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The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the reasons university students with nonapparent disabilities gave for formally disclosing their disability and seeking the university’s disability services or not and the consequences they associate with their decisions. Conducted in a Mid-western four-year university, nine students with self-identified nonapparent disabilities participated in the study. Qualitative semistructured interviews were conducted to gather in-depth data from participants. A five-stage approach to qualitative data analysis was adapted to analyse the data. The findings indicate positive experiences with formal disability disclosure, but revealed barriers impeding students’ desire to disclose. Recommendations challenge colleges and universities to create an inclusive ethos for all students with disabilities by removing barriers impeding their full participation in academia.  相似文献   

我国本科教学评估回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾我国本科教学评估的类型以及各个发展阶段的评估方案、评估学校、评估结论以及专家队伍等情况.通过统计分析,指出高校在师资队伍、专业与培养方案、教学经费、课程、毕业论文、实践教学与质量监控等方面存在问题.同时要重视对评估的元评价,以促进评估工作健康发展.  相似文献   

In the English-speaking Caribbean, the Advanced level qualification is the traditional and preferred route to accessing an education at the University of the West Indies (UWI). However, applicants with nontraditional qualifications—such as the associate degree qualification, teacher certificate, diploma, and mature student status (meaning one who is out of school for five years and over, is over the age of 25 years, has demonstrated academic potential, and has gained academically relevant knowledge and workplace experience)—are also considered for admission into the UWI degree programs. The objective of this study was to establish whether students with the traditional qualification, that is, two Advanced (A) level subjects, are better able to cope with the requirements of undergraduate study than those with an associate degree, which is one of the nontraditional qualifications. The study compared the performance of two groups of students in the University of the West Indies Faculty of Social Sciences three-year bachelor's degree program (University of the West Indies, 1996 University of the West Indies ( 1996 ). [UWI University of the West Indies: Faculty of Social Sciences Entrance List: 1996/97]. Unpublished raw data . [Google Scholar], 1997 University of the West Indies . ( 1997 ). [UWI University of the West Indies: Faculty of Social Sciences Entrance List: 1997/98] Unpublished raw data.  [Google Scholar], 1998 University of the West Indies . ( 1998 ). [UWI University of the West Indies: Faculty of Social Sciences Entrance List: 1998/99] Unpublished raw data.  [Google Scholar]). One group held the Barbados Community College (BCC) associate degree with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 and the other group consisted of persons entering with two Advanced level subjects from colleges/secondary schools in Barbados. The study compared the performances of 1999, 2000, and 2001 UWI graduates to ascertain whether entry qualifications were related to the type of degree attained. The findings suggested that there is no significant relationship between qualifications at the time of entry and performance.  相似文献   

This paper reports the experiences of the staff involved in the design and operation of a method of teaching problem-solving to engineering undergraduates. The method is based upon a loop-type model consisting of a series of clearly identifiable component activities. Although no formal evaluation procedures have been carried out, a range of informal monitoring and evaluative activities have been associated with the development of the model. These have indicated that the model appears to promote the effectiveness of student learning both by it forming a basis for group communication and a focus for teaching methods. Even though the model was originally intended for specific use in the teaching of engineering design, experience has shown that it is suitable as it stands for use in a wider range of problem-solving situations and is readily adaptable for use in other specific cases.  相似文献   

高师美术教育实习是培养和训练美术教师的重要一环。美术课教学有其自身的学科特点 ,实习指导教师职责重大 ,对实习生的指导工作直接影响着美术教育实习的质量。因此 ,要求实习指导教师必须以身作则 ,言传身教 ;对实习生尊重信任 ,严格要求 ;在指导中突出重点 ,发挥特点。  相似文献   

分析《普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估方案(试行)》的指标体系。该指标体系赋予高校图书馆的权重明显失衡,图书馆在高等学校中的地位与作用应予足够重视,不可低估。  相似文献   

本科院校评估整改阶段应致力的几个"融合"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在评估整改阶段,总结以往办学经验的不足,对学校的现实发展作出科学审视,并面向未来作出长远规划,对于促进高等学校持续发展意义重大。新建地方本科学校尤其应抓住评估整改的机遇,将评估整改与提高发展相融合,评估“外”作用与学校“内”发展相融合,发扬传统与改造创新相融合,巩固成果与提高质量相融合,强化应用型人才培养特色,提升应用型人才培养质量。  相似文献   

普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估是一个复杂系统的综合决策问题。它具有因素多、模糊性强、不便于量化的特点,为了全面、客观、准确的做出评价,本文利用专家调查的方法确定了各级指标的权重,并利用Fuzzy综合评判的方法建立了数学模型。  相似文献   

