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Ⅰ.单项选择 1. ——____ do you improve your spoken English? ——I improve it by talking with some foreigners often. A. What B. How C. Why D. Where 2. At first he didn*t agree with his parents. ____, he changed his mind later. A. Unless B. So C. However D. While 3. Look at this gold watch. How beautiful it is! If I had enough money, I ____ it right away. A. would buy B. had bought C. should buy D. bought 4. The topic is ____ to talk about. A. enough hard B. so hard C. rather hard D.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空(共15小题, 计15分) 1. Let Kate ____ it again, will you? A. try B. tries C. to try D. trying 2. The old man asked the children ____ make any noise here. A. don!t B. don!t to C. not to D. not 3. There are forty students here. Ten of them are from  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(共15小题, 每题1分, 共计15分) 1. ——Mary, ____ you ____ your CD player? ——Yes, I left it in my office. A. did; find B. have; found C. are; finding D. will; find 2. ——How many English words ____ you ____? ——About 2,000 new words since last December. A. did; learn B. are; learning C. are; going to learn D. have; learnt 3. Everyone except Kate and Joe ____ there when the meeting began. A. was B. were C. is D. are 4. Let!s show the rubber toy ____ her, ____? A. for; will…  相似文献   

If I had a lot of money,I would give the money to the poor children.There are many children out of school in some parts of our country,and their family can't afford to send them to school.At the same time,the children don't have enough money to buy school things and clothes.In my opinion,every child should have the right to go to school,but there are few chances for them.So if I had a lot of money,I would try my best to do something to help them,just like buying them school things,clothes and so on.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 1. ——Where do you want me to put ____ flowers? ——It has to be in ____ big vase. Well, please settle them in that one over there. A. the; a B. the; / C. /; a D. the; the 2. ——Go now? ——It$s too late; tomorrow will be a ____ time for you to visit them. A. good B. better C. best D. more 3. ——Could you tell me what he said just now? ——Sorry, I ____ what was going on outside. A. had thought B. was thinking C. thought D. think 4. —…  相似文献   

1 .You’re just in tinle for the mateh一_too early_ too late. A .neither,nor B .both,and C .either,or D .not only,but also2 .You’11 do better in English _you work harder. A .or B.than C.if D.before3 .There are 50 many radios in the shoP.1 ean’t deeide_. A .to buy whar B .to buy whieh C .what to buy D .whieh to buy4 .1 have two brothers,but_ of them lives with me. A .all B.I)oth C .neither D.few5 .Sinee you are_trouble, why not ask_helP? A .in,for B.in,to C .with,for D.with,to6 .The…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空(本题共20分, 每小题1分) 1. Mary"s ruler is much longer than ____. A. our B. their C. mine D. her 2. ——There is some water in the bottle, isn"t ____? ——I don"t think so. A. there B. it C. one D. that 3. ——This way, please. I"d like to ____  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分) 1. She was so ____ in the job that she didn-t hear anybody knocking at the door. A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated 2. Strangely the story ____ is popular ____ the young. A. made up; to B. made up  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力。(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每 小题 1 分) 6. A. She went to the hospital to buy some medicine. 1. A B C D 2. A B C D 3. A B C D 4. A B C D 5. A B C DB. She is a doc  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷 选择题共 分 ( 65 )Ⅰ 听力理解 略 ( ) .Ⅱ 单项填空 共 小题 每小题 分 . ( 20 ; 1 ) 从下列每小题所给的 和 四个选项 A 、B 、C D中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 , 。21.—W hat’s the m atter with you芽 —I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed. 不填 A .a鸦穴 雪 B.a鸦the C .a鸦a D .the鸦the th22.Today is Septem ber 10.It’s D ay. Let s go and buy som e flow ers for our ’ teachers. …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 1. Come here early ____ you will not get the books. A. and B. or C. unless D. if 2. I5m afraid I5m not fit for the job, as it is one ____ requires lots of patience. A. who B. what C. that D. where 3. The boy rushed out of the room ____ he heard his mother5s voice. A. in a moment B. at the moment C. for a moment D. the moment 4. The population of the United States ____ 280 million. About 12 percent of the population ____ black people. A. i…  相似文献   

