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引导社会舆论是电视媒体的一项基本功能,电视媒体在监控与疏导社会舆论上具有独特的表达优势.本文通过一一阐述电视节目的特点、功能,有理有据地说明电视媒体成功引导社会舆论的作用,以及电视媒体实施社会舆论、监控与疏导时须注意的事项.  相似文献   

This study's purpose is twofold: to introduce a new format into existing political entertainment research (“serious” political talk shows) and to establish a more specific definition of entertainment in a political context. To do so, the authors rely on a two-process-model of entertainment experiences. A telephone survey (N = 230) was conducted to analyze the antecedents and consequences of eudaimonic and hedonic entertainment experiences and to look into politically relevant variables and their distribution among viewers and nonviewers of such talk shows. The results highlight the importance of introducing new entertainment concepts and their relations to other relevant political and motivational variables into the research of political entertainment. More specifically, the findings demonstrate how entertainment experiences contribute to viewers' feeling of being informed and point out several differences between viewers and nonviewers concerning their internal political efficacy and political interest. Finally, looking at political talk shows from an audience perspective extends previous content-based taxonomies.  相似文献   

The morning news programs provide an excellent forum for television broadcast networks to benefit from “corporate synergy,” but do they simultaneously compromise the intent of the social responsibility theory of the press? This study measured the entertainment content of the three network morning shows and correlated that to the ownership of the programs and the products being promoted. Results show the morning programs fill their daily news hole at least 20% of the time with entertainment and sports topics, that the entertainment products covered are more likely to have been produced by the networks' parent companies, and that the coverage of entertainment topics is almost certain to be favorable. The results are further evidence in support of calls for revision and update of the Social Responsibility Theory of the Press. The authors suggest that the adoption of the concept of stakeholder theory, applied in the business literature, offers a framework for making responsible editorial decisions in an atmosphere of corporate synergy.  相似文献   

娱乐狂欢与电视拯救   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会休闲消费市场的扩大和人们精神娱乐需求的增加,娱乐节目越来越火爆电视荧屏,已经发展成为电视上最常见的一种节目形态。娱乐作为电视的基本功能之一,已经得到越来越广泛的开掘,电视娱乐的时代已经来临。中国的观众从过去的仰视娱乐到后来的平视娱乐再到参与娱乐,现在已经被无所不在的电视娱乐所感染,在一种“娱乐狂欢”的状态下“消费娱乐”。  相似文献   

This study examined political television dramas with lead female characters, proposing a model that links viewing of these shows with political engagement. A survey revealed that regular viewers of Madam Secretary, The Good Wife, or Scandal reported feeling transported by these programs’ narratives and parasocial relationships with the main characters (i.e., women in positions of political leadership). These responses were also related to increases in political interest and self-efficacy, with interest predicting real-world political participation. The findings illustrate that these political dramas have prosocial implications, including the non-stereotypical representation of women as well as increased political engagement among viewers.  相似文献   

有人说,电视是速朽的媒体,这一点对当下的电视综艺节目来说似乎有些言中。经历了2006年星光熠熠的全民选秀狂欢时代,到了今年,虽然《非常6 1》、《红楼梦中人》、《星光大道》还在每周如约而至,但平民选秀类型整  相似文献   

Can the comments of a few viewers on social media affect viewers’ perceptions of audience sentiment or their own program enjoyment? If so, do the effects of comments vary based on their valence or placement during programming? We conducted a 2 (positive vs. negative tweets) x 2 (beginning vs. end of program) factorial experiment with an additional control condition (N = 196) to answer these questions. Negative comments undermined perceived bandwagon support for the program and reduced enjoyment, regardless of contextual or trait moderators. Findings suggest that the effects of social television may be attributable to systematic processing of bandwagon cues.  相似文献   

Little is known about entertainment acquisition and production, especially the international format trade, although its worldwide market volume adds up to about 2.4 billion. Format trade is a process along the stages of creating, distributing, producing or reproducing, and broadcasting entertainment programs. Findings of a current empirical research project conducted by means of in-person interviews with managers in Germany and the United Kingdom reveal a phenomenon by which the particular organizations involved (creators, distributors, producers, and broadcast stations) establish structures that are called “flowing organizational networks.” Depending on situational requirements and the respective stages of the format trade process, actors tend to activate different organizational structures.  相似文献   

电视对新闻报道产生了广泛而深远的影响.给新闻报道注入了新的活力,为人们接收新闻提供了更多选择。但电视出现 后,也产生了一些值得反思的现象。本文对此作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

