the results. These indicated, firstly, that the handwriting did have a significant influence on the teachers’ marking (p=0.001), and secondly, that there may be a primary/secondary difference of attitude towards handwriting.  相似文献   

蔡琰诗的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡琰是中国古代卓著的女子,能诗文,善书法,妙于音律,她的作品大多散失。我们认为,现流传的三篇诗的内容大同小异,写的却是她被掠、没胡、归汉的苦难经历,抒发她的悲愤,是她归汉后“感伤乱离,追怀悲愤”而写的。有五言诗,有楚歌体;或抒情,或叙事。在文学领域里,蔡琰是个有胆识的通人,敢于择取又善于创新,胡笳的声调、楚骚的抒情,民歌的叙事,都大胆“拿来”,丰富融汇,加强其表现手法。其作品创造了一个深刻动人的悲剧形象  相似文献   

This article compares and discusses three counseling approaches and suggests the feasibility in school education  相似文献   

当事人在合同的成立前负有先合同义务,在履行中负有合同约定义务及附随义务,在合同终止后负有后合同义务。先合同义务、合同约定义务、合同附随义务、后合同义务这四种义务在概念与期间、依据与根据、内容、产生与后果、性质等五个方面,既有相通之处,又有不同之处,通过比较分析,有利于系统地理解和掌握。  相似文献   

基于语料库人称代词our搭配差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国学习者语料库、北京大学现代汉语语料库以及美国本族语大学生作文语料库LONCESS,本文考察了中国非专业学习者对第一人称代词复数our的使用情况.研究结果表明:中国大学生存在过度使用our的倾向,且搭配类型及其不平衡.探其原因是中国大学生书面语中口语化倾向严重、母语迁移和中美价值观的差异.  相似文献   

从史诗的定型流变、游牧文明与海洋文明的自然审美差异、社会的转型和个人意识的觉醒、深刻的命运观等四个方面对东方的蒙古和西方的希腊这两个不同民族的史诗进行比较性探析,以期探索史诗作为人类早期文化文本的基本特质,借以揭示蒙古和希腊两个民族文学不同的审美走向,并在跨文化视野中解读史诗中所蕴涵的文化差异和文化特质。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInChinaandinEnglandenvironmentaledu cationtakesmanyformsandisimplementedbymanyagencies,bothformallyandinformally.Developmentsinbothcountrieshavebeen ,andcontinuetobe,influencedbygovernmentpoli cy ,publicawarenessandsubjectsub cultures.Thisstud…  相似文献   

19世纪美国的移民运动与20世纪初清政府在内蒙古地区推行的移民实边,起初两者的目标类似、措施雷同。但由于它们是在不同的历史环境中出现的,且又土地政策取向趋异,其移民运动就呈现出殊异的历史特点,构成了各自的开发模式。  相似文献   

Both IQ and age related differences in the zones of proximal development of 89 four to eight year olds were investigated. Each child was asked to learn, transfer and generalize a strategy for solving the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. The speed, efficiency, accuracy and extent of support needed were analysed. Multivariate analyses of variance were performed on the data from each task. The benefits of high IQ were not as consistent as those of chronological age. They were most apparent in the learning and generalization tasks. Some high IQ children created challenges of their own in the unchallenging transfer task, or became bored. Two practical implications became apparent: the range of learning potentials in classes of children grouped by chronological age poses a formidable challenge for educators, and the learning of highly able children may detoriorate when they are offered the same curriculum as their peers.


Teachers’ curricular role identities are those dimensions of their professional identities concerned with the use of curriculum materials. In a previous study, we developed and tested a survey instrument designed to measure preservice elementary teachers’ development of curricular role identity for science teaching through their use of science curriculum materials. In this follow-up study, a revised version of the survey was administered to a second group of preservice elementary teachers in the same science methods course, and data were analyzed within and across years. Results from this study suggest that preservice teachers articulated important similarities and differences between the curricular role identities for science teaching they attributed to themselves and to more experienced elementary teachers. Over time, they were often able to begin to appropriate the curricular role identities for science teaching that they attributed to more experienced elementary teachers. However, findings from the second survey administration also suggest that preservice teachers’ curricular role identities for science teaching are more stable when characterized by their actual curriculum design practices than when characterized by comparative, probabilistic means. These findings have important implications for science teacher education and curriculum development, as well as the operationalization of curricular role identity in education research.  相似文献   

随着国际一体化逐步延伸到经济合作以外的领域,以国家教育体系为单位的比较传统面临前所未有的挑战,在席明纳基础上构建的比较教育研究的宏观文化场,具有类似布迪厄网络场域综合意义上的逻辑圈层属性,其中的学术实践者的关系即是其间存在着的多重权利结构关系,这些学术实践者所代表着的某一国家、民族区域的各自不同的、且不容代替的历史传统文化资本,同时进入席明纳意义上的“资本”大流通、大循环,这必然产生大创造。  相似文献   

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