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<正>一、西部地区农村高中规模化发展趋势西部地区农村高中在布局调整的过程中,有规模化、城镇化发展的趋势,出现了一批由地方政府主导建设、规模远远超出国家拟定标准的"巨型学校"。如在宁夏回族自治区南部山区撤并农村学校,在城市建设几所学生近万人的中学,山区的学生都集中到这些学校就读;甘肃省陇东、河西等地区出现了学生人数在5000以上的中学,  相似文献   

"NEET现象"最早出现于20世纪90年代末的英国,是Not in Education,Employment or Training的缩写,意指在结束学校教育以后,那些不升学、不工作,也无接受职业培训意愿的、处于15至34岁年龄段的失业人群,后陆续被日本等国引用并说明进入21世纪以来迅速扩大的年轻人失业、无业和不就业现象.近年来被我国媒体称为"啃老族"或"傍老族"的出现正是NEET现象在我国的反映,是呈日益扩大化趋势的青年就业问题的一种表现.  相似文献   

一、在城郊初中实施英语"浸入式"教学法的背景(一)城郊初中英语学习的现状笔者所执教的学校位于城郊。这里就读的孩子,既没有农村孩子的单纯朴实,又没有城里孩子学习上的优越感。大部分孩子都是在自信和自卑之间徘徊,尤其对于英语学习很不自信,主要表现在不敢说,不敢读,考试时紧张。只有部分学生对英语感兴趣,能积极主动和教师配合。很多学生开始学英语充满了新鲜感,兴趣很高,但好景不长,过了一年半载,就有部分学生感到  相似文献   

NEET族之家庭教育应因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、NEET族的概念与构成1.NEET族释义“NEET”一词是英语Not in Education,Employment,orTraining的缩写,最早产生于英国,专指那些在义务教育结束以后,既不升学也不工作,也不参加职业培训的年轻人。目前,世界上许多国家和地区均有类似情形。出现了20多岁的成年人仍让自己父“母养活”的现象,美国将他们称“为归巢小孩”(Boomerang Kids),日本、台湾叫他们尼特(NEET)族,而在中国大陆则称他们为“啃老族”。①在英国“,NEET”主要存在于16岁~18岁年龄段,约占总数的10%②,而且大部“分NEET”的受教育程度都不高。在美国,按照美国…  相似文献   

关于中部地区农村中小学寄宿制学校的调查与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国家"西部地区寄宿制学校工程"的实施,中部作为政策延伸地区,农村寄宿制中小学大量增加,寄宿制学生数量急剧上升,出现了"寄宿学校热"现象。寄宿制学校建设显现了新特征,学校管理面临新情况,出现了新的问题。实证调查表明,中部地区农村中小学寄宿制学校的迅猛扩充带来了办学条件水平有所下降的后果。问题的产生与中部地区在国家寄宿制中小学学校建设工程中的位置、地方主管部门、学校"准备不足、一哄而起"等因素有着直接关联。有关部门既需要立足长远,明确思路,又要采取措施解决"历史遗留"问题。只有这样,才能保证农村中小学寄宿制学校健康发展。  相似文献   

城郊及农村地区由于物质文化条件的落后,在教育方面家庭的作用相对较弱,所以学校发挥着至关重要的作用。而此时正处于青少年成长的关键时期,这对寄宿制高中班级的管理提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

城郊结合部地区的高中,具有硬件条件不如城市学校,教育资源相对比较缺乏.学校管理队伍和教师队伍比较薄弱.生源素质差.教学质量较低等特点。随着城市名优学校的大规模扩张并向城郊地区转移.原有的城郊结合部地区的普通高中学校面临着严重的生存危机。因此,抓住高中新课改这一契机,结合城郊结合部地区高中学校实际,争取通过高中新课改以摆脱目前面临的闲境,力求使学校进入良性循环状态,  相似文献   

