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四轮全向机器人是一个复杂的四维冗余系统,其轨迹跟踪控制性能极易受到模型不确定性及外界干扰的影响。针对这一问题,本文提出一种基于动力学模型的四轮全向机器人滑模轨迹跟踪控制方法。首先,通过输入变换将复杂的四维冗余机器人系统模型转化为三维模型,然后针对模型不确定性及外界扰动,采用滑模控制算法进行轨迹跟踪控制。仿真结果表明,该方法能够有效抑制外界干扰,同时降低模型不确定性的影响,机器人能够很好地跟踪期望轨迹,跟踪速度快,跟踪精度高。  相似文献   

永磁同步电机速度环的滑模变结构控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高敏 《科技广场》2007,(3):43-45
在永磁同步电机解耦数学模型的基础上,本文提出了一种把滑模变结构原理用于永磁同步电机的矢量控制系统的方法。首先详细阐述了滑模变结构的基本原理,然后采用速度环的滑模变结构来取代传统的PI控制,并对两个系统进行了仿真分析,仿真结果证明采用速度环的滑模变结构控制系统确有其优越性。  相似文献   

建立了一种非线性指数型终端滑模面,这种滑动模态超曲面的优点在于使系统的收敛时间缩短。由于外界扰动的存在,所以系统具有一定的不确定性,因此,在研究系统时,充分考虑到系统的该特点,并给出相应的假设条件,认为系统的不确定性上届已知,由此设计出相应的同步控制器,最后,对Duffing-Holmes多涡卷混沌系统进行仿真研究,仿真结果说明该滑模控制器是切实有效的。  相似文献   

基于多Agent的知识管理系统模型研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
蒋翠清  幸龙潮  丁勇 《情报杂志》2007,26(2):56-58,61
企业知识管理系统的构建应以企业原有信息系统为基础,基于多Agent的知识管理系统可以与企业原有系统实现无缝集成,并具有高度的智能性和可扩展性。在分析了知识管理与多Agent系统之间的联系及知识管理系统的构建目标基础上,构建了一个基于多Agent系统的知识管理系统模型,并对该模型中多Agent之间的协作及使用A-gent进行系统集成进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the privacy-preserving average consensus problem for continuous-time multi-agent network systems (MANSs) based on the event-triggered strategy. A novel event-triggered privacy-preserving consensus algorithm is designed to achieve the average consensus of MANSs while avoiding the disclosure of the agents’ initial states. Different from the approaches incorporating stochastic noises, an output mask function in the proposed algorithm is developed to make initial state of each agent indiscernible by the others. Particularly, under the output mask function, all agents can exactly tend to the average value of initial states rather than the mean square value. Under the proposed algorithm, detailed theoretical proof about average consensus and privacy of the MANSs are conducted. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is extended to nonlinear continuous-time MANSs, and the corresponding results are also derived. A numerical simulation eventually is performed to demonstrate the validity of our results.  相似文献   

提出了用于有界动态随机系统的状态观测器设计方法.首先利用平方根B样条逼近系统的输出概率密度函数来构造残差,同时利用李亚普诺夫函数方法得到观测器增益的自适应调节规律,然后提出了新的对数B样条逼近模型并设计了新的自适应观测器,两个仿真例子表明了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

随着目前建筑市场越来越规范化、市场竞争日益激烈化,施工企业为了能够争取到工程项目,只能将利润空间一压再压,因此施工企业只有在项目施工过程中对项目的成本进行合理的控制,才能使自己立于不败之地。施工企业之间的竞争实际上就是如何最好地控制施工成本的竞争。  相似文献   

迭代学习控制系统的鲁棒性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙明轩 《科技通报》1996,12(4):198-203
讨论了在偏离,状态输出扰动和非线性扰动同时存在的干扰环境中运行的迭代学习控制系统的鲁棒性问题。通过更精确的误差渐近界估计,结合迭代学习控制算法中的开环和闭环方案,给出了算法的鲁棒性条件,以及算法收敛性所要求的渐近干扰条件。  相似文献   

结合黑板系统及Agent技术.设计了基于黑板的多Agent系统(MABS)模型,探讨了MABS的体系结构,定义了黑板和知识源地描述语言以及知识交换格式,以及Agent之间通讯语言,此外,提出了多知识源Agent协调决策的处理方法,有助于多个Agent协同求解大规模复杂问题。  相似文献   

This article introduces Dynamic Human-Centered Communication Systems Theory (DHCCST), defining communication as a complex dynamic system consisting of a human, a message, a medium, and a location. An argument is made that all elements of the system should be defined from a human centric viewpoint. The article reconceptualizes humans as evolved, embedded, embodied brains (EEEBs). Media are reconceptualized as brain-like creatures (BLCs). Communication is defined as the interaction of one or more EEEBs with other EEEBs or with BLCs. Medium of carriage and encoding system are reconceptualized along continua ranging from evolved to man-made. Examples of hypotheses arising from DHCCST are presented and some theories and effects are reinterpreted using this new perspective.  相似文献   

