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Heggie V 《Endeavour》2010,34(4):157-163
Most international sports organisations work on the premise that human beings come in one of two genders: male or female. Consequently, all athletes, including intersex and transgender individuals, must be assigned to compete in one or other category. Since the 1930s (not, as is popularly suggested, the 1960s) these organisations have relied on scientific and medical professionals to provide an 'objective' judgement of an athlete's eligibility to compete in women's national and international sporting events. The changing nature of these judgements reflects a great deal about our cultural, social and national prejudices, while the matter of testing itself has become a site of conflict for feminists and human rights activists. Because of the sensitive nature of this subject, histories of sex testing are difficult to write and research; this has lead to the repetition of inaccurate information and false assertions about gender fraud, particularly in relation to the 'classic' cases of Stella Walsh and Heinrich/Hermann/Dora Ratjen. As historians, we need to be extremely careful to differentiate between mythologies and histories.  相似文献   

Though female physicists and chemists were rare in the lab generations ago, more and more women in China have been diving into fields of scientific study used to be dominated by men. To show how they have progressed in recent years, our staff reporter XIN Ling, shares with you the success stories of three leading female scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

P模块化理论的国内外研究述评/P P /P P/FONT /P   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹建华  王兆华 《科研管理》2008,29(3):187-191
随着全球范围内技术转移和产业融合趋势的增强,模块化理论已经成为战略管理和运营管理领域具有前瞻性的热点问题。本文首先介绍了模块化理论提出的背景及相关概念,在此基础上分别从产品层面、企业层面和网络层面对国内外模块化理论的研究进展进行了评析,同时提出了国内学术界在该理论研究的不足和未来趋势。 关键词:  相似文献   

基于半结构性系统模糊决策方法的物流中心选址研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雄 《科技管理研究》2007,27(11):166-168
物流中心选址是一个既要考虑定量影响因素也要考虑许多难以量化的定性影响因素的半结构性决策问题。本文提出半结构性系统模糊决策方法的物流中心选址模型,该方法在二元对比的基础上,确定了影响因素的权重向量及具有统一计算标准的定量影响因素和定性影响因素的相对优属度向量,然后综合成相对优属度矩阵,应用模糊优选模型求解得到物流中心的最佳建设地址。最后通过物流中心选址实例验证了该方法的可行性与合理性。  相似文献   

李靖华  毛丽娜 《科学学研究》2013,31(8):1231-1241
 经过十多年的发展,呼叫中心已得到较充分的发展,但在其运作中仍存在不少矛盾和问题。本文深入呼叫中心内部,了解部门间的工作衔接及业务流程,进而挖掘部门间知识转移机制。本文借助社会资本理论,对快递、通信、银行、证券行业的四家企业的跨案例研究,构建了呼叫中心与合作部门间知识转移综合模型。本文得到的主要命题有:(1)呼叫中心的高结构强度和结构密度,有助于提高呼叫中心服务传递过程中员工的知识转移机会、动力和能力;(2)呼叫中心关系维度的高信任关系和规范性,有助于为呼叫中心员工进行知识转移创造机会,也提高了员工在服务传递过程中进行知识转移的动机和能力;(3)呼叫中心的认知维度中,价值观和目标导向一致性越高,则越有助于呼叫中心服务传递过程中员工的知识转移机会、动机和能力的提高。本研究结果还表明,呼叫中心对不同类型知识的关注程度存在差异,金融业与非金融业的知识转移的方式和频率也存在不同。  相似文献   

高等研究中心博士生培养模式创新与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张俞红  张潇冉 《科学学研究》2007,25(Z2):326-330
研究生培养是清华大学高等研究中心最重要的工作之一,近年来我们从各个方面来提高研究生培养的质量。本文简介清华大学高等研究中心的研究生培养情况,并对具体实践过程中发现的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

涉海排污企业超标排放导致海洋环境日益恶化,而政府补贴有利于海洋排污问题的改善.文章在引入政府补贴的前提下,利用进化博弈论的思想并通过复制动态及稳定性分析来研究海洋排污问题中政府与排污企业的效益均衡博弈模型.结果表明:在长期的反复博弈过程中,政府和企业是相互依赖的,当政府对超标企业的罚款小于监管成本、企业采取措施处理超标污水的费用大于补贴、利润增额与因超标排污的罚款额之和或者仅小于利润增额时,该博弈存在进化稳定策略,即政府和企业实现效益均衡状态.  相似文献   

