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There is a lack of understanding regarding the optimal conditions for interdisciplinary research. This study investigates what characteristics of researchers are associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaborations and what collaborations are most rewarding in different scientific disciplines. Our results confirm that female scientists are more engaged in interdisciplinary research collaborations. Further, a scientist's years of research experience are positively related with both types of collaboration. Work experience in firms or governmental organizations increases the propensity of interdisciplinary collaborations, but decreases that of disciplinary collaborations. Disciplinary collaborations occur more frequent in basic disciplines; interdisciplinary collaborations more in strategic disciplines. We also found that in both types of disciplines, disciplinary collaborations contribute more to career development than interdisciplinary collaborations. We conclude with three recommendations for science and innovation policy, while emphasising the need to distinguish between different scientific disciplines.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how incentives for collaboration shape collaborative behavior and researcher productivity in the context of EU-funded research networks. EU-funded research networks require researchers to collaborate as a condition for securing research funding. The presence of research funding, therefore, may influence collaborative behavior. Our approach involves isolating the effects of funding, collaboration and previous collaborations (prior to funding) on research output, and examining how the pattern of collaboration affects research productivity over time. Employing a panel of 294 researchers in 39 EU research networks over a 15-year period we find that while the impact of funding on productivity is generally positive the overall impact of collaboration within the funded networks is weak. When we delineate between pre-, during- and post-funding periods, however, we find some important differences. During the period of funding, collaboration did not lead to an increase in research production. In the post-funding period we find that although the number of collaborations decreases within the network, the impact of collaboration on productivity is positive and significant. Our findings suggest that collaborations formed to capitalize on funding opportunities, while not effective in enhancing researcher productivity in the short run, may be an important promoter of effective collaborations in the longer run.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of university research centers on the productivity and collaboration patterns of university faculty. University research centers are an important subject for policy analysis insofar that they have become the predominant policy response to scientific and technical demands that have not been met by extant institutions, including academic departments, private firms, and government laboratories. Specifically, these centers aim to organize researchers from across the disciplines and sectors which, collectively as a research unit, possess the scientific and technical capacity relevant to scientific and technical goals of the sponsoring agencies. In this paper, we measure the productivity and collaboration patterns of university researchers affiliated with a relatively large-scale and “mature” university research center to discern the effects, if any, of the center mechanism on individual scientists and engineers. Based on an analysis of longitudinal bibliometric data, the results from this case study demonstrate affiliation with the center to be effective at enhancing overall productivity as well as at facilitating cross-discipline, cross-sector, and inter-institutional productivity and collaborations.  相似文献   

运用动态网络分析法,以CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure)中2017年综合指数排名前五的学者为核心构建的科研合作网络为研究对象,以2006—2017年间学者们参与的国内期刊论文为数据样本,构建含期刊论文影响因子权重的合著网络和关键词网络,从网络总体结构、整体属性和个体属性三个层面系统揭示不同领域高绩效科研合作网络潜在的共性特征,并按照时间段划分探究其演化规律。研究结果表明,高绩效科研合作网络具有整体规模大、平均聚类系数高、平均路径长度小、研究人员与关键词流动数目大等特点。以上研究结果可映射出实际的科研合作网络所具备的特征,对揭示高绩效科研合作网络隐含的共性特征具有理论意义,可为人事管理部门和科研人员对于协同创新战略规划、组织引导机制、管理制度创新等措施的出台提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Biotechnology entrepreneurial scientists and their collaborations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

University research is to an increasing extent funded by industry, and the share of basic funding is decreasing. In the literature, there are optimistic and pessimistic views on the implication of this development. Based on data from a questionnaire study among all tenured university professors in Norway (N = 1967) we find that there is a significant relationship between industry funding and research performance: professors with industrial funding describe their research as applied to a greater extent, they collaborate more with other researchers both in academia and in industry, and they report more scientific publications as well as more frequent entrepreneurial results. There is neither a positive nor negative relationship between academic publishing and entrepreneurial outputs.  相似文献   

