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Antonio Gramsci     
Attilio Monasta 《Prospects》1993,23(3-4):597-612

From a feminist perspective, I am interested in 'women's ways of knowing' ( Belenky et al., 1997 ) and the relationship between knowledge, difference and power ( Goldberger et al., 1996 ). Here I trace the relevance of Gramsci to my own feminist consciousness, and the part he played in my journey to praxis. I also address feminism's intellectual debts, most particularly in relation to the concept of hegemony. The intellectual context has shifted in emphasis from macro- to micro-narratives which reject Marxism as masculinist and dichotomous. The dilemma has been an overemphasis on the personal-cultural at the expense of the collective-political, distracting us from action for social justice at the same time as globalisation is creating escalating world crises of justice and sustainability. In conclusion, I advocate a re-reading of Gramsci in the light of key feminist critiques of class and patriarchy in order to develop i) analyses based on multiple sites of oppression and ii) action which reaches from local to global through alliances to achieve a more integrated feminist praxis. Throughout, I use 'dis'ability and 'race' to denote the socially constructed nature of these concepts.  相似文献   

This paper, drawing on original sources, provides an overview of and a discussion on those writings and ideas, in Antonio Gramsci's huge corpus of work, that are relevant to the education of adults. This should provide a fitting tribute to this major social theorist of the 20th century on the 70th anniversary of his death. Among the topics discussed are those of adult education for industrial democracy, adult education and cultural preparation, adult literacy, prison education, adult education and the Southern Question with specific reference to immigration, and, most important of all, adult education in the context of an intellectual and moral reform.  相似文献   

葛兰西的"文化霸权"理论认为一个政党或阶级获得长期稳定的统治的关键是首先获得"文化霸权",这必然要求政党或阶级重视媒介。葛兰西把媒介和传播看作"争霸"的场所和武器,正是在"争霸"过程中,不同的意识形态集团(阶级)更注重借助媒介的力量进行博弈,凸现了媒介的力量,客观上也促进了社会民主进程,这就为理解文化的对立与和解提供了一种新的视角。  相似文献   

Based on the results of a large-scale study regarding the role of secondary education teachers, we tried to develop an emancipatory teaching programme within the framework of a critical pedagogy of empathy. This teaching strategy is a three-stage process, during which a constant teacher–student interaction, attentive listening and interchange of roles are emphasised, so as to foster empathy. The first stage includes understanding the students’ perspectives and giving value to their experiences. When the channels of communication are open and teachers get into their students’ shoes, material relevant to the students’ experiences is presented at the second stage, while students are encouraged to question the prevailing status quo and to raise their voices in institutional contexts in which they have traditionally been silenced. Finally, during the third stage, students disseminate self-gained knowledge and thoughts with a view to creating a better future and a different society, as part of the broader mission of informed, democratic, critical, empathetic and active citizens.  相似文献   

对于倡导将哲学三分的人来说,二元论应当受到强烈谴责,那么,仅仅将葛兰西的知识分子思想看作是"有机知识分子"与"传统知识分子"的简单对立,是对其思想解读的偏离.确切地说,在葛兰西那里存在着传统的知识分子、有机的知识分子和批判性的有机知识分子的区分.只有联系他划分三类知识分子时所产生的五个特殊难题,才能更为深刻地阐明批判性的有机知识分子这一概念.这些难点包括:(1)意识的本质源发于批判的有机的知识分子的活动;(2)保守主义的传统的前景;(3)这种知识分子在可能的接受人中所担当的角色;(4)智力工作者的概念;(5)特殊原则所导致的人文主义及全球认知前景的替代物.这些源发于葛兰西对批判性的有机知识分子角色探究时的五个被争议的问题至今仍被关注:首先,批判的有机知识分子的智力行为的接受人缺乏理解的基础何在?其次,这种采用马克思主义术语的知识分子的观点在今天是如何兴起的?  相似文献   