对无刷双馈电机高阶终端滑模转速辨识的优化控制设计提高双馈电机的运行特性。针对传统的无刷双馈电机的转子耦合能力差、效率低的问题,提出一种基于跟踪微分器有限元法分析的无刷双馈电机高阶终端滑模转速辨识设计方法。分析无刷双馈电机系统结构和基本控制原理,通过使用变频变压调速系统设计的方式,采用高阶滑模控制,设计跟踪微分器补偿控制误差,进行有限元法分析,得到无刷双馈电机结构模型的滑膜干扰控制律。用神经网络逼近左逆测量系统中的非线性函数。利用转子磁场坐标系高频抑制性能,对无刷双馈电机系统的转速辨识模型进行改进设计。仿真实验表明,该模型控制的转速观测器对于无刷双馈电机系统转速的辨识及时准确,辨识误差最大值出现在负载突增时,仅有3 r/min,展示了模型较高的抗干扰性能。为提高无刷双馈电机控制系统闭环控制的精度以及系统的鲁棒性提供了保证。  相似文献   

A finite set expansion method is presented for the suboptimal control of linear time-varying systems with both complete and incomplete state availability. By projecting the dynamical model of the system into a subspace of Walsh signals, we are able to implement the control by employing a computational method which involves constant coefficients. The method is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

徐作宁  陈宁  武振业 《软科学》2006,20(2):71-75
提出了一种适应动态环境的战略信息系统规划方法。该方法基于核心能力理论、演化竞争理论、动态竞争理论,吸收传统SISP方法与演化SISP方法的精华,强调环境适应性和动态性,重视全过程的环境扫描,集成规划与实施,认为规划是一个持续循环的过程。  相似文献   

This paper studies the formation control for a time-delayed discrete-time multi-agent system (MAS). An event-triggered controller is proposed to reduce the communication load of the system. Based on the designed event-triggered condition and properties of Schur stable matrix, the stability of formation for discrete-time MAS is proved. Utilizing the virtual simulation platform integrated Robot Operating System (ROS) and Gazebo, a virtual scene with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) models is built and the verification for the theoretical algorithm is completed. Finally, an experimental platform with four practical UAVs is constructed and the result shows that the expected formation is achieved and controller proposed can solve the formation control problem for time-delayed discrete-time MASs. Besides, the effectiveness of the event-triggered mechanism on reducing communication frequency is comfirmed in practical scenarios.  相似文献   

刘兴 《科技通报》2006,22(3):414-419
针对反馈可线性化系统,利用含估计参数的非线性反馈及状态微分同胚,基于李亚普诺夫方法给出了含非匹配不确定性系统的新型鲁棒控制器的设计方案。对一个数字实例进行仿真,结果证实了设计的可行性。  相似文献   

王守宁  尹科强 《情报科学》2001,19(6):629-632
本文阐述了开发企业管理信息系统的思想,并比较了几种企业管理系统的开发模式,提出服务器--客户机模式。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the resilient dynamic output-feedback (DOF) distributed model predictive control (DMPC) problem for discrete-time polytopic uncertain systems under synchronous Round-Robin (RR) scheduling. In order to alleviate the computation burden and improve the system robustness against uncertainties, the global system is decomposed into several subsystems, where each subsystem under synchronous RR scheduling communicates with each other via a network. The RR scheduling is adopted to avoid data collisions, however the updating information at each time instant is unfortunately reduced, and the underlying RR scheduling of subsystems are deeply coupled. The main purpose of this paper is to design a set of resilient DOF-based DMPC controllers for systems under the consideration of polytopic uncertainties and synchronous RR scheduling, such that the desirable performance can be obtained at a low cost of computational time. A novel distributed performance index dependent of the synchronous RR scheduling is constructed, where the last iteration information from the neighbor subsystems is used to deal with various couplings. Then, by resorting to the distributed RR-dependent Lyapunov-like approach and inequality analysis technique, a certain upper bound of the objective is put forward to establish a solvable auxiliary optimization problem (AOP). Moreover, by using the Jacobi iteration algorithm to solve such a problem online, the distributed feedback gains are directly obtained to guarantee the convergence of system states. Finally, two examples including a distillation process example and a numerical example are employed to show the effectiveness of the proposed resilient DMPC strategy.  相似文献   

董德国  刘士荣 《科技通报》2010,26(2):194-199
网络环境下的机器人控制系统中,由于IP网络传输中存在着通讯时延和丢包等现象,造成系统的不稳定和性能降低等问题。为了消除或减少延时等因素影响并考虑网络时延是变化的特点,本文提出一中基于模糊增益调度机器人控制策略;利用Lyapunov-Krasovskii定理和线性不等式(LMI)方法设计系统观测器和控制器,保证系统全局稳定性;考虑到通讯时延是变化的特点,提出基于网络时延现况的模糊增益调度的控制策略,给机器人反馈控制系统分配最佳的状态观测器和控制器的增益。增强系统的动态响应能力,提高控制品质。仿真实验结果证明了系统具有良好的稳定性和动态响应能力。  相似文献   

针对多载波光通信系统中多载波峰值平均功率比较大,导致放大器非线性失真严重的问题,提出一种基于动态反馈的多载波光通信非线性失真抑制算法。该算法采用部分传输序列对子信道的载波相位优化以降低峰值平均功率比发生概率,并对多载波信号噪声进行压扩限幅,接收端采用最大似然准则估算误码率最低部分传输序列相位加权系数,并将该相位加权系数反馈到发送端进行动态补偿,最大程度降低限幅噪声。性能分析和仿真结果表明,与概率类算法相比,该算法有效抑制峰值平均功效比非线性失真与限幅噪声,并降低了系统误码率。  相似文献   

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