“Scientific and technical human capital” (S&T human capital) has been defined as the sum of researchers’ professional network ties and their technical skills and resources [Int. J. Technol. Manage. 22 (7-8) (2001) 636]. Our study focuses on one particular means by which scientists acquire and deploy S&T human capital, research collaboration. We examine data from 451 scientists and engineers at academic research centers in the United States. The chief focus is on scientists’ collaboration choices and strategies. Since we are particularly interested in S&T human capital, we pay special attention to strategies that involve mentoring graduate students and junior faculty and to collaborating with women. We also examine collaboration “cosmopolitanism,” the extent to which scientists collaborate with those around them (one’s research group, one’s university) as opposed to those more distant in geography or institutional setting (other universities, researchers in industry, researchers in other nations). Our findings indicate that those who pursue a “mentor” collaboration strategy are likely to be tenured; to collaborate with women; and to have a favorable view about industry and research on industrial applications. Regarding the number of reported collaborators, those who have larger grants have more collaborators. With respect to the percentage of female collaborators, we found, not surprisingly, that female scientists have a somewhat higher percentage (36%) of female collaborators, than males have (24%). There are great differences, however, according to rank, with non-tenure track females having 84% of their collaborations with females. Regarding collaboration cosmopolitanism, we find that most researchers are not particularly cosmopolitan in their selection of collaborators—they tend to work with the people in their own work group. More cosmopolitan collaborators tend have large grants. A major policy implication is that there is great variance in the extent to which collaborations seem to enhance or generate S&T human capital. Not all collaborations are equal with respect to their “public goods” implications.  相似文献   

秦佩恒  洪志生  赵兰香 《科研管理》2020,41(10):258-267
本文以中科院所属研究院所科研人员为主要调查对象,从跨界合作网络的视角出发,分析专利产出性别差异的社会网络机制。研究主要有3个发现:1.女性科研人员跨界合作网络规模和网络关系强度上均存在明显的欠缺;2.与企业界、其他学科领域合作网络规模和网络关系强度上的欠缺是影响专利产出性别差异的重要因素,而且网络关系强度的影响作用要大于网络规模的影响;3.性别对于跨界合作网络与专利产出关系的调节作用并不显著,即在拥有相同网络规模和网络关系强度的情况下,女性从与各类合作网络关系中获得专利产出回报的可能性与男性并无显著区别。与男性同事相比,女性的专利产出会更多地受到其他因素的影响,如职业早期的企业工作经历、单位组织的知识产权培训等。最后,在结果讨论的基础上提出在学术成果商业化新趋势下减少科技领域性别差异的政策建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]学术社交网络吸引了众多科研人员参与并使用,对学术社交网络中的学科交互研究有利于促进科研人员利用学术社交网络开展非正式交流及跨学科合作。[方法/过程]文章以ResearchGate(RG)为例,将iSchool成员机构作为研究对象,获取61所iSchool机构成员用户的交互关系数据,并对其中的2798所机构及其间所形成的30393条交互关系数据进行社会网络分析。[结果/结论]从交互数量来看,iSchool成员机构在学术社交网络中的学科交互范围较广,但跨学科影响力有限,其跨学科交互情况反映了目前图情学科领域的跨学科研究趋势和研究热点;从交互关系网络来看,iSchool成员机构整体学科交互关系网络结构较为松散,网络还呈现出iSchool成员机构分别主要与人文与社会科学类和工程与技术科学类的机构产生交互关系的两种趋势。此外,对学术社交网络中交互关系的拓展和学术影响力的提高有利于科研合作的开展和学术声望的提升。  相似文献   

高校科研人员学术影响力综合评价在推动国家、高校和高校科研人员的整体综合全面发展中起着非常重要的作用。在科学2.0时代下,有必要将传统计量指标和替代计量指标结合起来实现更为全面有效的评价应用。鉴于此,本文基于ResearchGate网站平台抓取以北京工业大学科研人员为例的高校科研人员在网络媒体上呈现的影响力指标数据,并结合传统的引文计量指标数据,在数据分析中采用定性和定量相结合的方法,采用主成分分析和天际线的方法构建指标体系和评价模型,通过指标赋权作出综合评价。为科研人员学术影响力综合评价提供新视角,提出新思路,对具体评价结果进行解析,为完善高校教师科研评价体制的相应对策做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

