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在一校多区办学条件下,如何进行有效有序的科学管理,是大学管理者必须面对的问题。本文在简要分析多校区大学形成和表现特点的基础上,结合国内外多校区大学管理的实践经验,分析应对的管理策略。  相似文献   

试析高等教育领域的绩效管理——管理主义的研究视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绩效管理是近些年来西方国家推动政府再造的有效工具之一,旨在提高政府机构的效率和公信力。随着公共部门改革进程的拓展和深入,绩效管理在高等教育领域得到了普遍的适用。但诸多因素决定了绩效管理在高等教育领域适用的边界和有限性。在我国,要突破高等教育实施绩效管理的体制障碍,需要进行相应的制度创新,以此突显绩效管理的价值所在。  相似文献   

人是社会发展和制度变革的中间环节,从人性论的视角解析制度是一个直接的有益的视角。马克思从人的需要、自由自觉的活动和人的社会关系三个方面理解人性,这是我们解析制度的理论依据。对历史和现实的考察,我们发现,在人们社会实践基础上制度与人性存在互动关系,制度的起源、变革体现着人性发展要求。构建适合人性发展要求的制度,必须在现实的人性基础上,至少解决四个矛盾:多数人与少数人人性发展差异的矛盾;秩序与自由的矛盾;制度稳定性和变动性的矛盾;公平与效率的矛盾。  相似文献   

This study investigates changes to academic work life under recent employment reform in the Chinese Mainland. It employs a mixed-methods research approach, first conducting a survey of 1,770 teachers at nine universities in Mainland China. These nine universities consist of first-tier, second-tier, and ordinary universities. Next, through a qualitative research approach, 60 teachers at three of the nine universities were interviewed. Teachers from the departments of management, information technology, education, and physics were interviewed, reflecting a variety of work conditions. Our study finds that the employment reform, with its stress on quantitative research output, has led to further restrictions on academic work and the standardization of academic development. The new measurements have led to a crisis of confidence and dignity for many senior teachers. Great pressure has also been placed on younger academics, who receive very limited promotion opportunities. This study offers a significant theoretical contribution to discussion on the changing academic work life and has policy implications for higher education personnel policy in China.  相似文献   

This study utilises a quantitative case study social network approach to explore the connection between masculinity and scholastic achievement in two secondary, all-boys schools in Australia. In both schools two social networks representing social status are explored: the friendship network as a measure of status that includes emotional investment, and the influence network as a measure of status without emotion. Results demonstrate that for both schools the friendship network is not associated with academic achievement, though boys with similar levels of academic application cluster together. However, for the influence network there are effects related to achievement, application and attitudes toward an anti-academic/masculinity connection, as too toward ethno-cultural background. The results differ by school and show the importance of local context. However, similarities in the schools show that masculine identities may be engaged in the social interactions of students, ones which engage masculine stereotypes in public but not in private.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the Head of Department (HoD) role at an elite State university in Russia. It draws upon documentary analysis of government texts and focus groups with both HoDs and lecturers. It concludes that most HoDs are invited to apply for the role by more senior university colleagues. Once in post, they are offered a range of helpful courses, but also learn from experience and by observing others. The primary purpose of the role is seen as clarifying and interpreting central university expectations, though there is scope for influencing the departmental vision. Whilst the role is very time-consuming, it does not seem to generate the kind of managerialist ‘values' conflict reported elsewhere. The paper ends with a tentative framework for explaining how certain contextual factors (motivation, mode of appointment, perceived level of surveillance and previous experience of higher and/or lower levels of centralized control) might increase or decrease ‘values' conflict.  相似文献   

The present study employed person-centred analyses that enabled identification of groups of students separated on the basis of their perceptions of social support (home and community), academic support, academic adversity and academic buoyancy. Among a sample of 249 young people, including many from high-needs communities, cluster analysis revealed three distinct groups of students: the thriver, supported struggler and at-risk struggler. We compared the three groups on their academic motivation. Analyses revealed significant differences between groups in adaptive motivation outcomes, but no differences in impeding or maladaptive motivation outcomes. Combined, the results speak to the importance of support and academic buoyancy for positive student outcomes.  相似文献   