一、单项选择1.In Britain today women44%of the workforce,and nearly halfthe mothers with children are paid workers.A.build B.m ake up C.do up D.set up2.Sw an Lake is a fam ous balletin four acts on a G erm an fairy tale.A.basing B.based C.bases D.to base3.Itis difficultfor m e to finish the w ork in tim e.A.m uch too B.too m uch C.little D.too m any4.—D o you want to buy all these books?—N o,I have too m oney to buy so books.A.m uch;m any B.few;m anyC.little;m any D.few;m uch5.Scient…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 1. ——Have you seen ____ watch? I left it here this morning. ——I think I saw one somewhere. Is it ____ new one? A. a; / B. a; the C. the; a D. a; a 2. ——How did you find your visit to the museum, Jane? ——____. A. Oh, wonderful, indeed B. By taking a No. 3 bus C. I went there alone D. A classmate of mine showed me the way 3. Exercise is ____ as any other to lose unwanted weight. A. so useful a way B. as a useful way C. as useful a …  相似文献   

选择题( 55 分) Ⅰ. 单项选择, 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可 以填入空白处的最佳答案。(15 分, 共 15 小题, 每 小题 1 分) ( ) 1. Daniel is _______ enough to buy nice presents for all of us. A. generous B. energetic C. strong D. confident ( ) 2. When he heard someone _______ for help, he rushed out quickly. A. to call B. called C. call D. calling ( ) 3. You should keep him _______ until he has had enough _______. A. sleep; asleep B. asleep; sleep C. sleep; sleep D. asleep; asleep ( ) 4. It is…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. Thomas Davidson ____ born ____ the afternoon of April 4, 1926. A. was, on B. were, in C. is, on D. are, in 2. My daughter is ____ young ____ go to school this year. A. too, that B. so, to C. too, to D. so, can 3. Shirley Temple ____ a movie star when she ____ only three years old. A. becomes, is B. became, was C. become, be D. became, old 4. Yesterday my sister and I watched a comedy ____ Mask. A. call B. calls C. calling D. called 5. He loves his daughter very much and…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)1.Millie has____e-dog and its name is Hobo.A.a B.an C.the D./2.——Miss Lin teaches____English this term.——You"re lucky.____is a very good teacher.A.our;She B.us;He C.us;She D.ours;He3.____Mid-autumn Day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes.A.In B.On C.At D.By4.I think____of the materials I listened to at the beginning of theexam____easy.A.two,is B.second three,areC.two thirds,are D.two third,are5.——How old is the baby?——He is____.A.six-mo…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 共 15 分) 1. ——Do remember to charge the battery 12 hours when you first use it. ——____. A. Made it B. Got it C. Understood it D. Remembered it 2. It was not until yesterday ____ I got an email from Kate ____ I realized what I had done to her. A. that; what B. that; who C. when; who D. when; that 3. “____ my wife I ____ ten years ago, ”he said, “I owe everything.” A. To; married with B. For; married C. To; got married to D. To; got married…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. I went to the beach. Where did you go ____ the school trip? A. on B. for C. with D. in 2. If I have seven days ____, I!d like to go to Beijing. A. long B. off C. on D. with 3. I don!t think it!s a funny story. In fact, it sounds ____. A. bore B. bored C. be boring D. boring 4. I!m sorry I cannot go to the movies. I!m ____ tired. A. a little of B. a few C. kind of D. a kind of 5. When she was in France last time, she ____ souvenirs for me. A. buy B. buys C. buyed D. b…  相似文献   

( 满分: 120 分)Ⅰ. 听力。( 20 分) A) 听力辨图: 根据你所听到的内容,选择相 对应的图片。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分) 1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ B) 情景反应: 根据你所听到的句子,选择最 佳答案。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) 6. A. I have gone to Hainan Island. B. I have been to Hainan Island. C. I’ll be in Hainan Island. 7. A. Yes. Who are you? B. Yes. Who speaks? C. Yes. Who’s that? 8. A. About once a month. B. About two hours. C. It is a wonderful film. 9. A. How interesting they a…  相似文献   

less,least,fewer,fewest [真题导航] 1.The doctor told Mary to eat vegetables and____meat because she was getting fatter and fatter. A.much;little B.more;less C.many;few D.more;fewer 2.The number of giant pandas is getting____ because their living areas are becoming farmlands. A.less and less B.smaller and smaller C.larger and larger D.fewer and fewer [要点领悟] less意为较少的,least意为最少的,分别是little的比较级和最高级,修饰不可数名词、形容  相似文献   

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