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海南师范大学为落实教育部对预防艾滋病学校健康教育工作目标和任务的要求,自1999年起在健康教育类课程渗透预防艾滋病教育,参与教育部和联合国儿童基金会2005年起动的《高等师范院校预防艾滋病教育模式推广研究》项目的实验研究.对师范生进行课堂教学、社会实践、教育学习,使其掌握了预防艾滋病教育技能,探索出有效的师资培养模式,为各地师范院校预防艾滋病教育所借鉴.对大学生、中学生和社区群众等不同层次人群开展了宣传教育,社会效应良好  相似文献   

预防艾滋病教育受限于社会发展、高校预防艾滋病教育的现状、高校大学生的身心特征等因素,教育效果不显著。同伴教育以较强的文化适宜性和普遍的可接受性,具有较高的投入和产出比,被引入高校预防艾滋病教育中,可有效提高大学生预防艾滋病知识的知晓率,易于实现100%知晓率的目标;能有效改变学生歧视艾滋病的态度,吸引更多的人加入预防艾滋病教育队伍中;可教会学生熟练掌握相关预防艾滋病的技能,从而远离艾滋病。  相似文献   

艾滋病在全世界范围内的迅速传播和广泛流行,已成为举世瞩目的公共卫生和社会热点问题.高等师范院校担负着培养未来教师的重要职责.高等师范院校的大学生自身的健康素养和教育能力关系到未来中小学预防艾滋病教育工作的开展.因此,积极研究当前师范生预防艾滋病教育,具有十分积极和重要的意义.  相似文献   

在师范院校开展预防艾滋病同伴教育的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解在师范院校大学生中开展预防艾滋病同伴教育的效果,寻求便捷有效的预防艾滋病健康教育方式。方法:同伴教育采用不计名问卷调查,对教育前、后大学生回答预防艾滋病相关知识、态度正确率进行统计分析。结果:同伴教育后大学生回答预防艾滋病知识和对待艾滋病患者态度的正确率显著提高。结论:同伴教育是师范院校非常有效的预防艾滋病健康教育方式,成立学校健康教育社团组织切实可行。  相似文献   

教育部进一步规范了预防艾滋病教育的内容,制定了“学校预防艾滋病健康教育基本要求”“中学生预防艾滋病专题教育大纲”等规章,各级各类学校要高度重视并加强预防艾滋病的教育工作。  相似文献   

针对艾滋病 (AIDS)在我国潜伏着流行的危险及面临的严峻形势 .分析当前对大学生群体进行性健康教育及艾滋病预防教育的现状、意义和对策 .  相似文献   

参与式教学法是提高高校预防艾滋病教育效果的有效方法,是大学生预防艾滋病教育的客观要求,是高校预防艾滋病教育自身的内在要求。在高校预防艾滋病教育中运用参与式教学法,能激发学生的学习兴趣,促使学生积极主动思考,在轻松的氛围中掌握AIDS的相关知识,促进其态度和行为的改变,从而培养其健康的生活方式,增强自我保护意识和抵御艾滋病侵袭的能力。  相似文献   

浅谈大学生预防艾滋病教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对艾滋病(AIDS)在我国潜伏着流行的危险及面临的严峻形势.分析当前对大学生群体进行性健康教育及艾滋病预防教育的现状、意义和对策。  相似文献   

师资严重缺乏一直是我国预防艾滋病教育取得实效的瓶颈。要解决预防艾滋病教育工作的任务艰巨性与师资严重不足的矛盾,同时发挥网络教育的优势,开发预防艾滋病教师教育网络课程十分必要,现实意义重大。预防艾滋病教师教育网络课程兼具预防艾滋病教育课程、教师教育课程和网络课程三者的特点,整合起来就是应具备以学习者为本、指向目的的实践性、内容的综合性、形式的多样化与生动性、广域的人—人交互性、生成性与创新性6个主要特点。  相似文献   

艾滋病是威胁人类健康与社会安全的重大传染病之一。迄今为止,世界上无治愈艾滋病的特效药,也无预防艾滋病的疫苗。世界各国防治艾滋病的经验表明:健康教育是目前预防和控制艾滋病唯一有效的措施。本文从大学生的特点与现实之需及对大学生预防艾滋病健康教育能力提升入手,对在高等师范院校开展预防艾滋病健康教育的意义进行了探讨。与此同时,分析了在高等师范院校开展艾滋病健康教育的课程设置方式,包括单独开设健康教育科目,载体科目,融合到其它科目,组合方式。以期对高等师范院校开展预防艾滋病健康教育有所借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper qualitatively compares the responses concerning knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention methods that were obtained from two cross-culturally different samples of students who were of a sexually active age. Canadian and Zimbabwean education students were sampled. The responses are presented and analyzed with the main purpose of placing the findings in the context of Balmer's (1991) proposal of a unified theory for HIV/AIDS counselling. The major focus of this paper is on HIV/AIDS infection prevention strategies. The differences in responses across the two groups sampled suggest that it would be important to begin individual and group-based prevention strategies with exploration of individual levels of knowledge. Finally, implications for research are discussed.  相似文献   

The second decade of AIDS demands a response of new and creative efforts for HIV/AIDS prevention education and ministering to persons affected by and living with HIV/AIDS. Jewish and Christian theological and faith‐based arguments are presented to support the call to educate for prevention and the call to minister. The need to network and collaborate with public health for more effective programs is also outlined.  相似文献   

