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本文针对售票系统面临的安全威胁和安全需求 ,并不改变售票流程的基础上提出了一种基于多种安全技术的安全售票系统 ,系统中所采用的安全方案可以依据实际的安全需要进行设计 ,具有较好的灵活性。  相似文献   

在新闻领域,权威性报道不仅被报人和媒体在新闻实践中孜孜以求,也是新闻理论界关注的重要课题。从理论和实践两个方面,对权威性报道与新闻真实性,权成性报道与媒体公信力之间的关系,权威性报道在媒体中地位,权威性报道的分类,权威性报道的契机,权威性报道实现的路径等几个方面,作了有益的探讨,无论对新闻实践还是对新闻专业的教学,都有一定的参考借鉴价值。  相似文献   

在文学不再显赫的今天,社会纪实这一特殊文体却异军突起,形成“热卖”境况。在商业语境中,报刊社敢于大胆投入资金,吸引优秀作者,进而与读者之间建立了良好的供需关系,获得了丰厚的经济回报;在文化语境中,纯文学在客观上造成的阅读障碍必然促成读者的疏离,而自由选择的结果势必是通俗热闹的社会纪实惹人青睐。  相似文献   

当代大学生屡被传销组织所蒙骗,深陷其中而不能自拔。大学生为什么会轻而易举地成为传销组织的俘虏,高校应采取哪些行之有效的措施和对策。  相似文献   

高等职业教育面临竞争加剧、生源减少的困境,而教育培训市场则是风生水起,由此给民办教育机构生存与发展带来压力和危机。结合多年职业教育教学的经验和体会,从客户关系管理和市场营销的角度,探讨了交叉销售这一营销理念如何在职业教育和培训市场中应用,以增强学校的竞争力,努力营造生存机会与发展空间。  相似文献   

Schools in the US and across the globe are increasingly engaged in marketing practices to attract and retain students and families. This study examines why and how administrators and school board members in two public school systems in the US seek to market their schools. Using in-depth case studies, a socio-cultural approach to policy, and critical race perspectives, I trace administrators’ and school board members’ logics about marketing, and specifically their emphasis on marketing the racial ‘diversity’ of their students. I find that despite differences in economic circumstances and community orientations to racial inclusion, leaders in these two competitive, under-resourced, and demographically changing school districts target upper- and middle-class White families, draw on discourses of global cosmopolitanism, and commodify racial diversity as a competitive advantage for upper- and middle-class White families that leaders believe do not see inherent value in students of color. This attempt to use racial diversity as a ‘selling point,’ varies in its particularities in each district–one district acknowledges and emphasizes how all students may gain from interracial and intercultural interactions and knowledge while the other district leverages abstract notions of diversity, removed from actual children of color – a consequence, in part, of district leaders’ uniquely racialized marketplaces. I conclude with a discussion of the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

卖官鬻爵是一种典型的腐败现象,它的危害性是一切腐败现象中最大的.它极大地损害了党和政府的权威,破坏了执政党的用人标准,影响了党政机关的工作效率,阻碍了社会主义市场经济的顺利发展,强化了官本位思想,还将导致深度腐败.卖官鬻爵现象理所当然应成为我国反腐败斗争的重点对象.  相似文献   

本介绍一个石油制品进销存综合管理系统的具体实现方案。该系统包括三个子系统:加油监控子系统、液位遥测监视子系统和业务管理子系统。加油监控子系统完成电脑加油机/付油控制仪的监控;液位遥测监视子系统完成储油罐的液住、界面和温度测量,通过容积表换算成液体容积和质量;业务管理子系统通过对存储的加油数据和储油容积、质量数据进行处理,实现加油站/油库的日常管理功能。  相似文献   

Robust academic research on the topic of students involved in the sex industry is in its infancy, yet the relationship appears consistent and permanent. This paper draws on findings from the largest study into the stripping industry in the United Kingdom to explore the relationships between students, sex work and consumption. To make sense of the relationship between students and participation in the sex industry, a deeper understanding of other social and cultural processes is needed. In this discussion we argue that the following points are relevant and interlinked: changes to the nature of sexual commerce and sexual consumption as they become part of the marketplace; changes in social attitudes and the rise of ‘respectability’ in sexual commerce; the ‘pleasure dynamic’ amongst students; and changes in the higher education structure that place students as consumers as well as financially fragile. We set out a future research agenda given that this relationship is set to grow as the individual bares the cost of higher education.  相似文献   

一种光电检测的食堂售饭系统的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种光电检测的食堂售饭系统的设计与试验,介绍了系统的工作原理和系统结构组成,以及系统软、硬件设计。其中应用了模拟电路,数字电路及光电转换电路,最后由PC机来实现操作控制。该实验可作为仪器专业学生对光电技术实验课的一项实验课题。  相似文献   

弹好钢琴曲《卖杂货》,在对这首乐曲进行深入的分析后,要深刻理解其内涵,认真把握好作品的调式、调性、节奏、节拍、速度以及风格等音乐内涵,再严格按照谱面上的一切标记正确演奏,才能更好地表现音乐,揭示作曲家的内心思想。  相似文献   

Dan Schuch 《TechTrends》2001,45(2):17-18
Conclusions An improvement to the process used in the development of the program would be to implement a team approach.The Research Assistant took me more than a year to create. A team approach for such an ambitious project would have added the benefits of multiple perspectives and greater efficiency, and taken less time to build. I wish to thank the faculty and students at Florida State University for their support. The quality and uniqueness of their contributions amazed me. Although I alone wrote the code for the program, my colleagues contributed tremendously on the content and theory base. Three faculty members were especially helpful and deserve mention and thanks: Dr. Walter Wager, Dr. David Lebow, and Dr. Robert Reiser.  相似文献   

研究活动式学习的目的是为了促进学生的内在学习兴趣,通过自我掌控学习活动最大限度地促进学生的认知水平。本文通过教学实验和实证数据表明,研究活动式学习与传统课堂教授式教学相比能确实有效地达到预期的学习目标,值得进一步实践和研究。  相似文献   

生态翻译学主要是运用生态理性原理,结合生态学视角对翻译内容进行整合性的分析和研究。生态翻译学视角下的翻译内容更加富含条理,结合具体的环境、具体的事物以及相应的关联进行全面的分析和正确的翻译。本篇文章主要从生态范式;关联序链;生态理性;译有所为;翻译生态环境;适应、选择;三维转换七个方面,对生态翻译学的研究焦点与理论视角进行分析。  相似文献   

研究性学习在课程改革中正逐步走进中学生物学实验的课堂中。在以往的实验课中,大多进行的是验证性的实验,实验目的、实验步骤等都由教科书或教师提前安排好后,学生遵照课本或提纲进行实验,它埋没了学生的潜在能力;而现在教科书中的研究性学习,充分发挥了学生的创新能力,给了学  相似文献   

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