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Teacher clarity     
This review examined two decades of research on the clarity of teachers' presentations. The first intent was to analyze initial studies to determine whether the promise ascribed to the teacher clarity variable by Rosenshine and Furst (1971) was, in retrospect, justified. The second intent was to evaluate research conducted subsequent to the review by Rosenshine and Furst to determine whether the earlier claims made for teacher clarity have materialized. Although many questions have yet to be resolved, recent research has produced both operational definitions of teacher clarity and sufficient evidence to link presentational clarity to desirable student outcomes.  相似文献   

Seeking conceptual clarity in the action modalities   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
This article begins with the presumption that action learning has not made as deep an impact in promoting participatory social change as its supporters may have hoped for, but nor has its cousin action modalities, such as action research and action science. These action strategies have evolved separately along distinct traditions and, rather than focus on their commonalities, their proponents have tended to cite their differences from one another. As a result, they have seldom stood together to advocate for their shared epistemology based on practice as the fundamental unit of analysis. Accordingly, after briefly summarizing the history and differences among these action modalities, this article will focus on their potential confederation. It cites ten unifying elements that may construct an agenda characterized by the value of learners collectively reflecting on planned engagements that can not only expand but can create knowledge while at the same time serving to improve practice.  相似文献   

数字图像的质量直接决定着印刷品的质量,数字图像的清晰度是判断数字图像质量的重要指标。建立印前数字图像清晰度评价标准对于印刷业有着广泛的意义。印前数字图像清晰度可以从有参考和无参考两个方面进行评测。有参考评测主要根据印刷图像所需要的分辨率要求确定当前图像是否符合印刷要求。无参考评测可以利用基于焦点窗口的清晰度评价方法,检测出图像的不同区域清晰度,并以此作为印刷图像清晰度的参考值。以上两种方法在实际应用中都取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of alternative performance appraisal formats is evaluated in terms of their contribution to selected dimensions of role clarity, and their focusing the evaluation on primary criteria as opposed to secondary criteria. The formats studied are: simple graphic rating scales, more complete graphic rating scales, and behaviorally anchored rating scales. From the viewpoint of the person being rated, the dimensions of role clarity investigated are: understanding of the performance dimension being rated, understanding of where the faculty member stands on each performance dimension, and understanding of the behavioral changes that would improve ratings on each performance dimension. Behaviorally anchored rating scales are observed to be superior to the other rating scale formats on each dimension of evaluation.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was carried out with 120 undergraduate students to examine a possible aptitude–treatment interaction between teacher clarity and student test anxiety in relation to two outcome measures, namely student achievement and student motivation, with student intelligence statistically controlled. Students completed measures of intelligence and test anxiety and were randomly assigned to high teacher clarity or low teacher clarity conditions, defined by the presence or absence of specific teaching behaviours in a videotaped lecture with content held constant across conditions. Measures of motivation and self-efficacy for learning the material were completed immediately post-treatment, then one week later participants completed an achievement test based on the material contained in the lecture and assigned homework. Results revealed significant beneficial main effects for high vs. low teacher clarity for both achievement and motivation measures, but no aptitude–treatment interaction between teacher clarity and student test anxiety.  相似文献   

Lack of clarity in university teaching: A case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correlational studies suggest that clarity in teaching plays a crucial role in student learning and satisfaction from instruction. Other quantitative studies identify low-inference teacher behaviors that are components of clear instruction. The present study used qualitative methods to examine unclarity in teaching of a physics undergraduate course for non-science majors. Teaching clarity was measured both as a high- and low-inference behavior. Evidence of several data sources converge and reveal very low level of understanding of the material presented, strong dissatisfaction with instruction, and a good match between high- and low-inference teacher clarity behaviors. This is explained by the instructor's insufficient pedagogical knowledge, by his inability to apply those pedagogical principles he does know in actual classroom instruction, by his misconceptions regarding teaching and student learning, and by his detachment from his students and the subsequent lack of adjustment of instruction to them.  相似文献   

讨论了有限简单连分数在分数约分、求最大公约数、解二元一次不定方程和一次同余方程中的应用。  相似文献   

《诗经》描绘了一辐幅婚恋风俗画,让后人追寻到那远逝岁月留下的踪影。高■祭是青年男女欢乐的节日,歌舞场也是情场,花草是爱情的信物,男女的欢爱与水关系密切,民间婚礼情趣盎然。  相似文献   

This article considers the value of clarity – of theory, method and purposes – in educational research. It draws upon the work of early critical theorist, Theodor Adorno, and particularly his notion of negative dialectics and his challenge to the traditional dichotomy of theory and practice. Using the notions of virtuous mess and wicked clarity, I argue that we need to accept the messy, contingent nature of the social world we research. I further suggest that it then follows that such research can and should influence and change that world. The researcher is necessarily part of the world she researches and, once one accepts that, it is hard to sustain ethical or political isolation; it is hard to ignore the struggle.  相似文献   

论教师可持续发展的教育素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师的素质应该是可持续发展的,它不仅要与时俱进,而且要体现教师专业化发展的特点。它主要包括教师的职业道德,教学思维和教学研究能力。  相似文献   

费根鲍姆常数4.669…(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周期倍化现象在Logistic方程xn+1=αxn(1-xn)的迭代中,参数α的变化会使定常解的个数出现倍化现象(数学上称之为分岔).由表2(见第3期P26)可将方程的定常解个数(或周期)随α变化情况用图12简示:  相似文献   

This study investigated the combined effects of the quality and clarity of a photographic illustration as factors influencing a viewer's recall of the content of the photography. The stylistic elements of lighting, image quality, degree of detail, image sharpness and perspective were manipulated in order to control the overall quality and clarity of the image. Photographs designated high signal noise ratio (S/N) had high overall quality and clarity. Photographs designated low S/N had minimum acceptable quality and clarity. Eighteen high and low S/N photographs of agricultural produce were shown randomly to 204 first-year communication students in four groups. The subjects were also identified according to their preferred information processing modality— visual, aural or visual and aural. Five days after the presentation of the photographs, the subjects were asked to list the content of as many photographs as they could remember.  相似文献   

College students (N = 41) were randomly assigned to one of two groups defined by the teacher's clarity in the lesson, i.e., high-clarity versus low-clarity presentation on genetics. After the lesson the subjects completed a test on the contents of the lesson and then rated the lesson presentation. Students in the high-clarity group achieved more (although not significantly) than students in the low-clarity group. Students perceived the high-clarity lesson as significantly clearer than the low-clarity lesson. These findings are discussed in relation to previous research on teacher clarity.  相似文献   

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