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后进生是指那些思想品德和学习成绩都有比较严重的缺点,表现比较落后的学生。青少年时期是人生的生理和心理急剧发生变化的时期,他们在这个时期,自我表现和自我肯定的心理日趋强烈,但由于性格特点不一样,其表现形式也不同。要在教育教学中注意了解、理解、谅解后进生。  相似文献   

"了解—理解—见解"历史教学模式以建构主义理论为指导,从历史课堂教学实际出发,使得整个课堂教学分为逻辑上逐渐递进的三个层次。这一教学模式不仅有利于提高课堂教学效益,而且也有利于教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

把握教学大纲中的不同层次的要求,是搞好初中数学教学的一个重要环节.本文谈了作者对这一问题的体会.  相似文献   

张彦媛 《教师》2019,(4):12-13
高中教育阶段是培养学生思想道德水平的重要阶段。但在实际生活中,学生问题还是层出不穷。尤其对班主任来说,其作为德育工作的核心力量,如果学生问题得不到实效性的解决,将会对整个班级的建设造成影响,增加德育工作的难度。文章从案例分析入手,分析学生问题的本质,从容提出班主任必须合理通过沟通手段从本质上解决学生问题,有的放矢,从而提升德育的质量,促进构建和谐集体。  相似文献   

在社会不断进步、信息不断更新的时代背景下,各种现代化的大众传播手段正在不断增多,然而阅读依然是人们认识周围世界的一种主要方法,更是我们藉以达到学习目的的最主要途径。据此,英语阅读理解在高中英语学习中仍占有很大  相似文献   

400多年前,利玛窦从意大利来到中国,这位虔诚的天主教徒的唯一目的自然是为了传教.为了赢得中国士大夫的信任,他从学习中国的文字、语言人手,进而学习研究儒家经典、文化历史、风土人情.对这样一位相貌迥异却穿一身中国服装,说一口中国话(包括一些方言)并有一个中文姓名字号的"西儒",士大夫都乐于结交,连大学士徐光启也与他合作翻译欧几里德的<几何原本>.  相似文献   

黄宁 《中学文科》2006,(4):26-34,47
【热点剖析及解题技巧】 近几年中考英语阅读理解题在文章的取材上有一个共同的特点:新颖、多样,且富有时代感。所选篇章从题材上看有三类:科普知识、风土人情和生活纪实。科普文章能传授知识,使学生开阔眼界,更能开发智力,挖掘潜能;风土人情和生活纪实可引起学生的兴趣,创造实用情景,检测学生综合运用英语的能力。从内容上看,所选篇章内容范围比较宽广,有幽默故事、生活知识、名人轶事和新闻报道,等等。从体裁上看有记叙文、议论文、应用文和小小说。它既可测定学生英语单科水平,又可了解学生运用各种知识的横向联系能力。  相似文献   

正你要谋求的工作一定对应着某一个具体的岗位,没有对这个岗位的了解,你就没有把握获得这一份工作。虽然我不知道读者朋友们将要面试的是怎样一份工作,但我相信只要是工作,那就一定对应着具体的工作内容。你能不能在企业提供的岗位上创造出价值,首先取决于你对那个岗位需要完成的工作内容有多少了解,取决于你是否掌握了完  相似文献   

前理解是现代解释学的一个基本的概念。它与理解的客观性密切相关。文章试图通过对前理解概念及其它与理解相关的命题的分析指出,前理解与理解客观性并非矛盾的关系,相反,前理解是决定理解客观性的重要因素之一,它为我们探讨理解的客观性问题提供了一个重要的视角。  相似文献   

It is increasingly important to take international action for the avoidance of war and for the safeguarding of the human environment. For this there must be appropriate institutions and patterns of communication whose necessity and purposes are widely understood. This in turn presupposes building an increasing world dimension into school and university studies; otherwise coming generations will not be prepared for the world in which they will be living. For this a framework of concepts and ideas is needed, which have been adumbrated in the years since the Second World War, although there is a great need for clearer and more forceful thinking. We have to know what we wish to do and why it has become necessary. When this has been done we shall be in a better position to deal with the practical question of how our aims can be accomplished.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research was to assess whether it is possible to help children develop their general understanding of emotions. Thirty-six nine-year-old children divided in two groups were examined using a pre-test/train/post-test design. The emotion understanding of the two groups was measured in the pre- and post-test phases using the Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC). The experimental group received a teaching program about emotions during the training phase: School Matters In Lifeskills Education (SMILE). The control group received no special teaching about emotion during this phase. Results showed that the level of emotion understanding in the experimental group improved significantly between the pre- and post-test whereas no such change occurred in the control group. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   


This article (the second of two) describes the structure and general features of the phenomenon ecological understanding. Qualitatively different ways of experiencing cycling of matter and flow of energy in the context of ecosystems are presented. In all, five different categories are identified in each of these issues. It is concluded that the idea of transformation is a key to development of ecological understanding. The structure of ecological understanding was also found to be hierarchical in terms of inclusion of critical aspects in more complex ways of thinking. The identified categories and their critical aspects indicate fruitful paths for learning and crucial dimensions to open up in teaching. Thus, the results concern teachers' professional object, i.e., an emphasis on what to achieve in teaching and learning. The results can also be used as contents of teaching, tools for planning and for diagnostic and assessment purposes.  相似文献   


This article offers a conceptual and analytical framework for understanding the ‘understandings’ generated through practitioner research, and specifically exploratory practice (EP), based on Aristotle’s philosophy of knowledge. Drawing on Olav Eikeland’s interpretation of Aristotle’s philosophy of knowledge as a gnoseology, it illustrates how a gnoseology framework adapted from Eikeland’s work was used to analyse the different types of understanding generated through the processes and products of practitioner research. Specifically, it looks at the understandings developed in an English for Academic Purposes class as the learners explored their own puzzles about language learning using the principles of EP, a form of practitioner research mainly used in language teaching. Focusing on one of the learners in the class, it traces his developing gnoseology across the 10-week course by analysing the naturalistically generated classroom artefacts produced through the EP process. It then shows how the different understandings developed reflect an interrelated and relational view of knowledge and concludes by suggesting that such a gnoseology framework might provide a valuable conceptual and analytical tool for understanding the relationship between different forms and ways of knowing in practitioner research.  相似文献   

王鸣迪 《教育学报》2002,(11):10-15
加拿大阿尔伯塔大学教授马克思·范梅南认为 ,“教育学理解”是一种敏感的聆听和观察 ,具有情境性、应用性、规范性的特点 ,其结构包括非判断性理解、发展性理解、分析性理解、教育性理解和形成性理解 ,是“信任的同情心”促成了“教育学理解”。据此反思可以发现 ,当今学校日常教育实践中存在着的许多问题都与“教育学理解”的结构性缺失有关。给予学生全方位的、真正的“教育学理解”,应该是我们努力的方向。而只有指向学生主体性形成的理解 ,才是真正的“教育学理解”。从某种意义上说 ,教育就是对成长历程的一种守望。  相似文献   

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