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In this paper, we present a fault-tolerant control (FTC) framework for a class of nonlinear networked control systems (NCSs). Firstly, the plant is transformed into two subsystems with one of them decoupled from the system fault. Then, the nonlinear observer is designed to provide the estimation of unmeasurable state and modelling uncertainty, which are used to construct fault estimation algorithm. Considering the sampling intervals occurred by net, a fault-tolerant control method is proposed for such nonlinear NCSs using the impulsive system techniques. The controller gain and the maximum sampling interval, which make the faulty system stable are given. An example is included to show the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, an observer-based fault-tolerant control (FTC) method is proposed for a class of networked control systems (NCSs) with transfer delays. Markov chain is employed to characterize the transfer delays. Then, such kind of networked control systems are modelled as Markovian jump systems. An observer-based FTC scheme using the delayed state information and the estimated fault value is presented to guarantee the stability of the faulty systems. An inverted pendulum example is used to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the event-triggered fault estimation and fault-tolerant control for continuous-time dynamic systems subject to system fault and external disturbance under network environment. Firstly, based on the event-triggered sampling, a fault diagnosis observer is constructed to estimate both the system state and the system fault simultaneously, and a multi-objective constraint is established to guarantee the estimation accuracy. Based on the estimated system state and fault signal, a fault-tolerant controller is proposed to compensate the influence of occurred faults and maintain the system performance. The event-triggered scheme and the fault-tolerant controller are co-designed to guarantee the required performance of faulty system and reduce the consumption of communication resources. Finally, simulation results of an F-404 aircraft engine system are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper studies the fault-tolerant control (FTC) problem of a class of strict-feedback nonlinear systems. First, we put forward a key theorem which shows that type-B Nussbaum functions can be extended to the cases containing multiple Nussbaum functions in the same Lyapunov inequality under certain conditions. Then, by using the techniques of Nussbaum functions and adaptive control, a new fault-tolerant control scheme is proposed. Compared with the previous work, this paper considers unknown time-varying control coefficients and unknown time-varying fault coefficients of actuators. It is proved that all the signals of the closed-loop system are globally bounded and the tracking error converges to zero asymptotically. Finally, simulations are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper a novel adaptive robust fault-tolerant sync control method is proposed for a two-slider system where two sliders are constrained by a flexible beam. At first the dynamic models of sync motion system subject to external disturbances and actuator faults are derived. In order to avoid the shortcomings of truncated model, the model of flexible beam is described by using infinite dimensional equation. Then based on the models a novel disturbance observer and an adaptive fault-tolerant control law are designed. The disturbance observer is used to estimate and cancel external disturbances. The adaptive fault-tolerant control is used to deal with the partial loss of effectiveness faults. Lyapunov functional approach is used to prove that the closed-loop system with the proposed control laws is uniformly bounded stable. Finally, some simulation results display that the proposed control laws can obtain excellent sync performance in the present of external disturbances and actuator partial loss of effectiveness faults.  相似文献   

Advanced fault detection and accommodation schemes are required for ensuring efficient and reliable operation of modern wind turbines. This paper presents a novel approach in designing a fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) and fault-tolerant control (FTC) scheme for a wind turbine using fuzzy modeling, identification and control techniques. First, an improved gain-scheduled proportional-integral (PI) control system based on fuzzy gain scheduling (FGS) technique for multi-input and multi-output wind turbine system is designed. Then, to accommodate sensor faults and based on a signal correction algorithm, an active fault-tolerant control system (AFTCS) is developed as an extension of the gain-scheduled PI control system. The AFTCS exploits the fault information from a model-based FDD scheme developed using fuzzy modeling and identification method. The proposed schemes are evaluated by a series of simulations on a well-known large off-shore wind turbine benchmark in the presence of wind turbulences, measurement noises, and different realistic fault scenarios. All results indicate high effectiveness and robustness of the designed control systems in both fault-free and faulty operations of the wind turbine.  相似文献   