The economic health of nations and regions is increasingly coming to rest on the scientific and technical labor force conducting scientific research. As such, enormous social resources are directed to educating and training those who will fire the engines of economic growth. In the first part of this paper, we compare recent investment in the scientific and technical labor forces by two giants of nationally-supported research endeavors: France and the United States. We find that France is more invested in scientific and technical training, but that both nations invest directly and indirectly in the scientific and technical labor force. French policy is more likely to support the individual graduate student directly through a national grant, while graduate students in the US tend to rely indirectly on federal support through research grants to other researchers. We then use duration models on individual data to predict entry into a permanent academic position within three years of completing a Ph.D. We do not find that industrial support of graduate training has any effect on later success in obtaining a position. There is, however, evidence of different academic labor markets operating in each country. In France, entry into a position has not depended on period factors, while in the US more recent cohorts have been more successful in obtaining permanent employment. Furthermore, postdoctoral positions in France delay or deter academic careers, but have no impact on entry in the US: this suggest that two different modes of scientific human resources management operate in France and in the USA. In the USA, Ph.D.s are seen as an essential element in the process of knowledge transfer, and early mobility does not affect entry into permanent academic careers. In France, few incentives are given to encourage mobility, which merely deters the access to permanent jobs. Finally, we found that graduates of the most prestigious undergraduate institutions were systematically advantaged in obtaining permanent academic employment, suggesting that academic stratification occurs very early in the training path in each country.  相似文献   

张丽华  吉璐  陈鑫 《科研管理》2021,42(5):182-190
本文选择病毒学领域职业生涯超过30年的736名学者,以5年为一个时间窗划分为6个阶段,在分析每个阶段学者在生产力、影响力和合作能力的变化规律的基础上,运用Aspin-Welch检验,探讨不同阶段学者的学术表现究竟是否存在差异。研究结果表明,科研人员在30年的职业生涯中,学术表现存在显著差异性。分析科研人员职业生涯不同阶段的学术表现差异,有助于科研管理者更好地了解人才成长轨迹,为科技人才评价提供政策依据。  相似文献   

王冬梅  王向宁 《科研管理》2019,40(3):126-132
目前,我国高校在科技评价中,普遍存在“注重数量、看轻质量”的问题,对科研成果、科技人员的不恰当的量化评价,并与利益挂钩,导致科研成果与社会的实际发展需求无法紧密的联系起来。尤其对于行业特色高校,行业背景浓厚,对科技成果的应用性要求较高,所以对于成果实际应用的考察应该成为行业特色高校科技评价指标中的关键部分。针对上述问题,本文对具有行业特色的高校科技分类评价开展了探索与研究。首先分析了当前科技评价的现状,探讨了当前行业特色高校科技评价的不足之处;然后基于科技评价的现状,本文提出了科技评价的三大基本原则:坚持分类评价、建立高效评价机制和建立特色评价体系。最后引入了灰色理论,研究了行业特色高校的科技评价模型,并且针对行业特色高校的特点,重点确定了分类评价指标,提出了关于行业应用、学术成绩和行业指导这3个方面共19项分类评价指标,同时提出借鉴英美等国家比较成熟的科技评价体系来完善我国行业特色高校分类评价的观点。  相似文献   

Based on a representative national sample of 1564 academic researchers, we investigate the impacts of research grants and contracts on the nature and extent of faculty research and technology activities with industry. A particular focus is on understanding the independent contributions of industry and government grant sources on levels of industrial involvement. In addition to examining the source of grants, the study controls for a number of independent factors including: scientific field, research center affiliation, tenure status, and gender. Results suggest independent effects of grants and contracts on industrial activities. Grants and contracts from industry have a significant effect on academic researchers’ propensity to work with industry, as measured by an “industrial involvement scale.” Federally-sponsored grants also have an impact in increasing work with industry, but a more moderate one. Further, those with more grants and contracts (of each type) have a greater propensity for industrial involvement than those who have such contracts but fewer. This holds even when proxies for productivity and career stage are introduced in regression equations. The analysis also considers whether provision of grants and contracts is best viewed as a predictor of industrial involvement or just another type of industrial involvement using factor analysis and nested multivariate modeling to compare effects.  相似文献   

