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胡蓉 《凯里学院学报》2013,31(1):126-129
随着我国市场经济的发展,社会发生复杂而深刻的变化,多元文化和多元价值观往往令大学生们无所适从,心理问题日益凸显。然而,当前高校心理咨询还远不能满足大学生心理发展的需要。高校辅导员作为大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,积极学习心理咨询知识,适时开展大学生心理辅导显得尤为必要。  相似文献   


This phenomenological research study focused on how education students perceived diversity in their academic lives, as well as the language they used when they talked about diversity. Focus groups with 36 undergraduate and graduate students in a college of education were conducted to explore these areas. Three themes were identified through a two-phase analytical approach. These were: (a) limited or inconsistent exposure to diversity at the college; (b) instances of othering and exclusion that took place in various spaces; and (c) divergent ways of talking about the diversity climate. The article concludes with a renewed call for increased attention to diversity in colleges of education.  相似文献   

This study of 434 students enrolled at seven southern California community colleges investigated student learning experiences in courses with multicultural and diversity content. Student perceptions of (a) what was learned in courses with multicultural and diversity content, (b) feelings about themselves when learning these types of content, (c) the values learned, (d) the amount of learning achieved, (e) feelings about the teacher, and (f) desire for more courses with multicultural and diversity content were identified. Some research has demonstrated that community colleges are doing very little to provide multicultural educational experiences for students. However, to date, there have been no comprehensive studies of community college students' experiences with multicultural and diversity education. Results of this study indicated that community college students desire courses with multicultural and diversity content. Students' learning experiences are enriched when courses contain these types of content. Although women and members of minority groups are most desirous of multicultural and diversity content, White male students need the experiences. The values taught in these courses seem to enhance the understanding of differences. Although learning about gays and lesbians is problematic for some, students do want to learn more about diversity than what frequently is associated with ''culture.'' Along with multicultural content, information concerning gender, sexual orientation, ageism, classism, and disabilities should be infused into college curricula.  相似文献   

在传媒多样化的时代,大学生越来越多地受到来自传统媒体和现代媒体的各种影响。本文从传媒多样化对大学生社会化所造成的影响入手,分析了当前大学生发展的主要内容以及传媒作为媒介在大学生发展过程中所应担当的责任,并就如何针对传媒对大学生造成的负面影响开展媒体思想政治教育提出了相应策略。  相似文献   

Using a revised version of the Transition to College Model (Locks et al. 2008, Rev High Educ 31(3), 257–285), this study examined the extent to which minority students and non-minority students differ in their predispositions to engage in campus-based diversity activities as well as in their engagement with ethnically diverse college peers at a predominantly White college. Findings indicate that engagement with diverse peers is a learned behavior; one that was shaped long before a student stepped into college. The importance of past interactions with diverse peers extends beyond freshman year predispositions to engage; students who interacted with diverse students prior to college were also more prone to report engagement with diverse peers at the end of their sophomore year. Notably, freshmen minority students were more predisposed to engage diverse peers next to their White peers; these ethnic-based differences, however, dissipated by the end of the sophomore year of college.  相似文献   

The current policy environment regarding affirmative action and diversity mandates in higher education makes it necessary to analyse the impact of exposure to diversity on the goals of higher education, including greater cultural awareness and the promotion of democratic citizenship. This essay discusses the findings of a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater - a regional, state university located in southeast Wisconsin enrolling approximately 10 000 students - in which students were asked about their attitudes and experiences regarding diversity. Regression analysis indicates that students with greater exposure to diversity in the form of college educational exposure, peer exposure and pre-college exposure had greater levels of cultural awareness and political participation.  相似文献   

网络文化具有的多元性、虚拟性、交互性、内容的海量性等特征,使大学生的心理素质受到了很大影响。为培养大学生健康的心理素质提供依据,通过调查,深入地了解了网络文化对大学生的心理素质产生的各种影响。  相似文献   

大学生思想政治素质是指大学生的思想素质、政治素质、道德素质、法制素质各要素的有机融合与统一。调研表明:定性分析大学生思想政治素质是积极向上,但是从定量角度却是处于中等水平;大学生对主流意识形态认同度亟需提高,思想政治观念呈现多元困惑、矛盾冲突;高校思想政治教育与大学生心理健康教育关系密切,思想政治教育内容应包括心理健康教育。高校思想政治教育应肯定成绩、明确问题、洞悉原因,关注大学生的健康成长,切实提高思想政治教育实效,引导大学生逐渐形成自己的思想政治观念。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育招生规模的不断扩大,高校大学生的就业形势也日益严峻。从我国大学生职业价值观的发展现状可以清楚地看到,目前大学生的职业价值观念呈现出了务实、多元、矛盾、理想化的特点。笔者结合自身实际工作经验,对当前就业形势下大学生职业价值观进行了探讨,以期为大学生就业以及国家就业指导部门做好就业工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The majority of research on nontraditional students has been conducted in environments where they constitute a significant portion of the college population. For the most part, this research found few problems and indicated that nontraditional students' college experiences are positive. This article compares the experience of nontraditional students at two types of campuses—a traditional campus where older students constitute a small percentage of the student population and two branch campuses where there is a substantial number of older students. The findings indicate areas in which a lack of age diversity may have an impact on the nontraditional students' experience.  相似文献   