目的:掌握祥云县HIV/AIDS流行趋势,为制订防控措施提供依据。方法:利用描述流行病学方法分析祥云县2004年至2011年报告的祥云籍HIV/AIDS疫情资料。结果:2004年至2011年祥云县共报告祥云籍HIV/AIDS389例,年平均报告率10.6。1/10万,死亡58例;其发病率的分布特征为:2004年至2007年呈快速增长趋势,2008年至2010年趋于平缓;县城高于坝区,坝区高于山区;男性(14.62/10万,年均)大于女性(6.89/10万,年均),两者差异有统计学意义(X%36.82,P〈0.05),在男性和女性中的比例为2.27:1;以20~40~为主,占79.69%;以农民(293例)为主,占82-4%;以初中以下学历为主,占97.13%;以非婚性接触和静脉吸毒为主,分别占病例总数的45.76%、38.56%。结论:祥云县艾滋病疫情经过实施全球基金艾滋病控制项目后,疫情已得到初步遏制。由于HIV/AIDS疫情的复杂性,感染途径的多样性,必须加强对艾滋病防治知识宣传,提高全民预防艾滋病的意识;重点应对农民、待业青年开展宣传和教育,加强对流动人口的管理;进一步完善咨询检测网络,提高艾滋病的发现,以有效控制艾滋病的蔓延。  相似文献   

Research was undertaken to assess the role of primary school teachers with regard to the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Structured and semi‐structured questionnaires were responded to by 210 teachers drawn from primary schools in Eastern Nigeria (with pupils aged 6–15 years). These were supplemented by focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The findings show that the teachers have a reasonably high knowledge of the modes of HIV transmission, the behavioural risk factors and modes of prevention. The teachers, however, are reluctant to teach this because of socio‐cultural and religious factors, lack of teacher training in delivery of sex education as well as poor motivation. The motivation and participation of primary school teachers in the prevention of HIV in Nigeria are very low. This calls for serious and urgent policy intervention to remedy the situation and increase the role of primary school teachers in combating the spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.  相似文献   

根据疾病预防控制中心提供的数据,应用回归分析的方法,建立了某市HIV/AIDS逐年新增人数预测模型和经性传播HIV/AIDS新增人数预测模型,并分析得出该市未来3年HIV/AIDS的发展趋势:HIV/AIDS新增人数逐年趋于平稳,但是仍有上升的迹象;经性传播HIV/AIDS新增人数比例逐年上升且速度较快,性传播HIV/AIDS已逐渐成为该市HIV/AIDS传播的主要途径。  相似文献   

Despite being one of the fastest growing segments of the HIV/AIDS caseload, persons age 50 and older have been largely neglected in terms of HIV/AIDS education. This study describes a project involving HIV-related health education for persons ≥50 in an urban area of Ohio. Data from 50 persons age ≥50 were collected. Pre-and postsurveys were used in the completion of repeated measures ANOVA, and focus groups provided qualitative data. Despite a paucity of available educational materials addressing HIV/AIDS, older adults are willing to participate in sessions about HIV/AIDS. Findings suggest the need for alternative approaches to providing HIV/AIDS education.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a mainly qualitative study into company strategies for HIV/AIDS information, education and communication (IEC) strategies in the Botswana workplace. The authors argue that HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention strategies in Botswana need a new approach. The research proposal hypothesized that IEC strategies need to take account of adult education theory that promotes the active involvement of learners in developing their own curriculum. It also proposed that an Africa‐centric gender perspective should be incorporated into future IEC materials. That is, the particular cultural position of women and their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection in Botswana needs to be theorized as an issue of power. Integrated with this issue is the argument that it is not always appropriate to try to persuade women to take the initiative in preventing infection when culturally they have no power to do so. The paper therefore critiques some of the adult education and feminist arguments for empowerment that do not take account of existing male power positions within the Botswana social framework. Using new educational material that derived from the research findings the authors argue for a dual strategy towards behavioural change; one that takes account of the current health crisis, but also one which uses a radical pedagogical approach that engages with ‘where people are at’.  相似文献   

This project seeks to help reduce the vulnerability of young Cambodians aged 12-25 to HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) by strengthening nongovernmental organization (NGO) capacity to develop sustainable, effective and appropriate responses to HIV/AIDS and STDs. The strategies include strengthening local NGO capacity, sharing technical support concerning HIV/AIDS, and working together to develop information, education and communication on HIV/AIDS. Main activities included in the project are: 1) enable NGOs to undertake broader response to HIV/STDs by mobilizing, selecting, contracting, monitoring and supervising local NGO projects; 2) enhance local NGO capacity to work with the youth by organizing specialist training workshops, providing technical support and training in external relations and sustainability, and promoting local NGO/youth volunteer exchange and exposure programs; 3) strengthen the capacity of local NGOs through training, skill building, technical support and development of NGO support program; and 4) improve the knowledge base of programming for youth by identifying, documenting and disseminating effective programming models and tools.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that education policy on HIV and AIDS is policy about life. As such, the contexts and the realities of teachers and learners in the classroom need to be embedded in the policy. We make a case that HIV and AIDS policy needs to extend beyond the prevention mode to one that includes care and support in the policy context. Through the stories of three HIV positive teachers in Zimbabwean primary schools, we show the real people and the real bodies that inhabit the classrooms where policy seeks to find expression. In so doing we illustrate that policy on HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe is blind to the lives and contexts of teachers and learners.  相似文献   

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