This paper considers the distributed adaptive fault-tolerant control problem for linear multi-agent systems with matched unknown nonlinear functions and actuator bias faults. By using fuzzy logic systems to approximate the unknown nonlinear function and constructing a local observer to estimate the states, an effective distributed adaptive fault-tolerant controller is developed. Furthermore, different from the traditional method to estimate the weight matrix, only the weight vector needs to be estimated by exchanging the order of weight vectors and fuzzy basis functions in the fuzzy logic systems. In contrast to the existing results, the assumption that the dimensions of input vector and output vector are equal is removed. In addition, it is proved that the proposed control protocol guarantees all signals in the closed-loop systems are bounded and all agents converge to the leader with bounded residual errors. Finally, simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with integrated event-triggered fault estimation (FE) and sliding mode fault-tolerant control (FTC) for a class of discrete-time Lipschtiz nonlinear networked control systems (NCSs) subject to actuator fault and disturbance. First, an event-triggered fault/state observer is designed to estimate the system state and actuator fault simultaneously. And then, a discrete-time sliding surface is constructed in state-estimation space. By the use of a reformulated Lipschitz property and delay system analysis method, the sliding mode dynamics and state/fault error dynamics are converted into a unified linear parameter varying (LPV) networked system model by taking into account the event-triggered scheme, actuator fault, external disturbance and network-induced delay. Based on this model and with the aid of Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional method, a delay-dependent sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the stability of the resulting closed-loop system with prescribed H performance. Furthermore, an observed-based sliding mode FTC law is synthesized to make sure the reachability of the sliding surface. Finally, simulation results are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper studies the sampled outputs-based adaptive fault-tolerant control problem for a class of strict-feedback uncertain nonlinear systems, where the nonlinear functions are allowed to include the unmeasured system states. Within the framework, a sampled output observer is introduced to jointly estimate the system states and parameters. By combining the estimated states and the supervisory switching strategy, an adaptive fault-tolerant controller is designed to achieve the desirable tracking performance. By using Lyapunov stability theory, it is proved that all the signals of the closed-loop systems are bounded and the tracking error converges to an adjustable neighbourhood of the origin eventually both in the fault free and faulty cases. Especially, if the outputs are available all the time, the proposed output feedback fault-tolerant control method can ensure the tracking error satisfy the prescribed performance bounds regardless of the faults. Finally, two examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of adaptive fault estimation and fault-tolerant control for a class of nonlinear non-Gaussian stochastic systems subject to time-varying loss of control effectiveness faults. In this work, time-varying faults, Lipschitz nonlinear property and general stochastic characteristics are taken into consideration in a unified framework. Instead of using the system output signal, the output distribution is adopted for shape control. Both the states and faults are simultaneously estimated by an adaptive observer. Then, a fault tolerant shape controller is designed to compensate for the faults and realize stochastic output distribution tracking. Both the fault estimation and the fault tolerant control schemes are designed based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique. Satisfactory performance has been obtained for a numerical simulation example. Furthermore the proposed scheme is successfully tested in a case study of particle size distribution control for an emulsion polymerization reactor.  相似文献   

A new robust fault-tolerant controller scheme integrating a main controller and a compensator for the self-repairing flight control system is discussed. The main controller is designed for high performance of the original faultless system. The compensating controller can be seen as a standalone loop added to the system to compensate the effects of fault guaranteeing the stability of the system. A design method is proposed using nonlinear dynamic inverse control as the main controller and nonlinear extended state observer-based compensator. System robustness is greatly improved by using the new configuration controller. The stability of the whole closed-loop system is analyzed. Feasibility and validity of the new controller is demonstrated with an aircraft simulation example.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of adaptive fuzzy fault-tolerant control is investigated for a class of switched uncertain pure-feedback nonlinear systems under arbitrary switching. The considered actuator failures are modeled as both lock-in-place and loss of effectiveness. By utilizing mean value theorem, the considered pure-feedback systems are transformed into a class of switched nonlinear strict-feedback systems. Under the framework of backstepping design technique and common Lyapunov function (CLF), an adaptive fuzzy fault-tolerant control (FTC) method with predefined performance bounds is developed. It is proved that under the proposed controller, all the signals of the close-loop systems are bounded and the state tracking error for each step remains within the prescribed performance bound (PPB) regardless of actuator faults and the system switchings. In addition, the tracking errors and magnitudes of control inputs can be reduced by adjusting the PPB parameters of errors in the first and last steps. The simulation results are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