The paper describes a collaborative curriculum development project implemented over 3 years at 2 universities in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The project involved a short module in which students in their fourth year of study interacted and learnt collaboratively across the boundaries of institution, discipline, race and social class, about the concepts of community, self and identity. The pedagogic approach adopted is described, as well as the responses of the students, and a brief reflection on some of the learning outcomes attained. The paper considers the learning processes which the curriculum development team experienced, and suggests that in order to facilitate learning for an ‘uncertain world’, the curriculum designers, too, need to engage in learning processes in which they make themselves vulnerable, mirroring some of the learning processes they expect the students to undergo.  相似文献   

南桥 《高中生》2011,(28):6
我所在的学校是美国一所并不十分知名的学校,学生的心愿却并不普通。我们有很多服务社会的项目,如"愿望井",学生自发组织去非洲卢旺达等地方打井,解决当地用水的问题。还有一些学生趁放暑假的时间,去南美等欠发达的地区修建卫生厕所。当然更多的项目是服务于本地,比如修建年久失修的房屋,去当地养老院做义工等。  相似文献   

公共教育学作为师范生的一门必修课,长期以来对师范生向师性的培养并未起到应有的作用,其原因在于该课是以教师能教些什么为出发点而组织的教学内容,即教师教育学;而不是以学生为本所建构的教学体系即学生教育学。  相似文献   

教育学理论的流变和超越   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
90年代以来,一些学者在对教育学进行反思的过程中提出了“教育学终结论”,在教育学研究和实践领域产生了较大的冲击,对教育学的质疑,关键是对现有的教育学体系是否具有“科学性”存在分岐,事实上自然科学与社会科学有着明确的分野,终结论的实质是漠视自然科学与社会科学规律的差别,排斥社会科学所使用的研究方法,终结论在理论上和实践中都是站不住脚的,当然,教育学必须随时代的前进而不断创新和发展。  相似文献   

This article describes an action research study, undertaken in an experientially-based educational psychology course, in which resistance to learning associated with a particular working-class masculinity appeared to be overcome. The project involved male tradespeople, employed as technology studies teachers in secondary colleges while undertaking a teacher education programme. In the past, such people had created learning group cultures that promoted anti-academic, sexist and excessively authoritarian attitudes. This had profound implications for the subsequent social environment created in their school classes and especially the educational aspirations of the girls within them. Yet, resistance appeared to develop because many of the activities and content of the teacher education programme were threatening to an occupationally constructed masculine identity. Ways in which such constructions were relinquished and more appropriate identities built form the substance of this article. Implications for feminist pedagogy involving men and boys are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, two middle‐school teachers who participated in a professional development program utilizing the transformative professional development (TPD) model are followed as they embarked upon becoming culturally relevant science teachers of Hispanic students. Using Ladson‐Billings (1994) theory of culturally relevant pedagogy, teacher interviews, focus groups, journals, and field notes are examined to reveal aspects of culturally relevant pedagogy that the participants translate into their daily science instructional practice in this longitudinal case study. Findings revealed TPD enabled participants to transform their practice to focus on culturally relevant science pedagogy resulting in a more effective instructional environment for their Hispanic students. Implications for further research on professional development and other supports for teachers integrating culturally relevant pedagogy are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., J Res Sci Teach 48: 170–198, 2011  相似文献   

从知识的教育学到实践的教育学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哲学化和科学化是自夸美纽斯以来教育学发展的两条路径,由此形成了思辨决定论、自然决定论和社会决定论三种教育学知识体系。其共同特点是其所试图建立的学科体系与教育活动本身相悖,教育学知识的价值取向迷失。要改变这种状况,就要消解教育学知识的抽象性和唯我性,把目光投向更为丰富多彩的教育实践。这个转向是对现有教育学研究中心课题及一系列相应的研究理路、思维方式的根本性转换。面向实践的教育学要关注生活的价值,由对教育活动及人的成长的外在原因的说明,转为对人的内在的自我批判意识的唤醒和对现实教育的批判和反思。  相似文献   

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