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Many regional and local Departments of Education in many countries now require their primary school teachers to be mandatory reporters of child sexual abuse. However, many student–teachers are not provided with courses on child protection and its policy requirements during their pre-service university education. So, how do student–teachers source, and develop, their professional information about this important role? This study examines an Australian university cohort of final 4th year bachelor of education primary school student–teachers, asking them to identify and clarify the nature of any relevant professional information they accessed over the 4 years of their teacher education. The results show that, in the absence of formal child protection courses, such professional information was scarce and sporadic. Student–teachers consistently indicated a pattern of not learning about essential Department of Education policies and procedures whilst at university. These results, although disappointing, provide a rationale for university curriculum planners to design appropriate pre-service university training courses that initiate, develop, and enhance student–teachers’ professional competencies as mandated reporters of child sexual abuse.  相似文献   

为适应学习化社会对教师的新要求,全面推进素质教育,我们要借鉴国外教师教育改革的成功经验,采取有效措施和相应的对策,鼓励师范院校转型及综合性大学开办教师教育,建立一体化、专业化的新型教师教育体制。  相似文献   

杜绝"水课"、打造"金课"已成为中国高校本科教育工作的一项重要任务。文章试图将大学课堂教学面临的困境放在社会发展的大背景下审视,特别是要揭示消费社会及其文化给大学课堂教学带来的影响。通过讨论大学教育的商品属性、大学教育商品性的实践、大学教育价值中的符号崇拜,揭示出"水课"产生的深层根源,即课堂教学日益失去教书育人之根本,沦为对各种指标、分数、证书等符号的追逐。文章提出要举办有社会责任感的教育、呼唤有教学勇气的教师、营造有生命感的课堂、建立支持性的管理制度,以达到消除消费意识形态的幻觉、扬弃符号逻辑对人的异化之目的。  相似文献   

体育学科是一门交叉学科,对我院体育教师的管理,需要从专业需求、质量要求和数量控制三方面采取有效措施,才能使我院体育教学和所培养出来的学生能更好地适应目前和未来教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

In order to adapt teacher education to new demands in mathematics classrooms, it is necessary to change the courses in mathematics at the university. Teachers’ beliefs about mathematics, learning and teaching has great impact on their teaching. At the University of Göteborg, a co‐operative project has been conducted in order to design a programme based on problem solving in courses taken by prospective Comprehensive School teachers (grade 4‐‐9). The main purpose of the project has been to make student teachers more reflective about mathematics as such, about learning and teaching. Another purpose of the project has been to use a teaching method in a university course‐‐a method which could be applied in a school classroom. The student teachers have worked co‐operatively in small groups of 3‐4 students and the educators role has been that of a facilitator. A preliminary evaluation indicates that student teachers have developed an insight into the complexity of learning and teaching, even though there are variations in this respect. However they still have difficulties in applying the method to teaching mathematics at school.  相似文献   

按照高校英语教师活动的主要因素,大致可将高校英语教师培养机制归为四个层面:即专业层面、教学层面、个人层面和组织场面。以此为分析框架,对某财经类四年制本科院校的英语教师培养与发展机制进行了案例研究。通过分析指出该校英语教师培养取得一定成绩,但是尚存在一定问题,需要进一步优化教师队伍结构、提高英语教师科研能力、这就要求加强英语教师的培训和进修,有针对性地促进英语教师的培养与发展,使英语教师培养系统化、制度化,将教师培养与发展内化为教师的自主需求。  相似文献   

A number of terms have been used to describe knowledge needed for teaching, one of which is subject knowledge. How knowledge for teaching is conceptualised in teacher education prioritises some knowledge bases over other knowledge bases. Further, knowledge prioritised by student teachers is influenced by socialisation prior to and during an initial teacher education course and priorities for student teachers as they develop as teachers. Previous research in physical education teacher education points to the pre-eminence of content knowledge above other knowledge bases. The purpose of this study was to look at what knowledge is prioritised by student teachers, school-based mentors and university tutors working on three secondary physical education initial teacher education courses in England. Results showed that content knowledge was seen as having greater importance for student teachers and mentors, but university tutors generally conceptualised subject knowledge more broadly, suggesting that it should be seen as covering a number of knowledge bases needed for teaching. These results are discussed in relation to socialisation processes in education and phases of development. Although there is a clear physical education focus to this work, it is possible that student teachers learning to teach other subjects may also focus excessively on subject content knowledge above other knowledge bases.  相似文献   

教师是素质教育的实施者,要培养具有创新能力的高素质人才,提高教师的素质是关键.主要讨论了素质教育背景下高校计算机专业教师应该具备的基本素质,并简要分析了这些素质的内涵.目的是为高校计算机专业教师提供可参考的建议,并为推进高校素质教育服务.  相似文献   

Staff and student perceptions of what constitutes good academic writing in both further and higher education often differ. This is reflected in written assignments which frequently fall below the expected standard. In seeking to develop the writing skills of students and propose potential solutions to writing difficulties, a study was conducted in a university and a nearby further education college in the north west of England to explore barriers and solutions to AW difficulties. This paper reports the findings generated using unmoderated focus groups with second-year university health studies students (n=70) and moderated focus groups with further education college teachers (n=3) and health studies lecturers in a university (n=6).

