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This study used scientometric methods to conduct an automatic content analysis on the development trends of science education research from the published articles in the four journals of International Journal of Science Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Research in Science Education, and Science Education from 1990 to 2007. The multi-stage clustering technique was employed to investigate with what topics, to what development trends, and from whose contribution that the journal publications constructed as a science education research field. This study found that the research topic of Conceptual Change & Concept Mapping was the most studied topic, although the number of publications has slightly declined in the 2000’s. The studies in the themes of Professional Development, Nature of Science and Socio-Scientific Issues, and Conceptual Chang and Analogy were found to be gaining attention over the years. This study also found that, embedded in the most cited references, the supporting disciplines and theories of science education research are constructivist learning, cognitive psychology, pedagogy, and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more researchers in science education have been turning to the practice of combining qualitative and quantitative methods in the same study. This approach of using mixed methods creates possibilities to study the various issues that science educators encounter in more depth. In this content analysis, I evaluated 18 studies from science education journals as they relate to the definition, design, and overall practice of using mixed methods. I scrutinized a purposeful sample, derived from 3 journals (the International Journal of Science Education, the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, and the Research in Science Education) in terms of the type of data collected, timing, priority, design, the mixing of the 2 data strands in the studies, and the justifications authors provide for using mixed methods. Furthermore, the articles were evaluated in terms of how well they met contemporary definitions for mixed methods research. The studies varied considerably in the use and understanding of mixed methods. A systematic evaluation of the employment of mixed methods methodology was used to identify the studies that best reflected contemporary definitions. A comparison to earlier content analyses of mixed methods research indicates that researchers' knowledge of mixed methods methodology may be increasing. The use of this strategy in science education research calls, however, for an improved methodology, especially concerning the practice of mixing. Suggestions are given on how to best use this approach.  相似文献   

文章采用Kumar和Berlin在1998年设计的、划分STS教育标准的工具,通过内容分析研究法,对我国《全日制义务教育科学(7~9年级)课程标准(实验稿)》进行分析。此工具分三大类别,共含15项标准。结果表明,STS理念在《标准》中有很好的体现,但STS教育理念的重要性强调仍不足,这其中还有很多值得反思的问题。  相似文献   

本研究采用指向性和显性化原则,对《义务教育小学科学课程标准》课程内容部分学习目标的动词进行统计,结果显示共使用动词40个,词频297次。按照行为动词、心理动词、情意动词对动词进行分类统计,并按照学习领域和学段对动词进行统计,数据表明学习目标的表述以行为动词为主,发现物质科学领域和技术与工程领域态度与价值观目标缺失等现象。最后从表现性评价,言语作用,知道内涵等角度提出教学建议。  相似文献   

Pupils' motivation and interest are identified as important influences on learning. Motivational orientation is a construct that links motivation and epistemology. This study attempted to explore motivational orientation as it relates to science education and two different instructional approaches. A published instrument standardized with a population from the United Kingdom that purports to identify students' preferred motivation orientations as social, consciousness, effort, or curiosity was applied to two instructional contexts (traditional school program and field centre program) in primary schools in Slovakia. Results indicated that a very high percentage of the pupils could not be classified into one of the four categories, that the traditional classroom sample differed significantly from the United Kingdom population, and that the preferred motivational orientations expressed by the pupils in the field centre sample did not differ significantly from those expressed by the pupils in the traditional classroom sample.  相似文献   

在国外地球科学教育相关文献的基础上,文章结合国内现状,从地球科学教育改革入手,着重从课程新的计划目标、内容设置以及保护野外实习基地等三个重要方面来进行讨论,其中特别强调了地球系统科学、社会科学的作用,给我国地球科学教育事业以借鉴,以使高等地球科学教育朝着符合社会经济和生产的适应性、实用性方向健康发展。  相似文献   

科学与技术的发展引发人们对其可能带给社会风险的思考,这一问题已经从科学研究层面进入科学教育领域.文章探讨了科学风险教育的缘起及其实践价值,提出了科学风险议题的教学内容选择方法,阐明了基于科学风险内容的教学策略.在此基础上,展望这一领域的未来研究趋势.  相似文献   

当下的德育内容“厚经薄权”使得德育模式不能承受如此之重。,在主体性德育模式中.德育内容“假”框架限制主体;在活动德育模式中,德育内容“大”主题阉割活动:在“学会关心”德育模式中,德育内容“空”结构扼杀关心.。德育内容本身的理论偏差是矛盾的主要方面。它掺杂着太多的理想主义痕迹。“教育就是社会化”的命题能够在较大程度上修正德育内容表述的偏颇之处。在一定意义上,教会学生社会化就是教学生学会选择。未来的德育内容需围绕幸福教育和社会平等教育两个方面来建构。  相似文献   

One of the aspects science education should focus on is learning about science.Achieving a good understanding of this aspect requires, among others, the useof the history of science. There is some evidence that teachers rely heavily ontextbooks to select the historical content they include in their physical sciencelessons. On the other hand, Portuguese physical science syllabuses are not veryexplicit about the teaching of the science. Therefore, textbook writers may notfeel compelled to give enough importance to the history of science in their textbooksand consequently little history of science will pervade the science lessons. This paperaims to present a theoretically grounded checklist developed for analysing the historical content of science textbooks. Five physics textbooks that are different with regard to historical content were analysed. Inter-ratter agreement was used in order to validate the checklist. The results of the analysis show that the checklist is able to reveal differences among textbooks and that the historical content included in the textbooks is hardly able to give students an adequate image of science and scientists' work.  相似文献   

