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二战后,欧洲难民问题成为联合国及西方国家必须面临并解决的重大社会问题,数百万的难民流亡在整个欧洲大陆,为难民提供临时性救济的各种机构和组织也不断涌现出来。1943年建立的联合国善后救济总署、1951年《关于难民地位的公约》及联合国难民署都对二战后国际难民政策的发展起了不可忽视的作用,但这些国际组织的难民政策具有比较明显的政治色彩,使大多数难民无法充分地得到国际保护。  相似文献   

加拿大难民地位甄别制度的主要法律基础是2001年的《移民与难民保护法》。与其他国家相比,加拿大的难民地位甄别制度因其甄别机关的高度独立性而广受赞誉。实践中,处理难民地位申请的效率低下以及缺少对难民保护庭决定进行审查的上诉程序成为困扰加拿大难民地位甄别实践的难题。研究加拿大的难民地位甄别制度可为我国难民立法提供借鉴。  相似文献   

论国际难民保护政策的发展演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
难民问题是一个历史性问题,在西方民主国家建立与难民有关的国际组织之前,各种宗教组织以及古代统治者已根据自己的规范和信仰为逃离迫害之人提供庇护,以色列的《旧约全书》最早提到了"难民"一词,并对难民的定义有所涉及。1951年《难民地位公约》和联合国难民署在冷战期间的作用和角色也严重的受到西方民主国家的支配和控制,使其难民政策带有浓厚的政治特征,成为西方国家的重要政治工具。  相似文献   

自1951年《关于难民地位的公约》(《日内瓦公约》)生效以来,面对全世界范围内不断加剧的难民危机,越来越多的国家倾向于区域内寻求合作,履行难民保护的国际义务,分担保护难民的责任,"安全第三国"(Safe Third Country)的概念也应运而生。该概念产生于欧洲,并在美国、加拿大和澳大利亚等国家得到不同程度的模仿和实践。然而,国家和国家以及区域组织间以双边条约的形式对"安全第三国"原则的实践本质上违反了《难民地位公约》所规定的"不推回原则",其不可避免地扩大化必须以难民权利的有效保障为前提。我国边境地区也时常有难民涌入的情况发生,而目前世界上亚太地区的难民保护区域合作机制最不完善,因此对这一问题的厘清,有利于我国未来在探索难民保护的区域合作中把握好方向。  相似文献   

国际难民现状与难民机制建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入新世纪之后,国际社会所面临的难民问题日益突出。虽然国际社会已经建立了一系列的国际难民机制,并在全球难民救助问题上取得了较大进展,但由于各国在该问题上仍存在难民法规、惯例、主权认知上的差异和分歧,加之难民参与机制缺乏,全球难民形势得以根本缓和的前景仍不乐观。国际社会应共同推动难民问题合作共识,进一步完善难民法规及救助机制,做到治标与治本并重。  相似文献   

1951年难民地位公约及其议定书没有明文规定基于性别的迫害也是导致被害人主张难民身份的原因,但我们基于这些国际法文件的基本精神却可以合理地推断出:基于性别的迫害也是主张难民身份的重要理由。所论述的基于性别的迫害,主要是指针对女性的迫害。1951年难民地位公约规定了迫害的五种理由,基于性别的迫害可以分别归入到这五种理由之中。现在国际局势变化莫测,我们对国际法文件的理解需要与时俱进。  相似文献   

难民问题因其自身政治性和人道性的错综复杂而长期困扰着国际社会.美国是战后世界上接纳难民最多的国家,美国的难民政策在接纳欧洲犹太难民和对欧洲知识难民的庇护上表现出了一定程度的人道性,却又因国家实力、对外政策和国际格局的影响在冷战期间对难民的接纳含有强烈的选择因素,具有浓厚的政治性.  相似文献   

琼瑶 《大中专文苑》2010,(11):65-66
我不知道有没有人记得抗战时期的“难民火车”,我不知道坐过那火车的人能不能忘记那种经历。  相似文献   

论弗里德约夫·南森对国际难民事务的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弗里德约夫·南森是国际联盟第一任难民事务高级专员。在1921—1930年任职期间,南森主张难民问题紧急救助与长远解决相结合;界定难民的法律地位,通过立法保护难民权益;设立专门机构,加强国际合作;审时度势.重视方法创新。南森为后人留下了众多弥足珍贵的经验和财富。  相似文献   

明确了气候难民的定义及特征,对比了气候难民与环境难民的区别,分析了气候难民尚未取得国际法上的法律地位的原因及困境,从三个方面指出气候难民应得到国际立法保护:气候难民比环境难民具有更优越的立法条件;世界各国对气候难民都有不可推卸之责任;气候难民产生的原因不能成为其获得立法保护的阻碍。  相似文献   

王萱 《太原大学学报》2011,12(4):14-18,39
生态难民,顾名思义可以简单描述为面对生态灾难而被迫逃离的人。生态难民现象古已有之,但生态难民的概念至今还没有被国际难民法确认。国际上缺少专门的对生态难民进行保护的法律制度与措施。生态难民制度的存在从社会需求层面、法律需求层面以及现实依据层面来说,是合理与必需的。生态难民与国际难民法所规定的政治难民不同,主要是由于生态灾害而造成。实际上,生态难民与政治难民是相联系的,很大一部分生态难民可以纳入到政治难民之中,利用现有的国际难民法进行保护。  相似文献   