After a brief summary and discussion of Townsend's theory of the electrical breakdown of gases in the light of certain recent criticisms, it is shown that these are compatible with his theory except for one serious discrepancy. This discrepancy lies in the fact that at the assumed fields at which breakdown occurs in air, at atmospheric pressure, and in inert gases at low pressures, the βP of Townsend's theory cannot have the significance given it by Townsend, as the positive ions are incapable at these fields of acquiring the ionizing energy. Various solutions proposed are discussed and found inadequate. It seems necessary, in order to keep this otherwise successful theory, to doubt the validity of the assumption generally made for plane parallel electrodes, that the potential drop between the plates is uniform before the spark passes. If fields about ten times as great as those calculated from the uniform drop existed, the theory could be applied. It is shown that such fields are possible under the conditions of the spark potential experiments, due to space charges resulting from the difference of ionic and electronic velocities. The existence of such fields requires a finite spark lag interval of about 10?4 seconds, as yet not definitely observed. Experiments should be undertaken in laboratories equipped for the purpose to look for both the spark lag and the non-uniform field.  相似文献   

从竞争进化到合作进化:达尔文自然选择学说的新发展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
达尔文自然选择学说强调生物有机体间的竞争 ,它难以解释有机体的利他行为。亲缘选择理论、互惠利他理论和自私的基因理论揭示了生物有机体利他行为与进化的关系 ,指出在自然选择中个体的竞争与合作并不相悖 ,竞争进化与合作进化是生物有机体为适应环境而形成的两种不同的进化路径 ,从而大大丰富和发展了达尔文自然选择学说  相似文献   

电子商务时代的ERP系统选型决策分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ERP的准确选择是企业成功实施的基本前提。通过对传统ERP局限性和功能拓展的具体分析,从我国企业具体情况出发,深入讨论了电子商务时代企业ERP选型应遵循的原则。从ERP软件的技术特征、费用、服务和供应商综合素质的角度探讨了ERP选型的关键决策因素,并给出了企业ERP选型的一般步骤。  相似文献   

Supplier selection is a complex multi-criteria problem including both quantitative and qualitative factors. In order to select the best suppliers it is necessary to make a trade-off between these factors, some of which may be in conflict and may also be uncertain. In this problem if suppliers have capacity or other different constraints, two problems will exist: which suppliers are best and how much should be purchased from each selected supplier.In this paper an integrated approach of multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) and linear programming (LP) is proposed for rating and choosing the best suppliers and defining the optimum order quantities among selected ones in order to maximize total additive utility. A numerical example is proposed to illustrate an application of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Eder S 《Endeavour》2012,36(2):69-76
In 1955, a paradigm shift in the conception of sex is said to have taken place, when psychologist John Money at Johns Hopkins's Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic argued that 'hermaphroditic' children could be assigned a sex contradictory to their biological sex. Rather than being born male or female, he claimed, these children learned to be boys or girls. Money was subsequently credited the invention of the term gender role. However, Money only confirmed a practice that was established at the clinic several years before his intervention. The clinic's director Lawson Wilkins (1894-1963) had already recommended that certain children, virilized by congenital adrenal hyperplasia, should be raised in the male sex, even though they were by all medical standards of the time female. What mattered for him was assigning the sex that seemed 'better' for these children. What constituted the 'better sex' was contingent on the child's psyche and habitus, social expectations, and on the range of medical and surgical interventions available at the time.  相似文献   

胡望斌 《科研管理》2007,28(6):76-84
技术强国对华技术出口限制严重影响了我国经济、技术的自由和快速发展,然而我国对这些受限技术深入系统的研究很少。本文首先应用技术监测方法,进行了技术强国针对我国实施的技术出口限制内容动态监测研究。然后综合运用模糊评价法以及人工神经网络等理论方法,对我国受限技术与我国重点发展领域的对比、与技术强国之间的技术差距、我国发展的重要性等进行分析和研究,建立我国受限技术评估的理论方法。从而可以准确认识我国受限技术的本质特征,为我国受限技术的发展和决策提供科学的指导和帮助。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104797
We document an affiliation bias in top Chinese journals and the gender gap in the current affiliation effect. We find that papers written by researchers who are affiliated with the journals' host institutions on average receive fewer citation counts than those written by non-affiliated researchers. Moreover, we show that this affiliation bias is greater for men than for women. We propose that the current effect can be accounted for by a social capital mechanism, and we provide evidence consistent with our proposition. In addition, the results of our analyses demonstrate heterogeneity of the affiliation bias and the gender gap with regard to researcher status. We discuss alternative mechanisms of the current effect and implications of our research.  相似文献   

目前R&D项目的研究大多以数学规划、决策理论及评分方法来构建R&D项目投资组合的多准则模型。这些模型在有限范围内考虑是有效的,然而对于R&D项目的调度问题,是这些方法所不能解决的。本文将模糊集理论及启发调度的方法引入R&D项目组合的决策分析之中,以期寻求其最优解。最后用算例对R&D项目组合进行系统分析与研究。  相似文献   

实物期权理论与传统投资决策理论的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自从引入期权思想,投资决策理论引发了一场革命性的变化。本文着重分析实物期权理论对传统投资决策理论的修正、继承和发展的内在逻辑关系。  相似文献   

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