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体育消费者消费决策制定过程分析及营销策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对体育消费者决策制定过程中的确认需要、信息搜寻、方案评估、消费决策、消费后评价等环节分析,以期使体育经营者在体育营销过程中能够改变这些环节中的变数以诱导体育消费者经过每一阶段,最终使消费者达到消费目的。  相似文献   

冰雪体育以其独有的锻炼价值促进着青少年的身心健康发展,但由于冰雪运动本身的运动技术具有一定的高难度,对练习者和参与者的技术要求较高,同时又必须要有必要的服装、装备等因素,青少年的冰雪体育参与状况并不是十分乐观.对当前青少年冰雪体育参与状况进行分析,找出内在约束因素、人际间约束、结构约束等影响青少年冰雪体育参与的约束因素,并有的放矢地采取发挥政府主导作用、营造社会氛围、完善教学环境、提高家长支持力度、提升自身的冰雪体育素养等有效措施,切实解决好存在的问题和不足,让青少年在参与体育的同时,学会与人沟通和交往,懂得遵守社会规则,成为身心健康的社会人,继而提升全民素养,为和谐社会、健康中国奠定坚实基础.  相似文献   

从经济学视角分析体育参与这一行为的经济学原理,总结体育参与的经济学规律。从经济学角度提出关于我国体育参与的建议:努力提高人们的收入;尽力减少体育参与的成本,增加体育参与的效益;针对居民的需求设置体育参与条件;科学宣传体育参与;合理增加体育供给。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的确立和体育管理体制改革的深入,培育、开发体育市场,促进体育产业的发展已成为共识.但目前的研究多从政府的角度,分析政府在政策制定、市场主体培育、市场环境规范等方面对体育市场发展所起的作用.本文从企业营销的视角来界定体育市场,分析体育企业如何识别、激发并满足体育消费需求,促成体育消费行为,实现体育市场开发,并针对我国体育企业市场开发中的问题,提出相应的建议和对策.  相似文献   

基于CGSS2005、CGSS2015两期截面数据,运用logistic回归模型分析了中国居民体育参与的变化趋势及其影响因素,结果显示:(1)2005-2015年间,居民体育参与率显著提高,体育参与的群体异质性与阶层分化现象日益凸显;(2)传统社会分层变量对体育参与的影响呈现多样化特征:随着时间推移,个人受教育程度对体育参与的促进作用递增,职业分层的影响依旧显著,而收入对体育的促进作用不断减弱;(3)家庭社会经济地位的影响力在不断削弱,取而代之的是家庭教育资本的作用不断增强。因此,要关注体育参与群体异质性扩大化倾向。建议通过优化政策,降低结构性因素导致的体育参与不均衡问题,提高弱势群体的体育参与率。  相似文献   

差异公民视角下的农民工体育参与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究表明,当前我国庞大的农民工群体就是差异公民的典型代表。农民工体育参与缺失,存在教育普及程度低导致的农民工体育文化认知上的偏差,经济资本不足影响了农民工参与体育活动的动机与意愿等。以差异公民理论为研究视角,就农民工体育参与缺失的主要原因及发展对策进行探讨和研究,提出借鉴成功经验,赋予农民工群体以特殊的群体代表权;代农民工立言,建立农民工体育需求的利益表达机制;重文化差异,着力提升农民工群体自我认同感和城市归宿感等对策和重要举措,以期改善和改变农民工体育参与相对落后的现状。  相似文献   

行为转变理论模式在中年人群体育健身行为中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了山东省的淄博、滨城、青岛、烟台、德州、聊城、莱芜等7城市的中年人体育健身锻炼行为现状,采用行为转变理论模式对中年人健身锻炼实施不同的干预措施,干预后中年人对体育健身锻炼重要性的认识、保持锻炼的信念和参与体育健身锻炼的百分率均较前有较大提高,中年人参与锻炼的人数也有所增加,干预组与对照组之间的差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

通过对政府公共体育服务决策过程中公众参与情况的分析,发现存在着重政府的偏好、轻公众的诉求,重主管部门和专家意见、轻公众参与的问题。为了防止公共体育服务决策过程中的主观性和随意性,提出政府要及时发布公共体育服务决策信息、建立公众表达体育诉求的渠道、邀请公众参与决策方案的选择,以提高公共体育服务决策的科学化水平。  相似文献   

