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生命意识是对教师职业的基本要求,新课程的推行使之在久被遮蔽中得以澄明。教师应当敬畏生命、尊重生命、珍爱生命、欣赏生命、开掘生命和体验生命,养成一种丰沛恒久的生命情怀。在教育教学中,教师应从尊重生命、节约生命、让生命开花三个递升的层面彰显生命意识。  相似文献   

Certain segments of science are becoming increasingly commercialized. This article discusses the commercialization of academic science and its impact on various aspects of science. It also aims to provide an introduction to the articles in this special issue. I briefly describe the major factors that led to this phenomenon, situate it in the context of the changing social regime of science and give a thumbnail sketch of its costs and benefits. I close with a general discussion of how the topic of commercialization of academic science is relevant to science education.  相似文献   

科学是研究客观世界的知识和方法论体系,以科学本身作为研究对象的学科一般称为科学学.其核心命题是想说明科学是什么,科学发展的规律怎样.从学科建制的标准看,科学学产生于二十世纪二三十年代,从科学学研究的命题看,科学学的思想可以追溯到古希腊时期.  相似文献   

The call for reforms in science education has been ongoing for a century, with new movements and approaches continuously reshaping the identity and values of the discipline. The HPS movement has an equally long history and taken part in the debates defining its purpose and revising curriculum. Its limited success, however, is due not only to competition with alternative visions and paradigms (e.g. STS, multi-culturalism, constructivism, traditionalism) which deadlock implementation, and which have led to conflicting meanings of scientific literacy, but the inability to rise above the debate. At issue is a fundamental problem plaguing science education at the school level, one it shares with education in general. It is my contention that it requires a guiding “metatheory” of education that can appropriately distance itself from the dual dependencies of metatheories in psychology and the demands of socialization—especially as articulated in most common conceptions of scientific literacy tied to citizenship. I offer as a suggestion Egan’s cultural-linguistic theory as a metatheory to help resolve the impasse. I hope to make reformers familiar with his important ideas in general and more specifically, to show how they can complement HPS rationales and reinforce the work of those researchers who have emphasized the value of narrative in learning science. This will be elaborated in Part II of a supplemental paper to the present one. As a prerequisite to presenting Egan’s metatheory I first raise the issue of the need for a conceptual shift back to philosophy of education within the discipline, and thereto, on developing and demarcating true educational theories (essentially neglected since Hirst). In the same vein it is suggested a new research field should be opened with the express purpose of developing a discipline-specific “philosophy of science education” (largely neglected since Dewey) which could in addition serve to reinforce science education’s growing sense of academic autonomy and independence from socio-economic demands.  相似文献   

<正>The Tory leadership contender Liam Fox claimed that boys should be taught in single-sex schools.(The Guardian,2005)According to his point,the new debate about the merits and drawbacks of single-sex education becoming increasingly intense in the United Kingdom.Boys and girls should be teaching  相似文献   

In this article Jerry Wellington argues very strongly in favour of the role of science in citizenship education. He emphasizes the need for knowledge, skills and action and suggests areas and ways in which pupils can be engaged in the struggle for a sustainable future where interdependence and interconnectedness mesh well with notions of equity and justice.  相似文献   

外来民工的到来,有效缓解了城市经济发展与劳动力后备资源不足的矛盾,同时也带给全国城市300万人以上的义务教育学龄人口。在发达国家工业化的早期,农民进城后迅速转化成为了产业工人。而在当今中国,农民进城后受到种种限制、缺乏知识技能,很难尽快转变成产业工人主力,很难迅速融入城市生活,还因行政区划、地域壁垒、国统指标及其由此诱发的政绩驱动行为,使其子女不能接受基本的义务教育。对此,我们百思不得其解:外来民工劳作于全国的城市、为所在的城市贡献 GDP 和纳税。本来有权享受国民待遇,为什么还要再承担一份额外的教育收费;本是合法公民,本已成为新一代城市移民,为什么在自己祖国失去受教育权?  相似文献   

如何为适应中小学课堂的文化多样性、实现教育平等和社会正义而培养合格教师,是当代美国多元文化教师教育研究的核心议题,诸如招收更多具有多元文化背景的师范生、丰富多元文化教师教育课程体系、增加教育实践场所的文化多样性以及教师教育者自觉示范等实践创新亦蔚然成风.面对多元文化教师教育发展中的困难,研究者呼吁组织、课程和个人等多层面的变革,开展高水平合作研究,建设多元文化教师教育学科.  相似文献   

教育是人为的存在,在可为、能为、允许为的条件下,人怎样为,教育就怎样存在。在现实的教育实践中,教育的人为实际上就是教育操作者不间断地进行选择,教育的实际运行状态正是这种持续选择的结果。在历史的限度内,有什么样的教育选择,就会有什么样的教育。  相似文献   

网络文化的兴起,使大学生的学习、生活、道德观念深受其影响,在充分享用网络提供的高科技文化成果的同时,亦有诸多负面效应。同时也给高校德育工作带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。该文分析了目前网络对高校德育的影响,同时结合相关理论、参阅相关研究成果,从网络环境、网络道德和网络道德教育的特点入手,针对网络道德教育的现状,提出了相应的大学生网络道德教育的对策。  相似文献   

大学生闲暇时间的大大增加已引起高教界的广泛关注。本文以素质教育为背景,分析了大学生面临的闲暇时间增加的必然结果,阐述了闲暇教育对大学生的深远影响,提出了高校开展闲暇教育的基本思路。  相似文献   

提出通过专题式作业的引导训练,能使学生的能力得到培养和提高,促进学生创新意识的培养,进而体现素质教育的精神.  相似文献   

生命教育:21世纪大学教育的重要课题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学教育不仅仅是培养专业技术出众的人才,更应培养精神生命健全的人,也就是说,大学教育应担负起“接受知识,开启智慧,润泽生命”的使命,可见生命教育是大学教育应有之义,他在大学生精神成人的过程中扮演了,重要角色,生命教育理应成为21C大学教育的一个重要研究课题。  相似文献   

审美教育与德育是同一层次上并列的两种教育形态,是人格完善的两个必要方面,两之间在目标上具有明显的一致性。因此,在高校德育中把审美教育提到应有的高度,具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。充分发挥美育在大学德育中的重要作用,应着重从提高美育地位,丰富美育内容,拓展美育空间,提高教师素质几方面展开。  相似文献   

新能源科学与工程专业是面向新能源产业,立足于国家"十二五"发展规划,根据能源领域的发展趋势而开设的新专业。由于新能源科学与工程专业是非常"年轻"的专业,很多课程以及教学还处于摸索阶段。结合西南石油大学现有的新能源专业教学和科研积累,总结了新能源专业的特点,探讨了该专业的教学方法和存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了教学改革建议。  相似文献   

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