外部研发合作有利于丰富企业的知识元素和组合范式进而影响其创新绩效,企业内部知识网络会影响其外部研发合作的效能。基于知识组合的视角探究不同类型企业外部研发合作,与大学/研究机构的合作(学研合作)以及与企业的合作(企业合作),对企业创新绩效的差异化影响,并进一步揭示企业内部知识网络特征(知识组合能力和知识协调成本)对上述影响的调节作用。通过对2012年—2017年中国计算机通信及电子设备制造业和医药制造业323家上市公司的数据分析,发现学研合作对企业创新绩效的促进作用大于企业合作;企业知识组合能力会抑制学研合作对企业创新绩效的积极影响,促进企业合作对企业创新绩效的积极影响;企业知识协调成本会减弱企业合作与企业创新绩效的正向关系,对学研合作与企业创新绩效关系的影响不显著。  相似文献   

A resource-based view on the interactions of university researchers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The high value of collaboration among scientists and of interactions of university researchers with industry is generally acknowledged. In this study we explain the use of different knowledge networks at the individual level from a resource-based perspective. This involves viewing networks as a resource that offers competitive advantages to an individual university researcher in terms of career development. Our results show that networking and career development are strongly related, but it is important to distinguish between different types of networks. Although networks on various levels (faculty, university, scientific, industrial) show strong correlations, we found three significant differences. First, networking within one's own faculty and with researchers from other universities stimulates careers, while interactions with industry do not. Second, during the course of an academic career a researcher's scientific network activity first rises, but then declines after about 20 years. Science-industry collaboration, however, continuously increases. Third, the personality trait ‘global innovativeness’ positively influences science-science interactions, but not science-industry interactions.  相似文献   

Looking at micro-data on the networks of inventors of a French science university, we investigate whether the kind of cognitive relationships between researchers influences the geography of their collaborations.The hypothesis we test (and confirm empirically) is that academic knowledge diffuses in a restricted geographic area when the connected researchers belong to epistemic communities, whereas communities of practice entail less localised effects. We also show that institutionally mixed research teams do not impede large knowledge diffusion.  相似文献   

This study investigates how business research scholars’ internationalization strategies influence their research performance and how this relationship is moderated by the availability of different knowledge-based resources. The authors analyze citations to journal articles authored by business research scholars with German affiliations and examine how the number of citations is determined by international collaborations and a researcher's knowledge resources in terms of language skills, research experience, and foreign market knowledge. The results demonstrate that the augmentation of complementary knowledge resources (i.e., when researchers lack language skills and foreign market knowledge) positively influences the performance of a collaboration-based internationalization strategy (i.e., collaborations with international researchers). The collaboration-based strategy also improves performance for less experienced researchers, but this advantage diminishes with increasing research experience. The findings provide further insights into drivers of scholars’ research performance and have practical implications for science policy.  相似文献   

针对目前高校科研诚信相关研究缺少实证数据支持的问题,基于学术生态视角,通过设计和发放调查问卷采集数据,应用多元统计分析的方法,从生态主体、校内生态环境、校外生态环境3个维度对影响高校科研诚信行为的因素进行分析,以期为高校科研诚信建设提供理论依据。结果发现:科研人员的性别、身份对高校科研诚信行为具有显著影响,其中性别与科研诚信行为呈正相关,身份与科研诚信行为呈负相关;科研人员对科研评价体系的认可、学校查处科研失信行为的透明度、整体科研环境以及学术规范程度与高校科研诚信行为呈显著正相关。因此,从高校层面来讲,应当保证科研评价体系的合理公正、处置科研不端行为过程的公开透明以及及时向社会通报有关信息;从社会层面来讲,应当加强学术规范建设、培育良好的社会整体科研环境,共同促进高校科研诚信建设。  相似文献   

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has become an integral part of scientific work. Based on interviews with academic scientists in four fields, we discuss the impacts of CMC on the organization of scientific work. We find evidence that CMC may be leading to new collaboration patterns, more communication within collaborations, and peripherality effects. However, these effects are heavily mediated by the nature of access and the social context into which CMC has been introduced.  相似文献   

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