从西方社会学视角,运用功能分析方法、访谈法对青少年体育参与的历程与结果以及体育参与与社会环境相互影响过程进行社会学分析,以期为青少年体育参与的社会化研究提供参考.结果发现:青少年体育参与的开始与持续、中止与退出的决策与社会和文化背景有关,并且是随社会环境变化而持续决策的过程;青少年运动员体育参与的结果是多数人在持续、大强度的运动训练中,因劳累过度与身份缺失等原因停止运动并转向其他方面,以便更好地融入社会;而伴随青少年体育参与过程出现的以"业绩主导"为原则的功利性追求,与体育参与最初的"乐趣参与"背道而驰,并因此给青少年和社会造成了严重的负面影响.  相似文献   

孙晓强 《体育科学》2006,26(7):55-59
在中国背景下对Alexandris和Tsorbatzoudis(2002)的研究结论进行验证,支持了他们的部分结论。Alexandris和Tsorbatzoudis的研究认为,只有内部约束与内在动机有显著的关系;外在动机与约束因素之间没有显著的关系;内在动机与体育参与频率之间是显著的正向关系。但研究发现,内在动机同时还受到结构约束的影响;内在和结构性约束都有可能影响到外在动机;内在动机与体育参与频率之间并没有显著的关系存在。  相似文献   

人类和所有的动物一样都存在着攻击性,这是由生物性所决定的,是人类与生俱来的能力。论述了人类攻击性与体育运动的关系,体育运动运用其独有的方式宣泄着人类的攻击性,从攻击性的视角提出了促进体育运动和谐发展的对策。  相似文献   

This study examined the strength of tracking sport participation from childhood to early adulthood among the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study cohort. Participation in sport, dance, or gymnastics as part of a club or group (outside of school) was assessed at ages 7, 9, 15, 18, and 21 years. In addition to the traditionally used correlation coefficients, summary statistics (intraclass correlations; ICC) from random effect models and stability coefficients from generalized estimating equations (GEE) were calculated using all the longitudinal data and controlling for the influence of covariates on tracking strength. Correlation coefficients revealed statistically significant tracking of club sport participation (7-21 years) at low levels (r = .07-0.28). The ICC summary statistic (0.23) was consistent with this, while the GEE suggested moderate tracking (0.59). The results of this study suggest that encouraging sport participation during childhood and adolescence may result in a modest increase in the likelihood of participation later in life. However, the substantial movement into and out of sport participation observed here and in other studies cautions against relying solely on sport promotion among youth as a strategy to promote lifelong participation.  相似文献   

Sport policies aiming at increasing mass participation and club participation have stressed the importance of sport infrastructure. Previous research has mainly analyzed the influence of individual factors (age, income, etc.) on sport participation. Although a few studies have dealt with the impact of sport facilities on sport participation, some methodological shortcomings can be observed regarding the integration of sport infrastructure into the research design. Oftentimes, subjective measures of infrastructure are employed, leading to biased results, for example inactive people have a worse perception of the actual supply of facilities. In fact it is important to measure the available sport infrastructure objectively using a quantitative approach and integrate it into statistical models. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of individual and infrastructure variables on sport participation in general and in sport clubs using geo-coded data following a multi-level design. For this purpose, both primary data (individual level) and secondary data (infrastructure level) were collected in the city of Munich, Germany. A telephone survey of the resident population was carried out (n = 11,175) and secondary data on the available sport infrastructure in Munich were collected. Both datasets were geo-coded using Gauss–Krueger coordinates and integrated into multi-level analyses. The multi-level models show that swimming pools are of particular importance for sport participation in general and sport fields for participation in sport clubs. Challenges and implications for a more holistic modeling of sport participation including infrastructure variables are discussed.  相似文献   

体育赛事的消费者爱主体、客体等诸多因素的影响,在消费行为上表现出很大的差异性,在赛事消费需求影响因素分析的基础上。提炼出5种赛事消费者类型,并对其消费特征进行描述。指出赛事组织者要成功地推广赛事,必须对赛事有明确的定位,锁定赛事的目标消费群,并有针对性地采取营销策略。  相似文献   


