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This article considers how course design accommodates the adaptation of L2 students into the early stages of the master's dissertation (Social Sciences and Humanities) at a UK university. I present a contrastive process-oriented analysis of two students' experiences on different courses, extracted from a 13-month ethnographic study in which students' self-reports (journals; interviews) were triangulated with their assignments, interviews with lecturers and classroom observation. I identify two ‘literacy events’ in the early stages: discussing the topic and preparing the proposal. In order to make visible these events, I deploy Lave and Wenger's Community of Practice model, while taking a post-structuralist view of learning as a dynamic between language, identities, power relations, affordances and agency. Findings show unequal support for these events on the two courses; I argue that this exemplifies significantly different ideologies relating to the accommodation of L2 students, and discuss implications for course design.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to introduce a wider audience to a set of ideas developed by a group of sociologists of education who draw on Basil Bernstein’s late work on knowledge structures and whose epistemological stance is grounded in Social Realism. The paper’s main substantive focus is the concept of ‘powerful knowledge’ – recently popularised by Michael Young – and the implications of this notion for curriculum change. ‘Powerful knowledge’ connects with two other key ideas – ‘knowledge of the powerful’ and ‘esoteric knowledge’ – all of which have fed into recent debates about curriculum development and change. Various inter-connections between these ideas are examined. The paper concludes by identifying three chronic ‘tensions’ which impede efforts to extend powerful knowledge to socially and economically disadvantaged students.  相似文献   

This article explores the value systems which inform assessment practices in higher education, specifically how particular forms of knowledge valued in the curriculum shape and constrain assessment practices. The data for this article is drawn from two courses which participated in a service learning research and development project at the University of Cape Town. Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu and Basil Bernstein, the article argues that the location of these courses—within the field of higher education and a particular kind of institution, faculty and department—shapes their assessment systems, practices and outcomes in certain ways. What is valued in this field (Bourdieu) is a form of knowledge production which requires students ‘to step out of the particularities’. This form of knowledge operates as a regulative discourse, constituting what counts as legitimate. Using the assessment system as a ‘window’, this article explores how these service learning courses constitute and are constituted by the regulative discourse of the field. While the constraints of the field are powerful, this project offers some hopeful signs of forms of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment that, at the very least, name and challenge these underlying value systems.  相似文献   

美国高校人文社会科学的演变及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对美国高校人文社会科学在学科性质、社会功能及高校课程演化过程的分析,揭示出美国的人文学科在经历了18世纪末到20世纪中叶的衰退后,在20世纪80年代经历了艰难而有成效的调整和重组,目前正以积极的姿态,通过与科学等其它学科的合作、通过贴近社会和学生需求,走向新的历程。相比于西方一些具有科学理性文化传统的国家而言,我国人文与社会科学的改革将面临更大的困难。人文与社会科学的现代化将对未来多元化学术社会达成价值共识具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article considers the place of knowledge in developing a socially just curriculum. It pursues the unusual route of a critique of Social Realism, a small but influential tendency in curriculum studies which claims that knowledge has been squeezed out by recent curriculum reforms and that there has been a descent into relativism. This paper shares the Social Realist view that ‘powerful knowledge’ is needed, and particularly by disadvantaged or marginalised young people. However, it critiques Social Realism's limited definition of ‘powerful knowledge’, arguing that for knowledge to be truly powerful, it must open up issues of power and inequality. It contests the Social Realist argument that critical pedagogy which begins from a subaltern stance is intrinsically relativist, arguing instead that alternative perspectives can help uncover concealed truths and break through hegemonic paradigms and ideologies. It argues that this is entirely compatible with a Critical Realist epistemology. Furthermore, the paper presents reasons why a socially just curriculum needs to draw upon the vernacular knowledge of marginalised groups as well as the canonical knowledge of academic disciplines to produce truly powerful knowledge and a social justice curriculum.  相似文献   

文科综合类实验教学示范中心实验教学问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
此研究围绕文科综合类实验教学示范中心实验教学课程、教学方法、考核办法以及师资队伍建设等方面的问题进行探讨,并得出了有实践意义的结论。  相似文献   

This article describes a ‘Mastery Rubric’ (MR) used to design both the curriculum and the assessments in a new two‐year certificate programme intended to train physicians in clinical research skills. The MR for clinical research skills is built around a set of core research skills: critical review of literature; articulation of research objective; development of research design; development of analysis plan; implementation of the study; implementation of the analysis plan and presentation of results. Four distinct levels of performance are described for each skill: beginning, novice, competent and proficient. This rubric outlines and provides a path to mastery of the clinical research skills the certificate programme was designed and funded to target. Using the rubric to design the curriculum ensures that courses will provide instruction in key domains, promotes assessment that demonstrates development in the target skills and knowledge, and encourages reflection and cognitive self‐monitoring in the students. It is a flexible, criterion‐referenced definition of ‘success’ for students as well as the programme itself. The criteria are characterised in terms of the skills, habits of mind and organisational principles that can foster excellence in clinical research, but the approach can be generalised.  相似文献   

