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Participation is often used as a blanket term that is uncritically celebrated; this is particularly true in the case of youth digital participation. In this article, we propose a youth-focused analytical framework, applicable to a wide variety of youth digital participation projects, which can help facilitate a more nuanced understanding of these participatory practices. This framework analyzes the aims envisioned for youth participation, the actors and contexts of these activities, and the variable levels of participatory intensity, in order to more accurately assess the forms and outcomes of youth digital participation. We demonstrate the value of this framework by applying it to two contemporary cases of digital youth participation: an informal online community (Nerdfighters) and a formalized educational initiative (CyberPatriot). Such analyses facilitate normative assessments of youth digital participation, which enable us to better assess what participation is good for, and for whom.  相似文献   

Public bioethics bodies are used internationally as institutions with the declared aims of facilitating societal debate and providing policy advice in certain areas of scientific inquiry raising questions of values and legitimate science. In the United States, bioethical experts in these institutions use the language of consensus building to justify and define the outcome of the enterprise. However, the implications of public bioethics at science-policy boundaries are underexamined. Political interest in such bodies continues while their influence on societal consensus, public debate, and science policy remains ambiguous. This article presents a theoretical discussion of public bioethics bodies as boundary organizations and examines them in terms of relationship to the moral and cognitive authority of science and other forms of expertise, mechanisms for public participation in controversial science policy, and the deployment of consensus models. The theoretical discussion is examined in the case of the U.S. Human Embryo Research Panel.  相似文献   

Public bioethics bodies are used internationally as institutions with the declared aims of facilitating societal debate and providing policy advice in certain areas of scientific inquiry raising questions of values and legitimate science. In the United States, bioethical experts in these institutions use the language of consensus building to justify and define the outcome of the enterprise. However, the implications of public bioethics at science-policy boundaries are underexamined. Political interest in such bodies continues while their influence on societal consensus, public debate, and science policy remains ambiguous. This article presents a theoretical discussion of public bioethics bodies as boundary organizations and examines them in terms of relationship to the moral and cognitive authority of science and other forms of expertise, mechanisms for public participation in controversial science policy, and the deployment of consensus models. The theoretical discussion is examined in the case of the U.S. Human Embryo Research Panel.  相似文献   

We exploit a unique database on research and invention disclosure of faculty at 11 major US universities over a period of 17 years to explore the extent to which faculty involvement in license activity has affected their research profiles. We relate faculty disclosures to their industry and government-sponsored research, publications, and citations. Recent disclosure by faculty has a positive effect on industry and government funding, but, if they disclose multiple times, the effect on government funding can be negative. Recent and repeated disclosures increase the faculty member's publication count as well as the importance of these publications in terms of citations. We also examine life-cycle effects and find that the ability to attract funding and the rate of publication increase as the faculty member ages but at a decreasing rate. We also find that post-tenure, both types of funding decrease.  相似文献   

申津羽  王煜琪  赵正 《资源科学》2021,43(11):2289-2302
明确公众参与城市水环境治理行为的影响因素对提高水环境治理绩效具有重要意义。本文基于北京、上海、广州三地2051份公众问卷,运用双栏模型和解释结构模型考察了公众城市水环境治理参与意愿和参与程度的影响因素,探究了公众参与意愿的内在发生机制。结果表明:①北上广三地74.3%的公众有城市水环境治理参与愿意,平均意愿支付水平为12.29元/年;②公众参与城市水环境治理的意愿和程度的影响因素不尽相同,其中公众月均可支配收入、前往城市水环境的频率与在城市水环境内停留时间、城市水环境景观和娱乐价值认知以及城市水环境整体生态状况感知对公众参与程度有显著影响;③公众参与意愿的内在发生机制是深层根源因素(公众受教育程度、年龄和居住地距最近的城市水环境距离),通过影响中层间接因素(城市水环境整体生态状况感知以及城市水环境生态价值认知),进而影响直接驱动因素公众环境责任意识,最终影响公众城市水环境治理参与意愿。提出了加大水环境治理宣传力度,制定公众参与治理奖励政策以及完善公众与政府信息交流机制等建议。  相似文献   