1938年至1943年重庆大轰炸期间,国民政府实施了空袭难民救济。救济措施包括组建专门空袭救济机构、颁布救济法规、动员民间力量救济和奖励空袭救济人员。在具体的空袭救济中,政府组织人力物力财力收容、医治难民,并向难民发放急赈和小额贷款。国民政府的空袭救济具有阶段性、突发性、广泛性和慈善性的特点。空袭救济措施的实施一定程度上维护了难民的生命安全,解决了难民的生活问题,安定了民心和社会秩序,粉碎了日本妄图以炸迫降的阴谋,从而支持了中国长期抗战。但由于救济经费的不足、救济力量的有限以及救济措施的失当,国民政府的空袭救济效果相当有限。  相似文献   


The sudden influx of refugees into countries around the world has caused a complicated, multi-faceted, international refugee crisis. Refugees, whether in camps or urban areas, face a myriad of problems and obstacles, yet one of the most critical issues young refugees face is the lack of educational opportunities and/or resources. United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund warns that this lack of education could potentially create a “lost generation” which may lead to serious implications, not only for these young refugees but also to surrounding, nearby societies. This paper seeks to understand if and how Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) have been reported in the literature as being used in different contexts to connect young refugees with high quality educational opportunities, and whether the urban or camp contexts impact these opportunities. The results of this review of the literature indicate that a number of different ICTs have successfully been used in a variety of different educational settings and for a variety of purposes. Additionally, where a refugee lives could impact the accessibility and nature of the ICT tools available to provide an education.  相似文献   

In 2020, the global number of refugees reached record levels, pressuring asylum countries to determine more effective methods for facilitating integration. This article explores an array of stakeholder practices towards refugees in Surrey and Greater Vancouver, Canada. It is based on questionnaires and interviews that elicit the perceptions and struggles of 40 settlement workers, health and mental health professionals, Members of Parliament, educators, librarians, scholars and grassroots organisations, who work with refugees. The findings show that stakeholders often feel isolated, ‘working in silos’ and wasting time and money due to uncoordinated services and a lack of interagency communication. They feel it is also unreasonable to expect Government-Assisted Refugees (GARs) to learn English and complete job training in preparation for independent living within 1 year of support. Both refugee adults and children suffer from high levels of trauma, often compounded by interrupted or no schooling. Since education is essential to refugee success, I argue that teachers play a role in filling the gap, often uniquely positioned to form ongoing, safe and trusting relationships with refugee students and their families. For many teachers, it is an ethos of care, compassion and social justice acquired in teacher education programmes that increases refugee resilience, sense of belonging and wellbeing. This article identifies what new collaborations between teachers and other stakeholders might accomplish, including communication back to government policymakers. Recommendations encompass initiating online registries of services and low-cost housing in neighbourhoods where community schools and services are interlinked, possibly achieving holistic care for all refugees.  相似文献   

Since 2015, Germany has followed a welcoming policy for refugees and has made efforts to integrate them in German society through initiatives such as development programs. However, very few refugee students have actually managed to enter German Higher Education (HE) institutions. Using a qualitative methodology, the researcher interviewed Arab refugee students studying in pre-academic and academic degree programs in Germany, to obtain answers to the following two main questions: 1) What are the main challenges that refugee students have experienced on their path to Germany as a host country? 2) What are the challenges that refugee students faced in HE in Germany and how does the German HE system respond to their needs? The findings suggest that, despite Germany’s desire to open up access to HE for refugees, the implementation of the policies adopted often sets administrative and social challenges to refugee students along their pathways to German HE institutions. These challenges include rigid access policies and procedures, unwelcoming public discourse and feelings of alienation. Nevertheless, students positively valued the new window of opportunity and universally applicable procedures offered in Germany, although they had not quite provided adequate responses to the refugees’ needs. The paper concludes with implications for policy makers wishing to open pathways for refugees to HE in intercultural academic spaces where they can interact and integrate within the academic community in preparation for their full integration into their host society.  相似文献   

J. Lynn McBrien 《Compare》2011,41(1):75-90
Parental involvement in schools is regarded as critical to student success in Australia, Canada, and the USA, the world’s top refugee resettlement countries. Refugees can be disadvantaged when they are unfamiliar with the practices and when their own cultural beliefs conflict with expectations in their new communities, or when they are consumed by other pressing needs. As part of an evaluation of a nonprofit US refugee agency’s liaison program, three groups of refugee mothers from different world regions spoke about their lives and connections with their children’s schools. Focus groups revealed satisfaction with many aspects of their children’s schools as well as contrasts between the groups’ needs and experiences. Differences indicate the need for the education community and other service providers to be aware of international backgrounds that bring refugees to the countries of resettlement and cultural differences that create diverse concerns of these groups.  相似文献   


Access to Malaysian government schools is prohibited for refugee children, and hidden refugee schools only reach a minority of Burmese students in Malaysia. This study used a participatory culture-specific consultation (PCSC) approach to examine the perspectives of Burmese refugee teachers on Burmese refugee student socioemotional issues and classroom management using interviews, observations, a preliminary refugee teacher focus group (N = 10: 4 men, 6 women; M age = 26 years), and a primary focus group with refugee teachers who were Burmese refugees (N = 9: 6 men, 3 women; M age = 30 years). First, themes suggested that societal pressures have an effect on the classroom environment. Second, refugee student behavior and emotions ranged from externalizing to internalizing. Third, refugee teachers relied on traditional Burmese methods for managing serious misbehavior. Fourth, with mild misbehaviors, teachers employed more “modern,” student-centered methods. Results inform culture-specific consultation designed to meet refugee education needs.  相似文献   

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