通过对天津市6所高校934名大学生的体育意识、体育锻炼行为、体育消费和体育信息的获取等方面进行问卷调查分析,结果显示:大学生体育意识总体上是积极的,大多数大学生喜欢参加体育锻炼;大学生整体的体育消费水平较低,个体之间的差异较大;多数大学生关注体育信息,获取体育信息的途径多样化;大学生体育锻炼行为积极、有效.建议学校在课程设置、课外体育活动的开展以及学校建设中要考虑到学生的体育行为特点,为学生进行体育锻炼提供条件.  相似文献   

我国高职生职业价值观教育探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职生职业价值观教育对于其未来的职业价值观形成、职业选择具有重要意义,加强高职生职业价值观教育是适应社会发展的必然要求。高职生职业价值观存在自身评价不科学,趋向功利化、多元化等特征,在高职生职业价值观教育过程中,要端正认识、科学引导,加强师资保障,积极借鉴先进经验,以促进高职生职业价值观的科学养成。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine the mediating effect of learning engagement on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and college students’ academic performance, and the moderating effect of assessment characteristics on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and learning engagement. A sample of 2,458 students in a university in mainland China was studied. Results indicated that perceived teacher feedback had a positive impact on students’ academic performance; learning engagement had a mediating effect on the relationship between perceived teacher feedback and students’ academic performance; and assessment frequency, difficulty and diversity had moderating effects between perceived teacher feedback and learning engagement. With the three factors of high frequency, difficulty and diversity assessment, perceived teacher feedback was more likely to improve students’ learning engagement. In contrast, feedback without these three factors could decrease or have no impact on students’ learning engagement. This indicates that teacher feedback indirectly affects college students’ academic performance by promoting their learning engagement, and is more effective when the frequency, difficulty or diversity of assessments is high.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国改革开放的不断深入,文化多元化趋势也日益凸显,对高职院校的内在精神结构和文化品质产生了严重的冲击。通过对苏南地区五所高职院校的调查发现,在校高职生对中国传统文化的认知程度还比较低,但是他们对传统文化的生存和发展比较关心,说明他们具有较强的责任心和民族荣誉感。逐步引导在校高职生传承中国传统文化,既有利于他们树立正确的文化观,同时也能增强思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和形势的变化,大学生关注的热点问题呈现出多样性和多变性。调查研究是了解和把握大学生思想动态、增强其思想政治教育针对性和实效性的有效途径。通过对大学生关注的教育领域内的教育质量、教育成本、创业就业等问题的调查分析,了解大学生关注的热点问题,进而把握其思想动态,为进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Ethical growth and prosocial development are increasingly salient learning outcomes in higher education. Previous research has shown that the traditional college years facilitate moral development, especially with respect to moral reasoning. This research examined the impact of college experiences on students’ sense of active responsibility for others—prosocial orientation—via a longitudinal, multi-institutional design through the Spirituality and Higher Education project at University of California, Los Angeles. Data from over 14,000 undergraduates show that key college experiences predict growth on prosocial outcomes. Especially salient predictors include active forms of learning, engagement with diversity and other means by which students encounter multiple perspectives. Implications for higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

当前高职教育蓬勃发展,高职生迅速增长,加上高职院校的生源多样化,导致学生综合素质参差不齐,思想品德素质存在差异性。为适应当今社会高技能应用人才的需求,学校除了加强高技能人才的培养外,还必须努力提高高职生的思想品德素质。  相似文献   

This is a preliminary study that focuses on multiracial college students' attitudes regarding the challenges they experience on campus. Results of this study highlight counseling issues that affect multiracial college students, and how college counselors' perceptions of diversity need to be broadened in order to accommodate the rapidly growing multiracial and multiethnic student population.  相似文献   

通过对中美两国大学生科学推理能力测试数据研究分析,发现两国大学生科学推理总平均成绩虽然近乎相同,但在不同题目维度上和推理方法上却存在一定的差异。中国学生更擅长与计算和专业知识相关的推理,而美国学生在观察实验、分析证据方面占优势。  相似文献   

This study seeks to expand the literature on predicting friendship diversity beyond race/ethnicity to include religion, social class, and sexual orientation. Survey packets elicited information regarding up to four close friendships developed during college. Additional measures assessed pre-college friendship diversity, participation in college activities and diversity education, intergroup attitudes, and interpersonal communication apprehension. A total of 588 friendships (213 intragroup and 375 intergroup) were reported by 151 college students. Pre-college friendship diversity was the primary predictor of college friendship diversity across each intergroup dimension. Implications for prejudice reduction are discussed.  相似文献   

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