This article focuses on curriculum change, in particular on course team responses to the introduction of a new curriculum and on the implications of empirical findings for our understanding of curriculum implementation and change. The case discussed is that of the second version of GNVQ. The discussion is based on an analysis of data collected across twenty-two course teams in ten schools and colleges over a two-year period as part of an ESRC-funded project. The model of comprehensive assessment of the second version of the GNVQ is one in which the curriculum reinforcement role of assessment related to the coverage and standards of the qualification but not to the design of courses. Theoretically, significant scope was accorded to course teams to develop and provide courses that responded to local contexts. The article explores how patterns of difference and similarity in course team responses to the introduction of this curriculum might be explained and indicates three broad approaches: implementation, adaptation and assimilation, relating these responses to the existing experience and expertise of members of the various course teams. The article draws on concepts from the field of linguistics to put forward the notions of ‘curricular fields’ and ‘sub-curricular fields’ and suggests that curriculum implementation needs to take greater account of the sub-curricular fields of course teams.  相似文献   

新中国成立60多年来,中国高等学校文科专业经历了巨大的变化。其发展历程大致可以分为三个时期:缩减时期(1949~1976)、复苏时期(1977~1992)和调整时期(1993年至今)。文章勾勒了这一历史演变的过程,描述了不同时期文科专业的规模、地位和构成所表现出的不同特征。研究发现专业地位的变化与国家对文科的定位有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

This paper explores the emotional responses that assignment feedback can provoke in first-year undergraduates. The literature on the link between emotions and learning is well established, but surprisingly research on the relationship between emotions and feedback is still relatively scarce. This article aims to make an additional contribution to this emerging field. Semi-structured interviews with 24 first-year undergraduate students from the Humanities and Social Sciences department in a post-1992 institution were conducted. The interview narratives identified how the emotional impact of feedback was related to: prior experiences of education, the significance participants attached to the feedback received on their first assignment and how their interpretations of feedback comments were linked to beliefs about themselves as learners. The implications of these experiences on student ‘belonging’ and learning are discussed. The underlying themes that emerged from the findings are the polarised emotions of anxiety and confidence. Based on the findings, the paper concludes by making recommendations for reconceptualising feedback on first-year assignments. It suggests that a holistic assessment approach, which incorporates timely feedback indicating if students are ‘on the right lines’ with low-stakes assignments, is a practice that may both reduce anxiety and increase confidence to support students.  相似文献   

A stream of debate (including a previous special issue of this journal (25(1) 2014)) has made claims not just for ‘bringing knowledge back in’ as the framing underpinning of the school curriculum, but that subjects associated with disciplinary and disciplined knowledge forms have a particular power and that these characteristics are important to preserve in curriculum frameworks. This paper draws on a major Australian research project studying school and university physics in the context of these arguments to revisit the issue of the ‘discipline’ of physics and the curriculum logics for physics. Given that disciplines are social in origin and changing and expanding over time, can school curriculum be logically derived from the discipline to which they relate? Are questions about student engagement only questions about pedagogy and not curriculum? Does a focus on disciplinary knowledge mean that the role of school in forming identities and values is avoidable as a significant feature of what the curriculum does? The findings from the project are used both to illustrate and test these questions, and to challenge some over-simple assumptions about the verticality of this form of knowledge for education purposes.  相似文献   

The number of university undergraduate courses in the area of interactive media is increasing. Many of these courses are based in the schools of art and design that have traditionally valued and focused on developing the aesthetic and artistic design skills of their students. However, because of the rapid changes in new technology the relation between the technology and design has become complex. This poses new challenges for the educators in this field. The main challenge is defining the role of programming in the curriculum and the relationship between ‘coding’ skills and ‘design’ skills. The article examines different conceptual models of programming and suggests that the concept of programming as artistic and creative practice and ‘programming as design’ would be more suitable for the art and design curriculum.  相似文献   