基于利益相关者共同参与的战略性环境管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
企业环境管理水平已经成为影响当今企业国际竞争力的一个重要因素。传统的企业环境管理模式存在着许多缺陷 ,容易使企业在环境问题上陷入被动局面。基于利益相关者共同参与的战略性环境管理将利益相关者在环境问题上的要求系统地整合到企业共享的价值观、企业战略、运营结构、生产技能、运营系统和处事方式等要素中 ,使企业前摄性地开展环境管理工作 ,并获得竞争优势。这一管理模式对入世后我国企业如何开展环境管理和打破“绿色壁垒”具有重要指导意义  相似文献   

柯林斯和埃文斯的专长研究为技术决策中延伸问题的解决开辟了新路径。具体而言,通过区分两类专长的本质差异来为科学专家与公众划界,并论证了技术决策中公众参与无限延伸的非合理性及互动专家如何在公众参与科学的“技术阶段”发挥“帮助”作用;此外,仅就理论方面来看,专长研究相关成就的阐发有利于缓和科学家与人文社会学者之间的矛盾,也能在公众理解科学方面产生积极效应。这启示我们有必要深入发掘专长研究的成果,将它们运用于公众对科学与科学家的理解和科学家和人文社会学者之间信任关系的重建。  相似文献   

郭进  徐盈之 《资源科学》2020,42(7):1372-1383
公众作为环境资源的利益相关者,与政府和企业一道,成为推动环境治理的三股力量。本文基于公众在解决信息不对称问题和完善社会舆论监督方面的优势,论述了公众参与环境治理的理论基础和参与路径。在此基础上,本文构建了2011—2015年中国省际平衡面板数据,并将公众参与划分为侧重于后端治理的投诉上访和侧重于前端治理的建言献策两类,对公众参与环境治理的效应进行了评估。研究发现:①在“政府-企业-公众”三元环境治理体系中,公众参与一方面依赖于政府的环境执法迫使企业污染环境的外部成本内部化,进而间接地参与环境治理;另一方面其本身对污染企业的震慑作用也会产生与政府环境执法类似的效果,进而直接地参与环境治理。②两种细分类型的公众参与,其效应表现出异质性,即公众参与环境治理主要体现在以投诉上访为主要形式的后端治理层面,以建言献策为主要形式的前端治理效应不显著。③采用工具变量法来缓解内生性问题后,公众参与环境治理的效应得到了进一步增强,同时发现居民平均受教育程度的提高显著地扩大了公众参与环境治理的水平。据此,本文对进一步扩大公众参与环境治理提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

区域创新平台的企业参与机制研究 P /P   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陆立军  郑小碧 《科研管理》2008,29(2):122-127
本文研究了产业集群内龙头企业和中小企业两者不同的区域创新平台参与机制。在两类企业共同的“一般动力机制”之外,它们各自还有不同的动力机制,前者是一种“联网机制”,后者是一种“技术利用机制”。正是基于两类企业不同的动力机制,应有侧重地使用正式和非正式两种控制机制对龙头企业和中小企业的参与行为进行规范和监督,以使企业成功跨越“参与陷阱”,消除创新网络结构失衡,最终使其高效参与区域创新平台的建设和运行。  相似文献   

居民旅游影响感知、态度与参与行为研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
卢小丽 《科研管理》2012,33(10):138-144
旅游的发展给旅游目的地社区带来了广泛的影响,社区居民是这些影响的主要承担者。本文以生态旅游地社区居民为研究对象,以居民影响感知为研究切入点,建立居民影响感知、态度与参与行为的关系模型以揭示居民旅游影响感知对其态度和参与行为的影响。论文以大连的三个生态旅游社区居民为调研对象,通过对回收的457份有效调研问卷数据进行可靠性和有效性检验,采用相关分析、回归分析和结构方程等数据分析方法,对居民旅游影响感知、态度和参与行为之间的关系进行检验。通过研究得出如下结论:居民对生态旅游正面影响感知对旅游发展的态度和参与行为有显著正面影响,居民对生态旅游负面影响感知对居民的态度没有显著影响,但对居民的参与行为有显著正向影响,居民对生态旅游发展的态度对其参与行为有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