教育中的科学史与科学史中的教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于科学史在科学教育中的功能问题,一些案例说明,长期以来,实际上是教育目的规定着科学史的教育作用,将这种现象可称为教育中的科学史。而随着科学史研究的发展和科学史建制的形成,现在以科学史本身为本来认识科学史的教育作用,相应的,这可被称为科学史中的教育。在科学史的研究和传播过程中,从教育中的科学史向科学史中的教育转变,能够避免对科学史的辉格式解释和对科学历史的歪曲,也有利于真正认识科学史学科的教育功能。  相似文献   

文章运用内容分析法,对1981—2011年间中国知识资源总库—CNKI系列数据库以"儿童家庭教育"为搜索主题的205篇文献进行分析。分析结果从两个方面表明:儿童家庭教育问题研究的定量分析发现,该问题的研究涉及诸多学科,研究文献呈现年度递增态势;而定性分析发现,已有研究的理论基础、研究方法和研究内容均呈现多元化样态。未来的研究,应侧重问题研究的情境性、全面性和动态性,逐步提高研究的质量,实现多学科研究的融合,加强前瞻性的预测研究。  相似文献   

从世界理科教育改革看我国理科教育问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了当今世界中小学理科教育改革的基本特征,论述了我国理科教育存在的主要问题及进行改革的重要性和必要性,也提出了一些改革建议。  相似文献   

内容分析法在远程教育领域的应用才刚刚开始。文章主要介绍了内容分析法以及网络内容分析法,并分析了内容分析法在现代远程教育中的应用现状,以期为今后在远程教育领域中应用内容分析法奠定一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

科学教育在通识教育中的地位:历史与逻辑的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通识教育由人文教育和科学教育两大部分组成.从历史和逻辑两种角度分析可以看出,科学教育与通识教育之间存在密不可分的关系.东西方时这种关系的认识非常不同.西方的人文精神有助于科学素养的培养,以儒家思想为代表的我国传统人文精神虽能对科学的负面影响起到抑制作用,却不利于科学素养的培养.因此,我国通识教育应该重视发掘中国经典科学文献,帮助学生寻找科学文化的民族之根,使文化素质教育与通识教育目标协调一致.  相似文献   

通过文献计量分析的方法,对近10年来国际科学教育权威杂志 Science Education 的科学教师教育专栏文献的发文量、作者、内容等进行计量分析。结果表明,该杂志教师教育研究已形成核心作者;论文多以合作者发表;质性方法是主要研究方法;研究)容主题多元化。这对中国小学科学教师教育研究的方式、方法和研究方向有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

兰岚 《辽宁高职学报》2005,7(4):130-131
高职教育培养的人才应是具有自主学习能力的高技能型人才.在高职英语教学改革中,首先要选取适合高职学生特点,符合高职教学目标的教材,采用分层教学法,过程评价法。  相似文献   

Besides viewing knowledge about the nature of science (NOS) as important for its own value with respect to scientific literacy, an adequate understanding of NOS is expected to improve science content learning by fostering the ability to interrelate scientific concepts and, thus, coherently acquire scientific content knowledge. However, there is a lack of systematic investigations, which clarify the relations between NOS and science content learning. In this paper, we present the results of a study, conducted to investigate how NOS understanding relates to students’ acquisition of a proper understanding of the concept of energy. A total of 82 sixth and seventh grade students received an instructional unit on energy, with 41 of them receiving generic NOS instruction beforehand. This NOS instruction, however, did not result in students having higher scores on the NOS instrument. Thus, correlational analyses were performed to investigate how students’ NOS understanding prior to the energy unit related to their learning about science content. Results show that a more adequate understanding of NOS might relate to students’ perspective on the concept of energy and might support them in understanding the nature of energy as a theoretical concept. Students with higher NOS understanding, for example, seemed to be more capable of learning how to relate the different energy forms to each other and to justify why they can be subsumed under the term of energy. Further, we found that NOS understanding may also be related to students’ approach toward energy degradation—a concept that can be difficult for students to master—while it does not seem to have a substantive impact on students’ learning gain regarding energy forms, transformation, or conservation.  相似文献   

综合科学课程内容组织结构方式的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合科学课程内容的组织结构方式主要有七种:科学概念方式、主题方式、环境科学的方式、STS方式、科学过程和科学方法的方式、科学探究方式以及强调科学本质的方式.本文系统分析了这七种初中综合科学课程内容组织方式的利与弊,提出主题方式和科学探究方式组成的"双螺旋结构"是初中综合科学课程较为理想的内容组织结构方式.  相似文献   

通过对柳州师专学生在健康知识方面掌握程度的调查,提出对健康教育内容的更新与充实,使大学生健康教育更具有针对性和有效性,提高大学生的健康知识水平。  相似文献   

对2001-2015年全国教育科学规划高等教育研究立项的1 363项选题的分析发现:研究领域最多的选题是高校人才培养与模式探索,研究层次主要集中在系统层次.选题呈现特点:重问题研究,轻理论研究;重宏观研究,轻微观研究;重国内研究,轻国际研究.建议今后的选题与研究:重视对高等教育的理论研究,理论研究与问题研究相结合;重视对高等教育的微观研究,微观研究与宏观研究相贯通,以微观促进宏观,以宏观带动微观;重视对高等教育的国际研究,注重国内与国际高等教育研究的联动,以国际促国内,以国内影响国际.  相似文献   

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