周莉 《现代传播》2005,(2):69-71
2 0 0 4年4月2 6日,江苏广播电视总台综艺频道《震撼一条龙》悄然播出。在短短不到一年的时间,该栏目迅速走红,成为国内第一个日播、直播并取得成功的大型电视综艺专栏节目。在近几年国内电视综艺节目普遍下滑的情形下,探讨《震撼一条龙》在创意、策划、组织、运作、节目生产与经营开发等多方面的经验与理念,对于提高电视综艺的生产与传播实力、质量与水平,有着重要的借鉴意义。本刊在《震撼一条龙》开播一周年之际,特约请江苏广播电视总台及综艺频道的领导、国内著名的电视研究专家,从不同的视角就该栏目及给国内电视综艺带来的启示等命题写作专文,形成了本期“个案研究”的内容。欢迎广大读者就此继续进行讨论。  相似文献   

电视综艺性节目的编导观念越来越引起人们的重视,如何策划、导演好文艺栏目,对其创作过程进行思考并如何解决自身的观念,文章从拓展观念、和谐观念、欣赏观念三个方面对此作了论述.  相似文献   

In mapping out the structures of representation surrounding a popular talent show in China, this study supports the idea that aesthetic evaluations and discussions more often than not extend into areas of broader concerns. By discussing a popular entertainment program, cultural critics have helped nurture public spheres in which civic issues can be enthusiastically and creatively talked about. The aesthetic public sphere essentially provides an extension of the formal Habermasian public sphere, thus suggesting a more significant civic role for entertainment programs.  相似文献   

A survey administered to reality TV viewers revealed that the most salient motives for watching reality TV were habitual pass time and reality entertainment. Additional analysis indicated that those who enjoyed reality TV the most for its entertainment and relaxing value also tended to perceive the meticulously edited and frequently preplanned content of reality interaction as realistic. Concurrently those externally controlled, with low mobility and low levels of interpersonal interaction, were more likely to watch reality TV programming to fulfill voyeuristic and companionship needs. Functional alternative uses of reality TV and the appeal of realistic programming were documented.  相似文献   

在综合分析国内外政务网站评价方法的基础上,利用SocSciBot软件对科技部门户网站科技网群栏目内的地方科技子站的页面进行链接下载,构建社会网络分析数据集,围绕科技网群进行中心性分析、核心-边缘分析和聚类派系分析,从结构关系的角度揭示科技网群内部之间的联系,为下一步科技网群的建设提出参考建议。  相似文献   

陈长松 《新闻界》2008,(2):16-18
本文借用有关杂语和狂欢的理论对江苏综艺频道的娱乐节目《娱乐818》进行了分析。  相似文献   

电视新闻故事化刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年电视新闻报道中出现的"新闻故事化"是记者们应用越来越多的一种新的创作方式。它是采用纪实的手法来反映某个新闻事件。故事介入电视新闻报道可分为两类。一类像中央电视台《生活空间》栏目的"讲述老百姓自己的故事",这类栏目播放的节目多以新闻专题的形式出现,节目主题再现一个个新闻人物或事件,每个节目长度都在5分钟以上。另一类是在新闻消息中被运用,这类新闻消息在广播电视新闻评奖中又分为短消息(1.5分钟以内)和长消息(4分钟以内)。新闻故事的拍摄,不仅关注事件的结果,更要重视新闻事件的过程,注重展现新闻事故情节…  相似文献   

语言修辞在电视民生新闻节目评论中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电视民生新闻节目主持人的新闻评论语言修辞的运用是提高民生新闻节目主持人语言魅力的有效途径.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that the social dimension is an important aspect of museum learning. Many visitors report having discussed or shared information with their companions. There is also evidence, however, that some museum visitors prefer to visit alone or to learn by themselves. This study explores qualitative and quantitative differences in the nature and outcomes of solitary and shared museum learning experiences. Forty solitary adults and 40 adults visiting in pairs were observed and interviewed during their visit to a museum exhibition area, and a proportion of participants were contacted by telephone four weeks after the visit. The findings challenge the supposition that social interaction is more beneficial to learning than a solitary experience and suggest that, for adult learners, solitary and shared learning experiences can be equally beneficial but in different ways.  相似文献   


An online experiment was conducted to examine how the presumed effects of uncivil news comments on other users would influence perceivers’ intention to engage in restrictive or corrective counteractive measures. The results showed that exposure to uncivil comments reduced social desirability and heightened the presumed impact of the comments on others, which, in turn, promoted individuals’ willingness to support comment censorship (restrictive actions) and engage in comment moderation (corrective actions). The study findings provided empirical evidence for an explanation of the relationship between the presumed media influence on others and behavioral responses.  相似文献   

周剑 《采.写.编》2018,(1):173-175
近年来,传统媒体通过推进网络电视剧发展的方式积极适应互联网带来的变革.本文首先从互联网发展入手,分析了网络基因对电视剧的制作、播出以及受众造成的影响,同时分析了现阶段电视剧制作存在的问题.然后从积极与网络自制剧开展相关的合作和交流、话题营销和大数据云计算以及广告植入推广方式三个方面分析了网络基因对电视剧的影响机制.最后从借助网络平台的反馈机制以及教育责任、文化交流和融合的角度分析了在互联网快速发展的大背景下,电视剧所需要承担的相应责任.  相似文献   

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