吴鸿雅 《科学学研究》2007,25(5):801-805
 在人类求知的长河中,从无知到知之,知之积累为知识,知识转化为力量,进而拥有智慧的辩证过程中,科学既是智慧的基础,又构成了通往智慧的环节.科学最有价值的意义就在于获得智慧,这种智慧不仅是人们安身立命之根本,更是人种永存的重要机制.最原初的"爱智慧"构成科学理想中最深奥、最灿烂的伟大哲思.科学的三向度:力量、知识和智慧事实上是三位一体的关系.科学的理想是力量、知识和智慧的完满结合.  相似文献   

陈漫 《科研管理》2018,39(9):52-58
本文基于知识基础观,探讨了两种形式的顾客参与(信息提供和共同开发)对两种类型的突破式创新(市场突破和技术突破)的差异化作用及其中介机制。通过对208家高科技企业的问卷调查,研究发现:(1)信息提供和共同开发的顾客参与均能够提升技术突破;(2)信息提供增强市场突破,但是共同开发会降低市场突破;(3)顾客参与直接影响市场突破,但是组织学习在顾客参与和技术突破之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

企业众包模式参与效果影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以参与网络众包的企业为研究对象,基于企业动态能力理论、认知理论和激励理论,分析企业的自身属性、动态能力以及客观条件等对众包参与效果的影响,在此基础上提出了研究假设,从而构建了研究的概念模型,然后采用问卷调查的方法对企业众包模式的参与效果开展调研,并运用结构方程模型进行了实证检验。实证结果表明:企业自身属性中的高参与会有效促进企业提升其参与绩效;企业动态能力对企业参与众包效果的促进作用不明显;企业在众包方面的相关经验等客观条件对企业参与众包的效果有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

民营经济参与BOT项目的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国民营经济改革开放以来。发展迅速,已经具备了参与BOT项目的能力。但是近年来我国在采用BOT模式时,民营经济常处于被动的地位。就此问题分析了民营经济参与BOT项目的可行性,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

顾客参与对新产品开发作用机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
汪涛  郭锐 《科学学研究》2010,28(9):1383-1387
传统观念威胁到企业竞争力,新产品开发大多集中在企业角度探讨,却忽略了真正使用产品的顾客。从知识分享的角度,分析顾客参与对产品创新的作用机理,即顾客参与通过关系涉入影响顾客与新产品开发企业的知识分享,进而改善新产品绩效,同时加入了顾客知识异性作为调节变量,更好解释了这一机制。  相似文献   

In recent years, firms have increasingly contributed to and been confronted with a patent landscape characterized by numerous but marginal inventions, overlapping claims and patent fences. As a result, firms risk their patent applications to be pre-empted or to be infringed upon by rivals. While both aspects constitute major challenges for the appropriation of returns to inventive activity, extant literature suggests that participation in the market for technology might actually resolve or at least alleviate these problems. In this paper, we investigate the effect of pre-empted and infringed patents on firms’ engagement in in- and cross-licensing. Based on a sample of more than 1100 German manufacturing firms our results show that firms engage in in-licensing as a reaction to pre-empted patents and in cross-licensing if their protected IP was infringed upon. However, these effects vary depending on the fragmentation of technology fields and whether the firm operates in a discrete or complex product industry.  相似文献   

有学者认为先秦时期的“逍遥”一词意为漫步、散步等行为,而不是指人的情感状态,甚至认为“逍遥”在语境中带有伤感色彩.这种观点不恰当地把“逍遥”在语境中的引申含义都还原为词源学上的本义,并且混淆了语境的情感色彩与“逍遥”一词所包含的情感色彩.在先秦文献中,“逍遥”主要的引申含义是游戏、游玩,不能还原为单纯的散步、漫步,《庄子》则对“游戏”含义进一步引申,明确地用该词意指闲适、自得的情感状态.  相似文献   

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