For the last couple of decades UNESCO has aimed to achieve to a far extent the implementation of the guiding principle of inclusion at all levels in education systems worldwide. The idea that countries ‘should ensure an inclusive education system at all levels’ is also a central objective of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This Introduction to the Special Issue explores what participation as an aspect of inclusion means in general, and realistically can mean in sport and quality physical education in particular. Sport is introduced as a context in which, unlike in education, the individual choice of a sporting activity on a spectrum ranging from separate activities for persons with disabilities to modified activities designed for all makes it necessary to attribute each approach equal importance and validity instead of discrediting segregated structures and glorifying supposedly inclusive ones.  相似文献   

Public schools in the US are increasingly charging ‘pay-to-play’ fees for participating in sports. Although these fees can cause reductions in participation, particularly for children from lower-income families, pay-to-play has become a legitimate practice within the field of public education. This study examines what leads some school districts to abandon sport participation fees, despite the trend in adoption. In particular, using a qualitative, case study approach, we investigate why and how school districts eliminate pay-to-play. We found that the decision to terminate pay-to-play in the ‘Ellis’ district was shaped by the community culture and district leadership. Our findings are supported by data on surrounding school districts. This study contributes to the literatures on institutional change; privatization of health, sport and physical education; and school board decision-making. The findings also shed light on the local context of pay-to-play—a policy that has implications for social equity and youth health and wellness.  相似文献   

消费主义文化视域下对体育新闻报道的审视与反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放后,起源于西方社会的消费主义正在渗透中国城乡社会的日常生活领域.在消费主义初露端倪的时代,中国媒体体育新闻报道表现出全球化、媚俗化和娱乐化的时代特征.在消费主义文化影响下,中国媒体体育新闻报道贴近受众习惯,内容由"硬新闻"向"软新闻"转变;主体形象由"民族英雄"向"商业偶像"转变;报道方式由"刚性说教"向"柔性娱乐"转变;媒介形式由"单一有限"向"多样融合"转变.改革开放以来,消费主义文化对我国社会产生了相当大的影响,媒体体育新闻报道一元化价值观的主导地位遇到了多元化价值观的挑战.同时,消费主义文化改变了人们的生活方式,使人们对"休闲"日益关注.消费主义文化的负面影响正是导致我国媒体体育新闻报道失范行为的根源之一.  相似文献   

"土洋体育"之争的全球化观照   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周道仁 《体育学刊》2007,14(3):46-48
中国历史上的“土洋体育”之争可以视为体育全球化过程中的个案,论争促进了中国体育的现代化及与外来体育的融合,也培养了国人对待外来体育的开放心理。在全球化的视角下,其对本土体育的挑战体现在价值上的差异、社会体制与民族情感的挑战上。土洋体育之争也反映了全球化必须遵循的体育的多样化发展和不同体育文化之间的交流与沟通的原则。  相似文献   

Participatory sport events have the potential to generate substantial social value in the local community. One important social benefit of such sport events is the development of social capital. However, little is known about the development and outcomes of social capital in the context of participatory sport events, such as running events. Taking a qualitative approach, the authors explored the social capital building among active participants in running events. The findings revealed that bonding capital is developed by all participants in the study while the bridging and linking capital varies by event type and involvement level. Moreover, four positive outcomes of social capital were identified: supportive attitude and behaviors, positive influence on others, prosocial behaviors, and increased everyday socializations. By generating these positive outcomes among the participants of this study, social capital has the potential to contribute to the community development and well-being. This study provides insights as to how social capital that stems from sport event participation can lead to the development of community in the long term. Suggestions are made for future research to test the relationships between social capital, its outcomes, and community development and well-being.  相似文献   

高等职业教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,其主要任务是培养生产、建设、管理、服务第一线的高级实用型、技术型人才,而良好的身体形态与机能素质又是他们从业的必备条件.以当前高职生的体育健身参与状况为研究对象,对其体育态度、锻炼的目的与时间安排等几个方面进行了研究.  相似文献   

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