虚拟学习社区的空间是一种社会空间。通常,在虚拟学习社区中存在着三类社会空间,即个体空间、群体空间和公共空间。这三类社会空间在社会互动、社会群体以及社会网络方面的特征各不相同,功能则相互补充。在群体空间的学生群体空间中,一种新型的学生群体——“课群”开始取代传统的班级群体,并且在互动媒介、学习方式、人口结构、社会网络、角色分工、群体意识以及群体规范等方面显示出一些新的特征。  相似文献   

This paper defines the metaphor of outsideness in relation to web-based interaction. Outsideness is conceived of as a key influence in online academic conversation. In particular, through the sharing of cultural perspectives, asking questions to resolve doubt, and collaborative writing and re-writing as a basis for shaping ideas through reasoning. An analytical framework is proposed and applied to a case study of an international wiki-based project. Key findings are that there is a tension between participants’ sense of inside and outside influences, resulting in a complex and challenging working environment. Students require support to develop nuanced questioning and conversational skills, including multi-model forms of representation and communication to enhance language skills.  相似文献   

Educational developers tend to be located in centres and units of teaching and learning outside the academic mainstream. They have little opportunity to engage in scholarship. Through an overview of the literature on educational development and educational professional roles and responsibilities, the author suggests that promoting a culture of scholarship among educational developers will contribute significantly towards their pedagogical professional development. It will enhance the quality of professional consultation between educational developers and academic staff in the faculties. The discussion concludes with suggestions for implementing innovative strategies to promote a culture of scholarship within the higher education academic mainstream.  相似文献   

平等作为人们在交往过程中形成的表征着机会均等的关系,在价值意义上是人们追求的基本目标之一。人类千百年来所向往的诸多价值都是基本价值的派生物,人类在生活中总是自觉地或潜意识地受制于自己的基本价值目标。制度作为形成于现实生活中约束人们行为的规范,具有深厚的平等内蕴。制度与社会平等具有内在的统一性。  相似文献   

Establishing positive peer relationships is integral to children's social development and is linked to a variety of long-term outcomes and life skills. The present study provides an in-depth examination of the ways in which child care providers guide young children in their early social experiences with peers during infancy, when social competence with peers is first being developed. Findings documented multiple avenues through which child care providers help to scaffold infants’ naturally occurring social encounters with their peers, including creating opportunities for peer interaction, preventing and interrupting peer interaction, communicating to children about their peers and peer relations, providing direct instructions and rules for peer interaction, and modeling social behavior during group interactions. Scaffolding strategies were categorized as adult-centered, child-centered, and group-based. Results also revealed some specific effects of scaffolding on infant social competence with peers over a 6-month time period.  相似文献   


Studies have found that Faculty–Student Interaction (FSI) has many positive benefits for students including academic support, professional development, mentoring, and career planning. Research-intensive universities exhibit the lowest levels of faculty–student interaction within higher education. This article utilises qualitative methods to explore faculty, student, and staff perceptions of faculty–student interactions, particularly those that take place out of the classroom, at a research-intensive public U.S. university. We identify social distance between faculty and students based on unequal status within a rigid, hierarchically-organised culture as a key barrier to FSI. We then discuss methods that some of the faculty in our study used to mitigate their social distance with students in an effort to increase FSI.  相似文献   

高校学术人员参与管理和决策的调查与研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对高校学术人员参与学校管理和决策活动情况的调查分析显示,当前我国高校管理中存在学术权力与行政权力失衡,行政权力代替学术权力等问题。解决对策是充分发挥学术委员会等学术组织的作用,调动学术人员的积极性和主动性;耦合学术权力与行政权力,建立符合高校实际的二元权力决策模式;健全教职工代表大会制度,建立有效的监督机制;管理重心下移,进一步整合院系学术权力与行政权力。  相似文献   

Abstact Much of the writing on higher education in recent years has tended to assume that the new management push in higher education is both universal and irreversible. This paper, however, presents evidence from Portugal to challenge that assumption. While elements of the new managerialism are clearly evident in the perceptions and attitudes of academics in charge of the basic academic units (departments/schools and faculties) in the country’s universities and polytechnics, academic management remains faced with a complex, contradictory and conflicting set of demands and expectations which is likely to take a considerable time to resolve.  相似文献   

