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The intercrossing of disciphnes is an important impetus of scientific development. The existing automatic information retrieval systems are not propitious for the generation of new ideas and the interdisciplinary multiplication as they are developing towards more intelligent, knowledgeable and specialized ones. The scientific development calls for a new automatic information retrieval tool. The research will be a comprehensive subject involved with many disciplines and rields, and need to be conducted in order and step by step.  相似文献   

The paper argues that the theory that opens out the nature of subject indexing process is required, if the process consists of a tremor of steps and elements and it is a range of interpretations, too. The paper points out that Peirce' s semiotics is the theory by which we may study and understand the lmture of interpretation in subject indexing pro-cess. In recent years, there is a great interest in semiofcs in library and information science field. The paper discusses some basic issues of semiotics and its use in information science.  相似文献   

信息伦理学研究中若干问题的思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The further development of information ethics needs to solve some important ethic problems involved with disciplinary construction. These problems include the cause of the formation of information ethics; the research method,attribution and features of information ethics; the connotation and systematic structure of information ethics; the enlightenment we gain from the studies of the guiding principles of information ethics in foreign countries. The scientific analysis and exposition of these problems are helpful to the prosperity and perfection of information ethics and to the construction of social information ethics.  相似文献   

我国专利情报15年研究论文的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The papers on patent information issued from 1985 to 1999 in China are statistically analyzed, including their publication years, source journals, subject .distributions and authors. The status, laws and hot topics of the studies on patent information are quantitatively explored. The paper also makes a prediction of the development trend of the patent studies with the historical analogy method.  相似文献   

从信息资源的分类看搜索引擎的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何绍华  王亮 《情报理论与实践》2003,26(4):366-367,365
The traditional infon-nation resources are classified according to scientificness and practicality. However,the classification of Internet information resources pays more attention to practicality while paying equal attention to scien-tificness. This article, starting from the classification methods of the traditional information resources and Intemet informs-lion resources, discusses how to optimize the search engines in classified catalogue retrieval and multiple keyword retrieval.  相似文献   

<正>Owing to the rapid development of life sciences and the wide application of information technology in agriculture during recent years,the world has attached great importance to the use of molecular breeding techniques such as markerassisted selection and transgenic breeding for improving agricultural production,ensuring food safety,and supporting research and development at the frontier of modern agricultural science and technology.Because important agronomic and economic traits in animals and plants are complex and generally controlled by quantitative trait loci derived from natural variations,the genetic regulatory networks are often characterized by modular features.The existing molecular breeding technologies modify specific traits in a limited range and space,which cannot to meet the demand of complex traits as the target of molecular breeding  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N20) and methane (CH4) are key radiatively active greenhouse trace gases which have been recognized to contribute to global warming by 5% and 25%, respectively. The quantification of trace gases is a subject of great interest because accurate information is required to determine the contribution of these gases to global greenhouse gas fluxes. The coastal marsh ecosystem is characterized by high temporal and spatial variations involving topographic feature,  相似文献   

医学文献光盘数据库主题标引规律的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to search information more effectively, this essay compares CBMdisc and MEDLINE for their similarities and differences in subject indexing. It also puts forward some suggestions about subject indexing of Chinese medical literatures.  相似文献   

The National Basic Research Program (dubbed as the " 9 73 Program" is China's on-going national keystone basic research program, which was approved by the Chinese government in June 1997 and is organized and implemented by the Ministry of Science and Technology. The strategic objectives of the Program are to strengthen the original innovations and to address the important scientific issues concerning the national economic and social development at a deeper level and in a wider scope, so as to improve China's capabilities of independent innovations and to provide scientific support for the future development of the country. The followings are some of the" 9 73 projects" initiated in 2006 under the coordination of CAS scientists.  相似文献   

网络环境下信息组织面临的新问题   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
In the network environment, information organizing faces many new problems, such as information filtration, bibliographic control, systematic indexing, etc. The key point of solving such problems is to extend the function of the traditional methods of information organizing so as to classify and catalog the network information resources mom effectively.  相似文献   

我国学术期刊评价体系现状及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
【目的】梳理我国现存学术期刊评价体系,探讨学术期刊评价体系发展趋势。【方法】通过分析学术期刊评价体系的现状及存在问题,构建科学合理的学术期刊评价体系。【结果】中国的学术期刊评价体系主要有基于“质量评估”的“合格评价”和“优秀期刊评价”以及基于“影响力大小”的核心期刊评价,两种评价体系均有一定的局限性。我国各评价机构应进行整合或合作,将倡导学术规范作为重要职责,建立统一规范的适合中国国情的学术期刊评价体系,不断完善评价指标体系和评价方法,在遴选评价指标时,要更加注重评价指标对期刊质量的引导作用。【结论】只有各评价机构及管理部门深刻反思实际应用中存在的问题,才能真正构建科学合理的学术期刊评价体系。  相似文献   

