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论电子商务时代的网络财务管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子商务的发展带动了网络财务兴起,这种基于网络技术的网络财务出现对我国传统的财务管理模式生产很大冲击,并成为财务管理的发展方向。我们要积极创造条件来促进其发展。  相似文献   

思想政治工作的时代诠释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江泽民同志在去年6月召开的中央思想政治工作会议上深刻地指出:世界正在发生深刻的变化,中国正在进行完善和发展社会主义制度的自我变革。党的思想政治工作面临的形势更复杂、任务更繁重、工作更艰巨了。党的思想政治工作决不是可有可无、无所作为,而是必不可少,大有可为的。思想政治工作要真正担当起这种责任就必须非常敏感地认识时代变化中提出的新问题,研究新情况,并根据这种实际和我们工作的根本目标确定内容、形式、方法、手段和机制,否则,责任担当只能是流于形式的口号。一、时代性的变化根据马克思主义的基本立场,人们的社…  相似文献   

This article reviews the World Bank’s (1999) Education Sector Strategy document as a response to the challenges and the complexities of globalization and development as they relate to education. The article begins with an introduction to the Education Sector Strategy document. It moves on to discuss the nature of the new world economy, particularly its discursive shape, its form and the modalities of its reproduction. In this part of the article, the work of Carnoy and Castells (1999) and other analysts, such as Scott (1997), of what they all the networked economy, is used to show what is at stake for the developing world, and also, by implication, for the world as an interconnected community. Central to the reproductive modalities of the new economy, it will argue, are 1) entirely new education-work requirements and 2) a reconfigured and repositioned state. The article will attempt to show the implications of these for education. The article then moves towards a brief analysis of the developing world and then concludes with an assessment of the World Bank’s sector strategy. In summary, the article will argue that the Education Sector Strategy document is a critically important report but that is underestimates the complexity of the information age economy, particularly its modes of reproduction. The article will argue that the document does not sufficiently address the complexity of the modern developing world, especially the uneven and unequal ways in which its component parts articulate with the globalized order and the role of education in addressing this complexity. Critical weaknesses in the document relate to the relationship between education and work and the role of the state  相似文献   


This article reviews the literature on the changes in further education during the last decade. It considers the impact of these changes on students, academic staff and Library and Information Services staff. It highlights the growth in importance of electronic information services in teaching and learning and outlines the research to be undertaken by the JUBILEE in FE Project based in the School of Information Studies, University of Northumbria.  相似文献   

重庆教育学院图书馆电子资源建设对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对9所高校图书馆电子资源建设进行调查,分析这些学校图书馆电子资源建设的基本现状,提出重庆教育学院图书馆电子资源建设与发展的建议与对策。  相似文献   

探索Web2.0时代:让教育博客助力我们的学习   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了我国教育博客发展现状,阐述了教育博客与个体学习以及与教育信息化之间的关系,归纳了建立博客进行学习研究以及教育博客助力于人们学习的实践经验,对Web2.0技术应用进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

专题学习网站是一个基于网络资源的专题研究、协作学习系统,它通过网络学习环境,向学习者提供大量的专题学习资源和协作学习交流的工具,让学习者自主选择和确定研究的课题或项目的设计,自主收集、分析并选择信息资料,应用知识解决实际问题。它强调通过学习者主体性的探索、研究、协作来求得问题的解决,从而体验和了解科学探索的过程,培养创新意识与信息素养。  相似文献   

创感时代是一个注重右脑,综合的,创造性的,讲究基于境脉思维方式的新时代。与传统注重思辨的教学不同,创感也是一种新型的教育教学理念。本文初步论述了创感时代的成人网络教学与原先的网络教学的不同特点,探讨了新型网络教学需要引入“六感”,并提出了相应的教学转换策略。  相似文献   

浅析电子双方交易与电子合同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子交易由于其快捷等方面的优点,使得这一新的交易方式及由此产生的电子合同越来越受到人们的重视。较之传统的交易规则和合同法则,电子交易和电子合同有一些新的特点,法律关系和法律特征也呈现出一些新内容,研究电子交易双方的合同法律关系和电子合同的法律特征,是新时期发展电子商务的基础工作,有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

儿童早期音乐教育在我国已蔚然成风。然而,在这股涌动的热潮中已十分明显地反映出,很多家长已经步入误区。如果不及时走出误区,不仅不能达到所期待的理想教育效果,甚至还可能事与愿违,对孩子的健康成长产生各种不良影响。本文分析了当前儿童早期音乐教育步入误区的具体表现,并提出了几点思考与建议。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的高校学生思想道德教育应坚持进行爱国主义、社会主义和集体主义教育,致力于发展面向知识经济的素质教育,着眼于大学生时代精神的塑造,使其真正成为知识经济时代的“四有新人”。  相似文献   