This paper examines the construction of ‘socially just’ curriculum renewal initiatives for Samoan students in a low socio-economic secondary school. Basil Bernstein's concept of recontextualization is used to investigate the implementation of Queensland's Social Justice Strategy at the school level. Interview data provided by the school's first two ‘social justice coordinators’ is analysed, focussing on the categorizations of students and discourses operative within the reform initiatives. Shifts in what counted as socially just curriculum for Samoan students are documented. The focus is on the varying strength of the boundaries of cultural categories (i.e. ‘Samoan’) and on tensions over the emphasis on the cultural knowledge of community representatives and the professional knowledge of school educators. The findings make explicit implications for the distribution of discursive resources to the Samoan students and, hence, life chances in a world in which English is a tool needed by young Australians irrespective of their cultural background.  相似文献   

针对高职人才培养出现的片面化、工具化问题,在"科学与人文"融合教育理念的指导下,建立"以课程开发为主体,以校园文化建设和网络教育为两翼"的高职人才培养模式。通过改革实践,促进学生全面发展,解决人文教育缺失问题,并为高职跨学科课程开发及公共基础课改革提供新的借鉴。  相似文献   

This article reports on an analysis undertaken in the field of African philosophies using selected conceptual tools from Maton’s Legitimation Code Theory (LCT). In response to calls by South African students for ‘decolonising’ the Humanities curriculum, the practical purpose of the analysis was to generate theoretically-informed guidelines for developing a curriculum for an undergraduate course in a new African Studies major. The field of African philosophies is of theoretical interest because historically it has been premised on responding to and challenging dominant, Western ideas imposed on African intellectuals through processes of colonization and modernization. LCT was employed to uncover principles that legitimate knowledge claims in this field – with a view to determining what content should be selected, recontextualized and pedagogized for the new curriculum. The analysis includes the author’s meta-reflections on the affordances and limitations of LCT for working with knowledge in the South.  相似文献   

分析了现代管理类知识的"非良构"特征及其对管理类课程本科传统教学模式的挑战;基于认知灵活理论,提出了创设管理类课程超文本知识系统,提高教师灵活性教学的责任意识、专业素养和授课技能,适当采用团队式教学、改革教学进度和教学大纲,建立以激励学生为导向的高校招生与考试制度等管理类本科课程灵活性教学模式及其系统优化策略。  相似文献   

This is the first public output of the joint Arts Council/University of Portsmouth research project into photography teaching in GNVQ Art and Design and Media Communications and Production. It reports principally from various contacts and interviews in the first six months of the project and from the results of a questionnaire survey of art and design lecturers involved in GNVQ. The paper suggests that the increasing significance of photography in artistic cultural and social practices is not adequately reflected in formal education. It describes a variety of aims and practices in those institutions involved in GNYQ, although we have found little collaboration between art and design and media courses. In some art and design courses, photography functions mainly as an aid to research and preparatory work, elsewhere we found lecturers willing to describe it as ‘an art form in its own right’ or as a ‘fundamental part’ of the art and design curriculum. We report on the resource implications of offering substantial photography courses. some preliminary findings about the kinds of students studying art and design GNVQ, and the perceived value of official publications. The question of choosing ‘A’ level or GNVQ is raised, as is the issue of progression. We have found expectations that GNVQs will become a regular route into HE although their currency is not yet clear. Although we report difficulties with GNVQs in art and design, and more specifically with photography, we also record comments which indicate some reasons for optimism.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the contribution of ‘social realism’ in resolving questions of knowledge and curriculum in the sociology of education. Social realists argue that, in the interests of educational equality, all pupils should have access to ‘powerful’ knowledge produced by specialist intellectual communities. Social realism relies upon a critique of standpoint theory, taking it to be irrealist, relativist and ignorant of the post-empiricist revolution in the philosophy of science. This paper argues however, that social realists fail to appreciate the critical realist response to the post-empiricist revolution and thereby end up critiquing a caricatured version of standpoint theory. The paper concludes that if we are concerned with restoring objectivity, in a manner that avoids both relativism and cultural elitism in school curricula, a turn away from standpoint theory in the sociology of education is not warranted and may be obstructive.  相似文献   

This article explores the issue of students' writing skills in the discipline of Engineering and beyond. It is the result of a discussion between three academics from different discipline backgrounds: Teaching and Learning, the Humanities and Engineering. We start with a review of the strategies commonly used to address problems in students' academic writing skills, with an emphasis on the notions of ‘writing across the curriculum’ (WAC) or ‘writing in the disciplines’ (WID). Taking into consideration the issue of students' perception of their ‘real curriculum’ and the need to embed writing’ in the disciplines, we propose a strategy aimed at implementing an efficient teaching of writing skills targeted for a specific discipline. In so doing, we argue that the increasing recourse to independent Learning Development services decontextualises students' understanding of writing.  相似文献   

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