“NEET现象”最早出现于20世纪90年代末的英国,是Not in Education,Employment orTraining的缩写,意指在结束学校教育以后,那些不升学、不工作,也无接受职业培训意愿的、处于15至34岁年龄段的失业人群,后陆续被日本等国引用并说明进入21世纪以来迅速扩大的年轻人失业、无业和不就业现象。近年来被我国媒体称为“啃老族”或“傍老族”的出现正是NEET现象在我国的反映,是呈日益扩大化趋势的青年就业问题的一种表现。能否客观地解读这一现象,是寻求解决办法的关键。与“NEET现象”论者的理性和客观不同,“啃老族”或“傍老族”论内含了…  相似文献   

使学生掌握知识技能的同时感受无穷的乐趣,"小学英语空中课堂"作为一种现代化多媒体教学手段,有效地解决了城郊和农村学校教学难题。利用空中课堂资源上好英语课,可以从以下几个方面着手。  相似文献   

近几年,城郊及农村中学“流生”现象比较严重,据调查发现,初一到初三呈递增现象,有30%的学校中考参考率只有50%这与普及九年义务教育要求差距很大。这一现象的出现归根到底是学生厌学造成的,形成厌学的因素复杂,其主要因素有以下几个方面。  相似文献   

This article explores the way in which government policy shapes the lives of young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). In particular it examines how the concept of NEETs is set within a specific infrastructure and discourse for managing and supporting young people. The article provides a brief history of the NEET concept and NEET initiatives, before moving on to scrutinise the policies of the Coalition Government. A key distinction is made between those policies and practices that seek to prevent young people becoming NEET from those that seek to re-engage those who are NEET. It is argued that the Coalition has drawn on a similar active labour market toolkit to the previous Labour administration, but that this has been implemented with fewer resources and less co-ordination. It concludes that there is little reason to believe that Coalition policy will be any more successful than that of the previous government, and some reason to be concerned that it will lead to young people becoming more entrenched within NEET.  相似文献   

The characteristics, experiences and long-term prospects of young people outside the labour market and education have attracted widespread international attention in recent decades, and the specific category of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) has been a policy concern for the UK Government since 1997. This paper examines the analytical and empirical basis of our knowledge of NEET young people, in the light of more general conceptualisations of social exclusion and the individualisation of social risk. It relates the NEET category to a conception of social exclusion in which the central policy focus is on moving young people across a boundary between participation and non-participation, and inequalities within education and employment receive less attention. This focus, allied with discourses of individualisation, obscures the structural basis of inequality in education and training. However, the paper argues that the research evidence shows that individualised approaches based on personal and cultural characteristics of NEET young people are inadequate to understand this group and frame policy. The paper proposes that stronger versions of social exclusion need to be used in constructing solutions which acknowledge the basis of NEET issues in wider social inequalities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to find out more about the lives of young people in the category ‘not in education, employment or training’ (NEET). We worked intensively with 26 young people in four smaller groups, spending three days with each group. During our time with them we engaged in a variety of creative and artistic activities designed to help them to construct accounts of their lives for us with the purpose of gaining an understanding of what it was like to be NEET. Three significant issues that emerged from these life stories are discussed in this paper. These are the problematic nature of the discourse of NEET sub‐groups; the challenges of school‐exclusion policies and practices; and the myth of low aspirations.  相似文献   

This paper reports on findings from a three-year ethnographic study of 24 young people in northern England who were classified as not in education, employment or training (NEET), or at risk of becoming so. Drawing on conceptions of opportunity structure and educational marginality, the paper discusses the processes leading to young people becoming NEET after leaving school. It presents findings concerning the family backgrounds, school experiences, and educational attainment of participants, and traces their initial post-16 destinations and their pathways to NEET status. Although most participants did not become NEET immediately after leaving school, restricted labour market opportunities and a lack of high-quality education and training for middle- and low-attaining young people exacerbated social and educational disadvantage. Over time, participants became increasingly restricted to marginal forms of learning. The paper argues that a focus on opportunity structures provides a powerful way of understanding these processes, and that alongside sustained NEET status, educational marginality should be of equal concern to policy makers.  相似文献   

