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冯胜男 《中小学电教》2012,(Z2):111-113
《牛津小学英语》6A Unit 1 Public Signs Part A围绕"公共标志"这个话题展开,重点句型为:What does it mean?It means….We must/shouldn’t….Danger!Keep off the grass.Be quiet选本课利用交互式电子白板的透视镜、拖曳、标注、聚焦、投票器等功能,与生活实际相结合,运用生动的语言和形象的动作寓教于乐,调动学  相似文献   

1.情态动词CAN「考例」: 1)There’s no light on.They ____ be at home.(06全国24) A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t 2)If it were not for the fact that she ____ sing,l would invite her to the party.(06福建27) A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not 3)Some aspects of a pilot’s job ____ be boring, and pilots often ____ work at inconvenient hours.(06湖南32) A.can;have to B.may;can C.have to;may D.ought to;must 4)-Is Jack on duty today? -It ____ be him.It’s his turn tomorrow.(06四川32) A.mustn’t B.won’t C.can’t D.needn’t「答案及解析」:1-4 ACAC。第1,4题can’t表示“不可能”;第2题can表能力;第3题can的意思是  相似文献   

Teacher: Jack, what’s the shape of the earth(地球)? Jack: En, it’s a sphere(球体). Teacher: Why do you think it’s a sphere? Jack: Isn’t it a sphere? It must be a cube(立方体).  相似文献   

本语篇围绕"Ben的生日"这一话题,从谈论生日的具体日期入手,将邀请朋友参加生日聚会,小客人来访、祝贺、送礼等情节一一体现在语篇之中。主要词汇有:a birthday,adate,when,as,a present;语法句型:Would you like to…?Would you like…?When’syour birthday?My birthday’s on…What would you like as abirthday present?I’d like…教师在教学中可根据学生的兴趣和需要开展丰富多彩的活动。在教授语篇材料的基础上,着重引导学生体会、了解英语国家人们过生日时的风俗习惯,以培养学生的跨文化交际能  相似文献   

正Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands1.Knowledge objects New words:pale,terrible,been,had better Target language:What’s wrong with you?I have a….You should/shouldn’t/had better/had better not….2.Ability Objects Reading,writing and speaking skills Comprehensive competence  相似文献   

Clever Mouse and Miss Bee are arguing(争论).Miss Bee:You shouldn’t sleep in class.Clever Mouse:But I’m sleepy.I think I should sleep.Miss Bee:No,you are wrong.You should listen tothe teacher.Clever Mouse:I think I should go to bed early.Miss Bee:That’s  相似文献   

本单元的Part A语篇主要涉及两种事物的比较。通过Ben,Jack和Su Hai之间的自由对话引出本单元的主要语言项目——形容词比较级。主要单词有:tall,taller;short,shorter;strong,stronger;heavy,heavier。日常交际用语及句型:I’m as tall as you.Su Yang's twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.教师结合语篇,用图片或动作将比较级的概念传授给学生。也可联系生活实际,引导学生将所学的语言内容运用于生活实际。  相似文献   

在日常对话中,向对方提出建议和忠告有这些较常用的说法: should应该,要“You should try to practise English.”“You shouldn’t eat too much.”“Why don’t you”不如……“Why don’t you join an English club?”ought to 应该“You ought to read more. “If I were you,I’d”如果我是你,我就……“If I were you,I’d watch more television.\”  相似文献   

本单元Part A通过Mike和Yang Ling到Ben家里作客引出语篇话题,围绕"兴趣爱好"展开。主要学习一般疑问句"Do you have any hobbies?"及其答语"Yes,I do./No,I don’t"和主语为第三人称单数动词的用法,为后两个单元的学习做好准备,在本册教材中起承上启下的作用。教学过程Step 1.Greeting 1.Sing a son"gHobbies"  相似文献   