How and with whom academics develop and maintain formal and informal networks for reflecting on their teaching practice has received limited attention even though academic development (AD) programmes have become an almost ubiquitous feature of higher education. The primary goal of this mixed-method study is to unpack how 114 academics in an AD programme developed internal (within their programme) and external (outside their programme) learning and teaching relations. A secondary goal is to highlight the affordances of social network analysis (SNA) methods in conjunction with qualitative approaches for academic developers to understand the (in)formal learning processes in their AD programme. The quantitative results indicate that participants maintained 4.84 relations within their AD programme and 3.17 external ties. The qualitative results indicate that most academics developed a range of emotional, academic, and professional support links, which were mostly outside the AD context. Participants needed an outlet to share their feelings, challenges, and frustrations about their teaching and their experiences on the AD programme. These feelings were shared with people they trusted, primarily close friends and colleagues. This study provides a social perspective on the formal and informal relations of AD, and argues that SNA techniques can help academic developers to make these relationships visible.  相似文献   

In this paper, we critically analyze institutional mission statements as discursive texts replete with symbolic meaning, as we believe these texts reveal a great deal about the ways in which higher education remains increasingly stratified. We argue that beneath the generalized rhetoric of institutional mission statements, lie powerful messages seemingly coded with varying forms of class-based academic capital. We further argue that these messages reflect two distinct, competing discourses surrounding the purpose and value of higher education, that parallel the stratification of the larger system itself. Findings reveal evidence of these competing discourses and contribute to larger discussions surrounding educational inequality.  相似文献   

The gap between the educational achievements of the comparatively wealthy and those living in poverty is widening world‐wide, with the associated threat to social cohesion. Twenty‐five years of curriculum reform has largely failed in its objective of providing quality, basic education for all. Arguing that successful innovation requires the participation of willing teachers, and associating this idea with the claim that schools are important for social cohesion, this study surveyed 500 Jordanian elementary teachers about their involvement in a programme of curriculum change and their desire to participate. Twelve key informants were interviewed. The reform has raised the qualifications of teachers and increased male teacher numbers but has neither raised overall standards nor improved truancy rates. Tight central control has failed to engage teachers’ allegiance to the changes. Officials blamed failures on schools; head teachers blamed parents, and teachers criticized a policy that left them mediating a curriculum that lacked relevance and failed to engage pupils.  相似文献   

Higher education (HE) in the changing context requires leadership training and development as a vital element for university governance and innovation. While there are several theoretical frameworks on leadership development, most of them are outcome evaluation-oriented. Consequently, there is a lack of a leadership development model which emphasises both design process and expected outcomes. In addition to this, HE leadership development has been gradually transformed toward complexity and flexibility due to the volatile external environment of the 21st century. Thus, instead of having a development programme that simply focuses on individual skill enhancement, a comprehensive leadership development programme that equally fosters leaders' competencies (leader development) and develops collective leadership (leadership development) is increasingly utilised. Unfortunately, previous theoretical frameworks fail to take into consideration these new features. The main aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive theoretical model for academic leadership development (ALD) that promotes both leader development and leadership development. In the present study, 24 academic leaders, lecturers and researchers from five European and six Chinese HE institutions co-designed the ALD model. The constructed model consists of four main dimensions: theoretical core, types of training and providers, training format and ultimate goals. The results contribute to developing, promoting and enhancing leadership development in academic settings.  相似文献   

高等院校分层:一种社会阶层分析的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在以美、英两国为代表的西方学界,学者们通过研究揭示了基于不同社会阶层存在于学生中的不公平现象:来自优势地位阶层的学生更多地聚集在院校系统的上层,而来自弱势地位阶层的学生则更多聚集在院校系统的下层。与美、英两国相比,中国社会的阶层分类虽有自身的特点,但许多学者的研究也揭示出基于社会阶层存在于学生中的不公平现象也十分明显。这表明,高等院校方层是客观存在的。  相似文献   

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