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联合国教科文组织于2012年10月发布了第十期《全民教育全球监测报告》,本次报告的主题为"青年与技能:拉近教育和就业的距离"。报告分为两部分,第一部分简要介绍了实现六项全民教育目标以及为资助这些目标而提供教育支出的进展情况;第二部分论述了第三项全民教育目标,尤其关注年轻人对技能的需求。本刊编辑部摘编了报告的第二部分,以飨读者。  相似文献   

全民教育既是一项由联合国教科文等国际组织推动的世界性教育改革运动,也是一种国际教育思潮。全民教育的基本理念是:以人的发展为教育的核心,受教育权是一项基本的人权,质量是教育的生命。我国参与全民教育运动以来,追随国际教育思潮,不断推进教育改革和发展。全民教育理念推动了我国教育民主、平等化进程,推进了教育决策、行动的科学化。在全民教育运动中,我国不断探索适合自己的全民教育途径和模式,这些经验值得世界借鉴。  相似文献   

正《亚太地区全民教育目标六之十年回顾:教育质量》(Asia-Pacific End of Decade Notes on Education for All Goal 6:Quality Education)重点考查了全民教育的第六项目标——教育质量在2000-2010年所取得的进展。报告数据丰富详实,分析深刻,准确地反映了亚太地区整个区域及区域内各国在提升全民教育质量方面取得的进展、存在的问题,提出了面向未来发展的政策和实践策略。这份报告对于认识全民教育运动在亚太地区的进展,尤其是学习如何提  相似文献   

达喀尔世界教育论坛被认为是世界全民教育运动新的转折点.全民教育的十年评估以来,教育权利得到了世界范围内各国的广泛认同,教育质量成为全民教育的主要关注点.但世界全民教育依然面临巨大挑战,而全民终身学习是21世纪教育的关键,是实现更为有质量的生活和人性化社会的希望.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和教育国际化的迅速发展,探索国际化背景下中外合作办学培养人才的办学模式和人才培养模式,成为人们关注的热点。基于阿特巴赫高等教育国际化思想,分析爱恩国际学院引进国外优质教育资源,与境外合作方在课程体系设置、教学模式、教学管理等方面交流与合作等情况,得出结论认为,爱恩国际学院形成了具有其自身特色的中外合作办学模式、人才培养模式以及教学考评体系,以期给予国际化背景下中外合作办学培养人才的教学改革以点滴启示。  相似文献   

近年来,随着教育对外开放不断扩大,我国中外教育合作办学事业蓬勃发展。2007年8月30日,教育部正式下发文件,批准东北财经大学设立萨里国际学院。经过了7年的发展,东北财经大学萨里国际学院逐渐形成了一套卓有成效、富有特色的办学模式。萨里国际学院以学生为中心,给学生不一样的学习与生活体验;以教师为根本,打造国际化、高水平师资队伍;以科研为目标,促进教师开展学术研究;以质量打造办学品牌,吸收英国先进经验,建设教学质量保障体系与制度。文章从学生培养、师资建设、科研发展等几个方面全面介绍了东北财经大学萨里国际学院中外合作办学的成功经验。  相似文献   

中外合作办学实践中教育理念的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育理念是人们对教育的思维模式,是教育实践的总结和升华,它与历史、文化、教育传统、教育氛围、社会环境等有着密切的关系。在全球化日益发展的今天,教育改革是社会发展的需要。北京农学院坚持对外办学,2003年成立了国际学院,通过借鉴外国先进的教育理念,引进国外优质的高等农业教育资源,了解和接触国外高等教育的实践,努力探索适合自己的教育模式。北京农学院国际学院通过与英国哈珀·亚当斯大学学院在国际经济与贸易(国际商务管理)、食品科学与工程(食品质量与零售管理)两个专业开展本科合作办学,吸收国外优质教育资源,全面引进和运行国…  相似文献   

全纳教育是国际社会提出的促进教育公平、实现全民教育的一项重要原则。自《萨拉曼卡宣言》之后,世界各国都相继采取了相应措施,落实这一原则。迄今,全纳教育已经不是专门针对弱势人群的特殊教育措施,它已成为世界所有国家实现有质量的全民教育的一个原则。在  相似文献   

一、达喀尔世界教育论坛和全民教育评估回顾 1998-1999年,在共同发起1990年世界全民教育大会的五个国际组织的支持下,展开了世界范围内全民教育的十年评估,即世界全民教育2000年评估。2000年4月,世界教育论坛在塞内加尔首都达喀尔举办。论坛对《世界全民教育宣言》发表十年来取得的成就、教训与失败进行了评估的总结。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织于2012年10月发布了《全民教育全球监测报告》,报告主题为"青年与技能:拉近教育和就业的距离"。报告分为两部分,第一部分简要介绍了实现六项全民教育目标以及为资助这些目标而提供教育支出的进展情况;第二部分论述了第三项全民教育目标,尤其关注年轻人对技能的需求。本刊编辑部摘编了报告的第二部分,以飨读者。  相似文献   

This article highlights elements of civic engagement programs that have the rich potential to facilitate civic identity development. Focusing on research with alumni, the study examines 3 civic engagement programs, the approaches of which are guided by critical service-learning. It explores elements of the experiences that alumni name as influential to their learning, development, and present commitments to understand the ways that civic engagement programs based in a critical service-learning approach can encourage them to develop commitments to active citizenship as exemplified by Knefelkamp's (2008) vision of a mature sense of civic identity.  相似文献   