本科教学水平评估是对高校学风、班风建设的检验。和谐校园文化是形成良好学风、班风的保证。高校采取合理的途径构建和谐校园文化,能促进学生形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。  相似文献   

目的:调查并了解临床医学本科专业学生对临床实习教学的满意情况。方法:采用问卷调查的形式,对6个实习医院的249名2009级临床医学实习生进行调查。结果:(1)总体情况:调查表共7个条目,总分35分,6个医院实际得分23.54-28.92分;(2)不同条目比较:满意度最高的条目是教学条件和日常管理,最差的是轮转安排和学习计划方面;(3)不同医院教学结果比较:6所医院在所有条目间均存在统计学差异(P<0.05),德阳市医院调查满意度得分最高,在教学条件和日常管理方面德阳市医院和成都市第三人民医院学生满意度评价最高。结论:本调查研究结果显示医学生对临床实习教学的满意度有待提升,建议深入、细致调查满意度不高的环节,了解实习学生真正所需,改善和改进存在的不足和缺陷,提高临床实习教学满意度。  相似文献   

毕业设计(论文)的评审是本科教学工作水平评估的重要环节。通过对2003年部分参评工科院校的毕业设计(论文)的评估数据进行统计分析,结果显示,学校对毕业设计(论文)的评估结果优于专家的评估结果,专家进校考察时抽调的毕业设计(论文)的评定成绩和前期抽调的毕业设计(论文)的评定成绩并没有特别明显的差异。因此,本科教学工作水平评估有必要进行相应的改进,如进一步规范毕业设计(论文)评阅表,加强专家的遴选与培训工作,加强毕业设计(论文)抽调的管理和组织工作。同时,毕业设计(论文)的质量评估可以考虑次数。  相似文献   

本就如何提高中学生英语听力水平进行了较为全面的分析与论证,并对英语的听力与英语的听、说、读、写、译之间的相互关系进行了较为深入的剖析,并在此基础上提出了一些自己的建议。  相似文献   

本科教学评估背景下的读者服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本科教学评估使图书馆读者服务工作面临巨大的挑战,要求图书馆工作者适应新形势,改变旧观念,采取多种措施为尽可能多的读者提供尽可能周全的服务.  相似文献   

通过对"江西省高校来华留学生问卷调查"和个案访谈资料,从办学条件、教学状况、自我发展、后勤保障、管理服务与收费5个层面对高校来华留学生的教育满意度进行测评。研究结果显示,江西省来华留学生的教育满意度较高,来华留学教育的优势明显,学校办学条件较好,留学生留学收获较大,学费、住宿费和生活费较低,但也存在一些不足。高校应充分发挥来华留学教育的优势,打造品牌,形成特色,把来华留学教育事业做大做强。  相似文献   

阐述本科教学评估为图书馆知识管理提供的有利条件,结合图书馆知识管理的实施平台,提出相应的知识管理实践策略,为图书馆和学校通过评估作出贡献.  相似文献   

随机抽取内蒙古高校大学生为研究对象,通过对身高、体重、肺活量、12min跑、肺活量/身高、肺活量/体重指数、台阶试验等指标的测定,并将结果与全国大学生体质测试的对应数据、指标进行比对分析,结果显示,内蒙古大学生心肺功能优于全国大学生的平均水平,可为内蒙古大学生从事耐力性运动项目训练与选才提供理论参考。  相似文献   

高校家庭经济困难学生界定的方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高校大学生中有一个特殊的群体即家庭经济困难学生群体。随着高校的扩招,国家资助面的扩大,如何科学合理的界定出家庭经济困难学生这一群体,是做好大学生资助工作和保证教育公平的前提。  相似文献   

本科教学评估:重在机制完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全国高等学校本科教学工作水平评估推动了被评院校的改革与发展.但由于其运行机制并不十分完善,产生了不少问题.这值得我们深入思考与分析,并提出相应的改进意见和对策.  相似文献   

艺术美是人类的主要审美对象,它存在于艺术作品之中.艺术美的来源有四:一是现实中美的属性;二是现实中丑的属性;三是现实中不美不丑的属性;四是现实中亦美亦丑的属性.艺术美是艺术家对生活的审美观点、审美情感和审美理想与现实的美、丑、不美不丑、亦美亦丑特性在艺术形象中的结合,是艺术家创意的物化形态.它的本质,与其它美的形态一样,也是人的具有积极社会意义的内在精神的感性显现.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的不断发展,我们需要越来越多的具有高素质的艺术类人才.但是,目前我国艺术类大学生普遍存在着综合素质较低的现象,所以,提高艺术类大学生综合素质是一项十分重要的任务.本文从分析艺术类大学生的特点入手,为提高艺术类大学生的综合素质提供一些建议.  相似文献   

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