The paper reports on a British study of education and training for older adults, being carried out as part of a major social investigation, the Carnegie Inquiry into the Third Age. The paper will present a brief factual overview of participation by older adults in education and training of all kinds; identify the primary issues which have emerged from work with student groups around the country, including the main perceived obstacles to actual and potential students; define a policy agenda; and put forward some initial policy proposals. It will include some discussion of the issue of quality and cost-effectiveness in relation to the education of older adults. Finally, specific reference will be made to instances of good practice, amongst employers or educational providers.
Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel wird eine Studie über Bildung und Fortbildung für ältere Menschen vorgestellt. Sie wird als Teil einer wichtigen sozialen Untersuchung, der Carnegie Untersuchung über das Seniorenalter durchgeführt. Es wird ein kurzer sachlicher Überblick über die Beteiligung älterer Menschen an Bildung und Fortbildung jeglicher Art gegeben und Grundthemen identifiziert, die sich aus der Arbeit mit Studentengruppen im ganzen Land ergeben haben sowie die wesentlichen auftretenden Schwierigkeiten der gegenwärtigen und potentiellen Studenten. Außerdem werden Richtlinien einer zukünftigen Politik aufgestellt und erste Schritte zur Durchführung dieser Politik eingeleitet. Eingeschlossen sind Diskussionen über Qualität und Kosteneffektivität in Bezug auf Bildung für Senioren. Zum Schluß wird auf bestimmte Beispiele guter Bedingungen bei Arbeitgebern oder Bildungsanbietern hingewiesen.

Résumé Cet article rend compte d'une étude britannique sur l'éducation et la formation des personnes âgées qui fait partie d'une investigation sociale importante, l'enquête Carnegie sur le troisième âge. L'article présente un sommaire des données sur la participation des personnes âgées à tous les genres d'éducation et de formation; il identifie les questions principales — y compris les plus gros obstacles perçus par les étudiants actuels et potentiels — qui résultent des contacts entamés avec des groupes d'étudiants de toute région du pays; il définit les grandes lignes d'une politique; et il propose des premiers pas à prendre pour réaliser cette politique. Il s'adresse également à la question de la qualité et de la rentabilité en ce qui concerne l'éducation des personnes âgées. Finalement, il se réfère à des exemples spécifiques d'une bonne pratique parmi les employeurs et les organismes éducatifs.

高等教育大众化进程加剧了高等教育资源承载力危机,突出表现为高等教育在经费投入、办学条件和师生比方面矛盾日趋尖锐。网络教育以其特有优势在一定层面降低了教育经费、增强了办学条件和减轻了教学压力,为缓解高等教育资源承载力所提供了空间。  相似文献   

高职的教学目标就是"培养职业化人才",而电子信息工程技术专业的专业性和实用性较强,目前的培养模式和传统毕业设计过程中存在很多不足,以至于很多学生在毕业后无法立即适应岗位需要。基于此种情况,提出了以工学结合的毕业设计改革与实践。本文对工学结合的毕业设计模式的优点进行概述,标注实践中的注意事项,希望能够对现行的人才培养模式有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

The main aim of this article is to analyse the change of adult skills, as captured by cognitive skills assessed in PIAAC, across age cohorts, taking into account that the quality of schooling may change from one cohort to another. We estimate a model that relates numeracy and literacy skills to age, schooling, gender and variables related to both family background and labour market performance. The specification allows us to control for changes in the efficiency of the transformation of schooling into skills when drawing age‐skill profiles. Our results show that the effect of ageing on skills, once isolated from cohort effects related to schooling, decreases monotonically across consecutive cohorts. The change of the efficiency of the transformation of schooling into both numeracy and literacy skills shows a remarkably similar pattern. Nonetheless, this change differs substantially between education levels, with the efficiency of the transformation of schooling into skills showing a steadier profile for intermediate than for higher education. Finally, empirical evidence is provided for the decomposition of the differences in the skill levels of the older vs. the prime age generations. The results suggest that the progressive expansion of schooling across younger generations partially offsets the negative effect of the irrepressible ageing of society on skills.  相似文献   

This paper revisits and revisions Education for All (EFA) in the age of global migration with the aim of developing more inclusive approaches towards social justice and equity in education. Drawing on cases of internal and international migration in China and Canada, this paper compares and contrasts policies and practices in the education of migrants and their children to discern common issues and challenges in both country contexts. The findings reveal that despite China’s nine-year compulsory education law for all school-aged children, migrant children are often deprived of equitable learning opportunities, resulting in their being the most educationally marginalised in China. The case of Canada demonstrates some of the challenges facing immigrants in having their prior learning and work experience recognised. Lessons learned from this comparative analysis have important implications for the post-2015 EFA revisioning process in terms of developing a holistic, inclusive lifelong learning framework which ensures that the learning needs of both young and adult learners are met through access to equitable learning opportunities as well as recognition of their prior learning and experience.  相似文献   

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