Findings indicated that staff and students’ perceptions of what constitutes AW differed. The barriers to academic writing that were identified included lack of time and confidence; lack of extended writing at FE level; lack of reading and understanding of academic texts or journals; referencing; and academic jargon.  相似文献   

大学教师肩负着培养国际化、创新型的高素质人才的重任。要实现这一大学培养目标,需要一支富有教育力的教师队伍。主要通过对大学教师教育力的概念、特质以及影响教育力提升的两个系统的思考,希望能引起学校领导和老师们对教育力的关注和重视。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine a professional learning community of primary school teachers developing a joint school-based curriculum for science and technology (S&T) education. Team meetings were observed over the course of one school year and the participating teachers and school head were interviewed. An essential factor in the team’s collaboration was its ability to achieve synthesis, that is, the extent to which the teachers were able to abstract from concrete experiences in S&T education in order to formulate and develop a shared vision and curriculum. They exchanged many examples and were able to create a shared idea highlighting critical elements in their approach to teaching this school subject. However, the teachers experienced difficulties in determining the level at which a school-based curriculum should be defined. The outcomes of this team’s collaboration are discussed in terms of leadership and the aims of the S&T innovation.  相似文献   

职业素养是个体胜任特定职业所需的各种内在条件的总和,高校教师职业素养直接决定着高等教育教学的实际效果,制约着高校人才培养、科学研究和社会服务的质量与水平。大规模的线上教学引发了高校教育教学的巨大变革,从职业品格、职业知识和职业能力等三个维度对高校教师的职业素养造成了严峻挑战。要切实提升高校教师职业素养,促进高等教育的高质量发展,高校教师必须在理念重构、定向学习、深度反思和体验观摩上下功夫。  相似文献   

民办高校青年教师作为教学的中坚力量,既有优势,又显现出一些不足。民办高校青年教师要尽快适应高等教育的发展,培养对教育事业和学生的爱心、对专业知识不断探究的恒心、对教学艺术钻研的痴心,在教育教学实践中提高教学水平。这对促进民办高校的可持续发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Many teacher education programs in the United States (US) face increasing demands to better prepare teachers for entry into and retention in urban schools. Through a US Department of Education grant, a university–school partnership was formed to develop a community‐based model of teacher preparation that placed pre‐service teachers in urban schools for a full year. Based on questionnaires and interviews with university teacher education faculty, and both pre‐service and novice classroom teachers who took their first jobs in urban schools, this research considers the common concerns and disparate roles that the three groups considered paramount in preparing new teachers for urban schools.  相似文献   

在高等教育教学改革中,教师的课堂教学具有非常重要的地位。布鲁克菲尔德教授的《大学教师的技巧——论课堂教学中的方法、信任和回应》一书对大学教师的课堂教学进行了全面而深刻的阐述,值得借鉴。大学教学充满了不确定与不安定因素,大学教师应做好充分的心理准备,正视教学中遇到的挫折和学生对自己的不利评价,不断地在挫折中树立自信和完善教学。培养学生的批判性思维应是每一位大学教师最基本和最终的教学目标,而实现培养学生批判性思维的教学方法是使用批判性回应式教学。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the design and implementation of a core teacher education course develops pre-service teachers’ information communication technology (ICT) in education competencies in a mainland Chinese university. This course adopted a four-component instructional design system to develop its curriculum, incorporated an inquiry-based learning approach to develop pre-service teachers’ pedagogical competencies, and used an online learning platform to facilitate the sharing of experiences of using ICT for teaching and learning. This case study demonstrates that innovative pedagogies together with more relevant course content supported by an online learning platform may enhance the effectiveness of a core ICT in education course.  相似文献   

沿袭普通高校的班主任管理模式在以远程教育形式为主的电大教育中显得并不适用,日常管理工作存在大量无用功,难以发挥班主任对远程教育的组织引导作用.因此,通过分析电大学生的一般性特征,围绕电大班主任日常管理工作的几点重心,提出日常管理工作有效性的提升策略,以期为提高电大班主任日常管理水平提供借鉴参考.  相似文献   

This paper explores issues arising from a detailed study of the experiences of students, teachers and lecturers in managing the transition from school to university in the study of English. It outlines some key philosophical perspectives derived from Pierre Bourdieu and considers the extent to which it is possible to apply notions of ‘habitus’ and ‘reproduction’ to the study of English at A level and at university. Through the consideration of these philosophical issues, this paper offers an insight into students' experiences of transition and some of the difficulties they face as they become accustomed to the new learning environment of the higher education institution.  相似文献   

大力发展我国高等职业教育刍议   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
发展高等职业教育是社会发展和科技进步的必然要求,也是世界各国教育改革和经济发展的普遍经验。高职教育在我国才刚刚起步,面临着许多问题,因此,要大力发展高职教育,对高职教育在办学体制、管理体制、培养目标、师资建设等方面进行改革。  相似文献   

The article attempts to present personal views of some changes that are needed to be made within teacher education in Malaysia. It uses one teacher education university as a point of reference to forward concerns. The university remains anonymous as it is not the intent of the article to critique the university but rather to highlight the more general challenges in preparing preservice teachers and to explore some approaches to improve teacher education within this university and its setting. The article starts by drawing together a set of concerns that face the field, arguing that three changes are needed to improve teacher preparation, namely (1) a curriculum that is grounded in the Malaysian context, (2) an improved practicum experience, and (3) to develop and situate practices in the schools. It concludes that the efforts to change within teacher education will not be easy, but needful; else the ultimate losers are the future teachers and their students.  相似文献   

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