【目的】 为提升高校学报自身学术水平以及学术影响力,实证探索将学术迹和学术矩阵应用于高校学报学术影响力评价的可行性以及有效性。【方法】 以中国知网为主要数据来源,收集整理了34种安徽省省属本科高校学报的发文总数、零被引文章数量、h指数、总被引频次和h域引文数量5个独立测度参数,计算各高校学报的学术迹和学术矩阵,从h核量化测度、h尾量化测度、零被引量化测度、学术迹综合量化测度4个视角对其学术影响力之间的差异进行分析。【结果】 学术迹的动态变化趋势呈发散态势,学术矩阵中9个构成参数能够精准表征各自学术成就的分布,并且能够诠释各自学术影响力之间差异产生的个性化原因。【结论】 省属高校学报学术影响力的形成至少需要累积3年时间,学术矩阵能够较好地区分省属高校学报学术影响力整体水平,能够从学术关注度、学术爆发力等个性化发展角度提升综合性高校学报的学术影响力。学术迹和学术矩阵可以作为省属高校学报学术影响力的评价指标。  相似文献   

【目的】 研究学术期刊编辑精选稿件流程,基于各类文献数据库查证来稿的学术创新性、作者及其团队的学术实力、学术研究环境,以及稿件文献列表的合理性,试图实证来稿学术的创新性,发现来稿中的学术不端行为等问题。【方法】 除常规选稿流程之外,增加检索文献数据库以及比对流程,按照作者姓名、单位名称、来稿  相似文献   

【目的】通过分析研究生学术论文中多发的学术不端现象,探究此种现象对学术环境、学术生态和学术出版的侵蚀和伤害。【方法】 概括分析了研究生学术论文中存在的学术不端行为的表现形式、表现特征及成因。【结果】 提出基于学术共同体的视域,从制度、规范、技术层面构建研究生学术不端行为的防范体系。【结论】 科技期刊应发挥学术共同体的作用,营造良好的学术出版环境,促进期刊的创新和发展。  相似文献   

冷伏海 《情报科学》1998,16(1):80-86
本文简介了国际信息与文献联合会(FID)及其第48届大会的基本情况,同时简述了德国国家信息技术中心的状况,并针对上述内容思考了几个有关现代信息领域的问题。  相似文献   

高校合并后图书馆管理模式研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
陈茜  孙莉  李广军 《情报科学》2002,20(4):365-366
高等院校合并后,其内部机构也面临着重组。合并后的图书馆管理模式研究是一个摆在图书馆人面前的新问题,值得探讨。  相似文献   

【目的】 分析中文科技期刊争鸣论文发表现状,探讨促进学术争鸣的途径。【方法】 以中国知网为检索平台,通过对2007—2016年农业科技类中文核心期刊群的统计分析,建立争鸣论文数量估算模型,模型通过验证后,用于估算其他自然学科期刊群争鸣论文数量,分析近10年来自然科技中文核心期刊争鸣论文发表及被引情况,并将农业科技期刊争鸣论文的发表情况与同期相应的国外期刊进行对比。【结果】 自然科技中文核心期刊争鸣论文占同期发表论文的0.012%~0.037%,占比由高到低排序为基础科学、医药卫生科技、工程科技、农业科技,其中农业科技类占比仅为0.012%,低于同期国外农业科技期刊的0.055%。对比分析争鸣论文与一般研究论文的影响发现,涉及重要热点科学问题的争鸣论文被引频次较高,影响力较大。【结论】 提出定量研究的方法模型,为其他海量文献统计提供了方法参考;我国自然科技中文核心期刊争鸣论文数量较少,学术争鸣气氛不够活跃,原因包括中庸的学术作风、趋同跟风的研究众多、视学术争鸣为人身攻击等认识误区;科技期刊可通过发表针对具有争鸣价值话题的评论性论文、鼓励读者参与对已发表论文的争鸣、刊发虽存在不完善之处但有着创新价值的研究成果等措施来引导学术争鸣的开展,从而推动科技创新和进步。  相似文献   

浅谈高校网络化教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李长春 《情报科学》1999,17(6):660-662
本文论述了高校教学网络化应由低到高稳步发展、逐步完善,计算机网络技术应用于高校教学可解决长期以来困绕其发展的三个矛盾。  相似文献   

学术期刊电子化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聂妍  张文娟  杨达  任云霞 《情报科学》1999,17(2):132-136
本文从历史观和结构主义的角度,以学术类期刊的产生发展及其主要功能存废问题为出发点,试图讨论相关的隐藏于社会内部的结构体系对学术类期刊电子化的前景所产生的影响。  相似文献   

网上电子期刊研究   总被引:46,自引:4,他引:42  
彭伟 《情报科学》2000,18(4):296-300
随着主流出版商逐步进入电子期刊市场,作为国际互联网的广泛使用的结果,电子期刊正从它的幼稚期迈向成熟期。本文的目的在于对如何利用电子期刊和电子期刊对信息工作者和学术界所带来的挑战做一些思考。作者认为,电子期刊的最大优势在于给学术交流带来了巨大的便利,这将可能使它从根本上超越传统期刊。  相似文献   

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