This study focused on the civic education course at Universitas Terbuka (UT). Its purpose was to design a new approach for the online tutorial for the course by analyzing the literature related to online and distance education and investigating participant feedback on the current offering of the course and tutorial, which is a compulsory course in all programs at UT. The study draws from the community of inquiry framework, which promotes a social constructivist approach as well as teaching about democracy by example. This model is intended to create meaningful learning experiences for students in a reformulated civic education course, in which they would learn to think critically through interacting with classmates, experiencing collaborative learning, and supporting fellow students in learning activities and processes. In this model, learning is seen as occurring within the community through the interaction of social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence where, students are able to develop civic competences, namely civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic dispositions, as well as experience a democratic interaction that forms the core of civic interactions in a democratic society.  相似文献   

学习方式是影响大学生思政课教学效果的重要内因。对五省十多所高校2019名大学生的调查发现:大部分学生思政课学习方式多样,深层学习方式和浅层学习方式兼而有之;学生思政课深层学习方式多于浅层学习方式,但其学习方式有较大改进空间;不同学生群体思政课学习方式有差异,其中最为明显的是年级差异。尽管学生的课程观和教师的课堂教学质量都显著影响思政课学习方式,但深层学习方式更多受教师的课堂教学质量影响,浅层学习方式则主要取决于学生的课程观。实证研究结果为教师在思政课教学中有效促进大学生思政课深层学习提供了启示。  相似文献   

美国的公民教育作为公民教育的范式,在许多国家得到推广,特别是服务学习作为公民教育的方式在美国得到广泛的认可,并取得一定的成效。服务学习主要包括准备、服务、反思和庆祝四个基本环节,其中理论与实践的紧密结合是该教育模式的最大特点,也是取得成效的重要原因。当前,我国大多数高校进行公民教育,但收效微弱,建议借鉴美国服务学习模式,以增强我国高校公民教育的实效性。  相似文献   


This paper explores how notions of race, ethnicity, and blood are mobilized in educational texts in Hong Kong. It elaborates how civic identity is racialized as part of a nationalist education operating beneath the surface of expressed commitments to global citizenship, human rights, etc., in curriculum and textbooks. Many have commented on how cultural and ethnic ties are prioritized over political principles as bases for civic education in Asian societies. These cultural/ethnic bases should be critically examined, however, as they imply racial/ethnic exclusions. Examining how race, ethnicity, and blood are used to justify cultural framings of civic identity leads to questions about how education can be used to unify some, while alienating others from a sense of belonging and community. I argue that racialization of Hong Kong civic identity is not a happy solution for all members of society, and for more inclusive visions of identity in education.  相似文献   

An inclusive education goes beyond the acquisition of discipline knowledge or skills. Inclusion is concerned with the participation and integration of all students (regardless of their intrinsic characteristics), helping them to develop civic competences. Civic and democratic values, equality and social justice became critical dimensions in this broader concept of education. This paper argues that the incorporation of civic dimensions, such as civic knowledge, civic skills or civic values in academic curricula could be an effective step towards more inclusive education. Specifically, this work intends to explore what civic dimensions are emphasised as a learning outcome in Portuguese higher education programmes. Adopting a qualitative methodology, typologies and incidence of civic learning outcomes were analysed and compared across three academic levels (first, second and third study cycles). The results provide a better understanding of what civic dimensions are stressed by institutions. All types of civic learning outcomes have been reinforced, defining civic values, civic skills and civic knowledge as expectable learning results. Both civic values and skills are well represented while civic knowledge is the less mentioned category. The enforcement of such civic dimensions is a valuable approach to enhancing education as a collective societal endeavour and as a common good.  相似文献   

Natural disasters are frequently exacerbated by anthropogenic mechanisms and have social and political consequences for communities. The role of community learning in disasters is seen to be increasingly important. However, the ways in which such learning unfolds in a disaster can differ substantially from case to case. This article uses a comparative case study methodology to examine catastrophes and major disasters from five countries (Japan, New Zealand, the UK, the USA and Germany) to consider how community learning and adaptation occurs. An ecological model of learning is considered, where community learning is of small loop (adaptive, incremental, experimental) type or large loop (paradigm changing) type. Using this model, we consider that there are three types of community learning that occur in disasters (navigation, organization, reframing). The type of community learning that actually develops in a disaster depends upon a range of social factors such as stress and trauma, civic innovation and coercion.  相似文献   

为了满足高校学生课下学习与个性化学习的需要,以高校信息化校园环境为基础,建立适应大学生学习需求的学习共同体模式。该模式的建立、发展、支持和保障机制与高校教学目标相配合,结合现代信息技术的应用,充分发挥学习共同体自身特点,为高校提供一种新的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

Applying Learning Principles in Teaching   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Facilitating productive class discussions is one of the most challenging tasks facing college educators, especially when potentially divisive issues are discussed. The author shares ten recommendations derived from teaching a course on current and controversial managerial issues via conversational learning. Excerpts from student comments are included to demonstrate the appropriateness of these recommendations. These recommendations are applicable to conversations across subjects and are meant to encourage college teachers to experiment with conversational learning in their own classrooms.  相似文献   

饶爱京  万昆 《教育科学》2020,36(2):31-38
在线学习投入是保证"停课不停学"期间在线教学质量的重要条件。对大学生开展调查,运用描述统计和回归分析法对疫情期间大学生在线学习准备度的现状、大学生在线学习投入度的现状进行分析,可以发现在线学习准备度对大学生在线学习投入度的影响以及在线学习自我效能感、感知教师支持、在线学习平台体验在其中的中介作用。结果表明:大学生在线学习准备不足;大学生在线学习投入整体不高;大学生在线学习准备度对大学生在线学习投入度具有显著影响;在线学习自我效能感、感知教师支持、在线学习平台体验在在线学习准备度和在线学习投入度之间存在中介效应。因此,可以从技术支持维度、在线学习资源设计维度、教师支持维度着手提升学生的在线学习投入度。  相似文献   

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