Dialogue Peter:Hello,Jack.are you busy these days? Jack:Yes,quite busy.Our company has gone to the dogs①.Theboss will dismiss some workers. Peter:Don’t worry about it.You are always very lucky, Jack:But this time things change.Someone told our boss that Ihave made a dog’s breakfast②of the accounts(帐目).That's not thefact. I must revenge(报复).  相似文献   

should属情态动词,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。should的否定形式为should not,通常缩写为shouldn’t。should有以下几种常见用法:1.用于提出建议劝告别人。例如:—Tom,I have a toothache.汤姆,我牙痛。—You should see a dentist.你应当去看牙医。—I’m not feeling well these days.I hava bad cough.这些天我身体不适,老是咳嗽。—You shouldn’t smoke so much,think.我认为你不该抽这么多烟。需要注意的是,用should提建议通常含有命令、批评、责备等语气,多用于熟人或朋友之间。对上级、长辈或陌生人提建议最好使用语气委婉的Shall we...?或What How about...?等句式。2.用于第一人称疑问句中,用于征求对方意见。例如:Should I help you wash clothes?要不要我帮你洗衣服?Should I go there by bus?我是否应当坐公共汽车去那里?3.用于表示某种感情色彩,常用于以why,how开头的特殊疑问...  相似文献   

<正>should意为“应该;应当”,should的否定形式为should not,缩写形式为shouldn’t。作为情态动词should与其他的情态动词一样,可用于各种人称,不随主语人称、数和时态的变化而变化,且后面与动词原形搭配使用。一、should的基本句式1.肯定句:主语+should+动词原形+其他成分  相似文献   

一、教材分析1.教学内容:6A Unit 1 Public signs(第二课时) (1)单词:always,question,ask,must,away,should,cage,noise (2)句型:It means we/you must/should/ shouldn't…2.教学目标:(1)知识目标:用英语表达生活中常见的公共标  相似文献   

不久前,我以《牛津小学英语》6A Unit2Ben’s birthday A部分为内容,在学校进行实践课展示。在几经修改教案后,我开始尝试教学了。【第一次课例】教学主要流程如下:1.学习A部分前言。用两个问题引导学生对引言的学习。PPT出示  相似文献   

英语中不少情态动词都可以表推测,其语气强弱不同,表示的可能性大小不同。本文主要讲解情态动词(must,can,could,may,might)表推测的用法。在肯定句中,must可能性最大,can/could次之,may/might最小;表否定含义时,can’t语气最强,couldn’t次之,may not/might not最弱。具体用法如下。一、must1.must表示推测时,只用于肯定句,意为"一定、准是",语气肯定;而表示"一定不"时,不用mustn’t(表"禁止"),要用can’t。如:  相似文献   

should should作为情态动词与其他情态动词的句法功能相同,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,其否定形式为should not或shouldn’t,其主要用法如下:1.表示劝告或建议用来表示“劝告”或“建议”,意思是“应当;应该”,可与ought to互换,但语气比ought to委婉。He should join the club.他应该参加那个俱乐部。We should work hard.我们应该努力工作。He should not come to such a deci-sion.他不应该作出这样的决定。2.表示猜测或可能的用法(1)表示猜测或一种可能性,常译成“可能;会”。He thought you should be there.他还以为你会在那…  相似文献   

※高考真题※【例1】He_____have completed his work;otherwise,he wouldn’t be enjoyinghimself by the seaside.(2005北京卷)A.should B.must C.wouldn’t D.can’t【解析】B。对过去发生的事情的肯定猜测用must have done,故正确答案为B。【例2】Helen_____go on the trip  相似文献   

My School Rules     
In our school,we have many rules.We shouldn’t be late for school.We have to wear school uniforms to go to school from Monday to Friday.We can’t run and shout in the hallways.We can’t eat in class.We should listen to the teachers carefully in class.We are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school.We aren’t supposed to drink and smoke.What’s more,We are not allowed to have long hair,wear shorts and slippers in summer.  相似文献   

1.It must be interesting.这一定有趣。这里must表示一种推测,意思是“一定、想必”,常用在肯定句中。例如:She must be tired after work.她下班以后一定很累。[相关链接]1)must表示推测时,在否定句中常用can’t或couldn’t,而不能用mustn’t。例如:He can’t be at home.He  相似文献   

1.You——to the meeting yesterday,what was the reason for your absence?A.would have come B.should have come C.had come D.must have come2.一I had a very boring evening at home yesterday.一鼢Y did you stay at home?场U 幻the concert.A.must go B.couldn’t have gone C.could have gone D.must have l~one3.一ⅥlYdidthelibrarianfineyouten dollars yesterday? 一Wlell.I those books to the library two weeks before,but I forgot. A.ought tO retllm B.must have returned C.needn’t have returned D.ought t…  相似文献   

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