This paper studies the adaptive tracking control problem for a class of uncertain high-order fully actuated (HOFA) systems with actuator faults and full-state constraints. Firstly, we design a novel nonlinear transformation function (NTF) only related to state and constraint boundaries and capable of handling asymmetric time-varying constraints. With the designed function, we obtain an equivalent totally unconstrained HOFA model which is generally simpler to design controllers than first-order state-space model. Then, the adaptive fault-tolerant controller is constructed with the help of the HOFA approach. By applying the Lyapunov stability theory, it is rigorously proved that the output tracking error converges to zero asymptotically, other signals of the resulting closed-loop systems are bounded, and full-state constraints are not violated for all time. Finally, the simulation results verify the efficiency of the proposed control design method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a novel strategy which can address the fault-tolerant control (FTC) problem for nonlinear strict-feedback systems containing actuator saturation, unknown external disturbances, and faults related to actuators and components. In such method, the unknown dynamics including faults and disturbances are approximated by resorting to Neural-Networks (NNs) technique. Meanwhile, a back-stepping technique is employed to build a fault-tolerant controller. It should be stressed that the main advantage of this strategy is that the NN weights are updated online based on gradient descent (GD) algorithm by minimizing the cost function with respect to NNs approximation error rather than regarding weights as adaptive parameters, which are designed according to Lyapunov theory. In addition, the convergence proof of NN weights and the stability proof of the proposed FTC method are given. Finally, simulation is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy in dealing with unknown external disturbances, actuator saturation and the faults related to the components and actuators, simultaneously.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an adaptive approximation design for the decentralized fault-tolerant control for a class of nonlinear large-scale systems with unknown multiple time-delayed interaction faults. The magnitude and occurrence time of the multiple faults are unknown. The function approximation technique using neural networks is employed to adaptively compensate for the unknown time-delayed nonlinear effects and changes in model dynamics due to the faults. A decentralized memoryless adaptive fault-tolerant (AFT) control system is designed with prescribed performance bounds. Therefore, the proposed controller guarantees the transient performance of tracking errors at the moments when unexpected changes of system dynamics occur. The weights for neural networks and the bounds of residual approximation errors are estimated by using adaptive laws derived from the Lyapunov stability theorem. It is also proved that all tracking errors are preserved within the prescribed performance bounds. A simulation example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed AFT control scheme.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the adaptive fault-tolerant control problem for a class of continuous-time Markovian jump systems with digital communication constraints, parameter uncertainty, disturbance and actuator faults. In this study, the exact information for actuator fault, disturbance and the unparametrisable time-varying stuck fault are totally unknown. The dynamical uniform quantizer is utilized to perform the design work and the mismatched initializations at the coder and decoder sides are also considered. In this paper, a novel quantized adaptive fault-tolerant control design method is proposed to eliminate the effects of actuator fault, parameter uncertainty and disturbance. Moreover, it can be proved that the solutions of the overall closed-loop system are uniformly bounded, which is asymptotically stable almost surely. Finally, numerical examples are provided to verify the effectiveness of the new methodology.  相似文献   

This paper studies the voltage regulation problem of Buck converter under current constraint. Firstly, to speed up the voltage regulation, a nonlinear algorithm is proposed to make the output voltage track the reference voltage quickly in a finite time. Meanwhile, to protect the devices in the circuit, the current-constraint problem is also considered in the finite-time controller design. In addition, the situation of load change is also considered. The proof of finite-time stability of the total closed-loop system is given and its validity is fully tested. Finally, simulation and experiment verify that the system has excellent dynamic performance and steady-state performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a class of nonlinear systems with actuator fault. In particular, fuzzy logic systems have been used to approximate the unknown nonlinear functions, backstepping procedure is adopted to design controller for the system with mismatched condition, command filter is utilized to eliminate the explosion of complexity of the backstepping and also to compensate the output of a filter subjected to the derivative of the virtual control. The stability of the closed-loop system and the convergence of the tracking error are proved via Lyapunov Theorem. In addition, two numerical simulation examples are illustrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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