文章主要论述希腊青年(啃老族)在教育、就业和培训的现状,着重探讨希腊受经济危机和持续萧条的影响下青年失业和啃老族问题.从希腊青年和啃老族的教育水平、受培训情况、失业问题和社会弱势的现状出发,分析了希腊人贫困代际传递现象、生存战略和青年与啃老族的生活历程.  相似文献   

上海“啃老族”的现状与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球金融危机的到来,我国青年人就业形势愈来愈严峻,啃老族已经形成一支庞大的队伍,带来许多社会问题和消极影响。本文从四方面来分析啃老族的现状,并从家庭教育和就业指导方面进行了对策分析。  相似文献   

新时期农村经济发展遭遇瓶颈。而解决问题的根本出路在人才,在教育。发展农村社区学院,培养农村经济和社会发展急需人才是一条可信服可行的现实路径。它对于促进农村经济可持续发展,维护农村社会的和谐与稳定等都大有助益。  相似文献   

"啃老"与就业之间的关系,已成为全社会关注的公平与效率问题。既有研究对"啃老"的界定尚无共识,厘清"啃老"与大学生就业之间关系的研究更是凤毛麟角。"啃老"表现为"啃钱财"、"啃劳力"、"啃关系"三种类型;它通过就业成本、就业观念、就业能力三个方面影响大学生初次职业选择,并受到社会、学校和家庭三种环境的调节作用。本研究在...  相似文献   

Who are the NEET? How much do we know about this? What do institutions and the media know about them? How different definitions could get to shared policies? This paper tries to provide an initial overview of the situation regarding the NEET, through an analysis of the emerging international literature on the subject. Different definitions across nations are analyzed in order to reflect on the cultural differences and economics-work policies, in order to then analyze more in deep the Italian situation. In Italy, the phenomenon is still little known in society and, often, not recognized by the acronym NEET, with the many variables that define it, despite statistics showing a rise in numbers (26 % of the total population for the age group considered).  相似文献   

Background: The concept of NEET (young people not in employment, education or training) was introduced to capture the varieties of youth labour market disengagement and has become a standard statistical indicator for labour market performance. However, it is criticised for simplifying the heterogeneity of young people in problematic youth transitions and for emphasising their deficiencies in terms of affiliation to key institutions in youth transitions.

Purpose: The article contributes to the research on youth transitions by offering a narrative perspective on the status of NEET. Its purpose is to investigate how NEET periods are embedded and reflected within biographical action and self-perceptions.

Sample: The article is based on the analysis of 21 cases from a qualitative longitudinal study about coping strategies of secondary school-leavers in school-to-work transitions in a city in the west of Germany (altogether, 180 interviews were conducted). During the first wave of interviewing in 2012, the young men and women were 16–20 years old.

Design and methods: In order to reconstruct the young people’s biographical experiences of the transition as well as their interpretations of these experiences qualitative problem-centred interviews were carried out over three waves of data collection. The qualitative analysis combined case reconstructions with cross-case analysis of typical narratives, which focused on the identification of key themes organising the biographical orientation of the young people.

Results: In biographical accounts, analysis revealed that NEET periods are embedded in analytically distinguishable rival narratives that establish different selective perspectives on events, choices and experiences. We identify seven main narratives related to the topics of vocational status, self-actualisation, meaningful activity, convenience, money, leisure and life problems. Young people are well aware of the problematic nature of NEET status. On the level of action, they try to avoid or exit them by accepting precarious and de-qualifying activities; on the level of biographical reflection, they use rival narratives to re-embed the NEET experience, to bypass it or avoid mentioning it altogether. We suggest calling this phenomenon ‘NEET in disguise’ (NID) referring to acts of system justification.

Conclusions: This article shows how young people struggle to avoid and conceal the problematic status of NEET and thus, contribute to the institutionally suggested normalisation of biographical discontinuities.  相似文献   

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